Here you go guys.

"What are you doing back so early?" Clary asked. Her mother called for Luke to come down. He descended the stairs and came to his wife's side and wrapped his arm around her waist. Clary and John looked between them worried. The parents just smiled.
"Clary, John, maybe we could talk in private?" Luke asked the two teens. They nodded and told their friends that they would see them tomorrow at school. Once the group was gone, the family shuffled to the living room.
"Well, dears, we were going about out usual business when I started to get morning sickness and weird cravings," she paused to look lovingly at her husband. Clary took this brief moment to observe her mother. Her mother was a beautiful woman. Her hair was a dark red, the kind you found in Fall, when the leaves changed. While she was still pale by the standards of Florida, she had a thick swarm of freckles on her nose, tops of her cheeks, and top of her forehead. Clary had been blessed with the same shade of hair and smattering of freckles. When her mother walked into a room, she demanded attention, even if she didn't want it. Jocelyn walked with the grace of a ballet dancer; soft footfalls. Whereas Clary walked with the swagger of an athlete, head high and shoulders back. They both did so without noticing. Jocelyn's hands were soft from all the lotion she used after painting and sculpting, Clary on the other hand (pun intended) had calloused hands from hitting and setting the ball hundreds of thousands of times.
"Are you guys pregnant?!" John asked. Jocelyn and Luke nodded, nervous about the reaction they would get from their children. Clary and John looked at each other and had a silent conversation. The kind of conversation that can only be shared between siblings. They both broke out into face-splitting smiles. Their parents physically slumped with relief. They all rose from where they were sitting and joined in a group hug, Jocelyn crying tears of joy and happiness. Happiness because she knew that her children would be loving and accepting of their younger sister or brother.

Thanks guys, that's it for now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! GIVE ME IDEAS. leave comments, complaints, anything that lets me know that you guys care about this story. Until the next chapter. Love you.