I don't own anything

Friends, Right?

All I had wanted to do was get some homework done. Of course, most first years generally didn't have much homework to do, but me being Rose Weasely, homework is important. Especially if you want to be as successful as your parents.

Anyway, I had been trying to work on some herbology homework. The herbology professor had detested me at the time, and whenever she assigned homework she seemed to be glaring right at me. That day was no exception. I had been walking back to my table, carrying a pile of books, and someone walked right into me.(To this day, he insists that I had walked into him.)

He ended up spilling all of my books, and caused me to stumble backwards into a shelf,knocking the whole thing down. Thankfully there wasn't a domino effect, and only one bookshelf had been knocked over by his stupidity.

As I had prepared to yell at the idiotic boy, Madame Pince had appeared. Her face hd been the reddest I had ever seen. (Other than my dad's when mum starts yelling at him.) Naturally, we got detention.

I had been so very mad. It was all that stupid boy's fault, and I get detention? Anyway, by the time five o'clock on a friday had come around, I had been ready to curse him with all the curses an eleven year old would know.

The funny part, now that I think of it, was that he had been just as mad as I had been. We had met outside Flitwick's office, and he had assigned us to the tedious chore of sorting through detention slips, much like the one the idiot and I had filled out the day of the incident.

By the time we were released I had many paper-cuts from those annoying pieces of paper and a very high temper. The stupid boy who had gotten me into this mess in the first place had taunted me the entire time. He was so very annoying. As soon as Flitwick came back and gave us our wands back, I had rushed out of the class room. However, I had still been close enough to hear him shout out to me

"Friends, right?"

Review. It makes me write more. (: