Hyoton: Hey everybody it's been a while sense I updated this so and with the assistance of my friend in choosing which one I should update next I'll be working on this next. And if many of you weren't aware of the polls Naruto will be leaving the group for a short time to further his own training and become more powerful catching more Pokémon and evolving them as well as meeting his other mates.

Anyways let's get to it shall we?

Summary: Naruto the third born son of Sinnoh's Electric gym leader Minato Namikaze and Hoenn's top coordinator Kushina Uzumaki was born with a frail heart and was dying until Arceus in her wisdom chose Naruto as her successor and future king of legendaries. At birth he was always overshadowed by his two sisters who he loves dearly but decided to make a name for himself.

Note: God-like Naruto/Smart Naruto/Pokémon Naruto/Understanding of Pokémon language/Pokémon Professor/Researcher/candidate for elite four or frontier brain position/use of Aura and other Pokémon moves and types/Use of mega evolutions

Will be a harem consisting of Pokémon/humans and will contain air gear elements

00 Route 7 00

"Hey Naruto where are we heading?" Ash asked as they left Santalune city as said boy looked over to his friend seeing him wear a hooded red jacket with a snow white messenger bag with multiple pockets and a new charm on his necklace being a silver feather around his neck going along with his lightning bolt necklace which he found in the box he forgot about at sycamore's lab which he had one of his Pokémon deliver

After they beat the first gym Naruto received a call from his mom and sisters telling him they were coming to Kalos to see him on his journey and they were going to meet at the battle chateau where they were heading to now

"Well before we head out to Cyllage city we're heading to a place that could offer a bit of enlightenment and help with training ash besides we're meeting a few people there" Naruto said getting a curious look from them

"Who are we meeting anyways Naruto?" Serena asked getting a small smile from Naruto

"You'll see but it's going to take a while before they meet us so I decided it would be fine to introduce you to a part of Kalos like the battle chateau I feel that we'll come across some interesting people" Naruto said as they stood in front of a large manor

"Welcome to the battle chateau" Naruto said as the doors opened when he was given his Grand Duke cloak which was purple in color as Naruto explained the European feudal system and the beginning of the chateau

"So we win a battle to earn the lowest rank…which are baron and baroness?" Ash said getting a nod from him and Viola who had a bright yellow cloak making her a marchioness

"That's right Ash you gotta beat a trainer of Baron or Baroness to gain the title and to proceed to Viscount and Viscountess by beating five trainers of your rank and to rise to the next you must beat more trainers of that rank to rise again" Viola explained getting an understanding nod from the others when a gloved hand landed on naruto's shoulder making him turn

"Grand Duke Naruto I challenge you to a battle" a woman of twenty said making him stare at her before nodding

"Okay Grand Duchess Mariah we shall battle if you wish" he said when the drapes on the side of the building slid open showing a battle field

"You're about to see two of the Chateau's strongest battle ash, everyone just watch" Viola said when a man wearing a grey granite grey tuxedo could be seen scaling up the wall

00 Chateau battlefield 00

"The battle between Grand Duke Naruto and Grand Duchess Mariah will now commence pick your Pokémon and touch to celebrate the history and sanctity of the Chateau" the judge said as Naruto and Mariah nodded grabbing a pokeball as the two tapped the buttons together before walking to opposite ends of the field

"Take flight Staraptor!" "Leave them in a frozen bliss Tsukiyumi!"

Erupting from they're pokeballs the two Pokémon leapt out as Naruto stared at the Pokémon in front of them as the information came to him


Lv: 60

Type: Flying/Normal

Gender: Male

'Tsukiyumi' Weavile

Lv: 64

Type: Ice/Dark

Gender: Female

"As the challenger Mariah may have the first move" Naruto said getting a nod from the woman across from him

"Staraptor use Arial Ace and when you get in close round on that Weavile with Close combat!" She said as it cried out speeding down towards Weavile who was waiting for a command

"Wait for it to come in close and when it does use Agility to out maneuver it and when it's open fire a barrage of Ice Shards!" he said getting a nod from the ice/dark type as it out ran Staraptor when it dive bombed Tsukiyumi when she fired the barrage of ice shards

"Staraptor use Double team!" she said as it made doubles of itself as the Ice shards hit a double as they flew through it

"Now Staraptor use Brave Bird!" Mariah said as it flew straight to the ground coating itself in flames before it righted itself at the last second making it coat itself in blue fire charging at Tsukiyumi

"Tsukiyumi use Ice beam on the floor to change the terrain and skate across the ground to avoid it!" Naruto said as the floor was hit with an ice beam that caused the ground to be coated in a sheen of ice as she slid across the ground while the flying Pokémon missed

"Now use Brick Break once you get in close!" he said as she skated across the floor with her clawed hand smashing it into the bird bringing it to the ground

"Get up quick and use Quick Attack!" she said when Naruto beat her to the punch

"Before it gets the chance hit it with an Ice Beam!" As he said it the Ice Pokémon fired a concentrated beam of ice towards the downed flying type causing it to slide back to its trainer which she returned

Running towards him Tsukiyumi sat on his shoulder comfortably making him smile as she nuzzled his head affectionately saying "I forgot how nice it felt up here I wonder why I haven't done this after so long I mean I'd get on Zorin's and Amaterasu's backs sometimes even Chrys and the others but I haven't done this since I was a Sneasile?!"

He chuckled as they were declared the winner Naruto and Mariah shook hands before she walked back up with Naruto close behind until he was near the others and said "And that ash is how a battle goes here any of you up for it?"

The others shook their heads except ash who nodded as a boy wearing a cap that resembled fletching challenged ash to a battle which ash won with Pikachu beating fletchling bringing him to the rank of Baron

Watching Ash and the others converse with the rest of the people in the Chateau he couldn't help but smile seeing things go so right before they heard a set of laughs

'This laugh…Are they the group that Ash and Iris keep talking about?' Naruto thought to his Pokémon as they shrugged finishing they're monologue

"We'll be taking your Pokémon now!" James said when he pressed a button on a controller when a large robot appeared sucking up trainer's pokeballs storing them in a separate container stored in its back

"Tsukiyumi you ready for some more fun?" he said getting a nod from her as she hopped off his shoulder

"Tsukiyumi use Ice Beam to freeze the robot and go in close with a Night slash to destroy the vacuum tube!" Naruto said attracting attention from team rocket as Tsukiyumi shot a beam of ice at the robot and ran towards the tube

"Oh no you don't!" James said tossing out Inkay which Ash had Pikachu defeat allowing Tsukiyumi to slice through the tube

Ash seeing his opening told Pikachu to fire a thunderbolt at the container which caused the robot to explode blasting Team Rocket and the talking Meowth into the stratosphere making him sigh

Scratching his head he said to the others after they gave the other trainers they're Pokémon "Um…Did that Meowth actually speak like a human?"

"Yeah I think he said he wanted to impress a female Meowth and practice talking like a human…The Meowth ended up with a Persian if I'm right" Ash said getting a sympathetic hiss from Naruto

"Ouch poor Meowth I kinda feel bad for the poor guy" Naruto said getting a nod from the others when he felt a three pairs of arms wrap around him one around his waist, one in his upper body and the last around his head

"Guess who?" the three voices said making him hum although he could tell Ash and Iris were surprised on who they were

"An overly friendly traveling company randomly giving away hugs and a million pokedollars?" he said getting a bop on the head

"No you idiot it's us!" Skyla said getting a laugh from Elesa and Kushina as Viola stared at Naruto and the others

Kushina wore a pair of tight black jeans hugging her curves and a tight navy shirt hugging her generous chest and a royal purple vest with a pair of running shoes

Skyla wore a pair of denim shorts on top of black leggings and a open aviators jacket with a red shirt and boots

Elesa wore a pair of tight leather jeans and short sleeved shirt with a pair of high heeled shoes with her hair done with a bang coming over her right eyebrow while her hair was pulled into a pineapple style cut

"Wait wait wait your Kushina Uzumaki the queen of Contest's son and the younger brother of Unova's electric and flying gyms?!" Viola said getting a nod from Naruto and the others

"Yes you mean you don't see the resemblance in some form?" Elise said as they four stood together with the same blank expression while Skyla was naturally happy she had to practice the expression for some time until she finally got it down as they all stood in the same height range or slightly shorter on one end

Ash and the others stared at Naruto and then to the others before Ash slapped his forehead seeing the resemblance as he said "I wondered why I saw a bit of Skyla and Elesa when we met you Naruto"

"I honestly thought you already knew and just didn't say anything" Naruto said getting a groan from ash

"Seriously such a little kid" Iris said getting a light glare from Ash

"Why don't we head to a Pokémon center it's going to be a ways before we reach Cyllage city and meet the gym leader there" Naruto said getting a shrug from the others as they walked heading to the next town

00 Amberette Town 00

"So Naruto where are we heading?" Ash asked as they reached the town after dealing with the debacle of Team Rocket

"Eh I had some fossils I collected while helping out Sycamore that I had placed in storage and wanted to have them restored. Besides for some reason today just seems like a day that attracts trouble for some reason…call it a sixth sense" Naruto said walking through the town when he heard a loud explosion

"What was that?!" Serena said alarmed getting an irritated sigh from Naruto

"That would be the trouble I felt come on let's go!" He said getting a nod from the others as they ran towards the smoke weaving through the screaming mob

00 Amberette fossil restoration site 00

Running into the building Naruto and the others saw it was partially fine save for a few holes in the walls and some rooms were a mess as the head researcher scramble around

"Michael what happened here?!" Naruto said running in seeing the head researcher turn to Naruto before running towards him

"Naruto thank goodness you're here we need your help!" he said making the boy raise an eyebrow

"First calm down your breathing is erratic" he said getting a nod as he took a deep breath before exhaling

"Now what's going on? What caused all of this?" Naruto said getting the short story

"We were improving our device that allowed for fossil restoration and during the time this group in red suits came in and started taking fossils, research notes and were close to taking our device before we got them to run off after they took some of my researchers in the process" He said making Naruto narrow his eyes

'Naruto that's the group who put that device on me in Lumios City and made me go on a rampage!' Zorin said making him go wide eyed at the reminder

"Do you know where they went?" He said getting a nod from the man

"Yes they went to the Glittering Cave on route 9 although I don't understand why it's a deep cave where we find the fossils" He said confused

"It might have something to do with the researchers?" Naruto said getting a confused glance from the others

"What makes you say that Naruto?" Iris asked getting a shrug

"I don't know but it makes the most sense in a way because the researches know what's down there, and by extension they could get as many fossils as they can get their hands on for whatever they're planning" Naruto said getting a nod from the others

"But what?" Serena asked getting a shrug from the others

"We won't know until we get the researchers out of there and stop this group" Kushina said getting a nod from the others as they ran out the building hearing Michael give his thanks

00 Glittering Cave 00

"So Naruto you've been here before you know how deep this cave goes?" Iris asked getting a sigh as they walked through the mouth of the cave

"It's been a while since I've been here but I believe there is at least two floors and no other exit besides the one behind us" Naruto said crouching down before his eyes gave off a light blue glow like his body did before it expanded outwards

'His control over his aura has grown I can feel it even in the depths of the cave' Kushina thought to Iris and the others who mentally nodded

'Yes he has improved since he first started learning with his Lucario Kagutsuchi.' Skyla thought in addition as they made waited for Naruto

As he stood up he said "Well we can expect to deal with at least nineteen people down there and ten of them are the group that took them"

"How do you know?" Viola asked getting a contemplative look from Naruto

"I know because I used aura to kinda do what a the bat Pokémon do to bounce my aura around the cave saturating it in the cave to further perform the echolocation to reach further down in the cave to expand the field of my sight to show me the people and Pokémon down there" Naruto said as Viola and Serena had question marks over they're heads

"I used my aura to see where they are and how many there are" Naruto simplified getting a nod from the others

"So what is the plan Naruto?" Viola asked as they walked further into the cave

Reaching the way to the lower floor Naruto said "Well there are eight of us and nine of them so it's easier if we take out the groups in pairs and corner the last one and get some answers"

"So who goes with who?" Ash stated as they all looked between each other waiting for someone to speak up

"How about we do it like this. Group one will be Ash and Viola, Group two will be Iris and Skyla, Group three will be Serena and Elesa while the last group is me and Naruto…does that work out for everyone?" Kushina said getting a nod from everyone while Skyla and Elesa shot her a subtle glare which she returned with a smug grin

"Alright let's get a move on and stop these guys" Ash said getting a nod from the others as they ran to the second floor

'Oh you did that on purpose didn't you?!' Skyla said to Kushina mentally getting a fake hurt expression

'Why I don't know what you're talking about and I'm hurt you would think I'd do such a thing now if you will excuse us my Naruto and I are going to deal with a couple of upstarts' She responded as Naruto and Kushina reached the lower floor ignoring the heated words from Skyla and Elesa

00 Glittering Cave lower floor 00

"So Naruto any ideas on how to proceed?" Kushina asked grabbing a pokeball from her belt like Naruto did

"I was going to suggest we attract one of us get's they're attention while the other gets the researchers to the upper floor and come back down to help out" He said getting a nod from her

"When I get they're attention I want you to wait a moment until they're focused on me. After that happens that's your cue to sneak them past those goons" He said as she nodded watching Naruto walk out

"Yo freaks in red ain't it a bit early for Halloween?" Naruto said out loud getting the two red goons to turn to him

"What did you say!?" The man in the group said getting a snort

"Hehe sorry I guess those outfits are so loud you lost your hearing I mean really red leather and red hair? I may have no sense of style but at least I dress better than that" Naruto said with a grin getting a glare from the two behind they're glasses as Naruto peaked from the side of his glasses seeing Kushina walk along the side of a moving cart being pushed by a researcher who she gave the signal to be silent

"Look lets be serious how about you wanna be villains get out of here before things get nasty. I'm sure my friends have already dealt with a bulk of your no named group" Naruto said seeing smoke come from they're ears

"We're team flare not some no named group you snot nosed brat!" the girl said getting an uninterested nod from Naruto

"Right right team fail I'm sorry I'll remember it for later" Naruto said getting a glare from the two

"TEAM FLARE!" the two yelled in synchrony as Naruto yawned seeing the researchers that they were guarding follow Kushina as they ducked behind another cart filled with fossils as they walked past them

"Team dare" Naruto said uninterestedly with a blank expression as the two tossed out they're Pokémon


Type: Dark/Fighting

Lv: 34

Gender: Male


Type: Poison/Fighting

Lv: 36

Gender: Female

"Let's show this upstart!" The owner of Pangoro said as the two fighting types roared in agreement

"Integra show them what's what" Naruto said tossing Integra's pokeball

"Integra" Quilladin

Type: Grass

Lv: 30

Gender: Female

"Integra we're buying the others time so stall as long as you can and start things off by hitting them both with Arial Ace!" he said as she nodded streaking through the air striking the two

"Don't just take that! Croagunk use Venoshock!" It's owner said

"Help her out with Sludge Bomb!" Pangoro's owner commanded as the two shot out a series of poisonous attacks

"Send those back with Psychic Grumpig!" They heard seeing the attacks stop short of hitting Integra as the two attacks were shot back at the owners making them fly back

Turning to the voice he and Integra turned to see Kushina and her Grumpig run until they were next to them


Type: Psychic

Lv: 34

Gender: male

"Did you get everyone out of there?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Kushina

"Yeah I did and I saw Skyla and the others get the rest out of here before they came back in. I'm slightly surprised though you're usually quick with these things" she said curious

"Yeah but I also know you like to get some action in as well" He said before his eyes widened

"Integra quick use Power up Punch on Pangoro and send it back!" He said as she nodded smashing her fist into Pangoro's stomach making it slid back

"Grumpig use Psyshock on Croagunk!" Kushina said as the pig shot a psychic wave at the poison type making it cry out as it crashed into Pangoro as the two passed out

Calling they're Pokémon back the two ran out of the cave when Ash and the others came to them

"Did you guys get everyone out of here?" Naruto asked getting a nod when they heard clapping making them turn

Clapping her hands was a woman wearing a white suit and skirt with red leggings with white heels while the shirt under the suit jacket was white the tie was red as she wore a pair of red sunglasses

"I must say for you all to get rid of my team I'm honestly surprised to say the least" she said putting them all on edge

"Who are you and what was the purpose of coming down here!" Ash demanded getting a fake laugh from the woman

"Quite the mouth on you boy but I don't have time to waste on children but if you're curious on what our purpose was for being down here it's for the purpose of recreating the events of 3,000 years ago" She said before tossing down a flash grenade

As the light faded no longer obscuring they're view her voice echoed before fading "And nobody will stop us from achieving our goal!"

"Guh she got away and what do they mean recreating the events of 3,000 years ago" Viola asked getting a sigh from the others as they shrugged

"I don't know at the moment but for now let's head back up and check on everyone at the research facility" Naruto said getting a nod from the others as they made they're Pokémon return to their balls before heading out

00 Amberette Fossil research site 00

"Oh thank you all so much for getting them back safe and sound" Michael said with an appreciative air about him

"No problem Michael I just wish we could have gotten the fossils they excavated from the cave do any of you know what that woman meant by recreating the events of 3,000 years ago?" Naruto asked getting a negative

"Oh Naruto did you come down here to get those fossils restored?" Michael asked getting a nod from the red head

"Yeah but after all the hectic events that transpired I feel it would be best to put that on hold until tomorrow" Naruto said getting an appreciative nod from the others

"We can start today and be finished by tomorrow afternoon if that's fine with you Naruto?" Michael said getting a nod from Naruto

"That's perfect see you then Michael" Naruto said waving as he and the others walked out of the facility

00 Pokémon Center 00

"Alright everyone dinners ready" Naruto said putting everyone's Pokémon food down for them to eat while everyone else at some sandwiches and soup Naruto made

"I forgot how good of a cook you were bro" Skyla said with a grin finishing her fourth sandwich and second bowl of soup as the others nodded

"So Naruto how many badges do you and Ash have so far?" Elesa asked as the two pulled out they're cases showing they have Viola's badge

"Naruto and I both have only Viola's badge we train a bit along the way practicing and trying to make our Pokémon stronger to fight the gym leaders we'll be facing Grant next in two days after Naruto revives the fossils" Ash said getting a nod from the three women

"That is our brother's style work his Pokémon over getting them to improve and make them grow stronger I bet by the time you all get to the sixth gym all of your Pokémon will be fully evolved or at the least nearly all of them" Elesa said as Naruto chuckled sheepishly

"Hey Naruto I remember you saying yesterday you were going to go ahead of us after the second gym you still going to?" Serena said getting a nod from him

"Yeah Ash and I are both intending to go all the way to the league after all but we can't really make it a challenge if the two of us know every Pokémon the other has if we're there every step besides I have a lot of side trips to make and Pokémon I want to catch" Naruto said getting a grin from Ash

"So you're going to make this a challenge for the both of us so I don't know what you'll have and you won't know what I have" Ash said getting a nod as the two bumped fists

"Well if you are going solo for a bit Naruto why don't we join you?" Kushina said stoically getting a curious expression

"But don't you have your circuit as a coordinator and Elesa and Skyla have their jobs as Gym leaders to focus on" Naruto said getting a shake of the head from the three

"Nah I'm on a small break from my coordinator career" Kushina said getting a nod from her son

"And the Gyms all over Unova are being maintained for upkeep due to some small problems that's going to take the entire league so we're free since my plane is under some very much needed repairs and Elesa is on a much needed reprieve from her fashion shoots" Skyla explained getting a shocked look

"What happened to your plane?!" Naruto said worried his sister got hurt some time ago

"Nothing to worry about little bro it's just the girl needed to get some new parts to replace the old ones and getting the parts alone is going to take some time and the fixing will take the rest of the time as well" Skyla said getting a sigh from her brother

"At least nothing horrible happened" Naruto said getting a nod from the others before Yawned

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm going to call it a night folks see you in the morning" Naruto said wishing the other good night before heading to the room he got from nurse joy as the others went to they're rooms

00 Naruto's room 00

'You did smell that scent again didn't you Naruto?' Chrys said through they're connection getting a nod from Naruto as he laid in his bed

'Yeah I did do you think they're the same as Iris and possibly Serena?' He said getting a nod from the others in they're balls

'I have no doubt that they and possibly every other woman you know are legendaries…It just makes me wonder why take human form and not interact with you as they're original forms' Chrys said getting a shrug from the others

'I don't know but for now I'm exhausted and I can use some sleep…see you girls in the morning' Naruto said getting a friendly exchange from the others

About to close his eyes he heard a knock on his door making him get from under his sheets wearing a pair of sweatpants scratching his head as he opened his door to see Skyla wearing an oversized shirt with her hair down

Elesa on the other hand wore a pair of yellow boy shorts and tank top with her hair undone

"wha…Skyla, Elesa what are you two doing up?" He asked yawning as the two fidgeted

"We were wondering if we can sleep with you" Skyla said making him raise an eyebrow

"It's been a while since we've last slept with you and its kinda hard sleeping as is" Elesa explained getting a blank expression from their younger brother

"…Fine you can sleep with me tonight" Naruto said letting out a long yawn before he turned back to the bed and took his space back in the middle while Elesa took his right side nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck

Skyla took the left doing the same with his left side before the two took an arm and placed them between their breasts while their legs became a tangled mess

"Night Naruto" Skyla said squeezing tighter as Elesa said the same letting sleep claim them

Hyoton: Well it seems Team Flare has made its appearance and gave a hint of what's been going and it has some purpose involving the fossils what it could be but I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we?

Anyways I'll be updating the following stories in this order: Prince of Sound, Red Dawn, Chaos and Order which after I'll be doing two new stories that have been on my mind for some time and then I'll do a series of other story updates as well.