Alright everyone, It's me, LastJourneyHome. I'm putting this here to inform you all that there will be no new Chapter of 'Team LADS, Team GENTs, and Pimponia Tower' this month, for a variety of reasons.

For starters, school had kept me very busy, being my final year, I've been writing essays non-stop.

Although, the main reason for this lack of activity, is the reason I came here today.


I can admit, yes, I am depressed, and have been for a many months. This incessant apathy, the want to not do anything, has stopped me from doing what I love, reading, watching, and above all, writing.

I will be trialing a course of Anti-Depressants in the coming weeks, but we don't need to go into that…

What I'm trying to say is, this series is NOT over. While the viewership may have halved in months past, it doesn't detract from the fact that there are still people out there who enjoy Pimponia Tower. I don't want to let you guys down…

When I started writing this story, more than a year ago, I wrote for me, because I wanted to. But over the last few months, I feel as if the quality of my writing has declined, because I've been forcing myself to write, for you.

I don't mean for this to sound selfish, and I don't want it to sound like I'm blaming you, I would never blame you. I never meant for it to sound that way, I just need a break, to find my inspiration again…

I'm hoping that in the coming months, I'll be able to find my inspiration again, and this time, not just write for me or you, but for both of us…

I love you all, you are the reason I have kept going with this for so long, and I will remember each and every one of you for it.

There may be a chapter next month, there may not.

Thank you all for understanding, I hope. I look forward to our next meeting, hopefully it's soon…

Again, I love you all, never forget that, because I'll never forget you.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to PM me or leave a review, I will always reply, as soon as possible.

Thanks again for keeping my dream alive, as a team, as a family, we are strong.

Love you.
