"How abo~ut… Truth or Dare."

The generation of miracles sat in a circle in the middle of the court using the chairs as supports or just sitting on them for those (Akashi) who didn't want to sit on the floor.

"All right who goes first?" Midorima asked pushing up his glasses and looking around the group.

"Since Aomine-chi thought of the game, I think he should start." Kise said, everyone in the circle nodded and looked to Aomine who groaned loudly and tried to think of something.

"Fine, Midorima Truth or Dare?" Aomine asked.

"Truth." Midorima said squeezing his fish, he was a bit antsy as nothing good had ever come from being the target of Aomine in Truth or Dare.

"What's the deal with that Takao guy, is he your boyfriend or something?" Aomine asked, Midorima did a spit take before coughing violently as Aomine threw him a challenging grin, proud of the response he had gotten.

"Takao!? What the hell, of course not, he's my slave not my boyfriend." Midorima spluttered.

"Ano, whilst Midorima-kun may say that your reaction says otherwise." Kuroko put in making Midorima glare at him.

"Shut up Kuroko, what about you and that wannabe brute, huh, gotten him to claim you as his real shadow yet." Midorima spat back, Kuroko's expression morphed into one of hurt at Midorima's very harsh words.

"There's no need to be mean Midorima-kun I was just pointing out what I saw, but no, I have not let him 'claim' me." Kuroko replied quietly putting emphasis on the 'claim'.

Tense silence reigned as Kuroko and Midorima had a stare down until Midorima sighed and looked away, apologising softly under his breath so only Kuroko, who was sitting next to him, could hear him, Kuroko nodded acceptance and the tension broke as if it as never there.

"Mido-chin~ hurry up it's your turn." Murasakibara whined childishly as he lay back on the floor next to Akashi.

"Huh? oh, right, um, Akashi truth or dare?" Midorima asked turning to look up at Akashi who was sitting on his left side, Akashi thought for a moment before choosing a dare, Midorima's glasses glinted mischievously, "I dare you, to give Aomine a three minute lap dance."

… Silence met his words for a few seconds until Kise started giggling, shoving his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter as his body shook and happy tears came to his eyes.

"Pffft, MIDORIMA WHY~, HAHAHA, OH MY GOD WHY~" Kise choked out between laughs, Akashi got up from his seat regally and walked over to Aomine who was sitting next to Murasakibara and smirking at him. Akashi glared down at Aomine, who was also trying not to laugh, he started to a very terrible dance over Aomine's lap, the group, barring Akashi, descended into laughter, Akashi glared at them all but continued his horrible dance until his time was up, it took them five minutes to calm down, Akashi wasn't pleased and turned to Kise who gulped, smile suddenly gone from his normally cheerful face.

"Ryouta, truth or death, sorry, dare?" Akashi asked smiling sadistically, Kise paled and tried to figure out which choice would be less painful and humiliating.

"Ummm, truth." Kise said making it sound more like a question then an answer, Akashi's smile morphed into one that reminded Kise of a shark, "Ok, Ryouta, taking the easy way out I see, what's your most embarrassing public moment?" He asked, Kise paled further, he really didn't wanna tell them, maybe he could get away with telling a little white lie…

"No lies Ryouta." Akashi orders staring at him intensely, Kise shivers a bit and sighs.

"All right fine, my most embarrassing moment was a few years ago when I was heading to a photo shot, I think we were in our second year at Teiko, a bit before I met you guys, I was on the train with my manager and I really needed to go to the bathroom, like I 'really' needed to go, I was desperate, anyway so whilst I was having a chat with my manager I wasn't paying attention to anyone else around me, the train jumped suddenly and someone elbowed me in stomach… I, well I farted really loudly, and my pants ripped at the back when I fell to the ground and well, I really need to go… you get the picture." Kise told them as his face did a surprisingly good impression of a fire truck with how red he was.

The others laughed at him for a few minutes as Kise yelled at them, Midorima looked curiously at Kise, "Oi Kise, that wouldn't have occurred on the 14th of march would it?" Kise gave Midorima a strangely shocked look, "How did you know that!?" He asked incredulously, Midorima smirked and pushed his glasses up on his nose before replying, "Gemini had the worst luck that day, I believe they told you to stay near a bathroom as well, I only remember that because it was the weirdest piece of advice I'd heard from Oha Asa in a while, looks like Oha Asa was right again." He said smugly, Kise 'tch'd' and looked away.

"All right! my turn now." Kise yelled getting everyones attention, Kise turned to Kuroko, "Kurokocchi truth or dare?"

"Dare." Kuroko replied, Kise sighed and hung his head, "But I really wanted to ask Kurokocchi something." Aomine smacked him in the back of the head, "Hurry it up Kise."

Kise waved him off lightly, "Yes, yes, fine, Kurokocchi I dare you to... sit in Akashicchi's lap for the rest if the game and wriggle every five minutes." Kuroko nodded, got up and went to sit in Akashi's lap, Akashi's eyes filled with apprehension, Kise would pay for this.

Kuroko looked around the circle, "Umm, Aomine-kun truth or dare?"

Aomine grinned and chose dare hoping Kuroko could come up with something good, he missed Akashi whispering in Kuroko's ear as he yawned, Kuroko smirked.

"Aomine-kun I dare you to destroy Kise's shoes." Kuroko gave Aomine Akashi's scissors and Kise backed away knowing it was revenge from Akashi.

"Kurokochii~ why, make him stop, make him stop, please~ I'm sorry, I'll take back my dare and give another one I'm sorry~." Kise cried, Kuroko smiled at him and shook his head.

"Sorry Kise-kun but once you give a dare you can't take it back that's the rules." Kuroko replied, behind him Akashi was grinning smugly down at Kise as Aomine tackled him and tore off his shoes before proceeding to cut them to pieces with Akashi's scissors whilst Kise cried crocodile tears and was held back by Murasakibara.

"Ki-chin calm down you can always go buy them again." Murasakibara said struggling to hold Kise back, Kise whined and shook his head.

"No I can't those were limited eddition only a hundred pairs were made, I only got a pair because of my modling job... my shoes~." Kise whined letting out loud sobs as he watched his shoes get shredded into tiny little pieces, Akashi laughed at Kise's distress and Kise swore to get him back on the five minute mark he discreetly told Murasakibara to ask him and made Murasakibara pass on the message to the others who all agreed.

Once Aomine was finished with Kise's shoes he looked around the group for his target and smiled at Murasakibara, "Atsushi truth or dare?" Murasakibara took the time to think about his answer so he could waste some time to get to the five minute mark on Kise's turn, "Truth." Aomine sighed sadly and shook his head, "I'm let down Murasakibara, all right um, out of all the sweets you've eaten whats the one you hated the most?"

"Oh that's a hard one Dai-chin, some flavours just aren't meant for sweets but it'd have to be mint barely sugar there's just something not right about that flavour ugh," Murasakibara turned to Kise, "Ki-chin truth or dare?" He asked lazily smiling at him, Kise seemed to think for a moment before choosing dare, "Ki-chin I want you to let Mido-chin tease your hair."

"Eh! But Murasakichii my hair~" Kise whined, Midorima sighed and moved closer to Kise before grabbing him by the hair and making him lean over in front of him, "Ow Midorimachii that hurts be gentle." Kise yelled, "Deal with it." Midorima replied evenly, Kise sighed anf linched as midorima pulled his hair a little to sharply and set his sights on Akashi.

"Akashichii truth or dare?" Kise asked staring him in the eye, never one to back down from a challenge Akashi chose dare, "I dare you to make out with Kurokochii for the next two minutes." Kise told him holding up two fingers and smirking, Akashi smirked right back and made Kuroko shift so he was stradling him as he fufilled the dare, he had forgotten to keep track of the time.

After 30 seconds things started to get a little heated between the two, Akashi's hands started to wonder lower and lower as Kuroko's fingers intertwined with his hair, one minute and Akashi was feeling Kuroko up and Kuroko's hands had started to move from Akashi's hair, one and half minutes and it had been five minutes, Kuroko who had been keeping track of the time dreaded what he was about to do, this situation was probably going to escalate very quickly, Kuroko slowly rocked back and forwards on Akashi's lap, he could feel the heat of Akashi's body increase and heard the quiet whine in the back of his throat he smushed into oblivion. At two minutes they didn't stop, already lost in a haze of pent up desire and had moved on from making out to outright dry humping each other on Akashi's chair in front of everyone who had looked away from the scene half hard and embarresed, they cursed Kise for his stupid idea and tried to distract themselves.

At three minutes they couldn't stand it anymore as Kuroko moaned sending hot flushes straight down to places nobody currently wanted them to go and got them to stop by throwing the sole of one of Kise's shoes at them, as they jumped apart they both flushed and looked away from everyone else cursing Nijimura and his stupid plan to get them to be friends again, he had been one of the few people who knew of the groups… dynamics, well it wasn't like it was his fault that they were all hot and bothered, it was Kise's.

Akashi glared at them all whilst Kuroko hid his face against Akashi's shoulder. Kuroko wouldn't dare move from his place as both him and Akashi were sporting very noticeable erections and both were embarrassed enough as it was. Akashi cleared his throat after a moments silence of trying to regain his breath and looked at Midorima carefully keeping his eyes on Midorima's face, the situation was already bad and Kuroko had to move again in three minutes making Akashi wonder when the situation would take a turn into old times... well more than it already had, the first time had been brought on by truth or dare as well, Akashi really hated this game sometimes.

"Shintaro, truth or dare." Akashi asked sternly, Midorima looked at him suspiciously as he considered what Akashi might have in store for him if he was working off his anger, eventually deciding to get it over with Midorima chose dare... and regretted it straight after when Akashi asked for his lucky item and destroyed it.


"SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP SHINTARO..." Midorima did as told but glared at Akashi who raised an eyebrow at him, "Need I remind you Shintaro, that you do not raise your voice at me, I am your captain and you follow my orders-"-"Actually Akashi kun you aren't our captain."-"Nor do you interrupt me when I am speaking Tetsuya." Akashi raised his voice a little and ignored Kuroko's comment, in his eyes he'd always be their captain, nobody else was worthy of his team, nobody could bring out their power like he could and nobody ever would.

Silence fell in the group as Midorima and Akashi had a stare down, Akashi was the first to look away when the five minute mark was hit and Kuroko rubbed up against him and he had to lower his head into the crook of Kuroko's neck to muffle a gasp. 'Damn it I was just starting to calm down to, five minutes isn't enough time anymore.' Akashi thought to himself cursing under his breath, Kuroko whispered and apology in his ear only making the him worse as Kuroko's breath blew onto sensitive parts of his ear and neck making him shiver and nod in acceptance.

Aomine coughed awkwardly and suggested they continue with the game before anything else happened.

"Kuroko truth or dare?" Midorima asked, Kuroko froze up. Did he risk a dare with Midorima currently annoyed at Akashi or did he have to spill his guts in a truth to embarrass either himself or someone else… Decisions, decisions… He decided to play it safe.

"Truth." He replied, he heard Midorima's tongue click and smiled, he'd chosen correctly.

"Alright." Midorima's tone was not sounding disappointed at all, in fact it filled Kuroko with dread, he may have just signed his own death warrant. "What is the most embarrassing thing you seen happen to Akashi?" Hundreds of memories filled Kuroko's mind of moments when the Akashi heir looked like he just wanted to die of embarrassment. Seijuurou looked him dead in the eyes and pled with a puppy dog look of pure sorrow that Kuroko told Kuroko he had to lie and lie well. If he was caught they were both screwed and his only option would be deny, deny and deny some more.

He had to tell the truth, they'd pick up on a lie in less than a second. He sent back an apologetic look and Akashi hung his head with a sad sigh.

4 minutes.

"Akashi and I were at my house, we were in our second year at Teiko. This was before… All that, and Akashi was on the phone with his father, who, as you all know, is a raging homophobic on the pretence that he'd die a horribly painful death, disgrace the Akashi family name and burn in hell for all eternity after his own father repeatedly told him so. I decided that it would be a good idea to… put the pressure on to see how well he could hold his composure. Back then Akashi had never, well you know." Kuroko made a circle with two fingers and put his opposite index finger through the hole, smiles broke out across some faces, others letting out little giggles as they saw where this was going.

"He tried to stop me but he needed one hand for his phone and I used that to my advantage to tie his other hand to the head of my bed and tie his ankles to either corner so he couldn't escape. I'd already gotten rid of his pants and he'd gone commando for the day so I didn't need to worry about that but Seijuurou was shooting me these looks, you know the ones where it looks like he's trying to make your head explode through pure will power. Yeah he was shooting me those so I knew there'd be punishment afterwards but I decided to do it anyway."

3 minutes.

"I started out with just a hand job to get him hard and he was doing well, not even a hitch in his breath by the time I'd gotten him to react." Kuroko looked down to Akashi, he didn't seem to be with them at this point in the story, the memory probably playing over in his head if the stiffening of Seijuurou's dick was anything to go by.

Seijuurou was on his back, his father wouldn't shut up about something that he wa having trouble paying attention to, he was only half listening to the loud rant that emitted from his phone as his brain short circuited in irregular intervals when Tetsuya touched just the right, wrong places, right, horribly wrong, times. He didn't have to focus on his breathing just yet but his body was uncomfortably hot as Kuroko unbuttoned his school shirt and pushed it to the sides.

Kuroko smiled cheekily up at him for a second and Akashi could only glare back. Kuroko lowered his head and licked at one of nipples, sucking and tugging on it with his teeth. Akashi did his best to ignore the light rolls of pleasure running through him from the attention and tried his best to pay close attention to what his father was saying. Something about an important merger and somebody wanting to marry him, not of interest but-.

Wet warmth encircled his penis, blunt objects pressuring his sides as they were dragged up and down his sensitive skin, he gasped and slapped a hand over his mouth, the mouth around his dick swallowing him once more and humming happily. His breath stuttered and he threw all of his remaining attention on to his father.

"I'm sorry father.. What did you say?" Akashi moved the receiver away from his mouth as Kuroko went down on him again still humming, warping his tongue around his length and deep throating him. Akashi suddenly regretted buying icy poles for the starters after practice everyday, he regretted even move his decision to not stop the stupid competitions to see how far one could shove the icy treat down their throats without gagging.

"Seijuurou I do not like repeating myself, listen when I am speaking to you or you won't get a choice."

"Sorry father, I'm-" He paused and let out a tiny breathy moan away from his phone, go forbid his father hear this. "Working with the first stringers today… I'm a little, d-distracted." His voice had jumped higher and he cursed his stutter, Akashi's do not stutter. Ever. "They're a lot of work."

His father hummed into the phone as Kuroko continued humming around him, his hips twitched up and Kuroko held him down with one hand, the other reaching over to his draw, tugging it open and pulling out a blue bottle of lube. 'No, no, no, Tetsu you cannot do this to me now, any other time in the world but not now, please.' He tried to plead with his eyes but Kuroko wasn't looking at him, focusing more on sucking his dick and 'moisturising' his fingers.

It was bad enough already trying to hold back moans he desperately needed to let out but couldn't because his FATHER WAS ON THE FUCKING PHONE.

"The CEO of the company that wants the merger wants to put forth their daughter for marriage. I want you to decide if you want to marry her or not."

He shifted his gaze to ceiling as he felt Kuroko's fingers wonder around 'down there' searching out his hole. Kuroko moaned again Seijuurou dick filling his mouth and his finger teasing his hole. Seijuurou's breath stuttered again and he moaned out right when Kuroko's finger pushed inside him. His face blazed and he struggled against the binding on his tied arm, he needed to block his mouth. Kuroko wiggled his finger back and forth, pushing it in and out in opposite directions to what his mouth was doing moving along his dick drawing little whimpers and strangled moans from Seijuurou's throat.

His hips snapped up again and again Kuroko held him down, his breath was coming in pants and gasps, he was mortified.

"What are you doing Seijuurou?"

"I-I sorry father but-" He bit down on his lip as another moan bubbled to the surface, "I don't want to get married or-." Kuroko added a second finger and scissored his insides still thrusting his fingers in and out, grazing his teeth on the top and bottom of his penis, swirling his tongue around the head like a lollypop, deep throating him and sending vibrations through him. He could feel the pressure building in him, sure he was close to his climax. He had to end this phone call quickly. "Or betrothed at all."

"Seijuurou, what's going on over there?"

Kuroko picked up the pace with his fingers, turning them this way that, sucking for all that he was worth and relishing in the uncontrollable trembles of Seijuurou's body.

"I'm sorry father but I-i-mm-have to go, s-something came up."

Seijuurou fumbled with his phone as Kuroko looked up at him, removed his mouth from his dick and tsk'ed.

"Lying to your father Seijuurou-kun, not very good of you." Kuroko said every emphasised word met with a harder jab from his fingers making Seijuurou's arm weak, he dropped his phone and scrabbled to pick it back up, twisting his body as Tetsu thrust his fingers in sharply. He keened, back arching, stars flashing across his vision. Kuroko grabbed his free arm, held it down by his side and went down on him again, mouth around his penis, sucking, licking and grazing against the throbbing vein on its underside, fingers now massaging that one place sending pleasure wracking through his system. Seijuurou found himself mindlessly thrusting into Kuroko's mouth with nothing holding him back, his gasps and hopeless moans filling the air, his body writhed, he keened, and he strained against the bonds leaving him spread eagle in the middle of Kuroko's bed. He didn't last long. Kuroko pulled back just before he came letting cum shoot out over his abdomen and chest, Kuroko's fingers still inside him and pleasuring him through out his orgasm not stopping after he was done and watching him twitch and try to move away from his fingers, his over sensitive body finding it too much stimulation.

"Tetsu." Seijuurou gasped as Kuroko jabbed his prostate again one last time before pulling out. He smiled happily at Akashi who gave him a half hearted, tired but satisfied glare.


"Don't you think we're a bit past honorifics now Tetsu?" Despite his words, Kuroko could find no malice in his tone and smiled.

"We are yes but I think this should be of more importance than what I'm putting after your name." He replied, Seijuurou sighed and lifted his head up to look at Kuroko who was looking beside him.

"What is it?"

Kuroko pointed to something beside his head and wiped al emotions from his features. "The call is still connected."

Akashi dropped his head onto the bed, threw an arm over his eyes and groaned.

"I'll end it for you." Kuroko said, leaning over him and pressing the little red phone to end the call.

"Can you end me?" Seijuurou asked hopefully.

"Hm. No."

"I hate you."

"No you don't"

Akashi sighed, "No, I don't."

"It escalated quickly and I ended up deep throating him multiples times and massaging his prostate. Akashi-kun tried to end the call but dropped his phone before he could and I'm pretty sure he may have actually moaned into the phone when I first hit his prostate. He held out quite well for a little bit but really it was probably less than twenty minutes. I eventually told him, after he had orgasmed, that his father was still on the line and his face lit up like a fire truck." Kuroko said, letting little smile slip on to his face, Akashi glared at him and Kuroko just knew that the next time Akashi asked him truth or dare, both option would be just as bad as the other. Snickers went around the group, everyone individually deciding not to pick on Akashi for a while.

2 minutes.

Everyone was still a little hot and bothered but Kuroko wasn't going to play it safe anymore, Nijimura sempai wanted them to bond and fix their relationship, well, truth or dare was a very good choice. They used to play often.

"Aomine-kun truth or dare?"

"Dare." He replied instantly.

"Make out with Akashi-kun." He said, Aomine shot him a look as if he were crazy, was Kuroko trying to start something? Kuroko stared at him, he reluctantly dragged himself to his feet and ambled over, taking as long as he could.

"Time limit?" He asked looking Kuroko still perched on Akashi's lap. Kuroko paused and thought for a moment, he had less than half a minute before he had to grind Akashi who was almost fully erect by this point, his memory not helping his situation in the least, Kuroko knew that they'd get caught up in the moment and drag it out a little longer than necessary but how long?

"One minute."

Aomine nodded walked around to the back of the chair, they were bigger now so it wouldn't be as easy to compensate at odd angles. Akashi's head tilted back until he was starring him straight in the face with an expression that could almost be a pout, though Aomine could see that Akashi had suspicions about why they were all picking on him, usually they'd have a target in their games, that target was generally the person everyone else used as a prop in their dares. The prop wasn't usually Seijuurou though.


"Yeah yeah Tetsu I'm doing it now."

1 minute.

Aomine captured Akashi lips, biting his top lip, Akashi drew in an involuntary breath and opened his mouth, Aomine took full advantage of that and thrust his tongue inside, if he was going to do this dare he was going to do it right. Their tongues twisted around each others, pushing at them and curling around, twisting in circles. The others turned away uncomfortably, their bodies hot and breaking out in sweats. Turning away however didn't stop the wet sounds from meeting their ears and nobody was struck with the need to not listen, the situation was familiar and admittedly, something they all wanted, that it was hot.

Akashi placed both his hands on Daiki's face and held him there, he had to arch his back a little to find the angle he wanted and didn't regret it when he did even if he was pressing into Kuroko's crotch, that felt good as well, he didn't care that his last minute of five was almost up anymore, this was past embarrassing and had entered the realm of 'who gives a fuck anymore'.











Kuroko ground down into him, waves of pleasure raced through his body and he moaned into Daiki's mouth spurring them both on. Kuroko moved faster, his own erection hardening with each thrust of his hips. Their noises were Not. Helping. Anyone. As Kuroko sped up he began to let out small gasps and whimpers, not getting enough friction through his pants and his limited movements. Daiki was palming himself through his shorts with one of Akashi's hands searching out the hem and disappearing inside them, the other glued to his face holding him steady as his knees shook every time Seijuurou's arm pumped up. Daiki's one hands were wondering over Kuroko's body, getting lower and lower, low enough to rub lightly at his dick drawing whimpers and moans from Kuroko's mouth as Tetsuya hunched over and buried his head in Akashi's neck.

"Daiki." Kuroko breathed against Akashi's neck sending shivers down his spine. Aomine got the message and stopped teasing, he unbuttoned and unzipped Kuroko's jeans and slid a hand into Kuroko's boxers to grip his cock and rested his other on Kuroko's shoulder. He teased the head, running his thumb back and forth across the tip. Kuroko bit into Akashi flesh in an attempt to stop his moan. It was as if he'd instead transferred it to Seijuurou's throat as it slid out between his and Aomine's lips, his throat vibrated and tickled Tetsuya's nose, the feeling gone seconds later when Daiki slid his entire hand around his penis and flicked his wrist as he brought his hand to the head again, twisting his grip around his dick, he began moving his hand up and down in regular movements accompanied by Kuroko thrusting into his hand.

Kuroko's own hands were wandering, already undoing Seijuurou's trousers and dipping inside, Akashi thrust into his hands immediately, his grip on Daiki's dick tightened and Daiki's hand's stuttered in time with his gasp.

"Alright, enough, stop getting each other off." Midorima said his voice heavy and strained. Daiki flipped him off and detached his lips from Akashi's.

"You jealous four eyes?" He shot back with a satisfied grin as he pulled Akashi's hand from his pants and replaced the hand in Tetsu's pants with Akashi's. The two immediately took to each other, Akashi lifting Kuroko's head up to capture his lips in a kiss.

"In your dreams." Midorima shot back as Daiki approached, pushed his legs apart, settled between them, grabbed his chin and forced Midorima to look at him.

"Don't be like that Shintarou." He said, Midorima opened his mouth to retort but Daiki took advantage of the situation and kissed him, lowering Midorima to the floor so he didn't have to worry about Midorima complaining about a sore back, if he really didn't want to he'd have said so.

"Ne Atsuchii, why does this always happen whenever we play this game?" Kise asked watching Aomine reduce Midorima to a moaning mess. Murasakibara shrugged.

"Doesn't matter Ki-chin but I won't be the only one left out." Atsushi said reaching for Kise and dragging him onto his lap, Kise smiled and initiated their kiss, by the end of the night they'd all probably be with different people anyway.