
Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck owns Star Wars, I did not, bweeeeee... *crying*


Today is the usual day for Anakin Skywalker, the nine years old slave at Watto's mechanic shop. He had the usual bland day, having spending his time by serving some customers, and repairing some simple machines. At least, due to the imminent sandstorms, Watto decides to simply close his shop early and dismiss Anakin to go home to his slave quarter, where he lived with his mother. Anakin quickly skips around toward his home, having in mind to finish his custom pod for the upcoming podracing championship. However, he feels something he can't explain, as if he suddenly feels someone's in great trouble at the desert nearby.

At first, he tries to just ignore his feelings, but then, he think: "What if someone really needs my help out there?".

So, he looks to the desert and walk towards them, feeling as if a mysterious force guiding his path, and something life-changing will happened after he was finished with this quest.

"The wind is getting stronger, I think there's a cave nearby for shelter, but... what is that?" said Anakin to himself, when his eyes caught a glimpse of a horribly broken and tattered starfighter.

"There should be no survivors able to survive this... but why I feel as if someone is crying deep inside the cockpit?" said Anakin, and before he knew it, he expertly opened the wrecked cockpit door with the tools he's carrying, inside the cockpit, he found something.

There, lies an unconscious Dathomirian Zabrak, he worn a black robes and his body is full of tattos. But skip that, thought Anakin to himself, there's some big open wounds over his body caused by the broken fragments of his spaceship cockpit. And when Anakin tries to get a hold closer to the Zabrak, he can see that his legs are already crushed and severed.

The sandstorm is imminent, and without much thinking, Anakin tries to exert his maximum strength, carrying the grievously wounded Zabrak into safety at the nearby cave. He didn't recall how, but somehow he was able to lift the Zabrak at his back and walk towards safety at the cave.

He knew that he must wait until the sandstorm subsides before even thinking of going home, so he prays to whatever deity is there for his mother's safety, and prays so she won't be stupid enough to try to venture out there looking for him in this sandstorm.

And so, this night, he decides to spend his time treating for the poor Zabrak's wounds. His methods are crude and he knows it, but at least using clothes as makeshift bandages, cutting jutted flesh and crushed bones, and pouring searing hot sands (by handheld plasma burner he happened to carry on) to sterilize the wound is a common emergency aid in Tattoine, and every podracer was supposed to knew about that. There's worst accidents in Podracing, at least he thinks that, and trying his best to keep the poor Zabrak alive.

At this point, he never thinks that his life will be forever changed...