"What the hell does this nutter want?" said Hilda.

"Nutter? An insult maybe? It does not sound like a complement..." he replied, getting lost in the fundamentals of the word.

Bianca and Hilda looked at each other in confusion. This was certainly a very weird person. The young man turned back to speak again.

"Well despite what you think I am not here to menace you. I only wish to talk with your pokémon," he told them.

"Get lost, you're going nowhere near our pokémon! They can't even talk!" Bianca uttered.

"The green haired man chuckled to himself."They DO talk but it seems you can't hear it... how sad, nevertheless it seems we got off on the wrong foot, my name is N."

Hilda refused the hand he proceeded to offer.

"Hmm," he hummed, retracting his hand, "I think I understand now. How about a pokémon battle yes?"

Hilda took more notice this time, "I might not like you but you are rather handsome and I could never refuse a pokémon battle." She took out her pokéball containing oshawott. Bianca couldn't help but notice that N showed slight offence at the small ball but he did not say anything. "Bianca, Cheren, why don't you two look around town while I deal with this creep. I'm sure we'll meet up again later."

The trio said their goodbyes to each other and Cheren and Bianca headed off away from the starting battle.

"Well, I guess I'll head off to Striaton City then," Cheren said to Bianca, "I hear there is a trainer school there which will be of great help to my journey." With that he headed off.

Bianca decided it would be a good idea to spend a little more time in town. It was not often she came to Accumula Town thanks to her overbearing dad. It was then she noticed a face peering down at her from the hill dominating the corner of the small town. Upon realised it had been noticed the face disappeared.

"Well I suppose there's no use letting a mystery go to waste," thought Bianca, "who could that of been?"

Bianca proceeded to climb the steps up the hill to find a lone house at the top of the hill, looking out over the rest of the town. Bianca gasped at the sight from here. She knew it was not particularly high but she could still see Nuvema Town and the route they just traveled upon from up here. She looked over the other side of the hill to see Striaton in the distance. The route leading up to it appeared to be much larger than route 1.

Bringing her attention back to the matter at hand she found that the person was nowhere to be found. This could only mean they were in one place. Bianca proceeded over to the house and knocked on the door. In a matter of moments she was greeted by a petite young woman. The woman had her hair tied up at the back giving.

"Excuse me," Bianca asked, "er... were you watching me from up here?"

"Me?" replied the woman, "Oh no I've been busy with my instrument but I'm pretty sure I know the culprit." She proceeded to pull back the door offering Bianca into the house.

Bianca obliged and headed into to see a room dominated by a large piano and a drum kit. Standing behind the drum kit was a young handsome guy. A guy who's first reaction to seeing Bianca in his home was to go red in the face and start stuttering.

"Hehe see, my brother is a bit of a peeping tom, but it looks like you're the first to go out of their way to find him. Most people don't bother when you're at the top of a hill."

The guy rushed over to Bianca.

"Oh man I am so sorry miss," he apologised, "you see uh... well... you'reareallybeautifullady!"

He slapped his hand over his mouth as if realising the stupidity of his utterance. Bianca however did not find it particularly stupid. He wasn't the first guy to obviously
fall head over heels for her. He was the first guy however to look so good looking. He was a musician too! The pluses kept on coming. She folded her arms under her large breasts to accentuate them further. The man was struggling to look away from her face, providing Bianca with a very amusing scene.

"Er, I suppose I should make it up to you in some way, um, would you like to listen to our music?" he asked her awkwardly, the sheer belief at what he just told her still
having it's effect on him.

"If it makes you feel better I don't suppose I'd have any problem with that," Bianca responded, finding a place to sit down.

The man looked thrilled and went to take his place at the drums, his sister sitting at the piano.

Bianca had never heard much live music in her life but she had expectations on what it would be like. This performance however was unlike anything she had envisioned. The soft piano and drum playing seemed to meld effortlessly into the background of the town, as if it had always been there, yet still seemed to add something to it. Bianca closed her eyes to listen to the performance, the sounds softly caressing her ears. The melody did not last very long but to Bianca it lasted for ages, her expectations since carried off into the oblivion by the notes emanating from the instruments. She reopened her eyes to a smiling pair of siblings.

"Wow," she said flabbergasted, "that was beautiful! It just seemed to fit the whole atmosphere of the town perfectly!"

The man turned red again at this compliment. Bianca stifled a laugh at his obvious embarrasment. If only she got to tease the men enthralled by her belle-like charms more often. Bianca proceeded to tip the two for their performance before leaving for route 2.

Route 2 was like everything Bianca had expected becoming a trainer to be like. The route was lined up and down with many young new trainers trying out their new pokémon on eachother or the wildlife present within the route. She herself had gained a few victories over some of the trainers in the route, her tepig providing more than a match for their lillipups and patrats.

She was truly living the dream she always had, battling fresh new trainers with her new starter; finding new pokémon that wouldn't be seen near Nuvema Town like purrloin and forming a close bond with her partners. Tepig itself was enjoying the new challenges the route provided as they travelled to Striaton City. She had never seen him this fired up before.

It was not long however before she spotted a recognisable figure up ahead. Hilda had left for Striaton not long before her it seemed and was also traversing the route.

"Heeeeey Hilda!" Bianca called after her, before running over to her and delivering a massive hug.

Hilda lost all her breath in the hug before she could respond. Bianca held it for what seemed like an age before letting go.

"Hey Bianca," Hilda wheezed before having to take a breather

Bianca smiled at her long time friend before brandishing tepig's pokéball. "Tepig's been doing really well today! I bet he'll be up for a battle," she hinted.

Hilda gave a sly smile a proceeded to bring out her oshawott.


Bianca decided to lead with lillipup. He too had benefited from training in the route and was determined to show off his new found prowess.

Hilda chose to lead with her beloved oshawott, rather than any newer pokémon. The small otter was brimming with confidence.

"Go on lillipup show that otter how strong your tackle is!"

"Hah! Tackle... oshawott show her what you can do now."

The oshawott gave a powerful water gun into the face the lillipup, causing quite a bit of damage to the small pup. The returning tackle did not seem to phase the oshawott much.

"Looks like it'll only need another one of those oshawott! Give it another water gun!"

Oshawott proceeded to do just that, blasting the lillipup with a full force blast of water. It fainted before it could retaliate.

"Damn," muttered Bianca, "I guess you'll have to win this one tepig!"

The small pig pokémon appeared from it's ball, all four of it's legs spread apart to give it a fighting stance. It snorted a large jet of fire from it's nose.

Hilda however still did not seem worried by the more powerful opponent, instructing a further water gun on the tepig to make full use of it's type's disadvantage.

Tepig gave a loud whine when hit by the attack but proceeded to give a powerful tackle in return. Oshawott was visibly hurt by this one.

"Looks like it's going to come down to this last attack huh Bianca." Hilda said with a coy smile. The two then proceeded to repeat their commands.

Tepig rushed full force towards the oshawott while it prepared to give it's final water gun. Tepig nearly got it's attack in but alas the oshawott proved too fast for the
fire type and delivered a powerful blow.

Tepig fainted.


"Aw jeez, even with all that training I STILL can't beat you," complained Bianca, picking the tepig up in her arms.

"It wouldn't matter anyway Bianca. There probably isn't anyone in Unova who can train like I can," Hilda declared.

The two headed into Striaton City.

It had been ages since Bianca had last visited Striaton City. She could barely remember it, but everything still seemed to be in the right place. Striaton had a more
conventional look than Accumula, it's buildings obviously a lot older but still quite modern like most cities in Unova.

"Well I suppose I better visit the pokémon center. Why don't you go check out the gym Hilda?"

The gym was situated next to the pokémon center. Unfortunatly for Hilda it seemed that the gym leader there wasn't around, so she told Bianca she would be visiting a nearby place called the Dreamyard. They hugged each other and parted ways.

After healing her pokémon Bianca remembered what the professor had told them earlier. They were supposed to visit one of her colleagues in the city. It didn't take long for her to find the scientist, anyone wearing a lab coat would stick out. The woman seemed to be lost in thought.

"Excuse me," Bianca asked startling the woman, "are you perhaps Fennel?"

The woman stood slightly stunned by the awakening from her musings before replying.

"Er yes that would be me! Hello!" she began to say hurriedly, "I'm afraid I can't chat I'm very busy at the moment."

"The professor sent me though."

"Juniper? Oh I suppose it's alright then. Come with me." Fennel lead Bianca to a tall building. They ascended the stairs into a room packed with laboratory equipment.

"I'm sorry it's a bit of mess in here miss..."


"...Bianca, yes. I'm extremely close to a breakthrough involving pokémon's dreams! All I need now is a sample of Dream Mist, like the one the pokémon munna emits."

"I'm sorry I've never met a Munna before."

"That's alright all I needed was a trainer, which is probably why Juniper asked you to meet me. I'm not much of one myself but I do know you can find the occasional munna in the Dreamyard not too far from my lab," Fennel said to Bianca, "incidently I've synthesised a chemical that should raise your prowess as a trainer. I'd test it on myself but, well I'd rather someone with battling experience try it first."

"How does a chemical raise our battling prowess?" Bianca inquired.

"Well it's like a drug. In fact no it is a drug. It should provide brain and muscle stimulation to make you more aware in battle. Our little cinccino has taken rather a
liking to it but we didn't really design it with pokémon in mind." She handed Bianca a bottle.

"So er... do I just drink it?" she asked the scientist.

"No it's a food additive. Just tip a bit into any drink or food you have and you should be raring to go! Just use it in the Dreamyard and tell me the results."

Bianca put the bottle in her bag, said her goodbyes and left. A path by the side of the building lead off into the Dreamyard.

"Wow what a dump!" Bianca said to herself

For a place called the Dreamyard the place seemed very run down. She had imagined a much more, well, dreamy appearence in her mind, not a ruined factory. Dissapointed she moved on down the path until she noticed a young lass standing by the side of the path offering a pokémon. She approached the pedler and inquired about the pokémon she was advertising.

"It's a pansage! I'll only give it to you though if you battle me!"

Bianca was not going to pass this one up. A free pokémon is a free pokémon. She took out the ball holding her precious tepig.


Tepig stood off against a malicious looking purrloin. Bianca had however battled many purrloins before and this one wasn't going to provide and obstacle now.

"Give it your ember tepig!"

The small pig pokémon snorted out a large flame from it's snout engulfing the purrloin. It gave a tremendous hiss before retaliating with a scratch attack. Tepig merely gave an almost laughing like snort as if the attack hadn't hurt it at all.

"Heh they can't even do any damage can they? Attack again!"

The next attack proved to be defeating blow against the purrloin. The lass looked exasperated but was not out yet. She sent out a second purrloin.

"Come on tepig give it something it'll remember!"

Tepig then proceeded to show off a new move Bianca hadn't seen. Wrapped in flames he charged full force into the purrloin, fainting it.

"Wow Flame Charge! You keep on getting better tepig!"

The surprises did not end there however. The flames dissolved to reveal tepig glowing with a bright light. To Bianca's amazement it changed right before her eyes. Evolution! She had never seen it before.

Now there stood a proud looking pignite.

-Bianca Victory!-

Bianca had headed off into the disused factory to search for a wild munna, and train up her pokémon, both old and new.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" she exclaimed reaching into her bag. She took out the drug and a bottle of her favourite drink, Moomoo Milk. She poured a few drops of the drug into the milk and swirled it around a bit.

"Well here goes nothing!" she said and downed the drink.

She began to walk forwards a few steps before Bianca felt an immense heat rising within her. The drink had enhanced her senses but also enhanced a few sensations as well.

"AAH MY CHEST IS BURNING!" she yelled nearly ripping her top off to reveal her voluminous bosom. The tips of her nipples seemed to be on fire, she immediatly began to tug on them, in an effort to appease the sensations. Down below she could feel herself getting incredibly wet. She pulled off her skirt and laid her bare slit to the world.

"I need something in me right NOW!" she grabbed a nearby piece of rebar and near damn impaled her lower end onto the pole. Technically she was still a virgin but had long ago broken her hymen with a toy in one of her friskier nights. She continued to rub and pull at her large breasts, their tips now red and highly sensitive.

The rebar proved satisfactory for a small while before the sensations began to over come it. She needed something better. She pulled her bag over and grabbed the first thing she found inside - pignites pokéball.

The bipedal pig was released to find his master slobbering on the floor one hand crushing the life out of one of the huge spheres adorning her chest and the other stuck deep into the fleshy hole behind her. He began to feel sensations he had never felt before.

"COME ON PIGNITE JUST SCREW ME!" Bianca commanded it.

Pignite found his corkscrew shaped penis rise in reaction to his master's plight. Despite having never done it before he knew exactly what the given command meant.

Bianca let out a long drawn out moan as the pignite spread her walls with his rod. She had experienced many kinds of sexual toys (usually Hilda's) but none even came close to this. AND he wasn't even fully evolved!

The pignite began to madly thrust. Right now the trainer was like any other sow to him as primal urges caused his vision to blur. Bianca herself was also falling under these primal urges. Right now there was nothing in the world she needed more than this.

The two continued their depraved mating ritual. Bianca turned to present her chest to the pokémon. It gladly accepted and pulled her right breast into his mouth, like he had done once before at the start of their journey which was just hours ago. He sucked madly on the nipple causing a large moan to emit from Bianca and continued to thrust deeply into her.

It wasn't long before she felt the thick corkscrew rod inside her begin to swell. The anticipation was driving her nuts as she clamped down harder on it.

"AH PIGNITE I THINK I'M... I'M AHHH" The two proceeded to orgasm, pignites thick seed finding it's way directly into her womb filling it up in an instant. Bianca felt like
she was going to burst, the cum prevented from leaving by the sheer size of cock filling her. Just when she thought he had stopped he soon proceeded to cum even more into her, filling her further. This continued for the next half hour and by the time it finished her belly had began to look slightly distended. Pignite's final load came out very thick and proceeded to dry almost immediately, a method used to often insure pregnancy in the female mate. Bianca was sure she, as a person, could not get pregnant but it's not a thought that had ever really crossed her mind. She made a mental note to take one of the pills she packed with her just in case.

20 minutes after the ordeal and having finally recovered from the highly arousing chemical. Bianca stood against the wall trying to force out the cum collected inside her. After a few good minutes of applying pressure the thick cum wall gave way and it flushed out of her, the swell of her lower belly flattening. She was amazed she could retain so much without any difficulties. She went back to her clothes.

It was not long after putting on her clothes and trying to find her way back that she heard voices behind a nearby wall. She peered around to see two Team Plasma grunts.

Bianca gasped. They were kicking a munna.

Authors Notes: Well another week, another chapter. Rather than the usual spiel about reviews being important (thought they still are much appreciated) I'd like to talk about the character of Bianca. In the games she is depicted with a rather excitable personality but also quite emotional which I have attempted not to lose in her transition to this fan fiction. She's the kind of character who's in it more for the journey than the goal. Being a character who is not always around gives much leeway in the story that can be told about her. A shame she is somewhat under-represented when it comes to black and white fics.

This chapter has become the largest yet and the most thrilling to write. The loss of some of the linearity made it much more enjoyable, which only gives me further high hopes for future locations like Pinwheel Forest. I'll see you guys and girls next week!