Frozen AU FanFic

Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, Tangled or any other DreamWorks/Pixar/Disney movies I mention. They all belong to DreamWorks, Pixar, and Disney. I do not own any of these characters. All artwork is via Tumblr. Names of people and places are all works of fiction.

Chapter 1: The New Beginning

Anna couldn't stop talking about how excited she was about finally going to college, 'finally a true freedom' she had called it on the train ride to Arendalle University in Greenfield, Rosenthal. But on the other hand, Elsa, her sister, was so nervous, she could barely think straight.

"Oh come on sis! Look at this beautiful place! The snow looks like a cozy white blanket covering the university." Anna said excitedly, while skipping along the icy pavement.

"If you're not careful, you might slip and fall." Elsa sighed, hurrying after her with all their bags.

"I'm not a child anymore El-"and before she could finish her sentence, she had fallen. But not onto the pavement, but into a young man's arms, Elsa dropped the bags and hurried over to her sister.

"Seems like you have fallen for me," He said, "You okay?"

"Anna! I told you so! Be more careful oh dear."

"F-Fine, thank you," Anna said, pushing the young man away and instantly turning a bright red, "And sis, stop being a worry-wart."

"Ah, you two must be the Valentine sisters!" He said, stepping back to give them space. (AU: No specific reason, I just really liked the last name Valentine)

Elsa looked over at the young man with brown hair gelled tightly against his skull, a little too tightly even. His mouth was smiling, but his eyes held no emotion as he looked at Anna.

"Yes, I am Elsa Valentine and this is Anna Valentine." Elsa replied coldly, holding onto Anna like she could be blown away by the winter wind. "And we should be really on our way."

"Why so cold, Elsa?" the way he said her name sent shivers down her spine.

"Let's go Anna," Elsa said, turning away from the man. But Anna didn't budge; her eyes were fixed on the young man like she was in a trance. "Anna, please." Elsa pleaded.

"Hey, could you help us carry our bags to our dorm? That would be nice since Elsa is too weak to carry them by herself." Anna asked her eyes still unmoving.

"Sure, my name is Hans by the way." Hans said, moving towards the pile of bags on the floor.

Anna finally looked over at Elsa, who was too in shock of what her sister just did to say anything, and smiled her big smile. Teeth and all.

"Anna, we can't trust this guy!" Elsa half whispered half yelled at her sister.

"Sure we can." Anna replied, skipping towards Hans and their bags.

"Shall we?" Hans asked, holding out his arm to Anna.

Anna giggled that giggle and clung onto his arm.

Elsa, I think I am in love, she mouthed back at me.