Characters aren't mine. I've taken the liberties I wanted for the storyline, but the characters belong to Showcase and Lost Girl.

Set post season 3 but not necessarily a re-write of season 4. Just a fun story about the gang that isn't directly related to the show. Hopefully presenting as S1-3 Kenzi, S3/4 Vex and Lauren and S2 Bo. I'm not sure which season I'm pulling Dyson from yet but it will get there. Rated T for now but will most likely be M. Not decided yet on which pairing is the central pairing, but for now Bo/Lauren will develop but I am also considering Lauren/Morrigan and Kenzi/Hale.

R&R appreciated

Chapter 1

"Bo-Bo? Bolicious? BO?"

The young Russian walked into the clubhouse with Vex in tow. After receiving a rather ominous text from her BFF Kenzi scrambled home quickly with no choice but to let Vex tag along.


"I'm right here Kenz…calm down."

Bo descended the stairs with her phone up to her ear seemingly finishing a call. Kenzi glared at her friend with her hand on her hip and what can only considered to be a pout on her face. She held up her phone. "What is the deal with the 911? Are we out of booze or something?"

"Dyson is missing."

At hearing this the Mesmer couldn't help himself. "Hahaha that's the emergency? Wolf boy probably just needed a few days to blow off some steam or what have you. If he turned up dead, now that would be an emergency." Vex went to reach for a cookie on the counter but Bo reached out and grabbed his hand stopping him from reaching his goal.

"It is an emergency. Dyson hasn't been at work for three days, his loft is abandoned and Hale can't track him down. I know Dyson…he wouldn't just disappear without telling anyone where he was going."

"Oh you mean like he did a few years ago? You know your random attacks of amnesia have impeccable timing." Vex stated with a smile at the Succubus. Kenzi rolled her eyes at the pair. "Ok chica slow down. How do we know for sure he's missing and not just out on a job or something for the Ash?"

"Because even the Ash doesn't know where he is."

The trio turned to the doorway where Lauren stood, trying very hard not to look at Bo knowing if she did, her external resolve would crumble. She breezed into the clubhouse with her laptop and a couple of files in her bag. She set everything down on the table and let the computer warm up while she pulled out the files. Bo walked over to where Lauren was setting up and gave her a soft smile.

"Thank you for coming."

Lauren looked up at Bo's tone of voice and gave her a forced smile and a small nod. "Of course. Always."

"Well just with you being free and all, I wasn't sure you'd be willing to help with…you know…so soon." Bo sighed. Since the explosion at Taft's and the dissemination of the Light Fae leadership, Lauren was practically a fugitive. It had surprised everyone though when no-one came after Lauren and in the months since they've all realized she wasn't in any real danger from either side. Maybe the Fae realized what an asset she was to their kind or maybe she just didn't register on the radar, but either way she'd pretty much been hiding out between the Light compound, the Dhal and the clubhouse just to be safe.

"Dyson's family. I've saved him before I'd do it again. Besides, you have more at stake here than I do right?" Lauren gave Bo a sympathetic look. So much had happened in the three months since Taft's and a lot had changed for her. Most recently, the discovery of Bo's blood choosing the Dark and Bo, in her usual way refusing to bend to the rules, has barely managed to stay out of the spotlight and from getting herself killed. Lauren being Lauren did what she could to help the situation, but like everything in life, nothing is free. She sighed to herself as she thought about what she'd done to help ensure Bo's safety. She didn't know if she was more concerned about what she did or Bo finding out that she did it.


"Why Dr. Lewis, what a pleasant surprise. I heard a lot of people were looking for you and it must be my lucky day for you to show up on my doorstep."

The Morrigan smiled an evil smile at Lauren who walked into the massive office and towards the desk that the Dark Fae leader was currently seated at.

"I want to make a deal."

The Morrigan raising a thinly sculpted eyebrow was the only indication to the Doctor that she was listening and to continue.

"My services in exchange for protection."

The Morrigan smiled as she stood. She stalked around the desk and came to rest on the other side facing the human. She shook her head. "Sweetie, you must have bumped your pretty little head on the way in. If I wanted your services, I'd have them already." Lauren did her best to hide her huff and not roll her eyes, although she doubted she was successful by the way the Morrigan was smiling. The Doctor took a step forward, "Until recently you know that you couldn't have asked be-"

"Yes because of you little situation with the Light and the Ash. Which if I understand has been, well, shall we say, resolved. So why come to me willingly? The chase is always half the fun..." She winked at the Doctor as she sent her another smile goading her to reveal all her cards. Lauren sighed and squared her shoulders to the Dark Fae. "With all the chaos going on, and with the Una Mens around I don't know what is going to happen and with the Light not having a leader right now, the smart move is to align myself with the Dark."

The Morrigan squinted her eyes as if trying to figure out if her explanation was pure. "You know I would almost believe you if I didn't know your ace in the hold is the Succubitch." Lauren flinched ever so slightly and the Morrigan knew she'd hit the right nerve. "If you join the Dark you have full access to her and can protect her. So by protecting you we are vicariously protecting her even though she refuses to acknowledge her fealty. Well played Doctor. I'm impressed." The Morrigan stood and moved to walk back around her desk. She sat down once again in her chair and looked up at Lauren with curiosity.

"So what exactly are we talking about here? You know the Dark don't exactly play nice with just anyone."

"Well I was hoping we could work out some sort of employment deal. I'll do work for you in exchange for protection for both myself and Bo."

The Morrigan pursed her lips. She pulled open the top drawer of her desk and reached in. "I'm nothing but a reasonable business woman, so here are my terms. You do a few shall we say special projects for me and keep SuccuBo off the grid and we have a deal."

Lauren gave the Morrigan an amused smile. "I won't sign anything."

"I'm not asking you to. I trust you are a woman of her word and I believe you have Bo's best intentions at heart. Keep the bitch on a leash and we won't have any problems. Here, this is the key to the Dark medical and testing facilities. It will give you full access as well as access to the archives for whatever research you'd like to do." The Morrigan extended her hand with the key card out towards the Doctor who was looking at her skeptically. Lauren reached out and put her hand over the Morrigan's as she reached for the key. "I still don't trust you."

The Morrigan smiled at the contact. "I wouldn't respect you if you did. Look, I know you think I'm the root of all evil but trust me honey, you only know half of the bedtime story. You are an intelligent, amazing woman. Own it girlfriend."

Lauren took the key and gave the Morrigan a small smile. She turned to leave but not before the Morrigan spoke again. "And Doctor…if we're going to be working together call me Evony. Oh and one more thing, I'm going to send one of my people to help you move and they'll drop in from time to time you know…just to make sure you don't need help wrangling in our favorite unaligned Dark Fae."

Lauren turned around. "Move? And do you really think I need a babysitter?"

"If you're going to be working for the Dark we need to get you out of that shit hole the Ash had you in. And don't worry about Tamsin, she's harmless really, just something for her to do to keep her out of my hair." Lauren rolled her eyes at Evony's comment but didn't say anything. She gave her a small smile and walked out of the office hoping against hope that she hadn't sealed the fate for her and Bo by striking a deal with the devil.


"Ok here are the files Dyson was last working on before he went missing. Most of them are human cases, but this one here, this was definitely Fae and it looks like he got a lead." Lauren pointed at the computer and Bo peered over her shoulder at the screen. Kenzi hopped up on the table and grabbed the corresponding file and flipped it open. "What is a Rougaru?"

"Mythical wolf creature said to be found in France and some parts of the southerm US. The myth of the Rougarou in France spread to the United States as the French settled in the areas and brought their folklore and beliefs with them. According to legend, the Rougarou is a creature that has the body of a human with the head of a dog or wolf. It was believed that a person would be cursed to be a Werewolf had they broken a serious commitment or would turn into one just by staring at it." Everyone looked at Lauren with confusion and surprise.

"But how can Dyson turn into a Werewolf if he already is a wolf?" Bo's eyebrows were knotted together in confusion as she tried to process the information. She looked at Lauren for answers she didn't know if she held. Lauren shrugged her shoulders and shook her head subtly letting her know she didn't know the answer. Bo sighed.

"So let me get this straight…D-man went out hunting one of his crazy cousins and this is why we're concerned? It's Dyson people. He's like the alpha wolf man or whatever they're called." Kenzi jumped down from her perch with a look of relief and went to grab a drink from the industrial fridge in the kitchen. "I don't know Kenz…something about this feels off. Why wouldn't he tell anyone where he was going?"

"Maybe he went after one of the Originals." Vex leaned over the couch from where he had taken up residency with amusement on his face. Sighing exasperatedly and rolling his eyes he continued, "the Originals are the oldest sect of Lycans. Believed to be the only ones who can truly walk among the humans without a trace. Bedtime stories and Hollywood movies are made about them, don't you people ever go outside?"

"Why would Dyson go after one of the Originals?" Bo asked with some frustration as she made her way over to Vex and stood over him. He looked up at her with a smile. "Because love, they are the only ones who can life the curse. Even mangy dogs aren't immune to the Rougaru's curse and with him being a wolf by nature he could end up like one of them…permanently."

Bo had a look of shock on her face as she turned to the two humans. She didn't know what to do and with limited resources she wasn't sure how to help him. Sensing her frustration Lauren stepped forward, "Bo we'll do whatever we can to help him. It appears he was headed to France so we'll start there."

Bo shook her head. "It's not safe for you to travel right now Lauren, we still don't know if anyone is still after you. Kenzi, pack your bags."

"YES! Land of the free and home of the fashionable here I come!" Kenzi gave Bo a high five and ran upstairs to start packing. Bo walked over to Lauren and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Lauren, we'll be fine. Thank you, really for helping."

"Bo I-"

"And we're going to need your help from basecamp. We don't know anything about this Rougaru thing and we'll need to know everything we can just in case it's the thing Dyson went after." Lauren turned to Bo and put her hands on her shoulders.

"Bo, I can go with you. It's fine. I'm not in any danger and neither are you."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Lauren sighed. Looks like that talk was going to happen sooner than she'd hoped.

"Bo, we need to talk…"