Chapter 10

Merritt smirked raising the phone to his ear, his voice turning hypnotic as he spoke to Evans. I turned my head watching him before Danny began quickly pulling me through the labyrinth of alley ways before pulling up short in front of the door.

"Ergh I thought the last place was bad" grimaced Merritt as he strode through the dingy hallway.

"At least the last place had heating" I complained, my breathe leaving puffs in the air with each word.

"It's better inside" Danny reassured me pulling me through down the hallway and into the main room, "Come on it's already set up" he continued pushing us towards the low, surprisingly clean couch. I gently pulled Henley down next to me and she followed, her eyes blankly staring forward.

"He'll be fine" I reassured her, as Danny fiddled with the cameras settings.


"The point of why we're here is to say we are not, we cannot, quit now. We started something bigger than all of us" his gaze quickly cutting to me before shifting back to the camera, "we have to finish".

It went silent for a few counts, and I slipped my hand over Henley's as she sniffed quietly before drawing herself up and staring through the camera, like she could see Rhodes and was talking directly to him. "Remember the name Jack Wilder when you come see us live at five points Queens seven o'clock".

Danny reached forward deftly switching the screen off. I turned to Henley and smiled, trying to comfort her. "It'll be fine" I murmured so only she could hear, "It went off without a hitch Danny said"

"I know I just wish I could call him" she whispered back staring down at her hands, "Make sure he's okay"

"No contact till after the final act" Danny cut in front his stance across the room, not even turning from his view of the screens. I glared at his back and squeezed her hand. He choose now of all moments to let the no distractions, control freak side of him show.

"Just one call wouldn't be that much of a risk" Merritt cut in, his voice soft as he watched Henley wring her hands, "I'll take her a few blocks away, they wouldn't find us until we wanted them too". A small smile flitted across my lips as I watched him comfort her. His eyes met mine I quickly turned away.

"It's too much of a risk" Danny answered turning to stare at them incredulously. As far as he was concerned nothing was going to interfere with his plans, not when he was so close. I sighed and slowly made my way over to Danny, sliding my hands over his shoulders and leaning in close so only he could hear.

"Maybe just a minute" I pleaded looking over his shoulder at Henley again, she looked so small sitting there, a frown etched into her normally bright face. "She just needs to know he's okay" I added meeting his gaze. He shook his head quickly. "Imagine if it was us, I know I wouldn't be able to think straight if it was you risking your life like that, would you?" His eyes shifted over my face, and I almost thought his resolve had weakened…

"Carrier pigeon then?" yelled Merritt as he strode quickly towards Danny, "Smoke signals? Surely you 'Mr I have complete control of every situation' can think of some safe way for her to contact him". He stopped mere inches from Danny, his chest rising with barely controlled rage.

"Enough" Danny yelled back, "Stick to the plan, that's what Jacks doing and so should we" turning away from the other horsemen, back to his surveillance screens. I sighed, slipping out of his arms, his head turned to watch me for a moment. I looked over my shoulder, and making sure Danny was distracted before jerking my head at Merritt. His eyebrows rose in surprise before quickly following after me. I walked into the corner near the rusting sink, waiting for him to join me.

"Sweetheart" his voice soft, "I'm only trying to look out for you, you know that right?" I turned to face him slightly. "Not now. Just slip this to Henley" I muttered placing the burner phone into his palm, "I'll distract the control freak". Merritt grinned before spinning on his heels and heading back to the couch. I smiled when Henley gasped softly as he deftly slid the phone into her hand. He looked back at me and winked.

I smirked back, maybe he was just looking out for us. I quickly shook the thought out of my head and made my way over to Danny. "You ready to go?" I slid my fingers through his pulling him away from the screens and towards the hallway. His brow furrowed as he checked his watch.

"It's not time to go yet?" he muttered, clearly confused. "I know, but it's easier to slip through now. Who knows when the crowds will start to come? Beside" I grinned pulling him into one of the sparse rooms, "we still have to get dressed"

His eyebrows rose as I pulled on the collar of his shirt "As much as I like a more casual Atlas I think the audience is going to expect a more dressed up showman". I giggled as his smirk stretched into a full blown grin, his hands finding my waist as he quickly pulled me against his chest. I gasped when his lips met my neck and tugged harder on his shirt. "Danny…" I murmured, his lips trailing across my neck towards jaw.

"Hmm" he hummed against my skin. "We need…" I trailed off as his lips met mine pulling me into a heated kiss. I gasped pulling away, "We need…" I tried again, but his lips quickly captured mine again, one hand sliding into my hair the other pulling me closer. I gave in, one hand sliding up his arm to his shoulder, the other in his hair pulling him closer. He smiled into the kiss knowing he'd won. I was supposed to be the one distracting him dammit. And distracting he was, I couldn't think straight, all I knew was fierce kisses, the sound of panting breathe and a warm hand slowing sliding up my thigh.

A loud knock on the door drew us apart, Danny's grip tightening, his head dropping onto my shoulder as he muttered curse words about disturbing us. I giggled quietly and his head snapped up to meet mine. I grinned, my hand on his cheek turning his focus back on me as I stood on tip toes to reach his lips again. "Ignore it" I spoke between kisses.

"Ahem" came the disgruntled voice of Merritt as he stuck his head around the door.

"Always poking his nose where it doesn't belong" I grumbled, turning my glare on Danny when he chuckled.

"What is magic?" Danny's voice rose above the noise of the crowd, "Magic is deception. But deception designed to delight, to entertain, to inspire. It's about believing…"

"Trust" I stepped closer to the microphone, "Without those qualities magic as an art form would no longer exist".

"But what happens when are no longer used for their higher purpose? And instead are used to cheat, lie." Henley questioned

"When used for greed it's no longer magic. It's a crime", Merritt added his voice low. "So tonight you're going to help us set a few things right". His voice rising as our images faded from the gratified building wall.

"Showtime" Henley grinned at us, barely containing her excitement. Danny snapped his fingers and the giant spotlight burst to life, its light shining through the windows. Merritt and Henley hurried to the elevator, Danny and I closely following behind. I threw one last look over my shoulder, at the blinding lights and cheering crowds outside the window.

"Come on" Danny urged tugging me into the elevator as Merritt slammed the door closed behind us. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, and relaxed against Danny. We were so close

"Daniel" Merritt's voice drew me out of my thoughts, I turned to look at him. He was staring at his feet, hands in his pockets. "As our year of… let's call it living dangerously, draws to a close I'd like to err, in a rare moment of vulnerability, I'd like to express, a um sentiment here, about our relationships" he trailed off looking at the ground again.

"Okay" Danny answered cautiously, confused as to where this was going. Merritt sucked in a breath before continuing.

"When I first met you I thought you were kind of a…" his eyes met mine and I raised one eyebrow, where was he going with this? "…dick".

I glared at him as Danny chocked out a laugh "huh?" he nodded his head "Okay".

"And" I cut in, crossing my arms. "No. That's it" he adds meeting my gaze levelly.

"Well that's nice. I'm touched" Danny laughed and Merritt shrugged, "From the heart" he added crossing his heart.

"Well I didn't tell you where I was touched" Danny quipped and Merritt pulled a face as Henley laughed, "Or who touched him" I added, laughing as Merritt face turned into one of disgust and Henley's laughs rose before she quickly sobered.

"What are we going to do when this is over?" she asked, her eyes wide as she searched us for an answer.

"I don't know" muttered Danny as he shook his head, "Our instructions run our after the show".

I cleared my throat and squeezed his hand, as I turned to Henley, "Even if there is no eye, and we got completely played and spend the next twenty years in jail, I just want to say…" I trailed off, my eyes falling to our grasped hands. "I know" Danny whispered in my ear, his hand tightening around mine, "Me too".

"Whoa too sentimental for me" Merritt muttered his hands raised in surrender as he turned to face the wire wall.

I chuckled and pulled my hand from Danny's as the elevator finally creaked to a stop. He look at me curiously and I just smiled back. Understanding filled his eyes as he opened the door for Henley, leaving me alone with the brooding mentalist.

"Come one old man. We've still got a show to do" I called, taking the door from Danny as the two made their way to the platform.

"One last show together and were done huh?" he muttered turning to stride past me. "I wouldn't be so sure of that" I answered quietly, and he stopped one foot out the elevator to turn to stare at me.

"Come one its Show Time" I called sliding past him to my place beside Danny. Merritt smirked, adjusted his hat and strutted towards the platform, his usual swagger back in his step.


"Thank you for the magic and thank you for being such an incredible audience", Henley's voice filled the air as we slowly rose to emerge from the lights.

"Unfortunately like all good things it must come to an end" I spoke, my voice filling with sadness, who knew if we'd ever stand on a stage together like this again?

"So we'd like to start tonight by saying goodbye" Danny stepped up, ever the showman.

"All we wanted to do was bring the world to a magic show" I started, and "and by that bring a little magic back to the world" Danny finished, his fingers lacing through mine as we disappeared from sight.

The crowd quietened as bolts of light drew their attention to the other end of the roof. "I's been one hell of a ride for all of us but it's time for us to disappear. Goodnight New York and thanks for believing in us". Merritt called over the crowd before we turned and ran straight for the edge. I gulped ready for my biggest illusion yet, fear ran through me as a gunshot sounded, just as we vanished, bills raining down form where we fell.

"Come on" I laughed pulling Danny up the steps of the subway station and into a crowded times square. My laughter changed to awe as we took in the sight. Hundreds of screens all around replaying us transforming into a waterfall of cash and the surprise an awe of the crowd below. "Bet they won't be too happy when they find out it's not real cash" Merritt chuckled, his laughter and relief was infectious, all of us laughing and staring at the screens.

"I can't believe we pulled it off" I whispered, leaning in as an arm snuck around my waist. He smiled down at me, quickly pulling me in for a kiss. I grinned as he broke away, leaning his forehead against mine. "It's not over yet" He smirked, pulling away and striding forward. I fell in beside Henley, our glee barely contained as we hurried after Atlas. As we wove our way through the streets her excitement turned to nerves, as she bounced along nervously, breaking into a run the second the park gates came into sight. I grinned and chased after her, reaching the gates just as she threw the lock back against the bars. "It's locked", her voice quiet, laced with disappointment.

"Weren't you listening" came the familiar drawl, "Nothings ever locked", Jack finished emerging from the darkness, his hand reaching through to grasp hers, before making quick work of the lock. "Well done Mr Wilder" she exclaimed as he pulled her into his arms.

"You're a big boy now Jack" said Merritt clapping him on the shoulder. Danny ruffled his hair as he passed by, stalking purposefully into the darkened park. I grinned at them as I passed, happy to see them reunited. We followed after Danny until Merritt's voice broke the silence.

"What if all this ends with us getting mugged at 2 am in central park" He questioned, taking a protective step closer me. Jack laughed but drew Henley closer into his side. "No were right were we need to be" answered Danny as he halted before a large tree, we just have to find…"

"That" I answered, waving my torch over the plaque.

"The Lionel Shrieke Tree" he finished coming to stand behind me, hand on my back, as we both stared at the tree.

"And the card encased in glass" finished Henley as the light of her torch joined mine.

"What do we do now?" Merritt questioned, leaning forward to get a better look at the playing card etched into the plaque. Cards. That was it. I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled out mine, before turning to Danny and reaching into his jacket to pull out his. The Horsemen watched, confused until I lay my card over Danny's and they locked into place. I could hear Henley's gasp before she quickly fumbled for hers. I watched as all five cards locked into place. Danny's hand slid over mine, raising the cards to the playing card in the tree.

I jumped back in surprise as the carousel behind us sprang to life. "Nice" jack drawled, already racing off towards it, Henley in hand. I stared at it as Danny tugged on our joined hands, urging me forward. "Oh that's not creepy at all" Merritt muttered.


"Okay, Okay" Danny pleaded "Stop the Van" Henley just laughed as Jack sped up before pulling in the driveway, slowing when he saw our surroundings. "Where are we?" she asked peering through the windshield.

Pulling the van door open I jumped out, turning in slow circles, staring at the piles of carnival props. "Are you sure this is it?" I asked voice sceptical as I took in our surroundings.

"Oh great another shit hole" Danny muttered following me out of the van. I laughed turning back to them. Henley and Jack were just as confused as I was, Danny looked pissed, not having the upper hand yet again, and Merritt… well he looked ready to puke. Clearly he wasn't a fan of Jacks driving.

"Ugh feeling it" He grumbled as he leaned his hands on his knees. I laughed, "How you feeling?" I asked, patting him on the back as I passed him. He just glare at me. "Hungry, exhausted, cranky" Danny answered as he stretched out his long arms above his head. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I was talking to the old man but good to know" I giggled. He just chuckled back, his arm coming around my shoulders as we followed Henley and Jack down the narrow path.

"Whoa check out this place" Henley exclaimed, as she picked her way through the rubble. "Where did you bring us" Merritt questioned clearly not impressed, "Was there no landfill closer" Danny muttered in agreement. Jack however looked like a kid in a candy store as he jogged ahead, "This place is awesome!" he called back over his shoulder, holding out his hand for Henley to catch up.


After trailing through the junkyard for a while we finally made our way into the warehouse.

"Ooh is that our new gear?" Henley exclaimed rushing forward to the piles of boxes. I grinned, turning to pull a reluctant Danny forward. "Oh cheer up, maybe they'll have a new costume for you. I think you'd look great in sequins" I teased causing the other horsemen to laugh. "There better not be matching jumpsuits or anything in there, you know I don't wear spandex" he joked back, causing me giggle.

"I can't believe this is happening" I exclaimed as I ran my hand along the crates.

"We still have to decide if were doing this" Merritt cut in.

"What do you mean 'if'" Danny wheeled around on him, "do you know how lucky we are to be chosen"

"Do you know how many people get the opportunity to do this?" Henley added, raising her head from the crates.

"What to get the opportunity to go to prison in America" Merritt scoffed. "Oh two million give or take".

"I don't mean to undermine anyone" Jack cut in, the excitement fading from his eyes, "But are we sure this is real?"

"Hey I'm a have to go with doogie howser on this one" Merritt pointed to Jack, "you chase a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and poof, just an illusion".

"No the eye is real. It's not an illusion" Danny cut in striding close to Merritt who turned to me.

"What do you think sweetheart, as our resident illusionist do you think this is a very elaborate but real, hoax?" his eyes searched mine.

"No. it's not an illusion" I spoke up coming to stand between the two. "It can't be" I finished my voice barely a whisper.

"You know I'm right. We did everything they asked and were still chasing ghosts" Merritt exclaimed. "I thought…" he was cut off by the starting of an engine outside. All our heads snapped to the exit. The grumbling of the engine gave way to the familiar sound of carousel music. Jack and Danny ran to the doors already chasing after the sound. I looked wide eyed at Merritt and Henley before running after them.

We caught up to them as they quietly crept through the rubble. I rushed forward and grabbed Danny's hand. He turned to me, raising a finger to his lips. 'Some ones there' he mouthed to the rest of us before motioning for Jack to go the other way, hoping to cut the stranger off.

I followed after him, Merritt on my heels, I gasped when we saw the figure patiently waiting for us. "No way" Henley breathed. Rhodes simply snapped his fingers and the carousel music died. "Congratulations" he spoke motioning us closer.

"Really just wow" Danny exclaimed beside me. "Well played" I added, in disbelief that the man before us, the FBI agent who chased us was the mastermind behind it all.

"Well I did not see that coming" Merritt exclaimed stepping forwards to shake Rhodes hand. "This is why you were so good at not catching us?"

"Hey man I'm um sorry" Jack shuffled his feet nervously "for you know uh kicking your arse"

"Don't worry about it" Rhodes laughed, clapping him on the shoulder.

Beside me Danny cleared his throat and stepped forward, "I guess I wasn't the smartest guy in the room" he admitted.

"You were close" Rhodes chucked.

"Wait" I cut in, "How did you do all this?" I questioned still in shock

"Ah a magician never tells their secrets" he smirked, "or their weaknesses" he added leaning close.

"Now" he stepped back and clapped his hands together, "You have a choice, you can come with me and continue to do great things in the world, or you can take your share of the money" he motioned behind us where men were loading the crate into a van, "go anywhere in the world no questions asked. But you can't have both".

"So what happens to the money if we don't take it" Danny asked looking between Rhodes and the crates.

"It goes back to the people it was originally intended for" Rhodes answered.

Merritt raised his hand, "So to clarify it's ours if we want it?"

"All yours" agreed Rhodes, "The choice is yours".

"Okay one moment please" Merritt called over his shoulder pulling us into a huddled circle. "So this is an interesting development" he said looking around at each of us.

"Guys" Jack said pulling away from the circle slightly, "I think I'm in" Henley grabbed his hand and joined him, walking backwards, "Me too" she said as the pair turned and made their way to Rhodes. "Huh" Merritt puffed watching them walk away.

I turned to Danny, my fingers linking through his. "I'm going to do this Danny" I kissed him softly before pulling away and walking towards the others, praying he would come to. This was too important. I wouldn't make him. I just hoped we wanted the same thing.

"I'm in" he called after me, I stopped and grinned at him, "Tessa wait up, I'm coming with you!" He paused "Sorry man" he added patting Merritt's arm as he passed him.

Merritt sighed and shook his head, "Good luck you guys, it's been fun" his eyes met mine and my smile fell as he waved and turned, slowly heading towards the van. Danny's hand gripped mine, and I leant into his side. I couldn't believe he wasn't coming with us.

He stopped hallway down and the shadowed path. "Oh fuck" he muttered shaking his head, "Oh come on let's do it" he cried raising his arms, "Yeah alright" Jack cheered as he sauntered back towards us. I pulled my hand from Danny's running forward and pulling him into a hug, "I knew you would" I said into his chest. He laughed pulling back slightly, "Well you may be able to take care of yourself, but wouldn't hurt if someone kept an eye on things, make sure Atlas stays in line" he joked. Chuckling when I glared at him. "Plus" he said straightening his leather jacket and adjusting his hat, "This old man's still got it" he strutted forward, falling into step with Rhodes.

"Now" Rhodes clapped his hands together, "we've got work to do".