Hiccups Pov

I saw this mysterious women staring at me.

She seemed to be studying me for something.

My face was filled with concentration as I was trying to figure out if I knew the person or not.

I shifted my leg so I would be more comfortable. It gets a little uncomfortable if I don't shift.

I looked at Toothless and he looked at me. He was my partner though everything.

Toothless's tail went up and I thought about the new design I could do.

I stared back at the person at the women who just continued staring.

" Hiccup". The person managed out.

" Should I know you"? I ask confused and curious.

" No". The person said taking off her helmet her eyes meeting mine. " You were only a babe but a mother never forgets".

I gasped at the women. She was my mother.

" Mom...? I managed out

How could this be? She left and now here she is right in front of me. I thought maybe she was died but no she just came here. Did she leave because she didn't want me or did she just leave to get away? I looked at her and I saw her eyes were filled with happiness and amazement. My eyes widened as I saw she looked kinda like me.

" It's been a long time my son. I want to show you something". My mother said

She showed me all the dragons she had rescued and it was amazing.

" Unbelievable". I said in shock. " You've been rescuing them".

There was dragons I had never seen before and they were really amazing. There was so many and she rescued them all.

My mom had introduced her dragon Gruff to me and I was amazed immediately. I told her Toothless's name and I could she fell in love with the dragon immediately.

I told her how Toothless and I met and I could tell she was surprised I had her passion for dragons. I was the first to ride a dragon in Berk and I loved dragons. I couldn't kill one if I tried.

I also told her how my father had disowned me at first and she was angry and I quickly added he was proud and sorry later.

Also I told her how I got my leg like it was and how Toothless had saved me. I told her my first kiss with Astrid and I could tell was happy. She hadn't seen me in forever I'm guessing and now she had just heard everything.

" Something is coming". She said as we walked. " Something you've never faced before".

" I'll be able to handle it. I'm your son". I said

I looked at her and I saw her face had different emotions on it. Happy, sorrow, and excitement. She looked all those at once.

I knew why. I would leave and she would stay. Her son she had seen after so long would leave and she would stay I was sure.

I finally figured out where I got my love for dragons from, my mother.

I pictured how are good bye would go. She'd wave, I'd wave and then we'd go on with life and have our own adventures.