Disclaimer: Teen Titans is not mine

I've always wanted to do a medieval type story for Teen Titans and finally got around to starting it. A bit of intro...

This story follows a setup similar to that of the old King Arthur legends, with the Knights of the Round Table, fighting off Saxons, and lady Morgan le Fey, etc. etc. Here, Some of the Titans will represent the knights, while Raven will represent Morgan le Fey - and friends. Most of this story takes place near/around Camelot and Avalon, the homes of the Titan knights and Raven respectively. If you don't know anything about Camelot/King Arthur, it might be helpful to go look it up before starting this story if you want to, but it isn't necessary to have any prior knowledge.

The plot follows Raven, a powerful sorceress like Morgan le Fey, and Jinx, a younger apprentice of sorts, in Avalon, and their dealings with the Titans/Knights of the Round Table. While a confrontation brews between them, trouble lurks on the borders of the country, threatening to destroy everything, and it is up to the Titans to seek Raven's help to defeat these enemies.

One last thing - This story happens to be rated M for a very good reason - do not read it if you are under 18 or uncomfortable with explicit situations.

Happy reading ~



"Jinx. Jinx, are you there?" A voice called out, quiet, but clear - there was a ringing, melodic quality to it, despite its initial gravelly sound.

A pink haired girl hurried across grass plains toward a large, cathedral-like building at the center of Avalon. Her eyes ran over her mistress's castle, the towering building appearing almost like a gothic church, ornate, beautiful, its colored spires reaching high into the sky. She lifted her dark skirt and walked inside, the entrance hall greeting her eyes.

As usual, it was dark inside - her mistress did not like light very much - the only light coming through the stained glass windows around the room, casting glowing shadows on the many paintings that lined the walls and the enormous mural on the ceiling. It was sight that she had seen many times, but never failed to awe her with how intricate and detailed everything was. It was like fine art, candy to the eyes, and she was tempted to stay longer and just look, but right now, her mistress was calling.

She hurried to the far end of the room and walked through the open door, into the throne room. This one was slightly more spacious chamber, also with many paintings and stained glass windows, as well as several statues lining the walls, all of females dressed in long robes, their faces stoic and impassive, but radiating some sort of awesome power as well. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but she knew that everything was made of some sort of smooth, dark stone, probably obsidian, not like the usual stuff that made up castles. It lent the entire place an ethereal, haunting quality. Some outsiders that had managed to find this castle had called it evil, a place for demons, witches, monsters and the like, but there was very little truth in those impressions. Her mistress was different, yes, but still a regular human. She just had powers that most people didn't have.

Jinx looked at the throne, where a single figure was laying sideways, legs splayed over one arm of the massive chair, head resting on a pillow atop the other arm. The person's eyes were closed from what she could tell, perhaps half asleep, or just resting.

"You called for me, lady?" She approached the throne.

"I did. We will have visitors soon."

Jinx blinked. "Visitors? But nobody ever comes here."

A pair of brilliant, sparkling violet eyes opened. "Be prepared."

The pinkette looked down at the resting figure, her pink cat eyes filled with questions, but judging by her mistress's demeanor, she probably didn't want to be bothered. She kept looking. The other woman was quite tiny, actually, but when she stood she seemed much, much larger than she actually was. She was dressed in loose fitting black robes, normally with a hood over her head, but right now it had fallen off, revealing her impassive, yet quite striking face… half lidded eyes still sparkling, dark lashes and dark brow casting shadows over them, shoulder length violet hair, very pale, slightly greyish skin, and that face - Jinx tore her eyes away, blushing faintly. Her mistress was beautiful, at least she thought so, even if the woman was so cold.

The violet eyes looked back. She was of the last sorceresses, she recalled, people with some sort of magical power, but most were dead and gone - a few served at Camelot, served the king, and here, just her... and Jinx.

Jinx reminded her of a cat, often times, yes, everything about her seemed like a cat. Her body, the shape of her face, the two horns that she kept her pink hair in... the dark figure closed her eyes.

"Lady Raven?"

"Tell the servants to begin preparing supper."

Jinx nodded, curtsied, and left.

They ate in silence, just the two of them, in the large dining hall off to the side of the throne room. As usual, Raven sat at the far end of the table, away - she always seemed to prefer to keep some distance between her and others, perhaps as a mark of solitude. And as usual, Jinx was rather surprised at how little Raven ate, just a bit of soup, some bread, no more. But then, she always drank so much tea that maybe that made up for it. Well, probably not. Maybe that was why she was so distant all the time. Maybe she was just undernourished or something.

Raven rose, her hood covering the upper part of her face save for those two eyes, glowing out from within the darkness. She floated away - Jinx still couldn't figure out that trick, how could someone fly? - and a servant came and cleaned up after she had gone.

"Shall I get you something else to eat, Lady Jinx?" A servant approached her. "Is the food not to your liking?"

Jinx blinked and looked down, realizing that she had been staring at Raven and had not even taken a bite yet.

"No," she replied after a moment. "The food is fine."

The servant bowed and withdrew, leaving her to think alone.

Sometimes, they slept together. Jinx couldn't figure out why someone so distant, so cold, would sleep with another person, and another girl at that, but in truth she didn't mind. Actually, quite honestly, it was usually very enjoyable.

Jinx ascended a staircase, then another one, walked through a dark hall and opened the door to the room at the end quietly, wondering if Raven was awake. Sparkling violet eyes greeted her entrance. Of course Raven was awake. Actually, when she thought about it, the pinkette realized she really had never seen Raven sleep. It was probably due to her powers, since she could sense everything nearby, even while asleep.

The younger girl took a step in. Raven said nothing, but in her case, that was an invitation rather than a protest.

Jinx slipped out of her robe, revealing her smooth, bare body, pale and lusty in the moonlight. Perhaps it was her disposition, as the more youthful one, the more approachable one, but lately she had been applying a razor to her - parts - and so as she approached, nothing of her nether regions was hidden to Raven. The dark sorceress blinked and shifted slightly as Jinx drew the blankets off of her body slightly and slid in over her.

The air was slightly chilly, winter was coming, and as Raven's bare chest was exposed to it, the nubs at the center of her mounds hardened, increasing their sensitivity tenfold. Jinx ran a hand over Raven's chest, then lowered her mouth, sucking, biting lightly, eliciting a low, quiet moan from the violet haired girl beneath her. Her head lifted. Raven felt the wetness on her chest grow cold as she was exposed to the open air, causing her nipples to harden even more. She winced a little as Jinx sucked on the soft flesh on her neck, leaving a red mark as her mouth lifted again, back to Raven's chest. A hand traveled down, across her firm, but soft abdomen, tracing circles around her navel, then down further, brushing through the soft, dark hair, twirling the curls between her fingers for a while, then to her mistress's hot, pulsing wet core. Her fingers entered, pushed up, worked at it for a couple minutes, then out again, moving to the slightly protruding nub at the top of the violet haired girl's opening, squeezing lightly, back down, pulling at the wet fur along her vulva, then inside again, pushing for another few minutes before Raven's back arched and her toes curled. She bit her lip, sweating lightly, emitted a louder half-moan, half-growl, and felt her insides tighten up, releasing onto Jinx's hand, soaking the bed beneath her.

Raven lay back, blushing faintly as Jinx moved her mouth down again.

"Wait," she said quietly, voice still a little hoarse. "Not yet."

A black tendril appeared from underneath the blankets and wrapped around Jinx's leg, coiling upward. "You first."

Sunlight streamed in through the window. It was not the harsh, bright sunlight of the rest of the world, no, here in Avalon, it was softer, slightly darker, somewhat red instead of yellow, or perhaps deep orange, almost like fire… a permanent sunset, perhaps. Raven felt a warm body next to her own, the girl's arm wrapped around her waist. A smell rose and reached her nose, the smell of...

It was not unpleasant, no, but it reminded her of her own slick, slightly sticky skin and of the fact that her bed needed washing. Her eyes shifted over to the curtain, and black energy surrounded the drapes, closing them. She rather disliked sunlight. Moonlight was okay, good even, but sunlight she could do without. A hand ran down her thigh, caressing smooth skin.

She felt a wetness between her legs once more but fought it down, and turned, coming face to face with a pink haired girl. Jinx stirred slightly, blinked a few times, then her eyes opened fully.

"Morning already?"

Raven said nothing and stared up at the ceiling, eyes half lidded. And then she turned back.

"Noon." The dark sorceress sat up, clutching the blankets around her chest and her eyes moved around.

Darkness gathered around her and she was dressed in her usual dark robe once more.

"I must go bathe. Tell the servants that my bed requires washing."

"Yes, my lady."

Raven's body shifted into a shapeless form of black energy, then a pair of red eyes opened, the form molded into that of a raven, and she flew out of the room. Jinx lay there for a few minutes, looking around at the dark room, taking in her mistress's scent, the couple strands of violet hair on her pillow, then got up as well.

Atop the highest spire of her cathedral-castle, reaching high into the air, looking down upon all of Avalon, eyes still half closed, she took in the sight of her home, her empty home, save for some servants, she herself, and Jinx.

Avalon was an island, a particularly large island surrounded by marshes and the shallow waters of a large, wide lake, and by dense mist, mists so dense that most people who tried to come to the island using a boat inevitably never reached the island, instead turning somewhere somehow and returning to normal lands. Those who tried to come through the marshes usually got lost and had to be rescued, and in every case, it was done by people on the other side. Raven never rescued anyone. Well, they never needed it from her, at least that was her logic. After all, nobody had died - they simply turned back and eventually someone from the normal lands belonging to Camelot would come save them.

Her gaze shifted inward. Avalon was physically much larger than would have been possible by normal standards – viewing it from the inside, it must have been much larger than the lake surrounding it, yet it was well contained at the very center of the water. The dim, reddish-orange sunlight lit everything, illuminating the land with a soft glow, casting onto the ancient forests in one area, hills in another, and then onto the grassy plains where she and Jinx lived and others used to live, until they had all died of old age or had gone elsewhere, never to return. Their stone homes had already long been overrun by plants, but the gardens in which they grew herbs and the like as well as some farms containing animals were still maintained.

Time flowed differently in this realm, she knew, and part of its essence had worked itself into her body. She didn't know how long she had lived, but it must have been several centuries by normal human standards already, and yet she still retained her youthful form, that of a girl near twenty, a year or two older than Jinx, who was also showing signs of decelerated aging.

A soft wind blew by, blowing her hair into her face, and she moved the violet locks from her eyes, eyes casting downward again. She saw Jinx below, near the shore, this time wearing a white dress, lifting up the skirt portion and wading a little bit into the water, looking for something - fish, probably, for dinner. The girl loved fish.

She often came up here, feeling the wind flow past her face, like time, flowing before her eyes, slipping away, years into decades into centuries, living on through it all. Over time, she had gained vast knowledge of magical arts but perhaps she had lost a little of herself during those long years in isolation, with nobody, not even servants around, completely and utterly alone. Sorceresses were quite uncommon, after all, and most avoided Avalon, believing it to be a cursed place even though in truth, it was quite a beautiful land; perhaps they were thrown off by the dark buildings, the reddish glow of the sunlight, or the eeriness that they felt when they had come, the fact that there was nobody there, besides Raven, who seemed very much like a ghost, a specter haunting the grounds, someone long dead though she was still living.

That hadn't stopped Jinx from staying. For some reason, the girl had not been afraid of her - no, she actually wanted to learn and though Raven had difficulty teaching her because their magics were innately different, there were still vast libraries in Avalon that the girl could browse through and loci of energy to meditate on, to increase one's strength.

The servants were not real humans. She remembered a book from a sorceress long dead, a book detailing the creation of creatures similar to humans, but without souls, with limited sentience. She had managed to replicate the sorceress's work, and so they, the two of them had some company, but in truth, it truly was very lonely with just the two of them. Perhaps the girl did not mind for now, but Raven knew how wearying the long years alone could be. But she could not leave either, for she was a hated sorceress... hated for what reason she did not know. Perhaps she was just misunderstood. Yes, understanding those who were different was often difficult, especially in her case, with her reputation. Those who had seen her had not kept silent, no, they had spread rumors about her, a powerful sorceress living in these parts, an evil ghost that stole the souls of whoever wandered in, a remnant of Fae, those ancient creatures that no longer belonged to this world... either way, she had been marked as an evil sorceress for whatever the reason, and her rather impassive demeanor did not help any of that. No, on the surface, she appeared positively unfriendly. Even to Jinx, she appeared quite distant, though the pink haired girl had been able to see past that, sensing something more than simply what she saw. Perhaps that, too, was why the pinkette had stayed.

In the distance, she caught sight of a flock of ravens flying above the trees, their bodies thin and dark in the dim glow of the sunlight. It was a rarity to encounter them when it was not night, but her eyes were keen, especially when it came to the flows of magic through the world of Avalon. Yes, the flows of power... for upon closer inspection, it was apparent that these ravens were not ordinary birds at all; their eyes, colored crimson red, were piercing and deeply intelligent, and their bodies, which should have been composed of sleek feathers, were instead ethereal forms of dark energy, not flesh and bone as they should have been.

Their soft cries were nearly buried by the flowing winds, but she was well attuned to those voices, familiar enough that she could pick them out even as soft as they were - merely whispers flitting through the trees… quiet, otherworldly voices that sounded as if they were not bird calls at all, but rather the low sounds of people speaking, except that they were only voices that she could hear, at this distance.

If she had not been paying attention, she would not have noticed them, as ethereal as they seemed to be in the sunlight - no more than shadows - but they were one of the few things she felt even remotely connected to, remotely aware of in the unearthly world of Avalon.

Raven had to admit that she did not care about many things. The outside world with all of its problems was none of her business, the people who happened to stumble into Avalon were also not her business, though she saw to it that they got out safely, albeit with slightly distorted memories so they were not truly sure who or what she was, and even her own life she did not care about much, for she saw no purpose in it, nor did she see any purpose in dying either. So she lived out life through the centuries comfortably, at least physically, though emotionally and mentally detached from everything.

Was it unhappy? Perhaps it was, though she had left behind feelings of grief a long time ago as well. Once, she had been ill tempered, but with nobody to cross her anymore, and nothing to upset her, she was not sure how much of that remained. Happiness, love, joy, those things had been the first to go, after everyone had left, or died. Emotions were useless. Truthfully, none of that mattered. Raven often wondered why she thought so much about it, but then that thought was cleared from her mind too.

Her eyes glowed and suddenly she was away, on the top of one of the hills, one with dense forests, a small clearing at its peak, with a small pool of water at its center.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," her voice was a low hum.

She crossed her legs and began floating, eyes closed. She meditated a lot; it helped keep her mental state as calm as it was, it helped keep her emotions far away, buried, it helped her feel more in touch with the raw flow of magical power around her, increasing her own strength, her own energies. Sometimes she would wade into the pool, feeling her clothes cling to her body, the water come up to her waist, then reach to her navel, she would sit down, feel the pure life contained within the liquid, feel it swirl within her...

And other times, she would wander the forests, the deep, rich forests, filled with various life forms, ancient trees, gliding between them, breathing the fresh air, wandering for hours, days, time and memories blurring together into one huge stream, a river of images, flowing before her eyes. She found herself unable to separate them, everything as one, trees, animals, earth, sunlight, moonlight, herself, everything meshed together.

Day and night melded together in long stretches of time. Atop the serene peaks, the flow of time was even slower. The rush of mortal energy below was superficial and transient; here, there was the pure sensation of natural forces, swelling and fading in imperturbable cycles, the enormous, patient impetuous energy morphing the world over the course of eons. Each breath was an eternity. Millennia passed in the blink of an eye.


Rain fell gently on her upturned face. The cool sensation was jarring enough to bring her back to reality. Raven took a deep breath.

She descended long after dark, returned to her spire and stared up at the moon for a while, then went back to her room. She slept alone that night.

"Lady?" She sensed Jinx above her, but did not open her eyes.

As usual, silence was taken as acknowledgement of her presence. Jinx was one of the few people who read her correctly in that aspect. If she had a protest, she would voice it. If there was no protest, then she would remain silent.

"I was planning to go ashore in a couple days. I was wondering if you could make me some dye so I can make colored cloths to sell."

Raven nodded, rising from her usual half-sleeping position on her throne. She knew that Jinx did that occasionally, return to the normal world to buy some things, food, trinkets and whatever, but since neither of them had any normal money anymore, they would have to sell something first. Luckily, there was plenty of flax to be had on Avalon, and Raven had taught Jinx how to treat it and weave it together so it was as soft as silk. But the girl was not as experienced as her in making dyes, and so she was still the one who did that.

She went first to the garden, then to the forest, clipping some herbs, the roots of plants, stripping away small portions of tree bark, nothing that would harm the plants that she touched, but enough to produce some dye. She returned with two baskets filled with the plant parts and found Jinx waiting for her, several rolls of cloth ready. Wordlessly, they filled some pots with water, added the plant parts and cloth, watched as the water boiled, and waited.

Jinx fell asleep after a while, and when she woke in the morning, she found several brilliantly rolls of cloth waiting for her on the nearby table.

The boat she took was white, a small one, with a single, long oar that sort of resembled a staff. She dressed in full white as well, knowing that it would make her seem a little more innocent, lessen the chances of people suspecting that she was a sorceress. People in the outside world were obsessed with light, thinking that darkness was always evil.

Raven had trained her to use her senses to guide her through the mists so that she would not get lost, the most basic of training, which involved her sense of magical flow, not her eyesight. No, in fact eyesight was a hindrance, so Jinx's eyes were closed as she floated across the waters. She landed safely, made sure her boat was hidden within the mist, and then headed east, to where she knew a nearby village was.

Everyone was busy working, since winter was coming soon, and so there were huge piles of firewood everywhere, foods being preserved, women sewing thicker clothes for winter, and the like. She listened carefully for some of the prices people were charging for things and then found a pile of wood in a relatively clean corner of the market, near the blacksmith's forge.

"May I sit here?" Jinx asked the man near the pile of wood, who was busy chopping apart more logs.

"Sure," he replied gruffly.

As expected, people came quickly once they saw such high quality cloth, and especially once they heard that it was being sold so cheaply - after all, Jinx wasn't going to buy that much stuff, so she didn't need that much money. Besides, cloth and dye were easy to make, at least for her and Raven.

Money in hand, she began wandering the market, looking for things to buy. There was some food, roast pork, vegetables, cheese... something caught her eye, a woman, the wife of a jeweler, selling a tiny, sparkling red gem cut in the shape of a diamond, flattened on one side. She bought it, then began to head out of the village when someone stopped her.

"Hey you!" It was a young man… a knight?

He was dressed in full armor, wielding a staff and had a sword sheathed at his side, but his helmet was off. Strangely enough, he was wearing a mask over his eyes and his hair seemed rather unnaturally spiky - perhaps he had put something in it?

"Can I help you?"

"Do you live in these parts? I heard that there was this evil sorceress living around here and I mean to vanquish her in the name of the Titans of the Round Table, of Camelot."

Jinx giggled. "Sorceresses are all dead, silly. They're just legends."

He looked at her, blinking. "That is not what I heard. There was an old man who said he had seen her one day, when he was by the lake, trying to catch fish. He said that she tried to take his soul, but he managed to run away in time."

"You're funny. What's your name?"

"Me? I am Sir Richard, the Robin, one of the bravest Titans of the Round Table. So, are you sure you don't know where this lake is?"

"No clue. Are you sure you're not just making things up?"

"Yes, I am sure," Richard replied rather grumpily. "Well, I'm going then. Stay safe!"

Jinx rolled her eyes and made sure he was out of sight before walking back in the direction of Avalon. Guess he was talking about Mistress Raven. Oh well, a fool like him wouldn't be a match for her anyways.

"Lady Raven, look at what I got you!" Jinx came running out of the boat, carrying a couple baskets laden with food.

She set them down and pulled out a box from one of her dress pockets. Opening it, she revealed the sparkling red gem that she had bought. Raven approached her, gliding forward, and as she looked down, her eyes widened slightly.

"How much did you pay for this?"

"Hmm, maybe a few gold coins. Why?"

Raven took the gem between her fingers and held it up to the light. "Standard price for a normal gem of this quality," she muttered. "But what you bought is a chakra gem, one that has magical properties. They help you focus your magical energy." Raven's fingers clasped over it and she held it for a moment, feeling its warmth, before holding it back out to Jinx. "You should take it. It will help you focus your powers."

Jinx smiled. "But it is a gift. You always think so practically, mistress. Perhaps, just this once, consider this to be a present from... a friend?"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Very well." The gem floated about above her hand, Raven's magic working at it for a few moments, before it rose up and attached itself to her forehead, resting between her eyes, centered slightly above her brow. "Thank you," she murmured quietly and then her eyes turned back to the baskets on the ground. "I see you mean for us to have a feast tonight."

Jinx blushed. "There were so many tasty looking things in the market and I could not resist-"

"It is alright. Come, let us go inside."

Normally Raven didn't eat much food, let alone roasted meats, which tended to be very filling, but today even she ate a fair amount of roasted pork. It was delicious after all, or maybe it was for some other reason that she was eating more... she certainly seemed a slight bit more active, and for her, such an emotionally distant person, perhaps that meant that she was a slight bit happier too. Jinx smiled. Maybe she could even get Raven to talk a little today, which was a rarity in itself. But sometimes the violet haired girl did, when she felt a little more in touch with reality.

"I met a Titan today," Jinx commented, stirring her soup, waiting for it to cool.

Raven stared at her, lowering her own spoon. Jinx took it as a motion for her to continue. "His name was Richard. He said he came to vanquish some evil sorceress in the area."

"So basically me," Raven spoke quietly. Her eyes stared at some unseen image in front of her.

"He seemed rather dumb."

"None of them is too bright," Raven replied. "One of them challenged me before. When he woke up, he spent three days thinking that he was a pig before he returned to normal."

Jinx laughed. "I didn't know you had a sense of humor, my lady."

Raven chose not to reply to that. She took another bite of pork, savoring the taste in her mouth. In truth, she no longer needed to eat very much anymore - most of her body could be sustained by gathering natural energies and absorbing them, but she still did enjoy the taste of some things from time to time, and besides it was Jinx who had brought them for her so why shouldn't she eat them? After all, the girl was the only one who was even remotely close to her.

She looked on quietly as one of the servants brought out some wine, probably at Jinx's request, some fine, red wine by the looks of it. A glass was set in front of her and some of the liquid poured in. She stared at it intently.

Jinx had already downed two glasses and looked a little bit tipsy.

"You should try some. It's good," Jinx told her.

Raven rolled her eyes and sipped at it quietly. After a moment, she felt the warmth spread throughout her body, the ever present tension in her muscles loosen a little, color flooding into her pale skin. She couldn't say that she liked the taste but... the effects of the alcohol were not wholly unpleasant. She sipped through the rest of the glass and looked up at Jinx.

"I would suggest that you not drink any more," she said quietly. "Before you get completely drunk."

Jinx hiccupped. "That... might be a good idea."

A servant cleaned up the dishes and Raven rose, but then turned back, seeing that Jinx could not quite stand properly. Wordlessly, she glided over, put one of the girl's arms around her shoulder, and began gliding upstairs to the second floor, where Jinx's room was. Jinx looked at her, hiccupped, and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she murmured.

Raven remained silent, but glanced at her with glimmering violet eyes, and laid her down on her bed. She watched the girl's breathing slow as she rested, then returned to her own room to read a book.

Another sunlit day... Raven frowned slightly, looking up at the sky. She much preferred Avalon when it was raining, as it often did, but it seemed that the sky was saving its water for winter, when it would be snow instead of rain. Her eyes narrowed - her body felt stiff, just sitting there, crouching there - and slowly she began to change form, shifting into black energy, red eyes opening, and became a raven of pure energy, without a body, without substance. And then she shrunk until she was the size of a normal bird, not wanting to stand out too much in case she would disturb the life on the rest of the island if she appeared as her normal giant raven.

She flew through the sky, weightless, elated, ecstatic. It brought, for her, a sense of peace, without thought, without worry, floating through tranquil nature. She flew for hours, baring her very soul to the energies of Avalon, but eventually she knew that the time had come and she landed on the branch of a tree near the marshes leading to the normal human world.

"Hello!" A voice called out. "Anyone home? Anyone? I could use some help here! Damn. Just had to get lost in this stupid swamp."

A figure emerged from the mist, stepping out onto the grass. It was a young man in full armor, with a sword, its helmet off, tucked away beneath an arm. No, that wasn't strange. Knights were like that, although this one seemed a little short and thin. What was strange was the fact that his skin was green. Maybe he was diseased.

No, a diseased person wouldn't be able to move so well in full armor. Perhaps he was just weird. He looked up - his eyes were green too - and stared at the raven in the tree. It looked back at him, as if studying his youthful face.

"Okay. Creepy." He continued walking on, wondering where he was. "This totally doesn't look like Camelot to me..."

"It's not, dummy."

He looked around wildly. "Who said that?! Show yourself! Wait, you called me a dummy, didn't you?! Say that to my face, you coward!"

"Okay. You're a dummy, dummy."

He turned and came face to face with a pink haired girl dressed in white. He blinked a couple times. "Who are you?"

"I could ask the same thing of you. Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"You see, I am the handsome, sexy, manliest knight you will ever meet! My name, Sir Garfield Logan, the Beast, and I seek to join the Titans of the Round Table! But... I got lost."

Jinx rolled her eyes and pointed back to the marshes. "You came the wrong way. Through there, take a right. Camelot's that way."

"Oh." He squinted at her, looking at her suspiciously. "How do I know I can trust you? Are you not some sorceress, luring me into your trap?! I'll have your head for this!" He whipped out his sword, raised it, but then fell backward, the weight too much for him to hold.

"Uh... a little help here?"

"Nah, you can stay there. If I help you you'll just behead me."

"I was just joking!"

"Were not."

"Was too."

Jinx closed her eyes, putting a hand over her face. Great. Now I sound like a child, arguing with another one. She helped him up.

"Thanks," he murmured. "Hey, is that your house?" He pointed into the distance, at the colored spires of the Avalon castle, atop the black stone base.

"Sort of. Why?"

"Well, uh..." he blushed slightly. "You see, I'm kind of tired and it's getting late and I was wondering if you could let me stay for one night..."

Jinx looked at the raven on the tree nearby.


"Please?" He looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Ugh. Oh fine. You can stay. But no wandering around!"

"Awesome. Thanks, you're the best, uh- um... what's your name?"

"You can call me Lucky," Jinx replied. "Come on! Sun's setting already. Or do you want me to leave you out here in the dark?"

"What? Oh - wait up for me!"

The raven's eyes followed them for a while, then it took off and began flying again.