AN: Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to peak at my story. I am Daliastarr (in case you didn't read it in the summary) and this is my third story on this site. I love constructive criticism. When I get a review, I feel like it's Christmas all over again :) So please PLEASE review. Well you came here to read the story so I'll stop rambling. Expect updates regularly about once every week or so (with room for error) Follow, Fave, Review, but most importantly, ENJOY!

Specialis Revelio

Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.

Ember Forest was a perfectly ordinary place. That is to say, it was absolutely and predictably extraordinary. Its trees stretched to the sky, effectively blocking the sun and bringing an early twilight to the neighboring fields. A green canopy floated atop the forest in the summer that rusted to red and gold in the fall, so that -if one were to look at the land from above- it seemed as though the entire wood was ablaze. Like all other forests, Ember housed a multitude of spectacular species including one small flock of hippogriphs, a herd of wild thestrals, and a rather large band of centaurs.

It was because of Ember Forest's magnificent inhabitants that Dolores Umbridge found herself separated from her comfortable office and thrust into the hostile jaws of the woods. A group of muggles had wandered their way to the outskirts of the forest and begun building a small town. Already, the little settlement had attracted hundreds of people, no doubt fleeing from the overcrowded muck of their large cities. Their arrival endangered the Wizarding World's well kept secret. Only a week ago, a little muggle brat got himself lost in the forest and returned claiming some friendly "horseman" had brought him home. None of the stupid muggles believed the boy, thankfully, but the story had spread alarmingly. It was becoming a problem, and as head of the Department of Magical Creatures, it fell upon Umbridge to fix it.

Umbridge stumbled through the tangled trees carefully so as not to catch her skirt on any low-hanging branches or bushes. She cursed quietly as her heel - new and not the least bit cheap - sunk deep into the mud causing the heavy woman to twist her ankle sideways.

"Are you alright, Ms. Umbridge?" Oliver Daniels, her young companion asked in concern. Young Daniels was a very polite young man, though hardly proper. A local muggleborn, the poor uneducated wizard viewed the magical beasts as friends; nevertheless, he would be useful for when the centaurs became uncivil.

"I'm fine. Do not touch me." Umbridge replied shortly and continued trudging through the dense woods.

After a few more horrid minutes, the pair reached a circular clearing in the center of the woods. At least a dozen centaurs were lounging on the grass. The females were idly finking with their hair watching the young foals trot around the field. The males casually tending to their bows and fashioning their arrows. None in the herd were properly dressed.

Umbridge uttered a short "hem-hem" in an attempt to draw the horses' attention. The small group of nearby foals paused their game of tag, looked at her curiously, and then resumed chasing each other laughing and screaming across the clearing. It was the only response she received. Umbridge felt heat rise in her cheeks. She began fumbling in the deep pockets of her pink cardigan for her wand. If they wished to ignore her, well, then she would just have to make an introduction the half-breeds couldn't ignore.

Fortunately, (or perhaps for Umbridge unfortunately) it was at that moment that Oliver Daniels approached the woman with a spectacularly large centaur following behind him. As the beast approached Umbridge, who was already dwarfed by most men, the Senior Undersecretary was forced to crane her neck back into a most uncomfortable -and doubtlessly unhealthy- position. Even Daniels appeared a head or two shorter than the creature. The beast refused to lower its neck to accommodate the ministry bureaucrat, and in fact may have even stretched its neck higher in pride. Had it not been for Umbridge's heeled shoes, eye contact would have been impossible.

"Ms. Umbridge, may I introduce Titus, head of the Ember herd." Daniels spoke.

"What are you doing in my forest?" The centaur spoke. "I trust this visit will not be time consuming. It is approaching dusk and we must retreat into the forest before that time. The heavens have warned us of this night. A small warning, but nevertheless one that must be heeded. I suggest that you heed it as well."

"Please keep your uneducated superstitions to yourself." Dolores retorted, "Besides, this Forest is protected under Law Thirteen M of the Magical Lands Provision which formally states that the ownership of all uncivilized areas abundant in magical elements resides solely in the Ministry itself." The look of disbelief and panic was evident on Daniels face. "Which brings us to the issue at hand: Under the proclamation of Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, and in accordance with The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Ember Forest is to evacuated 'efficiently and immediately of all magical beasts, beings, and spirits within its borders to ensure the secrecy and safety of the Wizarding World'."

"What?" The centaur voiced in a dangerously low tone.

"To put it plainly, so you may understand." Umbridge continued unperturbed, "You must leave."

"You expect -no, order- me to uproot my entire herd at the whims of your Minister? We centaurs are a proud race. I take no orders from humans" The beast drew out every syllable, malice lacing each word. "I refuse." Daniels had gone pale at the conversation; Umbridge feared he might faint at any moment.

The herd's leader lowered his head so that his gaze pierced the Ministry official's skull. It was pride that caused Umbridge to return the stare rather indifferently (though in later accounts Daniels would describe the motive as stupidity) and state calmly. "I will not be talked to in such a way by a half-breed."

At this point the creature's rage became uncontainable. It reared up on its hind legs and unsheathed a dagger Umbridge had failed to notice earlier in preparation to strike. Every centaur in the clearing forgot what they were doing, their undivided attention resting on the scene before them. Daniels leaped in front of the creature with his hands raised, corralling it as one would a horse. "Please," The young man pleaded. He was shaking and quickly stepped out of the centaur's path. He continued stuttering. "D-don't hurt her, Titus. She meant no harm. S-she just-"

"You wish to defend her?" A look of absolute betrayal replaced the anger on the centaur's face, "Perhaps our brothers were right: no good can come of humans. Leave. Tell you Minister we can and will protect our forest and it's borders from any threat. We do not acknowledge your laws or your rule. From this moment forth, any human found within our forest will be considered an enemy regardless of age, gender," his gaze rested solemnly on Daniels, "or person."

"Humph." Umbridge turned on her heel and marched back into the thicket. "Good riddance." Daniels hesitated a moment, but as he faced the centaurs' stone faces he reluctantly moved to follow the woman.

As they made their way back through the forest, Umbridge daydreamed about the retribution The Ministry would deliver for the herd's actions. Oh, yes, there would be violence and casualties, but in the end the wretched monsters would learn their place. If there were any survivors. Umbridge did not try to stop the smile that crept up her face. The Daily Prophet would hear of this; the attention would boost support for her magical creature restriction legislation greatly.

Daniels was still sulking when the pair cleared the forest. "Oh, straighten up." She demanded. "They were only worthless half-BREEEEEEEE-" Umbridge screamed as a thin, strong pair of arms scooped her up bridal style and carried her off. Wind rushed past her, disheveling her hair and causing her skirt to fly up in her face. When she was finally set back down, Umbridge rounded on her attacker. She was surprised to realize that said attacker was young, a teenager in fact. He bore a sickening resemblance to the Weasley family, but wore the oddest clothing she had ever seen, and he was sporting Gryffindor colors.

"Who are you?" She screamed, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Keep your voice down." The teen scolded her, causing Dolores to reach for her wand. "The name's Kid Flash. And as for what I'm doing..." The teen again picked her up and sped away. When they stopped only a second later, Umbridge noticed that they were at least a hundred meters away from where they had started, which was now distinguished by a large black scorch mark on the grass. "I'm only saving your life."

The teen suddenly adopted a horrified expression. He whipped his head around scanning the surroundings. "Oh, God. R-!"

"I'm right here." A small soft voice echoed behind the Witch. Umbridge screamed. A small black haired boy, also clad in an unusual outfit and leading a bewildered Oliver Daniels emerged from the shadows. "Keep your voice down." the newcomer scolded before turning to -who Umbridge expected was- his friend, "We need back-up."

"We don't have back-up." The older boy stressed. "...Plan B?"

"It's our best shot." The smaller boy turned his attention to the witch and wizard. "Stay near the woods, duck into them if you need cover. Don't stop running, and don't look back. There's a road three miles east, follow it north and you'll reach a town in a few hours. GO!"

Umbridge did not run. Instead she watched as the small boy climbed onto the redhead's back. She watched in shock as the teen ran off at impossible speeds leaving behind a trail of red and yellow in his wake. Umbridge then spotted the source of the mysterious scorched land. A few hundred meters away, floating ten feet off the ground with devil-spiked hair and holding a tiger striped cat, was a pale boy lobbing large fireballs at the zooming streak of red and yellow.

The pair of boys who attacked (saved?) Umbridge broke apart attacking the third boy separately. The redhead never slowed from his amazing pace accept to dodge oncoming fire, change direction or help his friend. Umbridge had never heard of a speed potion or spell that allowed that kind of mobility. The other boy on the ground (well, Umbridge didn't know if she could refer to him as such because the boy certainly didn't stay on the ground) assaulted the floating boy with an onslaught with various flips and kicks, none of which seemed to have much impact on the target. He also seemed to have the ability to create small explosions out of thin air at will with just a wave of his hand. Again, Umbridge was at a loss for an explanation of this strange ability. After a long while of flipping and dodging and explosions, the young boy charged his opponent, and while that did absolutely nothing as far as Umbridge could tell, The speeding boy broke from his previous role as helper to the black-haired child and also lunged at the fire wielding teen.

This lunge also did little; however it did startle the young devil into dropping his cat which fell into the waiting hands of the youngest brawler. With a quick motion of his hand, the boy did something (Umbridge could not see) that caused both the cat and the levitating teen to howl in pain. Moments later, they disappeared all-together. At least that Umbridge could explain: Apparation.

The two remaining boys fell sitting on the grass, panting in exhaustion. "And why was that," The redhead spoke loudly, "Not plan A." Then they both began laughing.

Applause broke Umbridge's apparent trance. The entire muggle village stood on the outskirts of the battlefield screaming and whistling and clapping loudly. The witch had not realized they were so close to the non-magical settlement. She now noticed that half the town and the outskirts of the bordering forest were on fire. She could hear sirens that followed muggle help vehicles in the distance. All the while the spectators never stopped cheering, and Daniels had joined them. The red-headed boy began smiling and waving at the crowd while his partner merely watched amused. Then the young boy hopped on the other's back and the duo sped off into the night.

It wasn't until after the pair had sped away and the absurdity of the situation had washed over the Senior Undersecretary that she realized: those boys, with inhuman, seemingly magical abilities had saved a muggle town. They had used their abilities in plain sight of muggles. They had used magic around muggles. This was a serious breach of The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy! The minister must hear of this!