April at once picked up the story where Splinter ended. Talking about how she had woke up in the lab and had discovered that Donnie had survived the night, with the other Turtles learning soon afterward. Raph spoke about how they had spent hourly shifts over the next week keeping watch. Leonardo admitted to staying with him every night so that if he did wake up or pass away during the night, he wouldn't be alone. Mikey talked about how they each recited memories where Donnie had been an important presence in their lives. And Splinter spoke about the moment where Donnie had finally woken up.

Donatello could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Painful tears from all he had endured for his family, and what his family had endured for him. But also happy tears as well because he felt that now he can truly begin to return to who he once had been. His brothers knew, they understood what he had gone through…it all been for them. Two arms wrapped around him and pulled him close. Donnie didn't need to guess who it was; he knew right away and responded to the gesture gratefully. A few tears falling from his eyes as several others sets of arms wrapped around him.

At that moment Donnie felt himself being hoisted up and carried into the common room. To everyone's surprise and elation, Mikey had set up their tatami mats in the pit, the four mattresses overlapping one another in the space so it made one big lumpy mattress with blankets and pillows.

The four brothers all huddled together taking comfort from each other. Leo, Raph, and Mikey openly crying for what their missing brother had endured, and Donnie in turn also wept. Wept for the pain his disappearance had caused his family, wept for all the pain and suffering he had endured. He was only able to utter one single word through his tears, a word that summed up all that they felt about what had happened. A single question that filled their minds and their hearts


April watched the four brothers as the four brothers all commiserated in their grief. Tears springing to her he eyes as her heart broke for them. Being an only child in a single parent household she never knew what having a sibling was like, particularly when they all they had was each other. Heck April knew several people at school who had siblings, and compared to the Turtles they took that concept for granted. This was what a real family should be like, reliant on one another and there for each other no matter what. The red haired girl felt so honored to observe her four friends, and yet part of her felt like she was witnessing something she had no right to be seeing. To her surprise one of the other three brothers looked up at her and held out a hand to her as if inviting her to be among them. April was taken aback by this gesture; yes the others welcomed her as a friend, and ally even. It was Donnie who went out of his way to make her feel like she was part of the family. To have one of the other turtles invite her into this private moment, she felt honored and at the same time felt out of place. She was a stranger, an outsider. What right did she have to be included? But she accepted the invitation. It felt like a day had passed before exhaustion finally found them they settled into a deep and comforting sleep. Splinter smiled as he stepped out of the Dojo to see his four sons and their human companion all curled in the pit together in a way that had an uncanny resemblance to another time long ago. Turning out the lights he let his children rest.


(One month later)

Leo sighed as he approached his bed room. April's dad had been rescued with no small part on Donnie's efforts. Though it would have been better if Donnie hadn't gone out on his own, particularly after being abducted, tortured, and nearly losing his life at the hands of the Shredder the last time he had gone to the surface by himself.

And no thanks to Raph who had unintentionally encouraged him to do it. They all appreciated that Donnie did have feelings for the red head, and they all agreed Donnie was more likely to get a broken heart in the end then an actual future with her. April had expressed such concerns herself. But even if they did have their concerns about Donnie's delusional belief that he and April would be able to have any sort of future, they also understood April was someone that made him happy and they had no right to take that away.

And speaking of his brother, over the past month Donnie had greatly improved since he had gone over everything that had happened while he had been the Shredder's prisoner. He was still suffering from nightmares though not to the same extent he had before. He still had a weakness in his shoulders but a the weeks of physical therapy from Splinter had helped. If anything Donnie was quieter and more subdued then he normally was. Often he would be seated by himself sketching out plans for the next invention he was thinking up or talking to Timothy.

Still one statement Donnie has told Leo that one night the two of them had talked to one another still festered. Leo could remember Donnie saying "I think things may need to change between us." That had festered for a while until Donnie later admitted that he felt it was time for them to consider living in separate rooms. Something Leo did understand and agree with.

Today he was sitting with Splinter and quietly discussing the subject with Splinter. Splinter also agreed that it was time that they all had their own bedrooms and he was glad they were coming to this decision on their own.

"You wanted to see me Sensei?" Donnie asked as he entered the dojo.

"Donatello my son," Splinter greeted. "Please come join us." Donatello obediently joined his father and older brother.

"Leonardo has informed me that you still suffer from nightmares." The Wise Rat explained with concern, his third son nodded admitting this to be the case.

"I thought maybe joining in a meditation might be helpful." Leonardo explained. "But we won't force you to join in if you don't agree."

"I don't know if that would help." Donnie answered thoughtfully. "But I'd be willing to give it a try if you believe it could help."

"Remember to focus your mind my son." Splinter answered placing a paw like hand on his sons shoulder. "If you start to be tormented by the visions that haunt you, think on your brother an myself. We will be there." Donatello nodded in understanding. Slowly the three mutants closed their eyes and focused their breathing, letting their consciousness out into the universe.

Donnie opened his eyes and found that he was locked in the cell once again. He could feel his throat tighten as the chain constricted around his throat. Painfully he lifted his head as he tried to prevent it from strangling him to death. The first thing he registered was the pain in his shoulders and arms. his arms were both wrenched back at an odd angle which meant both shoulders were dislocated and his body was being supported by the damaged muscles of each limb.

The door to the cell slid open with a hiss as the Shredder stalked in. His manner showed that he was beyond irritated with Donatello's resistance, and he was not going to put up with any more.

"You have tried my patience for the last time boy!" Shredder growled menacingly. The tapered blade from his gauntlet moving forward to show he did not harbor any idle threats. "Tell me where Hamato Yoshi is and I promise your demise will be swift."

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" A thickly accented voice erupted from the door way. Turning Shredder found himself face to face with an incensed Splinter. Leonardo stood with him his swords at the ready.

"A rat?!" Shredder asked in amused disbelief. "How fitting."

"Let my brother go!" Leo demanded.

"So your disciples are also your children..." Shredder stated with a disgusting purr in his voice. "So glad you had this opportunity to say good-bye. Perhaps you can enjoy your family in the next world." Unleashing his claw like blades, Shredder held them aloft and was going to bring them down on Donatello when they were blocked by Leo's sword blades.

"Coward..." The blue masked Turtle barked. "I won't let you hurt him...Not anymore."

"You took my family from me once, Oroku Saki." Splinter snarled as he rushed at Shredder with his katana blade. . "I won't let you destroy my family away a second time."

"As if you can stop me." Shredder laughed as met his foe. Leo took the momentary detraction to sever the chains holding Donatello prisoner and dragging Donatello out of the cell. Donnie had to blink as the harsh light of the hallway burned his retinas. Leo gently set him down on the floor and glanced over Donnie's injuries with brotherly concern.

"I knew..." Donnie said his voice hardly more then a rasping whisper. "I knew you'd come."

"Don't talk right now." Leo answered as he painfully pulled each of Donnie's shoulders back into place before protectively embracing his younger brother. There was a yell from the Shredder before Splinter staggered out of the cell and approached his sons.

"It's over." He said. "Now we must return to our home."

"Right" Leo answered as he helped Donnie to his feet.

Back at the lair, a tear descended down Donnie's face as his consciousness returned to his body. He jumped slightly when he felt Leo's hand land on his shoulder but smiled up at his older brother before getting up himself.

The two boys didn't exchange any words with each other, there was no need to. Politely they bowed to their teacher and left the dojo without a word. The two of them walking together in companionable silence until they reached their shared bedroom.

"I'm proud of you." Leo said seemingly off hand.

"For agreeing to meditate with you and Splinter?" Donnie asked.

"That and not revealing our lair to the Shredder." Leo answered. "I know going through everything you'd gone through was excruciating and it would be so easy to surrender and let the torment end. But you didn't give into to the torment, you endured it until we can get to you. So if no one ever says it, I feel you should know how proud I am to have you as a brother and friend." Donnie smiled in appreciation.

"I'm proud to be your brother, Aniki." Donnie said back.

Unknown to the two brothers, their conversation was being watched by Kirby O'Neil. In a matter of days, the final steps in the Shredder's plan will be implemented and the Turtles will be no more. The conversation between the two brothers couldn't have been more ironic. Donatello didn't betray his brothers to the Shredder, but he had betrayed them with his heart. If he truly had an exploitable flaw, it was being a compassionate fool. Particularly in matters that centered around April. This is why that encrypted message was sent to his daughters email. Donatello would find the need to decipher it and that would lead him to the prison. The enamored simpleton would have been too intent on saving him to notice he was leading danger to their lair. And by the time they have realized that it would be too late. April will be in the clutches of the Kraang, the Shredder will have had his revenge upon their master, and the Turtles themselves would be no more. Now it was just a waiting game until the next move was made.

And here concludes Broken. Thank you to all those who have followed this story and its prequels Hostage and Reclaiming. This story was fun to write and I hope I captured the characters the way they are on the nick show and how they realistically would deal with the situation of one of their own being in mortal danger and having a limited time to be recovered alive. If you would like similar stories to this one may I recommend Breaking-by Stormynight108, and Not Easily Broken by Psychotic Happiness.

I'm also starting a youtube video series called "Fan-Author interviews" this is a good way to get people get exposure for certain authors and what fanfics they have written. For now this will center around TMNT authors. I may eventually look into fanfic authors centered in other series such as Friendship is magic, Anime, Ect.

Rules to be chosen for interview:

Must have at least 1 complete fanfic.

Skype preferred for interviews, but willing to negotiate alternative means of communication.

While I say it would be interviews, I won't have an actual video. In the videos themselves I will have an avatar character to represent the author. I will also create these avatars myself the unicorn girl image I use as my Avatar is an example of my work and I can show other examples as needed. However if you have an image you would rather have please let me know.

If you are interested please drop me a PM.