Man I have been soooo busy! New job is taking up all my free time, urgh. But hey ho, here is chapter two at last! Let's get this literally crazy story kicked off. Thank you for all the reviews! Don't forget to drop more! Next chapter should come sooner rather than later! Enjoy x

Christian glared at me as he tilted his head back, nose bleeding freely. "Fuck you Rose. Seriously, fuck you."

"Fuck me? Who was the one who 'let it slip' about me on holiday, huh?" I retorted, rubbing my knuckles. He had one freaking thick skull. Then, I shouldn't have been shocked; this was Christian Ozera.

Lissa groaned, tugging at the wide bracelets around each of her wrists. "You shouldn't have punched him. It was me who told him."

"Yeah, but you didn't force him to run his mouth and blab. Thank god only a few know. Let's keep it like that."

Christian glared when Lissa looked thoughtful. I couldn't help but snigger when he walked out. With a sigh, Lissa slapped my arm. "Would you mind not breaking my boyfriends nose? He'll probably have two black eyes now and they're going to ask where it came from. You'll get locked up in isolation for a week. Black eyes, Rose!"

"That'd be an improvement" I added before I could think it through. Lissa swelled up like a puffer fish before stalking out of the room. Really? Jeez.

Mason smirked from his armchair, legs draped over the side. He looked the picture of relaxation. "Sexy older Russian guys huh?"

I scoffed. "Isn't it way past your bedtime, Fruit Loops?"

"You wound me deep Rose. It's our last night before school starts again. Plus Adrian is back. Waiting for you, but he's not allowed in Low Risk right now."

That made me stare. "Are you serious? I thought they'd keep him locked up forever." Mason shrugged. "You said that about Christian."

"The bastard set his bedroom on fire! I still don't like him around Lissa. What if he starts her off again?"

Mason looked unconcerned. "They're a cure for each other, Rose."

I gave him a skeptic look. "Christian wasn't even allowed to come on holiday with us. And we were only allowed a week. A major strict week."

Mason scowled. "Be very thankful. Most here would give an arm and leg for that kind of freedom. Even for just a week. You weren't even supervised. You had to text in every night, that was all." A pause. "I suppose Lissa lied for you on the last night? You know they'll find out. And you're going to get into trouble."

"Trouble is my middle name. And I don't care. Now… tell me- why is Adrian coming back? How? Why?" how was he even sane enough to come back to school? The last time I'd seen him was because… well, bad things had happened.

Mason ran a hand through his ginger hair. "Apparently he's doing much better."

"In just six months? Bullshit." I didn't want to admit it, but I was slightly frightened. No, screw that, I was definitely scared. Out of my wits. Not that I'd let anyone know. That would be a sign of weakness.

Suddenly, a voice called through the loudspeakers "Please return to your rooms. You have ten minutes. You will find your new timetables and uniform upon your beds."

Phew. No summoning.

Mason sighed and got to his feet. "I guess I'll see you in classes tomorrow." He left instantly and I watched him go, reluctant to leave myself. But when the warning bell sounded, I sighed in defeat and started making my way back towards the dormitories on the other side of campus.

"You're pushing it" Lissa chastised as I shut the door behind me with a click, hearing it automatically lock behind me. Me and Lissa had more freedom than most in this loony bin, but we still weren't trusted with an unlocked door.

"Mason told me that Adrian's back."

Lissa dropped her book. "Seriously? Crazy Ivashkov?"

"Yes. Crazy has recovered, apparently."


She echoed my thoughts perfectly. "It sucks Liss. Major sucks."

Lissa nodded and lay back, closing her eyes. She sighed. "Just think… we'll be out of here in June. Properly out of here."

"If you keep your head down, we will."

A pause. "You too Rose. You are utterly fine now. You could leave anytime you want… why do you keep pretending to be crazy?"

"Because I have no intention of leaving you here alone, Lissa," I told her firmly. "I'm not leaving you here alone."

"I have Christian."

"You know what I mean. I'd fake insanity forever if I had to."

I ignored her sad expression and picked up my timetable, scowling at it. "Great. They've cut out that extra free lesson and replaced it with one-to-one counseling sessions. I mean, who the fuck is Mr. Belikov?"

"I have no idea. New guy? Sounds…" she smiled innocently. "He sounds Russian."

In one swift movement, I screwed up my timetable and threw it at her. She giggled insanely and swatted it away.

We got changed for bed and shimmied under the covers, the lights now off. It felt weird, being back here at the school. Then again, the word 'school' was pushing it. This place was more a rehabilitation center. Or to the students, St Vladimir's home for the crazies.

We were the crazies.

Breakfast was relatively quiet compared to the usual screaming of some student. There was always one, always. But not this time. For the duration of breakfast, I kept a cautious eye out for Crazy Ivashkov, but never saw him. Maybe the rumors were wrong? Maybe he wasn't coming back to mainstream school?

Lissa was sat on Christian's lap, talking quietly to him with a smile on her face. I narrowed my eyes slightly- Christian probably had a boner underneath. Not that Lissa would mind. Gross.

The bell rang and we all got to our feet. Time for church. Even those who weren't religious were required to sit through the half an hour of quiet contemplation. They claimed it helped concentration. Dirty, filthy lies.

Lissa grabbed my hand so we didn't get separated. Her other was in Christian's. I had to admit, the pyromaniac was good for her. She had never smiled that much until she'd met him the previous year. At first, I'd warned him away. I mean, would you seriously want your best friend around a boy who had a tendency to set things alight? I'd seen him shirtless once and all down his right side, there was shiny and red skin. Burnt skin. I had no idea how it had happened, but it didn't look too old. What had happened to him prior to coming here? Even Lissa didn't know.

They held hands the entire service. It was disgustingly cute.

"Oh Rose," the voice inside my head whispered to me. "You can't run forever."

Adrian really had gotten under my skin. He was like a rash that just wouldn't clear up, no matter what you did to it.

Something prodded me in the back. Mason. He slipped something over that I caught. It was a piece of folded paper. As the sermon continued, I opened it discreetly and read Adrian is in isolation for a week. He punched Kirova in the face.

I snorted so loud from laughter that the guards around us glared at me and a few loonies turned around to stare at me. When I glared back at them, they turned back to the front.

Adrian was in Iso. That was the best news I'd had this morning. No chance of running into him for a week at least. Things were looking up.

First classes went very well. No homework at all for once. At lunch, I sat atop Mason's lap yielded to their questions about the hot Russian I'd hooked up with on holiday.

"Miss Hathaway!" someone shouted from the top table. "Get down from Mr Ashford's lap! You know the no-contact rule!"

"Yeah whore! Whore, whore, whore!" someone called from another table as I slid into the seat next to Mason. Charming, just charming. Apparently I was a whore now. They hadn't even bothered with Christian and Lissa.

"Ignore them," Mason muttered, closing his fist around the handle of the plastic fork. We weren't allowed metal ones. "They're just jealous that you're getting out of here soon and they're going to rot in here for eternity."

Lissa cleared her throat, leaning forward. "So come on, spill! You told me nothing about the 'date' on the way home. I demand details."

"You hoe" I teased her.

"Don't you dare say a word," Christian warned me. "I don't want to hear about how big this Russian guy was, or how he gave it to you."

Mason sniggered. "Did he give it to you Rose?"

I smiled sweetly in Christian's direction, refusing to look away from his wintry eyes as I said "oh he gave it to me alright. All night long."

Christian closed his eyes and groaned in utter disgust. "I hate you Hathaway."

As I glanced to the clock, I sighed wearily- I should have had a free lesson right now, not a one-to-one lesson with some creepy Russian sounding man. Why was everything Russian lately after the guy in Miami?

"Enjoy your time with your Russian lover," Lissa joked as I got up to walk towards the exit. I flashed her my middle finger and a teacher at head table yelled at me. I escaped before someone could slap a detention on me.

All the way towards the other side of campus, my mind was on Crazy Ivashkov. When I walked past the double metal doors that lead to isolation, I couldn't help but glance towards it and pause to stare. I could hear yelling emanating from inside. Whether it was Adrian's doing or not I couldn't tell.

Just then, the double doors swing open and a very red nosed Kirova strolls out, her expression very nearly murderous. At me I thought for a start, but at her double-take at seeing me, I thought otherwise.

"Why are you loitering outside Isolation?" she asked me, stopping dead with her eyes suspicious.

I motion to the dark brown doors leading to the west wing of the school. "I have a one-to-one today."

Kirova nodded and I see that both of her eyes are blacker than hell. Adrian's doing. Hell I want to laugh, but I'd end up in Iso myself. "Belikov, yes?" she asked now. I nodded. "Yeah, him.

"He's a good man" Kirova said. "His first day with us, and we're extremely fortunate to have him. Do not…" she didn't say what I shouldn't do, but it wasn't hard to guess; don't offend him. Don't frustrate him. Don't give him cause to walk out. Pissing off teachers was a Rose Hathaway special.

I shrugged. "Wouldn't dream of it Headmistress. You might want to put some ice on those eyes, by the way." I offered it as genuine advice but she glowered and snapped "off with you. You'll be late." She walked off, leaving me stood there like a lemon. A glance at the clock on the wall and she's right- I am going to be late. Turning my back on Isolation, I hurry down the corridors.

Five past. Shit. Late.

I never have to come down this corridor usually. It's so… creepy. So white and clinical. What do they think this wing is? A hospital? I'm not insane. At all.

Room 21 was tucked into the corner, the door white and the blinds matching and drawn. You couldn't see inside at all. I knocked twice and heard a voice call from inside "come in." When I put a hand on the knob, I couldn't help but frown- that voice seemed so familiar. There was an accent to it. Well he was Russian after all. After Dimitri, of course I'd pick up on that.

When I walk in, the pure white office is normal sized with a dark mahogany desk sat snug near the wall. There were no windows that showed outside. It felt… claustrophobic. Why was everything white and so… blank? Only the dark furniture was a splash of color in the room.

Where is he? There were no doors that led out of the room other than the one I'd just come through. I dumped my bag onto the stool next to the door, stepping forward and sitting down in the squishy black leather armchair before the desk. There's an expensive looking laptop set up upon it, the lid open. Something bumps my feet and I start violently. When the man straightened up from underneath the desk, his back to me, I just stare.

Stare in utter disbelief.

He winds a computer cord up and stows it away, back to me still. I felt numb. The horror… this wasn't possible. I was jumping to conclusions and making assumptions.

And then the man turned and he stared as well, dark brown eyes widening in shock.

I cleared my throat, not looking away from those eyes. God they were delicious as ever. "Well, this is awkward."

There was no smile upon his face. No hug or words of greeting. After what seemed like forever, he says something in Russian. It doesn't sound like anything good.

"What did that mean?" I asked, tapping a finger upon the desk. It was Dimitri. Really him. The man I'd left back in Miami after… well…

"I said I feel sick" Dimitri told me, eyes as cold as ice. "Leave. Please."

I shook my head. "This is a lesson. One-to-one." The truth was I didn't want to leave just yet. The odds of something like this happening were just… astronomical. Clearly I wasn't the only one thinking that.

"Ros-Miss. Hathaway… you were, no are a child. And after what happened in Miami, I can't work with you. It's not possible. I'm disgusted at myself. I should have known before…" he doesn't finish, looking faintly sick.

I stood up as he sat down in his chair. Dimitri was wearing a crisp and professional looking black suit with a matching tie that made him look hotter than hell. On the clothes peg behind him in the corner though, a long dark brown leather coat hung.

"Please leave" he told me again, making sure not to meet my eyes. "I'll find you another counselor."

That made me scowl. "So what? You're going to pawn me off onto someone else simply because you had sex with me?"

Dimitri's jaw clenched. "Never say that again inside this school. Never. The consequences would result in my arrest for a start."

He really hadn't known. But then, I had lied to him after all about my age. Wait. Had age come up? I couldn't remember.

"It wasn't your fault" I told him quietly, not knowing what to say or do. "I mean… you didn't know."

"I should have." Dimitri got up and strolled over to the door and opened it. He took a deep breath. "I cannot do this. I'm sorry."

As soon as my foot was outside the door, it was shut behind me.

When I returned to mine and Lissa's bedroom, she was sat there reading, on a free lesson. She blinked in surprise at the sight of me, setting down her book. "You're back early. Is everything okay?"

Was everything okay? I was still in shock. My hook-up was a counselor. And one assigned to me. I wasn't even legally an adult yet and if the authorities knew of mine and Dimitri's activities on the last night of my holidays… well, Dimitri was right; he'd be arrested for statutory rape.

I sat my bag down upon the bed, not knowing how to respond. To tell her or not? She'd see him soon enough no doubt. And she knew his name. And what he looked like.

The bed next to my bag went down as I sat upon it, clearing my throat. "Dimitri is my new counselor."

Lissa looked confused for a start, but then it dawned on her and she understood. Her jade green eyes widened as she asked hesitantly "as in… Miami Dimitri?"

"Yeah," I told her. "The hot one."

"The one you had sex with? The Russian?"

"Him. He kicked me out, forbade me from mentioning about what happened between us." I took a deep breath. "Can't blame him. I mean, how would you react if you'd found out you'd fucked one of the kids from a loony bin?"

"But you're not mad, Rose"

"He doesn't know that." I felt bitter now. Dimitri probably thought I was nuts. Like Crazy Ivashkov. I wasn't. I didn't cut like Lissa, burn houses down like Christian or get violent and try to strangle people at random like Mason. I was here because of my mothers claims that I had behavioral problems. They'd even diagnosed me with it, the bastards. Sure, I had an attitude, but psychological problems? I wasn't insane. I didn't belong here.

"I have him tomorrow" Lissa told me now, her timetable on her lap. "What if he recognizes me?"

I snorted in laughter. "I doubt he'll be bothered with you. I mean… you didn't fuck him did you?"

Her cheeks went scarlet and I rested my case.

With a sigh I stared up at the cream colored ceiling. Home sweet insane home.

All through the next day, I was waiting for when Lissa had her lesson with Dimitri. I couldn't help the curiosity. When she came to our table at lunch, fresh from her lesson with him, she barely had time to sit down before I dragged her closer, asking about him.

She shifted her chair closer to the table, shaking her head a little. "He was nice. A little… serious. But he didn't indicate he recognized me or anything."

"And what about him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean is he any good?"

Lissa shifted uncomfortably. "He was actually uh, really amazing. Best counselor I've ever had. I didn't feel shy around him at all. And you know how… um, scary he looks. And sounds."

"Miss Hathaway."

Speak of the Russian devil. I turned around in my seat to find Dimitri stood there, his face expressionless. Stoic was a good word to describe him. "Midday tomorrow, you have another meeting since ours cut short."

"Who with?" I had to ask. His jaw clenched the tiniest of fractions. "With me. Same place." And with that, he left. Lissa arched a brow. "Guess he couldn't change you to someone else. I mean, they must b- why are you smirking?"

I shook my head, glancing towards the door. "Nothing. I'm just wondering how long it's going to take him to crack and leave the school."

"Rose. Don't wind him up and make him leave. I like him."

"I'm not going to make him leave" I assured her, reaching into my bag where a ham sandwich lies wrapped in a plastic bag. In the Low Risk zones, we're not allowed tin foil. It makes no sense. What are we gonna do? Tin foil someone to death?"I'm gonna push him until he reaches his limit."

Lissa frowned. "You're going to end up in deep, deep trouble. Stuff worse than Iso, Rose. I mean… why do you even want to do this-? It's kinda come from nowhere. I thought you liked him?"

I shrugged and leaned back in my seat, biting into my sandwich. "Yeah I like him. I'm just bored."

"Rose, this isn't boredom. This is something else."

My eyes narrowed as I lowered my sandwich. "Did you just-? Are you calling me crazy?" one of the guards. Guardians as we call them, takes a step forward at my raised voice. I ignore him.

Lissa's eyes widened once again. "No! I'm just saying that you shouldn't do this. It's… wrong. Stupid."

I snort in laughter. "Stupid is when you cut. You keep claiming you want to die, that's why you do it, but you don't even do it deep enough!"

Lissa just stares, her eyes hurt and her posture stiff. "Rose, this isn't you talking. What's wrong?"

That was harsh of me. More than harsh. I should say sorry, but the words won't come.

Suddenly, someone grabbed a hold of my collar, yanking me to my feet as roughly as possible. Christian's eyes are as dark and stormy as the Irish Sea. They were the last thing I saw before he drew his arm back, then punched me square in the cheek, knocking me clean out.

-Don't forget to drop a review! :D