Alright guys this is it! This is the last chapter. Sorry this took me so long to get up, I just wanted to make sure that it was perfect. I want to say thank you so much for reading this story! It was my first fanfic so I really appreciate it. All of the reviews seriously mean so much to me. I love going through and reading what you guys think. I will definitely continue to write more stories, this has truly been an awesome experience.

Once again, thank you so much for reading and going on this amazing journey with me! I hope you enjoy this last chapter. :)

Carol felt his lips gently brush hers. She opened her eyes and looked at Daryl. She just watched his every move.

The morning sun was bright, she squinted her eyes.

He uncomfortably rubbed his stubble along his cheekbone. She smiled as he took off his shoes and crawled into bed next to her.

"Can I stay in 'ere for a while with ya?"

She nodded. He wrapped his arms around her and held her.

"Maddie downstairs?"

"Ya, she's eatin breakfast with Carl."

Carol nodded. She lied her head against his chest listening to his heartbeat. It was the most beautiful sound to her. Before the world went to shit it was just a sound that people took for granted. Just a thumping of your heart, a sign that you were alive. Now it was a sign of hope, a sign that you are a survivor. She closed her eyes and smiled, taking in the moment.

Daryl rubbed tiny circles along her back as he continually kissed her head. She closed her eyes taking in the moment, wanting it to last forever. She hoped for a bright future with Daryl and Maddie, and maybe someday a normal life. She knew that nothing would ever go back to the way it was before the dead were walking but she could hope.

"Do you ever think about what it might be like if we met before the world went to hell?"

Daryl laughed. "Haven't thought 'bout that. Hasn't even crossed my mind... A beautiful, strong woman falls in love with a crazy redneck. One hell of a story huh?"

Carol frowned. "You're not a crazy redneck... You're much more than that."

He nodded. She always told him how great he was but he wasn't fully convinced. He knew that she was just saying it because she loved him.

"You are Daryl." She grabbed his face so he was looking at her. "Seriously." He blushed and broke eye contact. "You know... Before this I was a weak cowardly woman. I felt like I was nothing, worthless. Until I met you I never knew what it was like to truly love a man."

Daryl clenched his fists. He hated to hear her talk like that. He hated what Ed had done to her, if he was still alive today Daryl would've killed Ed himself. He would do anything to protect Carol from that pain again. "Don't talk like that."

She smiled knowingly. "I won't talk like it if you don't." She kissed his chin.

"Deal." He kissed her on the lips. "Damn I love ya woman."

"I love you too."

"Do ya ever think things would be different if the world never went to shit?"

"I used to... All the time actually. Now it just seems like false hope. In some sort of way the end of the world was a blessing for me, it got me away from Ed, I got to meet you..." She trailed off. Daryl gave a half smile. He knew what she was thinking about, Sophia.

"It wasn't yer fault and it never will be."

She smiled sadly. "I know but... It's my fault that she was in the situation with Ed. I married the son of a bitch and I had a child with him for Christ sake... A fucking child Daryl! I thought it would change him, make him a better person but... but it just made him worse."

Daryl knew... The pain and heartbreak went much further than Sophia's death. It was her whole life before that too. He lifted her chin so she would look at him. "Sophia had a great mother and she knew how much she was loved. Ya need to stop blaming yourself for what a shitty life she had... Trust me I know. Her life was fuckin great because she had you. Her father was a fuckin piece of shit but her mother... Her mother is an angel."

She was now crying... Sobbing. "Daryl..."

He interrupted. "And ya know somethin... Nothing like that is ever gonna happen to ya ever again. Ya got me and Maddie and I promise ya that we will never let you down. I love you Carol Peletier."

Those were the most beautiful words that he had ever spoken. Carol realized in that moment how blessed she was to have this amazing man sitting next to her. She kissed him. "I love you so much Daryl, so so much."

Carl sat on the front porch keeping watch. Rick walked up behind him and put his hand on his sons shoulder.

"How's it goin?"

Carl looked at his father and nodded. "Good, I haven't seen any walkers so far... I mean none to worry about but that could change I..."

Rick interrupted. "No, I mean... How's it goin with you?"

Carl turned to look back toward the woods. He didn't want to answer. His father had been absent in the time that Carl needed him the most, he had abandoned him in his darkest hours. He looked back at his father who was waiting for an answer. Carl kept it simple.


"You're going to have to give me more than that son."

And at that Carl lost it. "You want to know how it's going? You really want to know? It's horrible dad. You abandoned me and Judith when mom died. We needed a parent... I needed a parent! I know you were going through hell but so was I! I lost my mom and you just ran away from your problems. You ran away from me... From Judith! How could you do that! So yeah this are pretty fucking horrible right now."

Rick cringed at his sons words. He never intended on doing that to his children. He just couldn't deal with the pain that came along with looking at them, he couldn't handle that. "I... I'm so sorry Carl..."

Carl narrowed his eyes at his dad. "No... You can't say that! You CANT be sorry now! You did what you did and it's over. I'm done."

"Carl I know I was a horrible father. I never ever wanted that I really didn't. The day you were born I promised myself that I would never do anything to hurt you and I would always protect you and you know what? I blew it... I fucking blew it and I'm so sorry. You and Judith are the only family I have left and I need you guys now more than ever. I love you so much Carl... So much." Rick was now in tears.

Carl hated to see his father like this. He knew that his father needed him now or else Rick would crumble right before his eyes. Carl couldn't even bear the thought.

"I love you too dad... I know that you messed up and it wasn't really your fault I guess. We just... We need you now, everyone does."

Rick hugged his son. He looked up at the cloudy sky and at the tinted sun. He knew that Lori was looking over them now smiling down proudly.

Maddie listened to the sweet sound of the wind blowing against the house. For some reason she had always loved that sound. It made her feel calm and safe. The moon in the night sky glistened, it was one of those nights when the moon was so bright it almost seemed like there was a light on outside.

She stared out the window toward the woods. So many bad memories. She promised herself that she would never even think about running away again.

Maddie missed her parents so much. She knew that they were long gone and she couldn't help but feel really sad for them. She wished that they could've met Daryl and Carol to see what amazing people they were. She wanted her parents to know that she was in good hands. She figured that they could maybe be watching over her...

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a can of beans for a snack. She sat down at the table and started eating. She didn't realize how hungry she was until she had the first bite.

Carol and Daryl walked into the kitchen.

"Hey you." Carol rustled Maddie's hair.

Maddie smiled at Carol. "Hi!"

"What are ya up to?" Daryl asked.

"I was just hungry so I grabbed a snack."

Daryl stuck his hand in the beans and licked his fingers. "Yum!"

Maddie laughed. "Daryl!"

Carol playfully smacked him. "Ew!"

He looked innocent. "What?"

Maddie rolled her eyes and giggled.

"What do ya say we go practice some more shootin tomorrow?"

Maddie nodded right away. She couldn't wait to learn more from Daryl.

"You two better be careful..." Carol gave Daryl a knowing look.

He shook his head. "Always am woman." He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.

Carol sighed. She hated that they had to teach a six year old how to shoot a gun and a crossbow, but that was just how the world worked now. She accepted it but it was still a hard concept to grasp.

She watched Daryl lift Maddie onto his shoulders and tickle her. She loved these two more than anything. She wished that Sophia could be here now to see just what a great life they could've had. She knew that her daughter was looking down, smiling. Carol accepted it, Sophia was gone and there was nothing she could do now. She just had to move on with her life and find happiness and that's just what she did.

"I love you baby girl." She whispered one last time to Sophia.

Daryl listened to Carol mutter those words, he knew just who she was talking to. He smiled knowing that she was finally starting to find some peace. He was so happy that he was a part of that.

She showed him what it was like to be loved and to love others. It was all her, she saved him.

The next day was a bright sunny day. Daryl was showing Maddie how to shoot and defend herself. Rick and Carl were tending the garden and playing with Judith. Maggie and Glenn were keeping watch, sneaking in occasional kisses. Hershel was inside helping Beth prepare dinner. Everything was beautiful.

Carol looked around at all of these people, her family. She stared at the garden where the barn used to be. She didn't feel sadness when she looked at it, she felt hope. She felt that Sophia was looking over protecting them. She knew Sophia was somewhere in heaven with Lori. They now had two guardian angels.

Everything was perfect. She knew that nothing was perfect forever but this would do for now.

"Carol come watch me shoot!" She heard Maddie calling her name.

She smiled at the little girl. Daryl had his arms around her trying to help her keep a steady hold of the crossbow.

"I'm coming sweet pea!"

She never knew that she could love this much. But it was possible... Yes it was very possible. Carol knew that as long as she was with Daryl and Maddie she wouldn't ever be in that dark place that she was with Ed ever again.

She ran over to the two loves of her life and didn't look back once.