Ahem, this is my first Kuroko no Basket fanfic and my first fanfic in general on ; however, please do not be discouraged and enjoy the subject at hand. Imayoshi/Aida came to me in the middle of the night, I found it rather hilarious in my head. I'll try my best to write a decent story that is easy to follow and enjoyable. As many before me, I'm not sure how to translate the Kansai dialect so I plan to use the words y'all, ya ect. and drop the g's in words like doing, going ect. I apologize for any OOCness it is not on purpose.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket and any similarities between characters, businesses ect. is purely coincidental.

Riko had decided to stop at Maji Burger for a quick meal before heading home. After she ordered her meal she sat down and waited. Riko did not notice a familiar person enter Maji Burger; however, he noticed her and made his way to where she was sitting.

"Hello there!" he called to her. Riko blinked in surprise before reacting.

"What are you doing here!?" she exclaimed.

"I'm gettin' a burger, of course!" he responded with a broad smile.

"I mean, why are you here and not studying for your exams?" Riko explained.

"I'm not studyin' because I'm gettin' a burger, it's not difficult to understand," he smirked at her, or rather, his smile grew larger.

"Why choose Maji Burger? I'm sure there are closer fast food restaurants to Tōō," Riko asked.

"I'm startin' to think ya don't want me here," Imayoshi said.

Before Riko could respond her phone began to ring. Imayoshi looked at her expectantly. Riko clicked her tongue and looked at the number. It was just Hyuga, and she did not want him to know she was at Maji Burger with the ex-captain of the Tōō basketball club.

"Ya aren't goin' to pick up?" Imayoshi asked, stealing one of her fries. Riko scowled at him and tried to get her fry back.

"Aren't you going to get your burger?" Riko asked, glaring at him. Imayoshi only smiled at her and stole another fry. Riko scowled again and attempted to remove her tray from the table; however, Imayoshi simply held it down as she bit back several insults.

A few minutes passed between the two of them.

"I knew you were a sadist on the court so I shouldn't be surprised you're one off the court as well," Riko spat out unable to hold her tongue any longer.

"Me, a sadist? Of course not!" Imayoshi grinned as he took Riko's drink and took a sip of it. Riko wished she could threaten to triple his training menu so she could shut him up. "On the note of sadism, aren't ya a bit of a sadist ya self?" Imayoshi asked still holding onto Riko's drink.

"Me!? A sadist!? That's absurd!" Riko sputtered out. "How would you know anyway?"

Imayoshi looked at her incredulously. "I know these things"

"You're insane!"

"Birds of the same feather flock together~!"

"Are you implying something!?"


Riko grit her teeth and said, "I'm leaving! Please throw out the trash since you're so keen on keeping it!"

Imayoshi waved as he continued to eat the rest of the fries. Riko exited the fast food restaurant and walked in the direction of her house. She paused for a minute and realized that Imayoshi had drank fromher cup from her straw. Riko started chuckling to herself evilly and decided to head back to Maji Burger.

I apologize for the length of the story. I was trying out the waters with this pairing. If anyone wants a continuation just review or private message me and i'll get back to you on that. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I apologize if there is any errors that my beta nor I caught. I apologize on behalf of both of us.