A/N~ Just a sad one shot I thought of whilst listening to I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. Its not the best but I just thought I'd share it with you all. Just let me know what you think :) x

I Wish I Could See Him One Last Time

And if we should die tonight, then we should all die together

I sat quietly in my study waiting for any news, I knew he'd returned but I didn't know where. I was now living in England, in the same city as where my parents were both born. I'd been living here for almost 700 years and so much had changed, this place was unrecognisable.

I'd been living a quiet life in England, moving around the country every now and then, but it wasn't like home. I didn't particularly want young vampires to know who I am, only Josh was allowed to know some details. I was the oldest second generation vampire, the first ever turned, even beating Sage.

I motioned the young maid over, she mindlessly obliged. She sat beside me and I didn't waste time on drinking all of her blood, it was something he taught me.

"Melisa! I have news!" Josh came running in, his eyes widened with anticipation, I dropped the girl.

"What!?" I ran towards him

"I know where Kol is" I smiled so he continued "Mystic Falls"

"As in…" My mouth dropped "The New World settlement"

A new hope filled my heart; it'd been far too long. It'd been off and on for 700 years, a promise we both made. As he tried to find the secrets of Silas I'd stay here, out of harm's way, I'd always been Klaus's weapon against him. 100 years ago he disappeared from everywhere, and I hadn't heard his voice but in my dreams. Klaus daggered him, and I'd never forgive or forget the monster he'd become.

"It's time for a little trip my friend"

*1000 years ago*

I shivered in bed as the cold winters night took hold over my home; I tried feebly to wrap myself in the only blankets left. With my little baby sister taking priority with heat I had to brace the cold, if only I could get to sleep though.

I felt Goosebumps spread across my body as the cold continued to invade my bedroom; I rolled onto my back and sighed with frustration. As I gazed at the ceiling I noticed a shadow creeping in the moonlight. I swallowed hard as I sat up; I breathed heavily causing clouds of my warm breath to show.

Suddenly a warm hand covered my mouth, muffling my panicked screams. I tried to kick the intruder but all I could hear was the familiar giggle of Kol, I relaxed immediately before biting his hand.

"Ouch!" He complained as he rubbed the tooth mark, I hit his arm.

"You scared me! I thought you was going to kill me!" I argued quietly

"Why would I do that darling?" I bit into my lip before kissing him "Am I forgiven?" He tilted his head in the way I loved

"Of course" I giggled before kissing him again "What are you doing here?"

"To warm you up" He chimed with a grin, I scowled.

"How did you know?" I pouted

"Melisa you are the coldest person I know, you can be freezing in a heat wave" He looked around my room "Plus your house is the coldest in the entire village"

"Too true" I shrugged as he jumped under the sheets with me. "What if father sees?"

"I'll hide, the risk is worth it to see your face" He pinched my chin lightly before kissing my forehead. "Now snuggle in" I rolled my eyes and curled up in his strong arms. "Better?" I smiled

"You always make me better Kol, that's why I love you" He held me tighter as he rested his cheek on my forehead.

"I love you too

***Present day****

"Melisa!" I jumped and opened my eyes in fright "Are you ok?" I rubbed my forehead and sat up as Josh looked at me in concern. "You were crying"

"I-I'm fine thank you it was just a…nightmare" He smiled at me before passing me a blood bag, I grumbled.

"You know if you want the witch to co-operate you can't drink from the vein" I nodded reluctantly before sipping at the bag. "Plus killing people here will be too obvious"

"You could've at least warmed it up for me" He chuckled and retook his seat the other side of first class. I finished and then hide the evidence before closing my eyes once more.

****1000 years ago****

I rubbed my eyes before rolling over onto my back, it was almost morning and by the sound of it no-one was awake yet. I turned towards the peacefully sleeping Kol; I smiled as I stroked his cheeks. He stirred at my touch before stretching.

"It's really warm now" He complained making me chuckle.

My plait had long fallen out causing curls of my dark blonde hair to fall over my shoulders; he carefully pushed them away and kissed my bare shoulder.

"I'm going to have to go soon" I sighed and laid on top of him.

"Can't you stay?" He smirked as he placed his hands on my hips.

"Maybe…" He smirked as I went in to kiss him, just then I heard my little sisters cries, we both grumbled. "And that's my cue!" I rolled off him and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'll see you later darling, love you" He kissed me quick before climbing out of the window.

"Melisa! Melisa!" I heard my mother's voice travelling through the house; I walked into the living space and saw my mother trying to calm the baby.

"What is it mama?"

"Can you go and begin with the animals, Holly isn't settling"

"Of course mama, I'll be quick!"

"And tell your father we need more wood for the fire" I nodded in reply before walking out into the bright sunshine, just catching a glimpse of Kol climbing back through his own bedroom window. I laughed and shook my head; he always forgot that my household were the early wakers.

Today of all days we needed to wake up early, it was the night of the full moon and we had to prepare the animals. I collected all the food that we could store and carried it inside to mother, she smiled down at Holly before looking up at me.

"I'm going to go see Rebekah" She nodded in reply.

I walked outside again and began to skip towards the White Oak Tree where Rebekah was sitting, once she saw me she smirked.

"I wonder where Kol was last night" I fell beside her and pressed my finger onto her lips.

"Shhh! Secret remember?" Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"It's not that much of a secret Melisa, we all know….well…except for mother and father"

"Good, now keep it that way!" She giggled as she picked the flowers that grew around the tree trunk.

"I wonder when we will be sisters. I've always wanted a sister"

"Aren't we already?" She passed me the small bunch and shook her head

"You know what I mean Melisa….Mikaelson" She jumped up and ran off, I didn't waste time on chasing her.

Suddenly I was scooped off my feet and spun around, I clutched the persons neck and screamed until they stopped. I was set down but I soon fell to the ground, I looked up as the world continued to spin. All I could hear was Kol and Rebekah giggling I frowned.

"Kol!" He continued to laugh as he pulled me up.

"Yes darling?" He whispered before kissing my forehead

"I hate you!" I grumbled

"No you don't, you love me" I tried to fight my smile but I couldn't help it, he knew me too well.

Everyone sat quietly in the caves that night, except for Kol. As I tried to sleep all I could hear was him trying to catch my attention and no-one else's. I bit into my lip in order not to laugh.

"Kol will you shut up!" Rebekah growled and hit him with her pillow making him grumble, that's when I lost control and snorted with laughter.

"I knew you were listening!" He whispered making me turn towards him and smile. He looked towards everyone else who was now sleeping and shuffled towards me, it was an amusing sight. I buried my face into my pillow to try and stop laughing and he certainly wasn't helping.

"What do you want?" I whispered as he lay next to me

"You know what" He replied whilst looking up, I raised an eyebrow making him smirk. "I hate sleeping in here, I swear a spider just crawled over my leg" I giggled again.

"You're such a baby Kol" I slapped his arm and tried to go to sleep but with him by my side it was almost impossible. He touched my arm before kissing my forehead, but I kept my eyes closed.

"You know I love you, don't you" I smiled and nodded.

"I love you too" I whispered, all I could hear was him shuffling away before I fell asleep.

I was still tired when I checked on the animals the next morning, these days I didn't get much sleep. Almost every night Kol crawled through my window and we'd chat or just snuggle. In my heart I hoped he'd want to marry me soon, but who knew? He loved me and I loved him, and that's all I knew, and I think even my mother knew. Of course she kept it from father.

Suddenly I heard a load scream, I dropped the basket I was carrying in shock. Barely anyone screamed in our settlement, but what shocked me more was that it was Niklaus's.

I ran towards where the Mikaelson's lived, and sure enough there they were. Nik carried a blood covered Hendrik towards his mother. My mouth dropped and even my knees weakened, but what really broke my heart was Kol's face. I walked towards him but he just stared at his baby brother.

"Kol…" I whispered and held his hand reassuringly. His watered eyes slowly turned towards me, I cupped his face as I stray tear fell from his eye. No other words could be said, no other words were needed as he rested his forehead into my shoulder and cried. I never wanted to let him go.

****Present Day****

I stepped foot at the 'Gilbert' house, confused thoughts running in my mind. Why was he here? Daniele frowned as she looked at the house before looking at me. The witch stepped forward towards the house.

"You'll need to be invited in" I went to reply but then I heard a scream.

I ran to the door and was pushed back by the force field. I pressed my hand against it as I saw Kol in the kitchen wrestling with a young boy. I breathed heavily as I tried to get through the door as they threw vervained water onto him. I screamed out but no-one could hear me.

"Get me in there Daniele! Please!" I pleaded, she nodded and tried all she could but nothing got me into the house.

"Jeremy now!" I my eyes glossed in horror as I saw the white oak stake raise.

"NO!" I screamed making the girl spin around but she didn't stop the boy. I threw myself against the force field as the stake went into his chest. I screamed in horror as his eyes caught with mine.

"Melisa" He whispered before screaming in pain, I gasped for breath as I continued to smash my fists into the building.

The flames that engulfed his body reflected in my tears, I clutched at my heart as I fell to the ground in heart break. The murderers stood back and just watched my pain.

As he fell to the ground his head turned to face me, but I couldn't see his eyes through the flames. I stared at his dead body in now deadly silence, my eyes rolled towards the young vampire, veins appearing under my eyes.

"I will kill you and everyone you have ever loved" I growled as the girl motioned the boy behind her. "You have my WORD! Before daylight your hearts will be across the floor" I growled and threw whatever I could find at them. "I WILL KILL YOU" I roared as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Melisa?" I ignored Klaus's voice as I stared at Kol's body, I felt as if I had died. "What have you done?" I heard him continue to speak, but to the girl.

"He was going to cut off Jeremy's arm" The girl pleaded

"He wouldn't have come inside if you hadn't set a trap for him!" Klaus growled

"You were going to put him down as well!" I rolled my eyes towards Klaus before pinning him into the wall.

"IS THAT TRUE?" I roared but he pushed me back

"I was going to make him suffer on my terms!" He shouted at all of us

"You've never changed Niklaus, and you never will" I walked away towards the neighbour's front garden, collecting a handful of stones I returned to the porch and flicked my wrist. My new victims screaming with fear.

Suddenly my arm clicked out of place, I screamed out in pain as it travelled up to my brain. I looked towards Niklaus who was roaring in pain.

"Invite them in!" A witch walked over us and pulled us into the house, I screamed out for Daniele but her body was sprawled across the lawn.

Suddenly the pain stopped I looked towards the door and saw Josh standing over the witches body.

"Bonnie!" The doppelgänger screamed out making me smirk.

I jumped onto my feet and ran towards Jeremy pulling him into a headlock, he squirmed but I just laughed before baring my fangs.

"He's a hunter Melisa!" Josh pleaded but I didn't listen; I'd kill a hundred hunters for Kol.

I sunk my fangs into his neck and weakened him before looking up towards the doppelgänger, Klaus held her tight. I turned the weak boy around and smirked before plunging my hand into his chest.

"Have fun doppelgänger" I rolled my eyes towards her before pulling his heart out, she screamed out.

I wiped the blood off my mouth and stepped over Jeremy and to Kol's side. I stroked his burnt cheeks, nothing I could do that would bring him back. The world was silent to me, not even the doppelgängers screams fazed me.

Suddenly I saw droplets of blood on Kol's face; I frowned as I felt blood trickle from my nose. I fell back as a growing pain grew in the pit of my stomach.

"Melisa?" I heard Klaus but my attention was drawn to Josh as he started to do the same, he fell to his knees.

I began to throw up blood everywhere, I whimpered Kol's name as I clutched at the floorboards through the immense pain. I tried to breathe but I couldn't, my arms which were holding me up gave way and I fell beside Kol. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe and slowly my light turned into…
