So this is my first fanfiction that I wanted to write. Since I'm in love with One Piece right now… So please, be nice!

Ace (17 years old) was looking for Luffy (14 years old) in the forest. He then heard a humming sound coming from a tree. Ace figured it wasn't an animal but he was unsure of what it was. He kept creeping closer to see, or hear, whatever it was, better.

Ace then heard his name being called softly. He started to walk back thinking Luffy was calling him from the other direction. He heard it again this time more far off back the way he came, for a brief moment he thought it was Luffy he began to sprint back to where he was.

"A... Ace..." He could hear his name more clearly but it was still soft. Then a chill went through Ace's spine. Ace started to sneak around a big tree on which's the other side he knew for sure was where he heard his name. He couldn't hear any movement but just then-

"A... Ace... Ac... Ace!" Ace could heard it clear as day.

'Luffy is calling my name! Wit... With such a lustful tone!' Ace couldn't believe it, but when he turned his head slowly around the tree to see a sight that would never leave Ace's head for as long as he lived.

'Luffy... is MASTURBATING! While calling my name no less!' The thought was new to Ace sure, he figured with Luffy growing up he would discover himself. However to hear his name paralyzed Ace with no other real reason but shock!

Ace stood still as he watched Luffy stroke his fully hard member, his face was red with even redder tint on his cheeks and he was sweating. Just then, as Ace was still in shock he called out Ace's name again. This time it ringed though his body. Ace continued to stare frozen and watch his younger brother put both his hands on his hard cock

"ACEEE!" Luffy screamed in ecstasy as he squeezed both his hands on his cock as he sprayed a white spray all over his body. Ace stood there in shock as he continued to stare at his younger brother who drifted off into sleep. Then Ace snapped out of his shock.

"Luffy!" Ace hid behind the tree and shouted his brother's name to wake Luffy up and give him time to clean himself up if even a bit.

"Ace!" Luffy shouted as he came from where he was to find Ace.

Just hearing his name being called from his younger brother didn't and would probably never feel the same.

"Oi Luffy there you are, come on, let's head back before it gets to dark." Ace smiled as he looked at Luffy who looked just like he always did.

"Yay!" Cheered Luffy. Ace ran home with Luffy close behind him.

Thank you for reading and I'm not sure where this will go but there at least will be two more chapters of this and they will be quite steamy and really R rated, but if any of u want me to write more then send me a comment. No matter how old this is.

Beta: .sun