Chapter 1: The changing of worlds

Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny, just enjoying just being with her. Every so often they would chat for a bit, but it never lasted because they were so caught up with just being together. Harry was also thinking of what he had been dreaming of every night for the past week. Harry thought he should tell Ginny about it because it might concern her as well.

"Ginny." He started turning to look at her as she did the same." I need to tell you something really important. Try not to laugh or freak out ok."

"Sure Harry, what is it." She said sweetly to the boy she loved with all her heart.

"I've been having this strange dream every night for about a week. We are standing on a castle wall looking over a city. We're still in England but it looks like its five hundred years back. Then everything goes black and I hear this voice giving me a choice. It says that the 'assassins need our help and then it asks will you stay or will you train and help them on their mission. Does that sound weird or something to you?" Harry told her sheepishly

"Well Harry it might be real. Maybe you can go help the 'Assassins' with their mission. Have you told any of this to professor Dumbledore yet?"She asked him.

Harry blushed slightly, being embarrassed by not thinking of telling any of this to Dumbledore."No, I hadn't really thought of that." He answered her." Also every time I have the dream it says I've only got a number of weeks left. What do I do?" he asked her almost pleadingly.

"Well I think the first thing we should do it tell Dumbledore about it."She answered him standing up.

"Sure thing Ginny." He said also getting up. While he was getting up he flicked his wrist which Ginny noticed and several things happened at once. Harry and her had a cloak appear over their shoulders, the portrait swung open and a staff appeared in Harry's hand."Ginny have you noticed I haven't carried my wand with me these past few days. Well this is why." He finished gesturing to the staff in his hand."I'll explain everything once we are with Dumbledore ok."

"Ok Harry." She replied stunned holding out her hand for him to take. Noticing this Harry took her hand and together they started to walk towards the headmaster's office. Harry remembered what it was today. It was three weeks after they had defeated Voldemort. Everyone was happy and joyful. Even the castle seemed livelier. Harry had graduated a year ago while Ginny had only graduated last month. It was the summer and Harry and the rest of the weasly family had been granted special permission to stay in the castle over the summer. Fred and George were probably setting pranks in the Slytherin common room for when they came back to school on September the first. Bill, Charlie and Ron were walking around the castle somewhere and Arthur was working at the Ministry after being promoted to Minister and his wife Molly was helping him get settled in. The walk to the headmaster's office was short but tense. When they got there Ginny realized that they didn't know the password."Harry we don't know the password. Should we just wait and see if he comes out?" she asked looking at him.

"I don't think we have to Gin. Let me try something." He told her walking up to the gargoyle and slowly putting his left hand on its head. When he took his hand off the gargoyles head and stepped back it jumped out of the way revealing a spiral staircase."Find out something new every day, hey Gin." He said taking her hand again and leading her up the spiral staircase. She was too shocked to speak. Not only could her boyfriend apparently do wandless magic but also go anywhere without any of the portraits passwords.

When they reached the top of the staircase Harry tensed up for a moment before he was going to knock on the door. As he was going to knock the door opened and Professor Dumbledore was the one who opened it. As he saw them he was slightly shocked at how they had gotten up here." Harry, Ginny. May I ask why you are here and how you happened to get past the gargoyle without the password?"He asked them stepping out of the way so they could get into his office. Once they were inside and seated Dumbledore closed the door and walked to his desk and sat behind." What is it you wanted to talk with me about Harry?"

"Sir I've been having these sorts of visions for the past two weeks. They say that I need to help the Assassins with their mission and if you'd look above your head you'd notice I can do wandless magic." Harry said pointing above his head. Ginny was trying not to laugh at what Harry was doing. Above Professor Dumbledore were several floating objects and they were spinning around his head making him a little dizzy.

"Harry I would've like to keep this from you a little longer. I have kept a secret from you since you came to Hogwarts. Please follow me" he said standing up and walking to his door. Before he opened the door he muttered an incantation that Harry and Ginny couldn't hear. When Dumbledore opened the door he walked through and what they saw shocked them. They were min this type of Chapel and there were dozens of people in white robes with hoods covering their faces. Dumbledore walked to the front where there was a podium and a man. The man was wearing a white hoodie, black jeans and a sling over the shoulder backpack. Harry and Ginny walked in following Dumbledore to the front. When Dumbledore reached the front he turned around and the other man introduced himself.

"Harry Potter, I am Desmond Miles and you are an Assassin. Welcome to the Brotherhood." Desmond said in a tone Harry couldn't quite place.