Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.



"Maybe that picture time travelled or something." Fred joked. Molly's eyes widened at her son's off hand suggestion and proceeded to owl the picture to Professor Dumbledore for further inspection.

This can't be. This can't be. This can't be.

- [Dec. 16, 2022] -

"Do you want to watch the game against Ravenclaw? It would be a lot of fun!" Fred II said excitedly, his eyes shining. Sirius clapped his hands. "Of course!"

"What part in 'we should not be seen by other students' is hard to understand, Padfoot?" Remus asked, sighing sullenly.

They were all gathered in the Secret Room, sprawled amongst the chairs on the beds, either talking or doing something. Aside from the time travelers, there were Fred II, James Sirius, Scorpius, Al, and Rose. Rose, Remus and Lily were comparing the syllabus and curriculum of the past and the present, Al, Scorpius and the two James were absorbed in a game of chess, while Sirius and Fred II shared about brilliant pranking ideas.

"We can be under the cloak." Sirius said off- handedly, grinning as he stretched on his bed. Fred II nodded alongside. "You can sit with the teachers. They hardly watch some matches—most of them are interested in championships anyway."

"Now I understand why the both of them are dubbed 'Padfoot'." Scorpius muttered to Al, who cracked a grin as he commanded a knight.

"What do you think Rose?" Fred asked, turning to their only sensible cousin. Rose looked up from their conversation. "If you can make Professor Longbottom say yes, then why not?"

Both Fred II and Sirius high- fived, both grinning ear to ear. Just then, the portrait opened, and Alice entered inside, her eyes scanning around the room. "Hello people."

"Hey Alice." Al greeted, waving from his seat. Alice smiled at him. "Umm, Professor Longbottom said that even though you have visitors you are not excused in classes. You should go."

"Classes!" Lily squeaked in alarm. "What about our classes?"

Rose bit her lip. "That's one thing we forgot to ask."


Hailey came running in, panting as she caught her breath. "Professor—Professor Longbottom said you have to change your appearances and your names."

"Cool! I'll be Polaris!" Sirius said, flicking his wand on his hair and changing it to blonde. His jaw turned more jutted and he flashed a dazzling smile, but the others either rolled their eyes or burst out laughing.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing, Polly." Lily teased, a giggle escaping from her lips. Siriu—Polaris pouted. "It's Po- la- ris. Not Polly."

James I stood and ran a hand through his hair, grinning as he turned it to a softer brown and his cheeks turning into a tan. "I'll be Jem, then."

"What is it with you and your names?" Remus sighed. "I think I'll be Lyall."

He proceeded to change his hair to raven black, his cheeks being fuller and eyes shrinking. Both Polaris and Jem snorted at the significant nickname, while Lily hid a grin. She turned her hair to a darker blonde and curled it just past her shoulders, her facial features adjusting a little. "Then I'll be Lea Vinyls."

"Isn't that an anagram for your name?" Rose asked interestedly. Lil—Lea grinned and nodded.

"Wait a minute. Shouldn't they all have a back story or something? Someone may ask and if you make it on the spot, the stories may vary." Alice suggested.

After different theories, they settled in the story wherein Jem, Lyall, and Polaris are brothers that plan on enrolling in Hogwarts because their family recently had to move in England. Lea, meanwhile, is Alice's far cousin that was home schooled and enrolled late because of her parents always travelling. She met Jem, Lyall, and Polaris once in Switzerland, and are therefore friends.

"Now that's settled," Hailey interrupted. "We better get to class. Come on."

Neville Longbottom sat in a muggle café in muggle London. His friend preferred meeting in a place wherein less people recognizes them, and they chose a café. He tapped his fingers on the table and slightly smiled to himself. The doors of the café opened and he looked up, seeing a bespectacled man with messy black hair and 'eyes as green as fresh- pickled toad' if he remembered correctly. This one's the famous Harry Potter.

After the war, Harry made sure everyone got the correct story and asked a woman to publish his full autobiography—it's the only source of public exposure he wanted, aside from his Chocolate frog. Even the muggle world now knew him, but as a work of fiction and not as a real wizard.

"Neville," he greeted with a smile. Neville smiled, remembering the problem at hand. "Harry. Sit down. I have a lot to tell you."

"I hope it doesn't involve my kids." Harry joked. Before Neville became headmaster [Professor Flitwick was headmaster before him, but then he retired early, and before Professor Flitwick was Professor McGonagall, who now lives in Hogsmeade and visits Hogwarts from time to time. There was no one that didn't cry when she left.], he always complained about Harry's kids being magnets for trouble. Not that it's not true.

"Well, sort of." Neville said, smiling grimly. "Actually, it involved something called Fate and Father Time."

Harry perked up. "What?"

Neville took a deep breath. He learned not so long ago that in order for him to not stutter, his thoughts need to be organized when he talks. "Harry, James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius are here in this time line. In fact, Al decided to record what they said so they wouldn't have to repeat it over again. Brilliant child, really."

Neville handed the vial of silver liquid under the table and gave it to Harry, who immediately pocketed it. Harry nodded, although his face still looked ashen. "I'll investigate on this matter. Neville, are you sure they are…"

"Yes. Yes I'm sure, Harry."

They bade each other goodbye and went on separate ways—that's how meetings go these days. Everyone's just so busy with their lives and works. After all, Harry is head of Auror and Neville has a school to run. Instead of directing himself to his office, Harry immediately went straight home and entered his office. On a shelf were different awards and plaques he received throughout his entire life, and his desk neatly arranged. He opened a cabinet and pulled out the pensieve—this modern day pensieve can not only view memories—they also work like recording player, and that's convenient.

He heard the conversations.

He heard what had happened.

But still he can't believe it. He's what—42 years old, and still his heart aches like a little child. He has parents to meet. He can finally meet his parents. But first, he needs to make some arrangements.

James really did prepare for the speech inside his mind. He recited it for a multitude of times, especially because he hates having fights with his best girl friend. Oh, he means girl best friend, not the other thing. He took a deep breath as he approached her, who was walking with Rose to get to their class.


Hailey briefly glanced over her shoulder but turned around.

She is a bit childish when it comes to fights like this—no, not childish. Stubborn. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't do it. She wasn't the kind of girl that goes with the flow. Until, of course, Rose nudges her. "I'll go first. Just follow, okay?"

Hailey grumbled as a reply but kept on walking, until someone grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up. "HEY!"

"I'm not setting you down until you talk to me!" James roared, ignoring the looks they were getting. Hailey struggled against him, doing everything she can, but James was far stronger than her more than she thought.


James placed her down and locked her against the wall, his arms surrounding her so she won't be able to get out. "What did you call me?"

Hailey stared at him flat- out. "Your name, duh."

"You never call me James unless it's important." James said, his eyebrow arching. They both tried to ignore the close proximity of each other.

"Can you just please let me go? I'll have to get to class."

"I can but I won't."

Hailey narrowed her eyes and checked her watch. "Fine. You have two minutes to talk. No more, no less."

James took a deep breath. Here goes the speech. "Okay, first of all, you know I'm not good at this, so… uhh. Fine, I'll say it, I'll say it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I shouldn't have said that because you're the one who was there for me every single time. You mean a lot to me—to my family, because you're the best friend that is at least more sensible to talk to than Fred. You're the best friend that can keep secrets and really keep them. The one I can tell all my problems too, and would listen without complain. The one who would only give me advice if she knew I need it. The best best friend ever. So I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"I thought that one's for Fred." Hailey said, raising an eyebrow. "Because Rose is my best friend, not you."

"Ouch. That hurts, Malfoy."

"Serves you right, Potter. And for your information, we were never friends, and we'll never be, as long as you and I exists."

She pushed his arm out of her way and walked away.


Hailey raised an arm although her back was turned. "Whatever, Potter."

James grinned. At least they're back and he finally fixed the problem.

Rose sat, as always, with Al and Scorpius in the Potions class. The dungeons, thank goodness, were now lighted up with small torches, so it wasn't that cold anymore.

"Where's Hailey? The class is starting!" Al said, glancing up at their professor.

"Talking with your brother. I'm sure she'll manage to come." Rose said, and felt someone grab her hand under the table. Scorpius was seated beside her and beside them was Al, covering the two of them.

"Scorpius—" Rose hissed, but he pretended to not hear her but continued to rub his thumbs along the sides of her palm. Rose was relaxed, but she's not going to say that aloud.

"Al's covering us. Are you really panicking?" Scorpius whispered to her. Rose rolled her eyes and did not any more protest. It starts with these—small acts of rebellion.

Hailey came in the class, panting as she sat beside Al, running a hand through her hair. The three of them sent her a questioning look and she shrugged, turning to look at their Professor who was frowning at Hailey. "Why are you late, Ms. Malfoy?"

"I helped a first year that got stuck in the moving stair case, professor." She lied smoothly. Rose tried not to cough—it's like she's allergic to lies. The Professor, seeming used with this, just nodded.

Everything went along fine. Until Hailey noticed the 'holding hands under the table' thing and she discreetly whacked Scorpius' head, although she was teasingly grinning from ear to ear.

"It's boring! I don't want to take classes!" Polaris whined, making girls turn their heads and giggle at his direction.

"Then why did you come along?" Lyall asked dryly.

Polaris hung his head in shame. "I like disguises. And I want to see myself with blonde hair. Plus I thought classes here in the future would be more interesting. It's the same."

"No, it wasn't actually." Lea interjected. "The teachings here are advanced and emphasizes on practical more than theories, but that's actually wonderful."

"Yeah, yeah." Jem commanded off- handedly. Lea rolled her eyes.

"Where did you get your name anyway? Especially your last name. Does that race even exist?" Jem asked her with a teasing smile. Lea rolled her eyes. "There's nothing wrong with Vinyls."

"How do you even spell your surname?" Polaris asked. Lea, once again, rolled her eyes. "V- I- N- Y- L- S. Pronounced as vee- nayls. Now quit teasing me, Polly."

Polaris pouted. Jem coughed and sniffed. "It should be Potter instead."

Lea jumped and turned to look at him. "What? What did you say?"

Jem blushed and looked away. "Nothing."

This sent Polaris, who was the only one who heard, into a fit of laughter.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stared at the picture in front of him with calculating eyes. He knew he—everyone would be in deep danger if he still keeps this picture and studies it. So without hesitation, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the picture.


The picture erupted into ashes.

Just forget about the picture. Forget about the picture. Forget about the picture.

That's a pretty long chapter. I hope you enjoyed.