No one has yet done a LarryBoy Origin story. One where they show how LarryBoy arrived.


I, Larryboyrocks9000, bring you my first attempt at an origin Story featuring america's favorite plunger headed hero. This will mainly have content within the Cartoon Adventures of LarryBoy but mixes 3D LarryBoy in the story as well, around 40%. It is a two-for-one deal for whichever LarryBoy version you prefer.

This story combines some elements inspired by the Batman stories/movies "Batman: Year One" and "Batman Begins" (but not a re-write challenge like my previous LarryBoy's Legend Story) Though it is completely MY OWN FANFICTION, and just has elements that are INSPIRED my those two stories. It has very few elements of some other Superhero tales as well, but it is just a LarryBoy fanfiction like any other you may read on here. But then again, LarryBoy is just a Batman (with some Superman thrown in) parody anyways... so in reality, this entire part of my Author's Note is rather pointless.

All Made-Up Characters are completely mine, no one is representing any other character. All ready-known characters belong to BigIdea studios and I have no rights to them what-so-ever. This is including, but not limited to: LarryBoy, Alfred, Bob, Scooter, Officer Olaf, Chief Croswell, Theodore Scallion (though I did give him a name), or Vicki Cucumber.

Well, I hope you enjoy this new fanfiction, my re-imagining of LarryBoy's origin (or the first one? Hmm...).

"This is Officer Scooter." A carrot mumbled into his two-way radio. This scottish police officer, Scooter Carrot, tightly held onto his radio as cars flashed by him in the night. His black eye throbbed and his long mustache brushed against the radio as he spoke. Black eyes are not uncommon in Bumblyburg, almost all citizens have one. Or at least that is the exaggeration veggies use for it. Scooter watched as over a dozen cars just sped past him while he lay motionless due to a flat tire. The engine whined and his patience for the situation got less strong by the second.

"Do me a favor and get me some back-up. I'm stuck in the middle of the road!" The scottish police officer ducked as his car jerked forward. The sudden movement was then followed by dozens of bullets peircing the car's metal. One grazed his peel, leaving a very noticable imprint. "AH!" He shot up and took his gun from beside him on the other seat of his vehicle. He cocked the gun back and then aimed and fired at the tire to the car that just shot at him. The van started to shake back and foward a bit before crashing over the railing and off of the road.

Scooter watched with deep intensity as their van tumbled over the hill that brought up the road. It landed, face up, on a very pleasently moist patch of grass, looking as though it had an ecounter with a steel door. Scooter pushed his car door open, already broken from the bullet holes, both theirs and his own. He hopped quickly to the criminal's van and slammed the window in. He knew they could open fire at any moment, he was prepared nonetheless.

Though if he needed to be prepared was questioned right afterwards. There was only one man inside of the car, and he turned out to not be able to move from the crash. Scooter flipped the door open and pulled the vegetable's body out onto the ground. It was a celery, a young adult with a five O'clock shadow and pink eyes. His clothes he wore were torn, looking like a black dirty toga. Scooter felt his pulse. The celery was alive, just unconscious.

Scooter pulled the radio off of his belt and turned the speaker on. " Oi! I've caught one of Theodore's thugs. He's currently unconscious, I'll put him in the back of the car. We can interogate him once I bring him back into headquarters." He latched the radio back to his belt, the cord suspended by a clip on the radio. Scooter pulled the thug off of the ground and started to drag his body away. "This man wants to be a real criminal, he could start by laying off the extra potato chips." Scooter found himself talking to himself again. But it didn't really matter, he was the only person to really ever talk to in this city anyways.

"Hey Scoots," shouted a fellow officer at the Bumblyburg police headquarters. "Nice job, it only took you about a few hours to nab that one lowly thug." His voice was riddled with laughter and mean spirit as he spoke. Scooter gave a slight sigh before regaining his posture. Another officer walked up behind him.

"Hey, don't be mean," he said. "It isn't Scoots fault he can't keep his eyes straight, Aye?" The two cops both laughed at the scottish mimick while the officer behind him crossed his eyes and covered one to imitate the black.

"I'll let you know that where I come from we would be a more civilized bunch in the police-" Scooter was cut off by the cop that first talked to him flicking his nose.

"Hey Scoots," the zucchini officer said tauntingly. "You take up post in Bumblyburg, you'd better be ready to deal with any sort of teasing before you even get close to making it anywhere here."

"I've been here for over a year now you mustache trimmer! I think I would know a thing or two about the city. I don't know why I must be insulted like a fool after taking a bullet grazin' to the neck and capturing one of Theodore's thugs."

"Woah!" the carrot cop behind him said, over-acting his expressions sarcasticly. "It looks like we have ourselves one heck of a cop. He had the ability to capture a thug! What's next? Is he going to stop a jaywalker?"

"I don't know Paul. I don't think he is ready for that yet-"

"Look, do you want to find out information from Theodore's sallywag or not? I don't remember either of you two being there on the heist chase. It was just me, you hear?!"

"Hey," the zucchini spoke softly and backed up a bit. "I didn't mean to pull the tail of Chief Croswell's pet!" The two didn't hesitate to crack up in laughter once again as Scooter simply walked away from the two, them barely noticing.

"Chicken-hearted hooligans..." Scooter muttered to himself. He turned at a short hallway to find Chief Croswell's office. Scooter flinged the door open and saw the middle-aged lemon sitting in his chair with a mug of coffee and his usual pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. His look represented him as a very feirce and damanding police chief, with his military voice and equaly military like hairstyle. He was to an extent. The thing that caused him to stand out beyond others was his devotion to the law.

Chief Croswell and Scooter both shared the idea that with enough effort, they could change Bumblyburg. There were some other involved cops though. Most prominently Officer Olaf, a very civilized gourd who formed a small partnership with Scooter. They became friends quickly, both being good hearted but still knowing fair and well that they could have to resort to violence in a city such as this.

Nonetheless, Chief Croswell had only the goal to wipe out the crime in the city of Bumblyburg to make it a livable city, instead of a slowly dying gothic deathtrap. He knew that the people needed an example to stand up, and if the police force could do it then the citizens could as well. Bumblyburg's crime could slowly desolve to a small speck and maybe he could finally stop bringing a club to his bed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring in Theodore," Scooter said. "He is faster than a cheeta on a motercycle."

Chief Croswell put down his Daily Bumble newspaper and gazed at Scooter. Though Scooter couldn't really tell his expression well under those sunglasses. "Scooter Carrot, while I still don't get your analogies and expressions I must tell you that I never expected you to be able to bring him in on your own. You and I both know that he runs most of the crime leauges in Bumblyburg. What do I always say?"

"If we take him out, crime will vanish along with his chance at parole." Scooter gave a smile. Chief Croswell smirked.

"He likes to go by bandit, but that doesn't even remotely explain him. That, my friend, is the other one." He chucked and took a long drink from his coffee mug. Once he sat it down his face expressed a feeling that could only be described as pure satisfaction. "Now, you still have one of his thugs?"

"Aye. I brought back some random celery, he grazed me with gunfire. I apologize, but your vehicle has been turned upside down and inside out after he opened fire on it."

"You mean that it was destroyed in the chase?"

"Aye, Sir."

"Things happen." Chief Croswell seemed to forget in under a second that Scooter ever told him that. "Theodore must be getting sloppy. One thug by one cop. Not even in groups has anyone ever caught a goon from his collection of henchmen."

"The group was smaller than usual," Scooter explained. "Theodore seems to be loosing faith in the police force."

"Can't blame him. We don't even deserve any kind of expectations, even from someone like him." Chief Croswell finished his coffee and rubbed off the remains from his upper lip with the newspaper. Using his desk, the police chief pushed his chair out and hoppped onto the desk to get to the ground in a few seconds.

"Now Scooter," he said menacingly. "If you brought back just some thug of Theodore's goons, if he is just a guy who does some work for some power, than you do realize that this entire interrogation will get us nowhere."

"Aye sir, obviously. I did all I could though, we still have dozens of cells to put him in. One beats none, am I right?"

"Sure, whatever. Is the celery currently in the interrogation room?" Scooter nodded, his eyes shut. "Well then follow me." He pushed the door open to the surprise of the zuchinni and carrot officers who earlier taunted scooter. They held mugs of hot chocolate with two oversized jelly-filled doughnuts in their other hands. They quickly put their drinks and food down on a desk to their left and turned towards the chief.

"Hey there Chief Croswell," the zuchinni said quickly.

"Lookin' good today," the other nervously spat out. The sunglassess wearing lemon scowled. The other two cops both backed up a bit.

"If either of you two still want any sort of jobs you can both get demoted to janitors and ol' Lawrence can get premoted to take your places. We've finally got one of Theodore's thugs and if you two can do me a favor and stop lollygagging around we might be able to do something about it."

"Right away Chief," the zuchinni said quickly. "We can follow you there." The lemon grunted as he went down that hall, turned, and saw the interrogation room at the end of the next one while they turned.

Scooter started to become slightly nervous. The idea that this is the closest they had ever gotten to Theodore's secrets made him realize very quickly that this may me the most important job he had ever been assigned to. He didn't realize the wall right infront of him while clouded in the cold thoughts of the opportunities that could be lost if if this one interrogation went wrong.

"The doors over there Scoots," one of the cops said. Scooter gazed to his side and saw Chief Croswell unlocking the door to the interrogation room. Scooter raised an eyebrow, angry on how he could be this foolish in front of his boss. The door flung open and they entered the dimly lit, kind of enclosed space with the two-way mirror displaying the grim celery thug with his invisible hands cuffed together and chained to the table, which was solidly stuck to the ground.

"Scooter," Chief Croswell said. "This is your chance. I want you to go through that door and finally bring us the biggest lead yet." Chief Croswell's voice was very feirce, but Scooter knew that it wasn't intentional.

"Aye aye, sir!" he exclaimed. "I will not let you down on this one!" He broke through the metal door that devided the two rooms and closed it quickly. It could only be opened from the outside, ensuring that if for some reason Chief Croswell left and the other two were foolish enough to leave him locked up, he would be stuck with this dangerous prisoner. Scooter didn't care though, he was determined on this mission.

"Hey there," the celery chuckled. Scooter sat down at the other side of the table. Mirrors surrounded him rather uncomfortably, but he knew that he would be able to stand it. He had done it two times in the past.

"State your name," Scooter said.

"You don't look like the type is in the mood for any types of jokes right now, so I'll set it straight for you, hm? I'm Chris Groln, and don't even think that you can get any information from me. Theodore Scallion is ten times the man you'll ever be. His accomplishments in this town? You yourself fear his strength. It is all about how much you fear him, isn't it? He only gets this far because of what your force is to afraid of finding out. They're too afraid to find out how much power he has over this town, weather it is direct in some aspects or not."

"I can assure you now you lamb nugget that I am not afraid of him. There are some people in this force who can stand up against someone like Theodore Scallion. And for the record pal, you've already spilled some information."

"Ah," Chris grinned. "Wise guy, hm? Okay then, what are you so desparate to know? His location? I'm not close enough to know that little peice of information, so don't be so persistint to get it from me."

"I figured not. Most of Theodore's closer goons flee at first with him."

"So you've already figured that one out? Good job, maybe someday you may be close enough Theodore can just kill you on the spot."

"Oh no, I just guessed that he did that. Thanks for the tip though." Chris Groln raised an eyebrow and then smirked.

"You can just keep carrying this out, wise guy. So you got some information from me. It doesn't matter, does it? Theodore is to smart for you, or any of the so called "police officers" in this station. I'll let you know that when I break out of here-"

"You're not breaking out. If you are, you just gave me some more information. Chief Croswell can have the boys in the security department check you for any mode of outside communication. That and we can have some hidden forms precausions around your cell."

"Cameras? Now you're the one who is leaking things to me! Oh, and aren't you the sorry cop who I almost ended?"

"Oh no, cameras are too obvious. We'll have something a bit less obvious and a bit more secure. And yes, I am the cop who put you away."

"Nice one," Chis said sarcastically. "Anything else you want? You're starting to bore me. I can't wait to see all of the empty cells, you know?"

"Thanks to what you have brought to us today, those cells are now just a little closer to being full." Scooter pushed his chair out and stood up. He walked towards the door and it quickly flung open.

"Good job Scooter," Chief Croswell said as he shut the door, locking Chris Groln up more securely. "We'll push him for more information some other time. Until then, I'll have some guys escort him to his cell."

"Thank you Chief," Scooter smiled. "I promise that I will keep on watch for any sort of info until I return."

"Hopefully," the chief said. "You won't have to. You've had a rough night, go back home and get some shut-eye, I demand it." Scooter grinned and left the room altogether.

He closed the door to the interrogation room and turned around to see his friend Olaf Cral waiting for him. The swedish gourd leaned on the wall and was eating a glazed doughnut. "Hey there," he said as his mouth was full. "You finally got some info on Theodore. That is fantastic."

"It would be nicer if we actually caught Theodore."

"Small steps, my friend." They started to walk through the station to the exit.

"It wouldn't be so bad if that rapscallion wouldn't let loose so many criminals not under his control. Remember the rapist from two weeks ago?"

"Yeah. But wait a minute...Rapscallion, that is a good one." Olaf chuckled, finishing his doughnut. "Get that one to the Daily Bumble and you might have yourself some strong recognition."

"But in all reality," Scooter sighed. "I still wish that we could have ourselves something easier to work with." They found themselves at an exit where Scooter pushed the door open. "Ah well, I'll see you tomorrow Olaf."

"Bye Scooter." The door closed infront of Scooter, who gave a strong sigh as he tipped the cap of his hat infront of his eyes to block out the rain that just started to fall from the dark night sky.

For the record, Theodore Scallion is a re-imagining of the Milk Money Bandit. In this story, instead of a two-bit bully, he is a crime boss, master escape artist, and all around genius who runs most of the city by his own hand.

Also, as you can tell, The beginning follows Scooter a little bit more than LarryBoy, yes. LarryBoy becomes the main focus not too long from now, though. So stay tuned...
