~Ponyville Library~

A late summer day, Twilight had just gotten up and ready for her normal day. Dressed in her average attire, she started studying some random spell while waiting at the front desk of the library. Spike looked at Twilight, and he thought for a moment. Twilight does have great friends but, something still seemed to be missing from her life. Spike looked closely at what Twilight was reading. She wasn't actually studying, she was reading a romance novel.

A light bulb went off in Spike's head. Twilight was still missing romance in her life. So the little dragon approached the unicorn. "Twi, do you like anypony?" Spike asked. "I like many ponies Spike" Twilight replied. "I meant do you love somepony?" Spike asked. Twilight just stood there for a moment. "Um, no Spike, I have no interest in anypony that way" Twilight said.

"Haha, don't lie Twilight, I know you like somepony" Spike teased. "No I don't" Twilight reassured. "Twilight, how could you not have any interest in anypony here?" Spike asked. "Because I can Spike, now why don't you head off to help Rarity or something" Twilight said. "Fine, but I will find out who you're crushing on Twilight" Spike said as he walked out the door.

Twilight closed her book. Did she really have no interest in anypony? She thought over this for a bit. Twilight thought of her few crushes. Like the one she had on Big Mac. Some others on a few of Celestia's guards. She dismissed her feelings for them as mere infatuation. Foolish thoughts. Twilight then looked at a picture of her and her friends. She loved them all, but more like sisters.

Twilight then decided that she didn't need anypony, but went back to reading her romance novel.

~Rarity's Boutique~

"I can certainly agree with you Spikey, Twilight darling definitely needs a special somepony" Rarity said as she was picking between ribbons. "Well, she has been reading that romance novel for a while now, and I think she would be a little less reclusive if she had somepony" Spike said. Rarity thought for a moment. "I think we could get Pinkie to throw a party to solve that" Rarity suggested.

"That's a good idea" Spike said. "Then let's talk to Pinkie darling, and come up with a list of other ponies that need somepony to call theirs" Rarity said. The two left the boutique and started off towards Sugarcube Corner to discuss with the party pony.

~Sugarcube Corner~

Pinkie watched the purple dragon and white unicorn enter the sweets shop. Pinkie bounced over to the duo. "Heya what's up?" Pinkie asked cheerfully. "Pinkie darling, Spikey and I have decided that there are too many lonely ponies in this town so we thought you could throw a party to fix it" Rarity said. "A PARTY?! OMG, I can't wait! This is gonna be so much fun! There is gonna be tons of stuff to do and plenty of cake, and ooo maybe some..." Pinkie started ranting. Spike however put a claw up to Pinkie's mouth.

"We just need a party Pinkie, a romantic party that should hook up some ponies but give already made couples some fun too" Spike explained. "I can do that" Pinkie said. "Good, Rarity and I will hand out invites while you plan everything else. I think Twilight wouldn't mind having a party in the library, but we would have to double check" Spike said. "Ookie dokie lokie" Pinkie said. With that she bounced away.

~Fluttershy's Cottage~

"So when are ya gonna find somepony Flutters?" Rainbow asked. "Um, do I need one?" Fluttershy asked. "Fluttershy you have been alone for as long as I remember. Even in Cloudsdale High. I think you should at least think of finding a special somepony" Rainbow Dash said.

"It is much more complicated than that though" Fluttershy complained. "Fluttershy, you hardly have anypony around here, don't ya get lonely?" Rainbow asked. "I guess, but the animals make great company" Fluttershy said. "Flutters stop fighting me. You know you need a special somepony, and I am gonna help you find one" Rainbow said. "I suppose having something like you and Applejack have would be nice" Fluttershy gave in. "That's the spirit Flutters" Rainbow said.

"But where will we look Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked. "Everywhere and anywhere" Rainbow said. "Um, that's a little broad, I think we need to be more specific in our search" Fluttershy said. "I was thinking we should start in town" Rainbow Dash said. "Ok" Fluttershy agreed. With that they left for Ponyville.

~Ponyville Market~

"Come one, come all! Today I need a suitor for this young mare to spend her life with! Come here and see if you're worthy!" Rainbow chanted. Fluttershy face hoofed at Rainbow's foalish chanting. Many colts came up but none sadly met Rainbow's conditions. Then Rarity and Spike came along.

"Rarity, I didn't think you were chasing Flutters" Rainbow teased. Rarity blushed. "Sorry darling, but I'm not interested. Spikey and I were just inviting ponies to Pinkies romantic party" Rarity said. "Romantic?" Rainbow said curiously. "Yes, it is going to help put ponies together and give couples some fun as well" Spike explained. "Sounds great, I was just trying to hook up Flutters here but this party sounds easier" Rainbow said.

"Well, we got a few more invites to go, come help us hand em out" Spike said. "Sure, I don't see why not" Rainbow said. So Rainbow and Fluttershy tagged along with Spike and Rarity to hand out more invites.

~Ponyville Library~

Spike entered and called for Twilight. The others had gone to give other ponies invites. "What do you want Spike?" Twilight said. "Pinkie is throwing this amazing party tonight, and she invited you" Spike said. "Pinkie is always throwing parties" Twilight said. "But this one seems like it would benefit you Twi" Spike said. "Well, I will go, but only because I think Pinkie would be devastated if I said otherwise" Twilight said.

"Well, I kinda told Pinkie she could host her party here" Spike said. "YOU WHAT?" Twilight screamed. "A party of Pinkie Pie magnitude would trash this place in a margin of half a minute! Do you have any idea how much work would have to be done to clean this place afterwards?!" Twilight asked.

"Ummm, a lot?" Spike said. "Yes and you get to clean this place afterwards since you offered it" Twilight punished. Spike just sighed. " So when is the party starting?" Twilight asked. "Around 8 or 9 at night" Spike said. "Well you get off lucky little drake because I won't have staying up all night. You get to clean at least half of the trash after the party because I will have you go to bed at 9:30" Twilight said. "But I will miss over half the party!" Spike argued. "Well, too bad" Twilight said.

Then Pinkie entered. "Heya Twilight, I just came to decorate and set up for tonight's super party!" Pinkie said. "I will help you with that" Twilight said. So they pulled out all the decorations and some party snacks and drinks. Twilight noticed that the drinks were for mature ponies. "On another thought Spike, you get to go to sleep at 8:30 and not clean up much, this more of an older pony party then I first thought" Twilight said.

"Darn it" Spike cursed. Twilight just laughed. Soon party streamers were all over the walls and the punch bowl was ready with all the added special ingredients. All that was left was to wait for the guests. "So what are we gonna be doing in this party Pinkie?" Twilight asked. "Well Rarity and Spike told me that there wasn't enough romance in Ponyville so I am hosting this amazing hook up party! And some fun things for ponies that are already hitched" Pinkie said.

Twilight face hoofed. "I told Spike this morning that I don't need a special pony, anypony else you're harassing with this?" Twilight asked Pinkie. "Well I heard Fluttershy was gonna come" Pinkie said. "So I am not the only sane pony going, that's reassuring" Twilight said. "Hey!" Pinkie argued. "I'm just kidding around Pinkie, I don't mean any offense" Twilight said.

"I know" Pinkie giggled. After that the two waited. When the sun had finally been put down and the moon risen at the time that was 8:30 everypony showed up to the party.

Pinkie smiled and jumped up saying "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!". Following events will make following weeks interesting, but that's for another chapter.

Author's Note: I'm back everyone. And now I have this new story going. Hope you all enjoyed, but this is just the beginning. I don't suggest reviewing this chap but go ahead if need be. Just favorite, follow, or both and watch the story continue.