Okay, so this next Chapter may be a bit on the dull side, but I think I did go through making it good enough to keep you entertained.

Editor Bob the Tomato was in peace. Taking a long sip of his coffee that was held by his 'World's Best Editor' mug, he admired the quietness of the entire day. Usually something would happen to disrupt everything, for he did find himself rather annoyed easily. He was called a control freak, but Bob didn't agree with that. He would normally try to justify his nature by questioning what is wrong with wanting things to go well. Arguments were made, but they were never completely justified.

He knew that something would eventually ruin his day, and he looked back at the clock almost every minute to see how long he has been relaxed. The very rare nature of this made him a little sleepy. Maybe he had to get used to being more relaxed, but he knew that that would never actually be the case.

Bob's eyes were closed and he barely knew if anything was happening around him. It was only a few seconds when that was all changed.

Smack! A newspaper was thrown onto his desk, making him jump upwards and spill his coffee back into his face. The tomato grunted, but tried to keep calm. "What is it?," he asked looking upwards while wiping the coffee off of himself with a tissue. A beautiful blonde-haired cucumber stood before him, her face rather twisted because of what she had caused.

"I'm sorry Chief," she said in a slight whisper.

"Just try not to do it again Vicki," he said with a groan. "And don't call me chief. I think I have said that enough times by now."

"Yep," she said, though in a way that assured Bob that she would probably do it again in the future, just to tick him off. "But I've finally got the headline for what happened."

Bob picked up the paper and read it off. "'Figure in Fire: Plus One for the Citizens of Bumblyburg'. Eh, it is good enough. I thought I put you on another story though, one where we won't end up as a target for Theodore again."

"People read the newspaper because they want to know what is going on in the world," Vicki argued. "We can't let the biggest story in the past two years just slip past us."

"Listen Vic. This story isn't anything worth so much praise. One of Theodore's men is just a lunatic who swears to have gotten attacked by a purple shadow. This isn't the first time one of Theodore's men have gone insane. For all you know he had only one way out of the fire and he is now trying to get the insanity plea."

"But Bob, he was tied up in a rope with a plunger attached to it. On the plunger there was a note that mentioned a savior with the initials 'LB' written on it. Not only that, but the whole kick is in when the police found traces of a critically enhanced antidepressant drug all over him, as well as the medical team finding some in the zucchini's system."

"Theodore works with drugs all of the time. He sells them, makes them, distributes them. For all we know this is just some medicine that the man tested before he started the fire and it may have also caused a hallucination."

"Listen though," Vicki continued. "When the medical team tested it, it showed instant effects. The only way the drug could have been an experiment by Theodore would be if the arsonist tried some while he was in the fire, and no one who could be part of an operation like that could be stupid enough to do something so idiotic in the first place. And that doesn't even include the rope, or the plunger, or the note that can all be lead to the fact that-"

"Vicki!" Bob yelled. "The last time that we had a groundbreaking story on one of Theodore's men, it caused the Daily Bumble to be his target to try out an explosive. Unless you are okay with the idea of lives to be endangered for some silly little story about a paranoid thug that apparently saw a purple shadow, I would suggest for you to get back out there and come up with another story for the headline."

"But you always tell us that the people need to know the-"

"Now!" Vicki sighed. Apparently arguing with Bob was a pointless effort. The story that could change everything was now completely nothing. She snatched the paper from the desk and started to mouth a bunch of words that Bob couldn't understand. Vicki fiercely pushed one of the buttons by an elevator not far from Bob's desk and it opened up.

Inside was a male cucumber in a very nice suit. Her distorted face made him jump a little backwards. "I'm sorry Ma'am," he said in a very high-pitched tone, maybe caused by the fact one of his teeth was two and a half times as large as the rest of them. "Is anything troubling you?"

"It's fine," she grunted. "I just missed out on publishing the paper of the year. Next thing I know I will be demoted back to a photographer, and I need to keep my position." She pushed a button on the elevator and they started to go down.

"Um," the other cucumber mumbled. "I was going to go see the editor...I needed to get off at that stop."

"Oh," she said. "Sorry."

"Mind if I see the paper? I heard that there is a big one involving some shadow entering a fire that broke out at one of my company bases." Vicki's head shot up and looked towards the other cucumber.

"You're...Larry the Cucumber? Son of the deceased David and Amber Cucumber?"

"I am not a big fan of people mentioning the whole 'deceased' thing, but yeah, that would be me."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright. I live with the fact it happened... enough. I'm here to apply for a job at the Bumble. I don't really work at the family business, though I do get a lot of the company's profit nonetheless. I need some sort of real job to pass the time and I thought that the Bumble would be a great place to work. Umm...you forgot to get off at your floor."

Vicki looked over at the elevator controls and realized that she had just pushed the button to Larry's floor without getting off at her own. "Oh, so I did. How silly of me."

"Oh, don't think like that now. If I get a job here, no one can call themselves that. I am not the brightest you'll meet, putting it in vague terms of course. Um, I would still like to see the paper please."

"Oh, right." Vicki handed Larry the paper she had written and he began to read it. The elevator door opened and Bob looked back at the two. "Mr. Tomato, if you would so kind, there is someone who wants to meet you, And this someone is-"

"Larry the Cucumber? Son of the founders of Cuke Industries?" Bob said, very shocked while looking at the billionaire cucumber. "Come in, come in, pull up a chair from the back." Larry got out of the elevator and did just that. Vicki got out too, but seemed slightly unaware of it.

"Have you read this paper?" Larry asked while bringing up a chair with Vicki's article in his grasp. "It is just an amazing story. I'd highly suggest giving it the front page. It might just give the citizens of Bumblyburg some hope, or even give them some sort of way to spring into action." He sat the chair down in front of Bob's desk.

"Bringing the cops just that much closer to Theodore Scallion too. Says some interesting stuff on here about Theodore's operation approaches." Bob shot Vicki a slightly promising look. She smiled, but quickly noticed that she needed to finally get to work, disappearing inside of the elevator.

Bob turned back to Larry, who put the article beside him on Bob's desk. Bob had never expected someone like Larry the Cucumber to be like this. So happy and cheerful, he barely seemed like he was in a family that started the largest company in Bumblyburg.

"So," Bob asked. "What are you doing here at the Daily Bumble?"

"Well, I would like a job. I hear that there are a lot of very positions open. You see, I really love what you are doing here at the Bumble. I think you might be the only news source that I can rely on for sure and completely true news. I was really impressed when I heard that you were so reliable that Theodore Scallion himself made this place a target."

"Come again?"

"Well, not like that of course. I just think it is great that your staff tries to stay on the top of things and is always ready to tell the world what is really going on."

"Well," Bob said. "I am glad that we are your go-to news source. But this is about the job, so...did any positions spark your interests?"

"Not completely," Larry said. "I'm happy to do anything to be honest. I thought that maybe you could read my resume and find out what job I would be most likely qualified for, as long as I can help out."

"That can be arranged," Bob said. He only now noticed the folder held by Larry. Larry gave him the folder and he set it to the side. "Would that be all?"

"Is there anything else that you would need from me?"

"Nothing that comes to mind. Maybe once we figure out your most probable position we can interview you. I'll call you once that becomes so, Good day."

"You too." Larry reached back for the newspaper on Bob's desk. "I'm betting that the woman will want this back," he chuckled. He went into the elevator and reached the first floor surprisingly quickly. He recognized Vicki at a computer, typing fast. He approached her with the arson article with him.

"Hello," he said. She looked back at him.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I um...I forgot to give you back your article." He tossed the paper down beside her keyboard. She smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're Welcome." He turned away from her and walked towards the exit of the Bumble. Once he got to the door, he felt a slight vibration in a pocket within his suit jacket. Larry reached in and pulled out a cell phone.

"Hello?" he answered while exiting finally. "Oh yeah. Also, it is just as good as we thought it would be. Maybe even better... Yep. Uh-huh. Of course. Well, let's just say that at this point it doesn't matter if they are ready for any strange occurrences. The plan is finally being set full force into motion. Yep. Flawless."

Yeah, there will be more exciting things happening soon.