A/N: Hello there! Now many of my readers will be graced with a familiarity from many months ago. That's right, Revamped is back. I had deleted it shortly after the end of season 6 because the way the season ended totally and completely slaughtered my muse - as many of you can relate to I'm sure. But as I was going through the documents on my computer, I stumbled across the unfinished version of this little gem and I couldn't resist going through it, making a few changes, and re-releasing it to the public. It is canonical up until around the middle of season 6 and then becomes AU. There is no Willa, Nora never died, little to no mention of vamp camp and Sarah Newlin, and no Hep V ridden vampires. Revamped is one of the unofficial prequels to some of my one-shots, mainly Vexation, Pursuit, Gold & Ebony, Constant, and Powerlessness. That being said, old readers I hope you will be relieved to see this back up and new readers I hope you enjoy it as well. Happy reading!

Fangtasia Revamped. It was their new beginning. The war between humans and vampires had come to an end. A peace treaty had been drawn up between the country's government officials and the new vampire authority headed by Eric Northman and his sister, Nora Gainsborough. Synthetic blood was once again back in production and on store shelves and vampires and other supernaturals' rights had been reinstated and they were now endowed with the same privileges granted their humans counterparts. Things were finally back to normal.

"Am I supposed to carry you over the threshold or somethin'?" Tara Thornton said, shooting over a playful smirk in response to her Maker's expectant expression as they stood before their new bar and night club on the Rue Bourbon, nestled in the heart of the French Quarter.

"Try it and you'll spend the next six months growing a new pair of arms," Pam snapped, placing a hand on her hip as she positively glared at her progeny. Tara snorted. She could feel Pam's anxiety seeping into the pores of the bond they shared and knew where it was coming from. It was two hours until opening time. Promos had been put up and handed out all over the city. The turnout was expected to be massive. And while she had briefly taken over Fangtasia in Shreveport due to Eric's absence, now she would be flying solo and it scared her just a little bit.

The ebony skinned vampire took Pam's hand in hers and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "There's nothing to be nervous about. We got this."

The blonde stiffened at the contact, her first instincts begging her to tug her hand out of Tara's grasp. But she didn't. She squeezed her progeny's hand back and quickly let go. "Come on, we got shit to take care of before all the breathers arrive. And where the fuck is Ginger? She should've been here already."

Tara shook her head with a soft chuckle and followed Pam into the club.


The night had been a success. Pam sat in her office vamp speeding through the paperwork, counting receipts, and calculating the profit. Nearly ten grand and counting. Not bad for day one. She had been anxious until the strike of twelve rang in the witching hour and the line of patrons that had accumulated along Bourbon Street began to file in. But the lingering tones of anxiety had quickly been dashed away once she and Tara made their grand entrance, all dolled up for opening night, to a crowd the likes of which she hadn't seen since the revelation.

The sudden arrival of her progeny had Pam's fingers stilling against the keys of her accountant style calculator. Cerulean blue eyes flickered up to the office door where Tara stood, leaning against the jamb in a casual manner. Her jet black mane had been curled and teased for the night but the curls had long since dropped and were now a tumble of limp waves that spilled over bare ebony shoulders. The baby vampire had never been a fan of corsets but she had worn a crimson and black piece that accentuated curves she didn't normally flaunt and put her ample chocolate chest on full display. Black leather pants clung to her lean, muscular legs and steel toed pewter studded boots that completed the ensemble gave her an inch in height. More than a few heads had turned that night as she walked through the crowds before making her way to the bar that overlooked the club's dance floor, tending to their patrons' alcoholic desires and Pam's eye for beauty was still positively enthralled by the sex appeal practically oozing from her Child's pores.

"You're starin'," Tara murmured with a knowing smirk, casually studying her ruby red acrylic nails.

"Don't you have something better to do?" Pam groused, going back to the task Tara's arrival had interrupted, thoroughly annoyed that she had been caught eye fucking her like a randy, hormone riddled teenager.

"The bar's been cleaned and restocked, floor's been put to rights, and Ginger's takin' care of the rest."

When Pam gave no response besides a subtle eyebrow raise, Tara tried to tap into her end of the bond they shared. She was met with a resistance that was akin to placing ones hands too close to a hot stove.

"That is not polite," Pam drily reprimanded, eyes snapping up from her work in anger, "You know they say curiosity killed the baby vamp."

"But you ain't speak more than three words to me all night," Tara complained though an apology laced the words as she stepped further into the office, "And every time I touch you, even by mistake, you shy away like I got the motherfuckin' plague or somethin'."

"Vampires don't catch the plague," the blonde deadpanned.

"You know what I mean, Pam," her progeny sighed, placing her hands on the wide desk, "You promised once we got this place established we would make this work, we'd make us work. Why are you pullin' away from me?"

Pam closed her eyes and exhaled harshly. She had known this was coming, it was only a matter of time before her strong willed and tenacious progeny started asking questions, making demands. It was part of the reason why she had put in so much time and work involving herself with the opening this new club. They had both needed a distraction from each other and it had worked beautifully. But now, the war was over, the club was open, things had gone back to normal, and Pam wasn't quite ready for that just yet for a multitude of reasons that her pride wouldn't let her speak on.

"Please Tara," she huffed in resignation, her ocean blue eyes meeting the smoldering obsidian of her progeny's gaze, an imploring plea swimming in their depths, "Let's not do this tonight. Not yet."

"Fine," Tara relented begrudgingly after a pregnant spell of silence, turning away from her Maker, "We got eternity I guess."