No. No no no no no, what had gone wrong? What had he done wrong? Had he underestimated those blasphemous heathens? How? How?! It shouldn't be possible, he'd had the guards storm every house and home until only those who believed stayed in the kingdom. He'd had people hanged and flayed alive. He'd had them bludgeoned to death; he'd given the guards free reign on all those who opposed Rynth! Exactly how were there any survivors?!

From what the lookout guard had told him, the refugees had begun building little camps a ways away from the kingdom they themselves were supposed to have died in. Corval had, of course, killed the guard for knowing this once he'd confirmed he was the only one who knew.

To be honest, not only did this messed up situation leave him infuriated and on edge, it made him nervous and worried in a way words couldn't express. He dreaded informing Rynth of what had happened. The dragon would no doubt be enraged beyond belief. Not to mention, the dragon himself wasn't all that stable head wise. Who knows how he'd react to the new information. Perhaps he'd even go as far as killing Corval, and this is what the king feared the most.

He couldn't just go and deal with the problem without telling Rynth the news. If he'd be mad at the news now, Corval didn't dare think of what Rynth would do if he found out Corval had learned of the refugees and hadn't told him in favor of the king dealing with the problem himself. Corval shuddered as if the temperature in his private chambers had plummeted. No, it would be best to just tell the dragon as soon as physically possible.

Gathering up his courage and forcing his face back into that stern expression he was known for, Corval stormed out of his chambers, his door slamming harshly against the wall. He ignored the startled servants and guards as he had the stable boys ready his horse. Rynth lived at the top of the mountain over looking the village. It would be a days riding for a normal person, but Corval had rode the trail up the mountain countless times and knew just which trails to take and which trails would just make the trip longer. He'd be at Rynth's cave by nightfall.

Petty humans. Petty worthless humans, roaming the streets, roaming your territory. They smelled. Their scent was utterly horrific to your sensitive nose. They smelled of greed and jealousy and hatred and lies. Especially lies. They lied and cheated and murdered. It would be a better, more peaceful world without them. No wars, no hunger, no unnecessary violence the humans were known for. You'd of killed them by now if you could. Or rather if you could, but you won't. As much as you hated them (hatehatehatehate), they were amusing creatures. Little toys to play with. Toys you could break and make them squeal in ways animals couldn't.

Your kind had died off eons ago. But not you, never you. You stayed and lived and fought and killed and you're alivealivealive. So long you lived, so long you will still live. You're but a teenager in dragon terms and already you're tired. Tired and weary and alive and murderous. Not to humans though, never humans. Only humans to die by your sharp fangs and dangerous claws would be those specially picked out by you. Those who didn't believe in the fact that you existed, those who said your name in vain, you, the mighty enderdragon, the last of your kind, Rynth.

You'd be the first to admit your head wasn't screwed on right. As a youngling, the sound of roars and claws clashing in the middle of battle was your lullaby. The smell of blood (somuchbloodsomuchbloodbloodblood) haunted your dreams and the feeling of warmth surrounding you, protecting you, was the only thing you felt grateful for. Large warmth, soft licks against your scales, loving caresses, silky milk against your tongue. That was all you remembered of your mother, before she had been ripped from your arms by the very beings responsible for every bad thing that had ever happened to you. Humans took her, they took her from you and ruined you. Bad things happen to small beings with no one to care for them (toloveandholdandandprotect). Bad, bad, awful things. Left to fend by yourself in the cold world. No mother to care for you, she was stolen from you. Your happiness, your mother, taken by those lowly humans.

And suddenly, you were the last enderdragon. You were the last and you were so so young and vulnerable and you broke. You broke as the beasts of the forest tried to make a feast out of you. You broke as you shivered in the snow, barely alive and breath slowing. You broke as fangs sunk into your back and you fought fought fought for life. You fought and you were broken. Your mind shattered and everything is weird now. Everything is weird and you don't understand and sometimes nothing makes sense and this makes you so so mad. Mad and tired and angry and confused beyond compare because sometimes words you want to say don't form right in your head and you don't notice things sometimes and why you, why you?!

You want to curl up and cry and scream and rage and curse humans to h*ll and back because your mother never did anything to them. She was kind and fearless and she always hid you when humans were near and she protected you. You loved her and she was taken from you. Humans took her, humans broke you, humans are the reason you are as you are. Broken, alone (alwaysaloneforeveralone), and scared and angry.

Your head hurts and you slash at the cave wall closest to you, growling and snarling at it. Sometimes you know everything and anything and sometimes you know nothing but your name. Your name is Rynth and you let these humans live because they distract you. They distract you from the emptiness in your head and the confusion and anger and the aches and pains you can't see.

Corval. Human. You know him. You knew his father too, and his father before him and his father before him and you just know them. Knew them all because you remember. You remember being a baby and the first of the royal line, Corval's great great great something, saving you and healing you and caring for you and you remember. You remember her treating you kindly and feeding you patiently as she wrapped your wounds and taught you the words you now know. She was wonderful and lonely and barely had enough money to care for herself but she cared for you anyways. She cared for you and you loved her like you loved your mother. So you stayed with her, loyal and faithful and she loved you too.

She loved your small beaten self, even the broken parts that made you snap out randomly and bite her when you didn't mean to and she forgave you and you loved her even more for that. But humans grow and she grew. She grew and caught the eye of a prince and she married and moved to the castle and she brought you with her. She brought you with her and kept you a secret from everyone but her husband and you didn't love him as much as you loved her but he was nice too and gave you food and talked to you and that's probably why you do what you do now. When the kid was born, she was tired and you were by her side as she grew weaker and weaker. The baby had stolen her energy and you hate the crying bundle because she was now frail and tiny and her husband cried and so you cried too. You cried because you had already lost a mother and now you were losing another one who you loved just as much and just like your mother, she was taken by you by humans. By a tiny, miserable bundle of a human and you were mad at first. But she held you as she grew quieter and quieter and she made your promise to care for the child that had taken your mother away from you again and she kissed your head and she held you close as she stopped breathing. Your mind broke and splintered without your dragon mother but your heart shattered without your human mother.

So you cared for the small human, a little boy You didn't like him as much as you liked your mother, but he was okay. He cried and smelled and made loud noises but you grew find of him. Sometimes your broke his toys and sometimes he hit you and one time you bit him but you didn't mean it. He grew to know you never meant it when you yelled at him and you grew to realize he was like your mother in ways you never thought possible. He had her blue eyes, bluer than the sky you dreamed of flying when you were older and your wings had grown in. He was kind and noble and you slept in his bed because you had to protect him and okay you were scared he'd go away and never come back and you didn't want that to happen because he reminded you of your mother and you were growing to love him too.

He grew like your mother grew, he grew and you kept close to him. He let you crawl up his shoulders and wrap around his neck like a snake, your tail falling to his stomach with your head resting on his other shoulder, arms and legs clutching at his shirt. He met a princess from another kingdom and you didn't like her as much as you liked everyone else. She never found out about your existence and you liked it that way, even if it meant your spent less time with your human and more time roaming empty rooms. She too, had children. Twins. But she didn't die like your mother died. She grew old with your human. At some point your mother's husband died and your human and his wife took the throne. Your human didn't pay much attention to you anymore and it saddened you. So you protected the twins instead, even if they pulled your tail and ears. They were decent as far as human are.

This was the part in your life when you learned something horrible and life changing. Humans grow old fast, fast fast faster than dragons did. You were still small and a baby, and already, your human died, just like your human mother and her husband died. Their lives were short. They grew and grew and grew, while you stayed small. You think this was the point where you began forgetting things and getting mad easier. The twins grew too and you stayed far away in hidden rooms as one left to marry into a different kingdom. The one left behind married as well, but you didn't come out anymore. You hid and stole food from the kitchen and the twin looked for you, looked for you because you were passed on to him by your last human who you were passed down from your mother.

Eventually, he stopped looking. He had a family and you watched them grow, ever watchful because you had promised to protect. You think the twin knew you were still around because sometimes he'd leave out plates of food for you and he'd make sure the servants wouldn't go out looking for the "stray cat" that kept ripping the curtains and left claw marks all over the floors. He told his daughter about you as well. About how a mighty dragon protected her and her family and about how the dragon roamed free in the castle and only those with a kind enough heart would he listen to.

You liked the stories he told her, sometimes you listened from the vents because they made you feel strong and able. Even if you weren't nearly as big as he described you as. You think that's why you liked the stories. The little girl liked them too, and she searched for you, oh, you know she did. She'd leave little bits of cake for you to eat and she'd roam the castle calling out your name and you'd watch from the shadows as she passed by your hiding places. She never did give up finding you, even when she had her own children. She told them the stories and they, too, searched for you, becoming excited when you ate their morsels of food without being seen. You enjoyed these games, taking food without being caught and watching as they chased shadows thinking it was you. But you didn't go near them, you didn't want to be attached. No, you couldn't handle becoming attached anymore. Humans died easily and you couldn't bring yourself to approach them anymore.

You became a story, a fairy take the royal children would tell to others and the stories spread. The stories about a great dragon protecting the royal family. Robbers broke into the castle, to see if the tales were true, and you burned them with your fire, fire you'd just begun to learn. Some died in your purple flames while others barely survived to tell the tale, though they exaggerated your appearance.

Generations passed and each child was told of how the dragon of Wyrsil protected the royal family Klayst from harm. You don't know how or when, but your being became a religion that spread out to even the common folk of Wyrsil. They said your emotions caused the weather and that the very beat of your wings caused the tornadoes in the rainy season.

It was only when you became too big to fit in your old hiding places that you began freaking out. Your wings weren't yet big enough to fly and you worried and panicked and threw tantrums in empty rooms. It was by complete accident you met the newest child of the Klayst family. The youngest of three and pathetic in stature and way of speak. The child stuttered and was oddly quiet for a seven year old which was probably the only reason he found you in the middle of one of your tantrums after hitting your head on the floor when you slipped.

He didn't scream or cry or attempt to stop you, he just watched as you tore open a pillow and attacked the rug. Only when the room was a mess and you were too tired to do much else did you notice him and the first thing you noticed were his blue blue eyes (liketheskyyoucouldntflyyet) and that's when you decided he'd be your new human. Once again, the royal family could see you. No one else of course. The two older kids laughed at your small size so you burned them. Not much, but enough for them and their mother to hate you. The little boy (withtheblueblueeyesmotherseyes) and the king liked you and you liked them though the little boy was your favorite. He talked to you and taught you new words and you talked to him too, he listened even if your voice was gravely and you growled and got frustrated easily when you forgot something. He was patient and soft spoken and never fought back when his brothers bullied him. You fought back though, you fought back for him. You bit them and burned them and tore up their rooms. They got mad and rattled and you didn't care because they hurt your little blue boy and he was a wonderful little blue eyes boy who you wanted to protect forever and ever.

But he got sick, he got sick and it was bad. He coughed and cough and coughed. Shivering and hacking up blood. Everyone was worried and you were the most worried. Worried for your little blue boy. You stuck by his side, hissing and snarling and cursing and burning anyone who tried to touch your little blue boy. They had to sedate you, filthy humans, your little boy protested and screamed as they dragged you away, no longer able to fight. You fell asleep and when you woke up, your little boy was gone.

Years and years passed and you grew to hate humans. They were toys, yes, they were amusing, yes. But they had stolen too much from you. Your dragon mother, your human mother, and your little blue boy. Your dearest boy.

Corval was the most recent king. Since your blue boy, you moved to the mountain overlooking the village, staying away from the royal family. You wanted to leave, to leave behind these wretched memories that haunted your ever waking moment and tore you down from inside out. Sometimes your head made up images and voices and you got mad so so mad and angry and furious and sad and lonely and you're so so so lonely.

Corval is afraid of you. You hate him. He smells greedy and mean and awful. You want to kill him. You want to abandon this cursed royal family. But you can't, for you promised, you promised your mother to protect her son and failed. You failed because humans die too soon and too early and you're indebted to this family because you broke your promise and what an awful son you are and aren't you just horrible?

"Rynth, there's- there's been an issue."

The voice is trembling but mean and ugly and you find yourself madder and madder as you glare at the wall in front of you, covered in claw marks and ashes.

"What sort of problem?"

Your voice. You hate it, it growls and gravels and it's deep and echoey and you hate hate hate it.

"The ones that don't worship you, they- some managed to escape."

Escape? Escape?! Worthless humans couldn't do anything right. You don't realize you're roaring in fury until some pieces of the ceiling begin raining down on your back, dust billowing as you flap your wings in agitation. This cave is growing smaller, you're too big for it now and this only makes you angrier.

"Humans can't do ANYTHING RIGHT!"

You don't turn around from staring at the wall, you know you'll hurt Corval and you have that much control over yourself to keep from doing just that.

"GET THE F*CK OUT. Never send a human to do a dragon's job. I'll take care of this you miserable fool."

He's gone before you finish and you grit your teeth as you make your way outside of the cave you haven't left for the last hundred years. Your bones creak as you stretch out your wings, pumping once to get into the sky. The sky that you'd had to wait oh so long to be able to join and fly in. Beautiful blue, lovely blue, familiar blue.

You both love and detest the sky.


HerHiddenSecret: Hey guys! cx so I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I was originally just supposed to help a bit but then I became attached my my poor child Rynth and the rest is history. It also doesn't help that Blaze is an amazing person to toss around ideas with and before I knew it I was head over heels with this story. (Especially Rynth shhh) Hopefully you'll all enjoy this first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it c;

SSJ2BlazeSG: What's up? (Reader: The sky...) *sigh* Not the time-Hey, you stole my joke! Alright, for real this time, hey guys! So, a big thanks goes out to Secret for writing this (awesome) chapter. She's an amazing writer and an awesome person overall. It makes me proud to say that I am her friend, it really does. This fan fic is the sequel to Middle World, so if you haven't read that, you probably should go and do that now, or this story won't make any sense to you. Oh, and don't worry, there will be Youtubers and the characters of MW, so don't quit now. That's all for now, so I guess we'll see you in the next chapter!