Finally got around to updating this story, after losing it not once but twice! The first time it was due to my computer crashing and the second time, I have absolutely no idea what happened to it! I actually found a half written chapter 3 on Google Docs for this story which was a lot different than what I ended up posting. Hopefully you enjoy this chapter though! Now, I'm going to try to figure out if I'm going to update one of my other stories or work on one that I have several chapters written, I believe I have 11 chapters, but haven't posted any of it yet.

Chapter 4: Aftermath

Buffy walked into the post New Years Party at The Bronze, it was an annual event that she and her friends always went to. Looking around, it was the same as every year, some people were dressed up, some people were dressed down and others were wearing the same clothes they wore the night before. She rolled her eyes with a smile when she saw that Harmony Kendell looked like she fell into the 'wearing the same clothes as the night before' category and her best friend Cordelia Chase was letting her know exactly how classless it was. Cordelia had a rule for her little minions, never let someone see you in the same outfit twice, let alone wearing the same thing two days in a row! Buffy briefly wondered what poor guy ended up spending the evening with Harmony. Buffy had been one of the people to dress down, even though very few people actually saw her in the dress that she wore the night before, she didn't exactly feel like dressing up. She didn't have anyone to impress, especially since she didn't think Angel was going to show up. Before they had parted ways, he had mentioned once again how much he didn't want to attend.

"Hey, look! It's our friend, Buffy!" Xander smiled at the blonde as she made her way over to the table where her friends were sitting. "Or at least I think it is… I haven't seen her in a really, really long time."

"Very funny, Xan." The blonde playfully rolled her eyes as she sat beside him. "Sorry about last night."

"What happened?" Her redheaded best friend asked, concerned.

Buffy shrugged her shoulders, as Xander quickly picked up his phone, opening the text message from her. "By the way, let's discuss this, shall we?" He turned his phone screen towards the blonde. "Is that a man's shirt?"

Buffy shrugged again, while Willow gasped, grabbing the phone from the man. "Is it?! I didn't even notice!" She looked towards her blonde friend with her mouth hanging open. "Is it a man's shirt?"

"A man could probably wear it." Buffy answered, using an even tone. "I mean, clearly I'm wearing it though."

Suddenly Amy grabbed the phone from Willow's hand, tapping the screen to zoom in on the picture. "Where are you? The surroundings don't look familiar!"

"Nowhere." The blonde grabbed Xander's phone, locking the screen and setting it down on the table. "So, how was your guy's night?" She looked around the table, noticing that there was someone missing. "Where is Warren?"

"Tara dumped him." Anya nodded with a smile, she knew that their quiet friend could do so much better.

Buffy gasped, turning towards her college friend. "No way! I missed that?"

Tara offered Buffy a smile. "It was time."

Buffy smiled back at her friend, placing a reassuring hand on Tara's arm, she knew exactly why it was time for the relationship to end, Tara just hadn't told everyone else in their group yet. The blonde knew that all of their friends would accept the fact that Tara also liked girls, but the quiet girl was still nervous about coming out to anyone other than Buffy and Willow. "Yeah." Buffy whispered. "It was."

"You also missed Warren getting so drunk that he not only climbed up on the pool table but fell off said pool table." Larry nodded in the direction of the table in question.

Oz nodded. "Busted his head open."

"It was gross." Amy made a face at the memory.

Xander nodded. "But, oddly satisfying."

"The bartender had to call an ambulance." Willow raised her eyebrows, she couldn't believe Buffy had missed such an eventful night.

"Oh!" Larry exclaimed, pointing at the blonde. "There was also a fight. That Parker guy, got it pretty good."

Buffy nodded with a small smile at the thought of Angel. "I heard about that."

"You did?" Anya asked before looking around at their group of friends.

"Yeah, when I went to the station last night to see my dad." Buffy grabbed a napkin off the table, toying with it in her hands. "First guest of the night down at the station."

Willow's eyes got large as she watched her best friend. "That guy got arrested?"

"But…" Tara trailed off for a second. "We all told the cops that he was just defending someone."

"Parker was living up to his poophead name." Oz smiled towards his girlfriend.

Buffy let out a small laugh at Oz's comment, Willow had come up with Poophead as a nickname for Parker during their Freshmen year of College. "Actually, he didn't end up getting booked. He sat in the holding cell for a few hours before they finally told him that he could go."

"And you know this because you spent New Years at the police station?" Larry asked the blonde.

Anya shook her head, annoyed. "Just pick one already, Buffy!"

"Maybe I don't want to." The blonde shrugged with a small smile.

"I knew it!" Xander blurted out. "It WAS a man's shirt!"

Buffy shook her head and was about to deny it, simply to avoid her friend's questions for the night until she spotted Angel across the room and she couldn't help but smile. She slowly got up from her seat, making her way closer to him and he did the same. "Hey, I thought you weren't going to come tonight."

Angel shrugged. "I didn't want to but then I started thinking that you might be here…"

"Oh, really?" Buffy gave him a teasing smile.

Angel nodded with a smile. "Yeah, then I could actually get your phone number to keep in contact with you for that whole job thing."

"Oh!" Buffy pursed her lips before going back to the table her friends were sitting at, she knew they were listening in on their conversation, she grabbed a pen from her purse and the napkin she had been toying with before writing her number on it. "Here. Sorry about that, I guess I should have given that to you before, so you didn't have to come all the way here tonight."

"I don't." He smiled larger. "It gave me a reason to see you again."

"In a fill out tax papers kind of way?" She asked unsure.

Angel laughed, leaning closer to her. "I wasn't planning to do that tonight."

Buffy bit her lip when he leaned even closer. "What were you planning?" She whispered.

He offered her a smirk before kissing her softly, Buffy pulled away when she heard a familiar voice. "Well B, I see you finally connected with my brother."

"Broth…" The blonde trailed off. "Connec… You're Angelus Lehane?"

"I guess we never got around to my last name." He shrugged teasingly before turning to his younger sister. "What do you mean by finally?"

His sister, Faith, laughed. "Just that years ago, I thought B would like you and I tried to get you two together but when she came over to the house you were at a friend's house."

"Really?" He turned to look at the blonde, his eyes roaming over her perfectly fitted low rise jeans and black tank top. "That sucks."

Buffy gave him a small smile. "Would have been nice."

Faith narrowed her eyes at her brother and the blonde, with a smirk on her face.


Two Year Later

"Angel!" Buffy called as she walked into the mansion, closing the door behind her as she looked at the mail in her hand. The whole house was silent, except for the sound of the clicking of the blonde's high heels on the marble floor. "Don't forget you have that meeting for the showing next week!" She called again, making her way into the kitchen towards his art studio. She tossed the mail on the kitchen island on her way over to the closed door, she knew he would be in there working in his newest piece for his art showing in Los Vegas. She opened the studio door, only to find the room empty. She pursed her lips, looking around, the room was spotless, and nothing was out of place as if he didn't work on anything at all. Turning on her heels, she headed upstairs to see if she could find him.

As she made her way down the hallway, she heard muffled sounds coming from the bedroom. She slowly made her way closer to the door, gently opening it. "Angel…"

"Hey." He smiled, looking up at her from his spot on the bed. She looked around the room at all the rose pedals on the bed and floor before smiling at him. "Surprise."

Stepping into the bedroom, she shut the door behind her. "What's all this?"

"Don't tell me you forgot." He raised his eyebrows at her.

"I don't forget things when it comes to you." She pointed out. "Like, I remember your meeting and that you have a flight to Vegas in a week, not to mention New York in two weeks."

Angel nodded. "But what's today?"

"Uh." Buffy shook her head. "The day your sister and our friends drag us to the Bronze."

Angel laughed. "True." He motioned for her to come closer to him. "Come here."

"Did you finish your painting?" She asked as she walked closer to him.

He shook his head with a smirk. "In fact, I didn't do any work today."

"Angel!" She stomped her foot as he wrapped his hand around her waist. "You need to get these paintings done in time…"

Angel shook his head again. "Not today."


"We should really get going." Buffy whispered as she straddled Angel's lap, leaning down to kiss him. "I'm sure the gang will send a search party if we don't show up soon."

"Oh, I'm sure of it." Angel smiled as he kissed her again. "They should at least give us today."

Buffy shook her head. "Never going to happen."

"It would if you didn't flake on them so much." He teased her.

"Ouch!" Buffy laughed. "I only flake on them when you make me."

Angel shook his head, giving her a stern look. "Not true. I never do that."

"Mmm, huh." She nodded with a smile. "I wonder what caused me to miss two year's ago." Angel simply shrugged, which caused her to laugh. "Yeah, it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you were arrested."

"Did I tell you to hang out with some strange criminal?" He questioned. "No, I didn't… please don't ever do that again."

Buffy laughed again. She had been spending less time at the police station, only stopping by to visit her dad or bring him something to eat. "You are the only criminal I want, Mr. Lehane."

"That better be true, Mrs. Lehane." He smiled wide.

Buffy smiled back, she loved to be called Mrs. Lehane. It was still fairly new and it made her happy to hear it out loud. "I mean, it should be okay as long as we don't miss midnight." She watched her hands slide down his bare chest.

"If I could keep you in this bed all night, then I would." He smirked, placing his hands on her waist. "My sister would also kill me for not showing up though."

"We are supposed to meet Tara's new girlfriend tonight, but…" Buffy shrugged. "Maybe they will make an exception this time."

Angel laughed, shaking his head. "I don't think so. None of their valid reason's for missing the big New Year's Eve party includes staying in bed with your beautiful new wife."

"Oh, I don't know." Buffy pouted. "It's not like it's going to be much fun. I can't exactly get drunk."

Angel frowned at his wife, he had big plans on getting drunk. It was New Year's Eve after all. "And why aren't we getting drunk?"

Buffy leaned over to the bed side table, opening the drawer and pulling out a set of handcuffs. Removing one of his hands from her waist, she carefully secured one cuff on his wrist and the other on the headboard. "Well, it just wouldn't be moral, daddy."

"Great, another New Year in handcuffs." He laughed as she pulled another pair out of the drawer for his other hand. "This is becoming a habit."

Buffy nodded with a smile. "They say the way you spend New Year's Eve is how you will spend the rest of the year… having you naked and handcuffed to my bed, isn't the worst way to spend my year."

"Ditto." He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. He looked up, watching as she attached the other handcuff to the headboard.

"Too bad." Buffy let out an exaggerated sigh. "We won't have time."

Angel looked at her confused, shaking his head. "Why wouldn't we have time?"

"With you having all these showings all over and every moment of my day is about to become occupied." Buffy pouted playfully. "I just don't see it happening, daddy."

"We make time…" Suddenly, Angel paused, eyeing her suspiciously. "Why do you keep calling me daddy? Are you trying to hint at some role play?"

Buffy shook her head. "No role play… tonight at least." She reached into the drawer again, pulling something out. "I am hinting at something else though."

She held the object in her hand so that he could see it, he shook his head again, still confused. After a few seconds his mouth fell open as his eyebrows raised when he realized what she held in her hand. "Are you saying…?"

Buffy smiled and nodded down at him. "I'm pregnant." She whispered.

Angel smiled, letting out a joyous laugh. "You're serious?"

Buffy nodded again.

"Oh! This is totally a valid reason to miss some stupid New Year's party!" He exclaimed with a smile.

Buffy laughed as she leaned down to kiss him softly. "Or at least just be late."

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad!" He whispered, kissing her again.

Buffy nodded with a teasing smile. "And I'm going to try real hard not to hit our son with a car."

Angel burst out laughing. "I'm going to have to get some pointers from your dad so we can have a daughter as amazing as you."

"You want a girl?" She whispered.

Angel shrugged with a smile. "I wouldn't mind having a little girl just like her mommy."

Buffy smiled wider. "So, you would be wrapped around her little finger?"

He nodded back at her. "Just like her mommy."

"She's going to be spoiled rotten then." The blonde said seriously. "Just like her mommy."

Angel simply nodded, then glanced up at his hands that were still handcuffed to the bed. "Can you take these off? I want to touch you."

Buffy shook her head, kissing his chest. "I'm not done with you."

"I'm definitely fine with that." He laughed as she kissed further down to his torso. "Perfectly fine."

The End