I smiled, overlooking the rules that Haruka had left me. No talking. No eating. No gum. No texting. No emailing. No phones in general. I couldn't help but laugh at her obvious back tracking and the pointlessness of rules four and five. But nevertheless, I re-read on to the bottom of the page and concluded that all I had to do was the exact same thing I did last time when I filled in for Haruka. Though I would probably be the most miserable person here, considering I had to cancel my after school date with Natsuki-chan to do Haruka this favor.

I checked the clock once more and sighed – two minutes to four. I didn't know how many people would be coming to this detention, but by how stressed Haruka regularly looks I could guess it's a hefty amount. Or maybe I'll get lucky, no one will come and I'll be able to meet my Natsuki after all. As I finished my thought, I could hear steps flowing down the hall. So much for that.

As the door opened, I saw a wave of blue hair flow in first. I smirked as my girlfriend came striding into the room, holding her bag behind her back. Following that hair was a face of absolute boredom and ignorance. I straightened up and followed her closely with my eyes as she did exactly what I expected her to do when she sat in the front row. I couldn't help but smile a bit as her glowing emerald eyes landed me, looking as bored at ever, "Welcome. Detention starts at four and ends at 6. I'm sure you're aware of the rules so let's get through this as painlessly as possible, Miss Kuga." I said, looking directly at her. She hn'd in return.

I looked down at the desk and picked up the reports Yukino had asked me to read. The first was a very detailed explanation about the suggestion box within the school, why it was necessary and how it gave the students a gateway to speak to the student council without having to talk to us face to face. I understand that it can be intimidating. Since my father was convicted last week, someone had been saying that I was now kumicho of a powerful, international gang of highly specialized yakuza.

It was amusing. The only contact I had with yakuza was with Tate. And he wasn't even yakuza anymore. After his mini vacation in Osaka I hired him as the head of security in my father's building. I had him pick out anyone in the building who looked vaguely familiar, all of whom I fired and then, with his permission on who was from which gang, reported them to the police. I allowed him to protect the old brothers he had when he ran his own ring, but I trusted him when he told me they were hard workers and couldn't cause any problems.

After my father was convicted all his money and assets came to my knowledge through a series of letters and emails from several banks. Turns out, my father had much of our money in the form of dollars, settled in multiple banks across America to the sum of around $176,354,896.59. All of which I immediately moved to much more secure banks in Sweden. Plus the several million dollars he kept in the form of yen here in Japan... I'm quite rich now. And yes, 'Zuru has a shiny new car.

My uncle was released after his testimony against my father. I fired the executives my father had left in charge and allowed my uncle to hire new ones. He was the one that was going to run Fujino CORP in my absence; until I graduate university, that is. Though I think most of the changes came from Natsuki. She's been my girlfriend for over 3 months now and I don't think my life has ever been so filled with happiness and fun. When she takes me out, I'm allowed to be myself. My high school, fun-loving, non-presidential self.

The large dinners prepared by Mai-san had become routine, planned and executed every two weeks. The cooks that made me food all other times were hired especially on that night and were under the strict supervision of Mai. She ran the kitchen beautifully, orders and demands flowing from her in a way that made me fear, but respect her. I was semi-interested in seeing if I could hire her as my chef, but I knew there was more in store for her. I think she's planning on attending culinary school in France, all on scholarship. I can't wait until she opens her first restaurant... I know this summer her family was planning to send for her so that she could visit her brother in America now that he was finishing his recovery.

Nao had somehow become… a lucky charm of sorts. Apparently when Nina was trying her hand at trading stocks, Nao pointed to something on the screen. Nina invested and sold after a spike. They shared the profits. Nao now had enough to finance their first trip Europe, set for France for a 3 month stay in Paris. How much money she actually made that night, I have no idea, but she was increasingly happy about it. I don't think I've seen Nao without Nina beside her; well, other than school, but even then the red head didn't have time to talk about anything else. Those two were so pathetically in love.


My attention was drawn upwards towards my girlfriend. Kuga was looking right back at me with those eyes; that same look of boredom and ignorance. But her eyes were so bright, so seemingly full of passion and life, how I still manage to become captivated by them after all this time is a mystery to me. I straightened my look and spoke to her again, "Kuga-san. I know that you know that chewing gum in detention is against the rules. I must ask you to throw it out immediately." I said, clearly and evenly. She gave me a lopsided smirk and blew another bubble, letting it pop loudly. I raised my brows at her, "My Natsuki-chan isn't in detention, is she?"

"Nope." she answered. Of course not, she was wearing the blazer and skirt correctly. She hadn't been absent much lately either, since, as she put it, school was more fun when she has a hot chick to stare at all day. I looked at her pointedly, noticing her skirt was much too short and the first couple buttons of her shirt were undone. "Actually," she said, noticing my staring, "Haruka told me to let you know that there is no one scheduled for detention today." she explained.

"...Then why have I been sitting here doing work instead of going home with you?" I asked her. Honestly, we could have been back at my house by now, eating, or watching TV, or making out…

She stood from her desk and came around to the side of my desk, glancing at the papers on my desk and then smiling down at me, "Because, Nao gave this suggestion a few months ago and I've really been wanting to try it out." she spoke, sitting on top of my desk.

I stood slowly, standing in front of her as she held back her eager smile. She took hold of my blazer and pulled me forward between her legs and kissed me. Thank you, Nao-san. I kissed her back quickly, loving the feeling of her lips against mine. Unable to stop myself, my hands slip down as I let my fingers glide up her legs and over her bare thighs.

Natsuki shivered under my touch. I wondered if it was a coincidence that Haruka had been busy today and had been unable to watch over this detention. Whatever happened to make this perfect moment a reality, I hope it happened every day from now on. I continued to work on her shirt, unbuttoning the buttons with ease, feeling her lean forward. She wanted me to touch her. Touch her I shall.

I let the last button of her shirt slip out of its holding on its own and then leaned down, attacking her neck with sweet and gentle kisses. She tilted her head up, her hands on my elbows, pulling them in and closer to her. She was getting impatient. My hands groped forward, landing on her sides. I held her in place, my hands on her firm, while my lips traced the lines of her neck and her collarbone with ease. I loved how her need for me made me need her. I was making her melt in my hand, like the sweetest of chocolates, and it tasted immaculate.

I couldn't wait for the chocolate to melt, though. I licked my lips and bit into the lush dessert, slightly surprised when it gasped and whispered my name. My eyes snapped open, suddenly aware that I had Natsuki Kuga pinned between me and my desk, that I was holding her in place with her shirt open. I don't know why all this information was streaming into my brain at once. I didn't want it to. I wanted to breeze over all this information like directions on a test that you've taken all year. You know what to do, and you do it. I knew I wanted her. Every bone in my body was screaming for her, my thoughts were in a fist fight with each other. My own brain swelled and pained the inside of my skull. Why am I thinking so much?

"'Zuru..." she moaned, almost frustrated. My mind was wiped clean within a second. No more thoughts. All I was waiting for now was something to continue the moment. She answered my silent plea immediately, "please..." she whispered.

Thinking done; action now.

My mouth was upon her neck again: kissing, licking, biting, sucking. My inhabitations flew through the wind with the force of a hurricane. She wasn't even touching me and yet I felt everything and everything. My skin was crawling with need. It burned with the heat coming off of her. My hands moved from her sides and now I was pulling her closer to me, almost lifting her off my desk her one of my hands. She lifted her hips for me and ground them against me, making me groan against her neck at the friction. That feeling… I wanted more. Her bra was unclasped now; did I do that? I don't think so. It was her doing. Her whispering and gasping, directly into my ear as her head rested on my shoulder. She was the one doing all this. She seduced me. I was slave to her desires.

knock knock knock

For a moment, we froze. In another moment, I was heading to the door and she was sitting at a table in front of my desk – instead of on it – re-buttoning her shirt. I wonder if she redid her bra (I hope not). I unlocked the door and opened it, smiling at Yukino as she stood here, "Ah, Yukino-san. Working late again, are we?" I asked politely.

The girl smiled guiltily and nodded, handing me a couple papers, "Thank you for doing this for Haruka again. She knows how much you used to hate staying here." she said, smiling back at me with sad eyes.

I didn't like the sadness in her eyes. I hated it, actually. I could see what it really was: pity. I wasn't angry at her for it though. It was indeed hard when my father was convicted to life in jail plus 75 years, but it was for the best. For everyone. I smiled at her again, accepting the papers, "You should head on home, Yukino-san. I know I'm not the only one that dislikes this school's detention room."

The girl nodded and turned, leaving me in the doorway. Did she find it strange that I answered the door myself instead of inviting her in like last time? Probably not. She didn't know what was going on. She had no reason to be suspicious. She was just doing her job.

Closing the door in front of me, I placed the papers on the nearest desk and turned back around. Natsuki was here, sitting on my desk once again, but this time facing me. She'd re-opened her shirt and abandoned her bra as it lay lifeless next to her. Her eyes were bright in the dimness of the room, watching me, raking over my own form in my uniform and clouding over, making her own vision hazy with lust. The dusk of the evening casted shadows over her with grace. Her eyes shone brighter, even though they were clouded with want and need. Her skin looked pinker then it really was, the blush on her face was bright red, and her nipples poked out from her open shirt, erect and hard, awaiting my return. Her breasts were larger then they looked under her clothing. My mouth ran dry at the sight. Instead I felt the moisture gather between my thighs.

I crossed the room in a second, my hands on her legs and my lips on hers. We kissed hungrily, each seemingly trying to devour the other. I broke the kiss and leaned back, watching her lick her lips (so sexy), "Shall we continue?" I asked. I didn't wait for her reply as I dipped my head down and let my lips envelop her nipple, moving it this way and that with my tongue and sucking on it generously as my hand attached itself to her other breast, massaging and pinching.

Her back arched and her head lulled back, her shoulders falling as she held herself up on the desk. "Yes…" she breathed, the word falling from her lips without any effort. She didn't have the strength to use her voice. Her voice died from the room and was replaced by the sounds of her gasps and whispers, but I heard it ringing within my ears long after it was gone. She was mine. This delicious dessert was mine to taste and mine alone. I'd let her seduce me within this room and I was going to take her within this room.

I raised my head for a moment, making her glance at me warily. I kissed her neck again and pressed my fingers to the front of her panties. She was already soaking through her panties, and when I rubbed her there she moaned deep in her throat. I pushed back the need to make her mine right fucking now and instead smirked at her, "My Natsuki, I need to you to do something for me." I whispered to her.

I pressed my fingers against her more and moved them faster. She responded by holding onto my arm and moaning loudly. I whispered to her again, "When I'm done with you, I need you to put me on one of those tables in the middle of the room. And I need you to fuck me." I told her. I quickly pulled down her panties to her ankles and dropped to one knee in front of her, looking up expectantly. She got the hint and slid to the front of table, already twitching with excitement. I wanted to taste my chocolate.

Pushing her legs apart, I leaned in and licked her, tasting her juices as they flowed over my tongue. I heard her almost silent gasp and quickly started lapping at her, dipping my tongue inside her before taking my tongue up to where I knew she needed me most. I licked her clit slowly, hearing her gasp turn to low moans as I swirled my tongue in circles. She uttered a string of curses as her hands tangled themselves in my hair and her hips twitching forward slightly, urging me on. I kept on licking her before I slipped my fingers inside of her and started fucking her, kept licking; gently sucking on her clit.

Her loud moans were all the encouragement I needed to make sure she never forgets how much she really needs me.

The next hour and a half was spent in a variety of places around the room (desk, tables, window ledge, so on). I remember the first time that Natsuki-chan and I had made love, as well as every single time after that, but none had been like this. To say that Natsuki was making me more adventurous is a gross understatement. My life with her as it is now would have been only a fantasy of mine before that day I filled in with Haruka and became fascinated with a certain blue-haired delinquent that didn't even know my name.

Now I share the same friends with her, people who are undeniably fun and unconventionally warm. The only group of people I know who readily accept misfits and control freaks and criminals with open arms and warm hearts. These past few months were the most turbulent and terrible and just plain shitty of my life. At the same time though, it was the most fun and beautiful and fulfilling time of my life.

Now sitting here in my own home, laying in bed with a beautiful girlfriend holding me as we both watched the news. The reporter was telling the tale about the downfall of one of the most powerful men in the country. Some people still held my father in high regard and romanticized his arrest, though there are more that will most likely spit on his grave once he passes. Once the story started focusing on me, Natsuki's image was on the screen just as much as mine. Partly because the public was fascinated with the girl that turned a proper young lady into a downright lesbian. But mostly because I couldn't stand to have her away from me for too long. I'd become addicted to her presence and how happy she made me.

The girl laying behind me tightened her hold on my waist and kissed the back of my neck, "You ready for dinner, 'Zuru?" she asked.

"Ara... not particularly. Is my Natsuki-chan hungry?" I asked her.

I felt her shrug, "I'm kinda hungry, not ready for a full meal though."

I ran my hand over hers and laced our fingers together. Turning my head, I kissed her lips softly, smiling at her, "Let's go get some ice cream." I told her. Her emerald eyes sparkled with happiness as her lips turned upward in a wide smile. I couldn't help but kiss her again, "You know I love you, right, my Nat-su-ki-chan?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "Duh, I'm fucking awesome." she told me with a wink. Then she sat up and pulled me up as well, holding our connected hand in front of us, "So when we get married, can we buy that ice cream shop? It's too perfect to let die. And everyone loves it so much."

I blinked. We're getting married? I wanted her to never forget how much she needed me, but I needed her far more. After all we've been through together, she'd been my rock and kept me from losing myself. I'd done that occasionally; slipped into my president mode and closed myself off from the world. But she always brought me back, always kept my head clear and reminded me that I am not my father. I looked at Natsuki carefully, but her smile was well in place. Her eyes were burning brightly, making her look so sincere and… in love. I felt my own smile break free as I leaned forward, kissing her once more, "Maybe." I told her.

...maybe in a few years.

Duran jumped on the bed then. He had gone through a bit or a growth spurt. He looked nearly full grown, even if he still had his puppy look around him. Natsuki hugged him around the neck when he jumped on my bed and scratched his neck, "Hey Duran, I know you like ice cream! Mommy said we can buy our own shop!" she said.

The dog responded by barking and running around my bed. When he laid down by my side, I placed my hand on his head and smiled at my girlfriend, "Only after the wedding." I said. Natsuki blushed in the way that I loved and tried to retort, but she only managed to stutter and gape at me. I leaned forward and kissed her, ending her confusion, "I love you, Natsuki-chan."

She kissed me back and then smiled, "I know. I love you too, 'Zuru. But, you don't think we're moving too fast?" she asked me.

I shook my head at her, "No, you're my Natsuki-chan. I know you won't lie to me, I know you would never hurt me. I also know how much you love me."

She scooted forward and wrapped her arms around me, "No, actually, you don't know how much I love you. I wish I could tell you, but it's just one of those things that can't be put into words."

Resting my head against her chest, I closed my eyes and listened to her heart beat slowly. It saddened me to think she was going to have to go home after we got ice cream. But I'd see her tomorrow at school, and the next day, and every day after that for years and years to come, "Stay with me." I whispered to her.

"Forever." she promised.


Me: So yea, this is it. The last of it. I'm done now. This is the last bit of writing I'm adding to this story until I write another one, which who knows when that will be. It's been a seriously long ride, from January to now mid May. Thanks for sticking with me this long and thanks for all the hits on the story and all the reviews!

I love you guys!

Especially you Truna and sammykhann, GabbyGabrielle, and everyone else that regularly read and reviewed!