Dbz vs. DC
Goku vs. Superman
Superman was in the justice league tower when jon told him there was a disturbance and that he should check it out. Someone had fallen through portal and the portal has closed. Superman raced to the portal to see if this was a friend of foe. He found a man in orange and blue clothing looking confused. Who are you, said Superman. Im goku and I got sucked into this portal that my friend bulma made to travel dimensions and now im here. Well can you get back, superman asked, still cautious about this stranger who can travel dimensions and be so carefree. I don't think so, do you want to fight, its been a while since I got a good fight. What fight now, ok clark though he could fight him and figure out his power in case he became a threat.
They went to a deserted place. Goku immediately phased out and came right behind clark to elbow him in the back of the head. That send superman flying until stopped himself. This guy is strong, he can actually hurt me, though clark. Before he could finish his thought, he was surrounded by 5 goku's. Clark knew they were fake so he went threw the nearest one and punched it and went right through. Next goku came up right under him and punched him the the gut which made superman bend over. Ok I need to use more power of this guy, thought superman. Now superman was serious and he punched goku in the face and send him flying into the mountain. Goku came out 5 seconds later not hurt. Then goku turned super saiyan and superman was surprised at this transformation. You cant beat me, said goku. Your moves are too slow and in this form im more powerful. With that goku used IT to come right in front of superman and hit him with a charged up Kamehameha. The smoke cleared and superman was lieing on the ground unconscious. The justice league soon arrived and asked what happened. Luckily for goku superman woke up and explained everything. Then goku felt shenron was summoned he was wished back by his family so goku waved bye at everyone.
Winner: Goku
Ok guys so goku won since he is faster and has more destructive attacks in super saiyan form than superman. Superman can fly really fast in space due to being able to accelerate but he is not that fast when he fights. He has been tagged by wonder woman and batman before. Although he can fight fast enough to create sonic booms. Goku and z fighters fight alot faster since master roshi and krillin in dragonball. They were able to have a fight in one second and the fights got faster since. Therefore, goku is faster than superman in combat just like wonder woman is. He can also dish out more destruction like z fighters can destroy planets since saiyan saga. Superman has not been able to destroy a planet in one shot as far as I know and his best attack the IMP destroyed a copy of the moon but failed to destroyed the real moon which was right next to it so goku can dish out more destruction. Superman has been knocked out by those types of attacks before many times so goku takes the win by KO. Next fight will be Gohan vs. Supergirl.