Rubbing her eyes, the weary medic groaned as she eyed the clock on her office wall. It was nearly midnight and she still had a considerable amount of work to do before the meeting in the morning. Tomorrow, visitors from Moon Country were coming to tour the hospital and participate in a seminar on new innovations for administering immediate first aid in the field, given by none other than the blossoming Haruno herself.

It was an amazing opportunity, but with the amount of research and material she'd have to cover, and thusly prepare for, Sakura was really beginning to believe there weren't enough hours in the day to get it all done. She really, really needed more than a few days to prepare for something like this. She'd definitely have to mention that to her demanding shishou in the morning.

But for now, she'd just have to wing it. Sakura had been working in the hospital long enough to know pretty much everything, on top of being able to spit out facts and in depth details about each topic they would cover. All she had to do was breathe and tell 'em what she knows, and everything else would fall into place as she won them over with her charming personality. She didn't want to brag, but she was always glad her mother beat the importance of manners into her. It had been quite handy during all the schmoozing she has to do as the head medic and apprentice to the Hokage. She'd really have to thank her mom for that next time she saw her.

Shaking the tired energy out of her system, Sakura rolled her head from side to side as she stretched her arms high above her head. Trying to will herself awake, Sakura sighed in defeat as her body fought against her, wanting nothing more than to curl up on the examination table in her office for a quick nap. Head falling forward, the sleepy eyed Haruno yawned as she gathered all her strength to push herself up, away from her desk.

Shuffling pathetically out of the door, Sakura began rummaging through her pockets to find the cash she had placed there earlier, pulling out a few crinkled bills, the pinkette trudged down the empty corridor towards the breakroom; In search of a little sugar and caffeine induced heaven.

After a piping hot cup of fresh coffee and a chocolate bar, courtesy of a swift punch to the vending machine, the Haruno enjoyed the initial onset of the sugar rush. With a new set of highly caffeinated eyes, Sakura practically hauled ass back to her office, the halls a blur as she began brainstorming. Rushing to her desk, her thoughts spewed from ink to paper in a mad dash to materialize them before she lost them again, and in under an hour, she had a first draft of her speech completed.

Now all she had to do was proof read… and find something clean to wear tomorrow. It's not like she's had the time lately to worry about laundry, but she'd definitely need to prepare some kind of professional get up for in the morning. Or… she could just borrow something from her shopaholic of a roommate. Surely Ino would have a simple black dress, and with her lab coat to complete her ensemble, she was sure to look like the girl who had her act together.

With a plan set in motion, Sakura nodded victoriously before proofreading her speech and making the necessary corrections. Kissing the paper of the final draft, the buzzing medic tucked the papers away and spun excitedly in her chair before propping her feet up against the lip of the desk as she melted into her chair with achieved satisfaction. What was supposed to have been an all-nighter, took less than an hour with a little persuasion of the fructose variety.

"What to do now? I'm too wired to sleep." She commented aloud to the empty room, twiddling fingers falling into her lap. After a few moments of thoughtful silence, Sakura eyed the closed door and the clock that read 1:03 A.M. before biting her lip, stifling a deceptive squeal. There was always one thing that seemed to expend all her energy, leaving her feeling both sated and satisfied, resulting in some of the best sleep she's ever had.

Widening her legs just a bit, bracing each heel against the edge of her desk, Sakura unbuckled the sides of her skirt, slipping it off and letting it fall to the floor. Allowing her fingers to slip under her tight black shorts and over the cotton-covered mound that caused her to jump upon contact. It had been so long since she had enjoyed any kind of physical attention, that Sakura was beginning to think most of her anxiety stemmed from lack of release. And why not end your workday with a bang, anyway? It's not like there was anyone roaming the halls up here at one in the morning.

As her fingers began to rub in slow, even circles, the Haruno took a few deep breaths as she fully convinced herself that this needed to happen… and now. Sure, she should wait until she got home, but where was the fun in that? This was her office, it's not like she's using up a spare room in triage during peak hours like some people. As far as Sakura was concerned, this was hurting no one, but she still couldn't shake that eerie feeling that this could all go horribly, horribly wrong.

Deciding that paranoia was just another unfortunate side effect of her sugar rush, Sakura quickly abandoned all thoughts as she gasped at her own ministrations. She had allowed her steady rubbing to excite her beyond reason, and before she knew it, the pink-headed lust demon was coming out in full color as she grinded against her own palm. With her pretty pastel panties becoming hopelessly drenched, Sakura bit on her bottom lip hungrily as she let her desperate fingers slip beneath the thin material of her underwear.

Grazing past the barely there strip of cotton candy colored trim, Sakura mewled as her fingertips glided betwixt her fleshy folds. Teasing the sensitive and moistened bundle of nerves had lit her fire, the flames burning wildly as she clamped down on her own mouth, silencing herself.

She had underestimated how quiet it would be, and apparently Sakura wasn't the quietest person in the bedroom… she hated herself now for not going home to the safety and privacy of her own bedroom. But it was too late, she couldn't stop now… that would be a fate too cruel to handle; she needed release, she deserved it!

Throwing caution to the wind, Sakura licked her free hand, sucking on her fingers before unleashing the desperate digits. Swirling and curling her fingers, Sakura soon saw white as she tortured herself into oblivion, coming in an explosion of cries and moans. Her heart was beating furiously, and she was teetering the edge of oblivion and ecstasy. Her pulse raced as she reached closer and closer to peaking, holding her breath as she feared making the kinds of noises she wanted to at the moment. But as Sakura was swept away in a flood of pure bliss, she released a slew of wild groans and panting breaths as she was finally able to breath once again.

She didn't care about how loud she had been… it was worth it.

Feeling relief and the slow return of exhaustion after her brief, but intense, physical exertion, Sakura sighed in approval. With her head numb and fuzzy from the wave she was still riding out, the medic slid her uncomfortably damp panties off, stuffing the evidence in her purse before getting dressed.

After gathering her belongings and locking the door, Sakura headed towards the end of the corridor to the stairs. Smiling to herself as she descended them one by one, she giggled at what she had just permitted herself to do at her place of work. She felt unruly and young, and it was just what she needed to get herself ready for the personal hell that was sure to be the next day.

Welcoming the fresh air as she exited the building, the kunoichi hummed as she stretched before taking off to the rooftops. Sprinting home would ensure that Sakura burned any and all excess energy off before she got home. It was already late, she didn't want to get home and snuggle under the covers only to be staring at the ceiling for three or four hours. Landing swiftly outside her balcony door, Sakura could feel the slumber approaching, her body aching for the soft embrace of the mattress.

Slipping into the quiet stillness of her dark bedroom, the tired medic undressed and quickly found an oversized shirt to sleep in before falling face first into the crisp, cool sheets of her bed. Triple checking her alarm clock before rolling over, Sakura assured herself that tomorrow would be fine, and everything would go well. But before she could finish convincing herself, Sakura had succumbed to her fatigue and drifted off to sleep. Getting a whopping four hours before one of the biggest days of her career.

There were many benefits of having a roommate. Splitting expenses, sharing responsibilities, and someone to look out for you when you need it most. If it wasn't for Ino's wake up call, Sakura would have been a splatter of bloody pulp after Tsunade was through with her. She could absolutely,positively, not be late today.

"Thanks for this, Ino-pig" Sakura admitted sleepily, motioning towards the warm mug of dark roast in her hand, "I owe ya one."

"Sure, Forehead…" she waved, rolling her eyes at her pathetic looking roommate. "Don't mention it. I didn't hear you come in last night, so I knew it must've been a late one. Besides, I know how nervous you've been about today, so just take your time and get ready, okay? Breakfast will be done by the time you're finished."

"You cooked?!" Sakura exclaimed, practically drooling at the mentioning of food.

"No pancakes until you're all pretty for your big seminar." Ino pointed in her motherly tone. "Now, chop chop! "

"Okay, okay… I'm going, jeeze. Oh—hey, Ino?"


"Can I borrow a black dress for today, I haven't had time for laundry and…"

"Gross, Haruno. Say no more. Yes, you can borrow something. We can't have you showing up smelling of soiled linens."

"I wasn't going to wear dirty clothes to work, baka! I just need something decent and professional… something that won't let my tits and ass hang out, preferably. It is your closet after all. Do you even own anything modest… or black?"

"Oh ye of little faith, of course I do."

"Really now?"

"Of course, silly. You can wear my funeral dress."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. You said black and modest. Tell me that category isn't applicable?"

"Whatever, Pig. Just throw what you got on my bed, I'm off to enjoy my shower."

"Don't get snippy with me, Forehead! I'm helping you out… don't forget you owe me!"

"You're the best Ino-pig! You know I love you, right?"

"Prove it!" the blonde barked, lobbing a botched pancake towards the bathroom door as the Haruno's face disappeared behind it.

Noting the delicious blueberry hotcake that almost hit her in the face, Sakura quickly undressed while the shower was warming, her growling stomach driving her motions. Hastily soaping up, the Haruno suddenly halted her roving hands as she slipped them between her thighs. Feeling the slick evidence of her office voyeurism from the night before, Sakura cringed at the remembrance. Partly because she had forgotten, and partly because she couldn't believe that had actually happened… at the very desk she worked at, no less.

Embarrassed as she was, the blushing medic rinsed the suds from her body, forcing those thoughts from her mind so she could prepare for her day. No use in being distracted over unimportant matters that don't affect anyone else, it was pointless.

Blinking awake the lazy lids that kept her mind from fully welcoming the morning, Sakura enjoyed her stroll to the hospital. With her stomach full from breakfast and her steaming mug of coffee in hand, the pleasant pinkette found the transition into work mode a great deal more enjoyable after a proper breakfast and an adequately timed departure.

Most mornings, the Haruno barely had time to run a brush through her pallid tresses prior to throwing on her coat as she began her morning triage rounds. But this morning was different. Sakura knew a lot was riding on how she presented herself today and the degree at which she was able to complete all that was required of her. She absolutely could not, would not, be scampering in at the last minute today. Her career, future and reputation were all riding on this one event. It had to go well.

When Sakura initially presented the idea of hosting a medical seminar on progressive and beneficial field procedures, Tsunade had agreed—but on one condition. Sakura was not only expected to single handedly plan the event itself, but she'd also have to be the keynote speaker since it was 'her own idea' her blonde mentor argued. As if that wasn't enough to try her patience and sanity, she'd also have to uphold her diplomatic duty as the Hokage's understudy and act as the hostess for the event as well.

Taking a deep breath before stepping through the main doors, Sakura nodded in self-assurance, poised and ready to tackle the day. Just before she opened her door, keys still turning the lock, she caught a flash of white in her periphery.

"G'morning, you…" Sakura beamed, smiling up at the groggy jonin leaning against her doorframe. "Long night?"

"Funny, considering I should be asking you the same question."

"What are you talking about, Hatake?"

"Nothing. Just that you look awfully tired this morning. Sleep well?"

"I slept remarkably well, actually. Do I have bags under my eyes or something?"

"Well, you don't… but you should."

"Just what are you trying to accuse me of here, Kakashi?"

"Was it a late night for this young twenty something?"

"Why do you keep asking me, when you so obviously suspect that it was?"

"Why do you keep avoiding the question? Hiding something, perhaps?"

"Hiding? What's to hide? I stayed up late preparing for the seminar this morning with the

medical staff from Moon Country. End of story."

"So… you weren't on a date last night?"

"Ha! You're hilarious, Kakashi… really. Me? A date? Who's got the time…"

"I'm sure you were able to squeeze something into your evening. In fact, I know you did." He chuckled, loving the priceless look on her face as the previous night caught up with her.

"What makes you say that?" she asked accusingly, narrowing her eyes in blazing suspicion.

"Let's just say you and your… date caught my team's attention after our post-mission check in."

"You have got to be joking." She drawled with a flare of heat kissing her tone, hurriedly ushering him inside her office as she closed the door behind them.

"Afraid not. The four of us were leaving Tsunade's office, when the cleaning crew closed off the main hall for maintenance. Naturally, we took the corridor through your wing around to the staircase, but in doing so, overheard what Genma is still calling his 'Welcome Home Present.' Lucky for you… theydidn't recognize your voice."

"B-But you… did…?"

"Having exceptional hearing doesn't help, but I also happen to know this hall very well, so I knew whose office still had the lights on. Plus, I… uh… could recognize your voice."

Taking a moment to reel it all in, Sakura stared wide-eyed into thin air, her mind flooded with instant regret and humiliation. What was meant to be a quick… private… pick-me-up had progressed into a full-blown shit storm.

She had been caught… with her hand in her pants, no less.

Knowing she had been heard, Sakura couldn't exactly play this one off. For appearances sake, she just had to use her best acting skills and go along with the Hatake's theory. At least if she confessed, Kakashi might leave her be and forgo further questioning.

"Ah, so I've been found out. How embarrassing…"The Haruno groaned, hiding her reddened face in her palms. "Kakashi… I-"

"Say no more. Just thought I ought to warn you for future reference. You're not exactly the quiet type. Which, if I may add, was quite the surprise."

"Hatake Kakashi., are you saying you thought of me as a prude?" Sakura demanded in a flat, authoritative tone while trying not to take offense.

"I'm saying… it was a pleasant surprise." The undoubtedly smirking man placated with a soft chuckle as he made his way back towards the office door.

"So, what…? Did you come by just to let me know I was busted?"

"What's the big deal? We're all adults… or… at least I hope we all are" The man jabbed lightly, knowing how easy it was to get under the blossom's skin. The candidates in the dating pool did seem to get younger and younger with each day, but the older jounin just assumed that was his age showing.

Looking at the condescending man, Sakura's face fell into an exasperated frown, not needing the attempt at poking fun at her. The man seriously had the worst timing… this was fact.

"Kakashi, I'm going to ignore that cradle-robbing insult meant to spur me for now because I have a seminar to instruct. Can we perhaps discuss… this…" she waived spastically in the air, "…some other time?"

"Hm. So you're the reason why there are swarms of people in my morning nap area. Guess I'll just have to tag along. I hope you can keep me awake and interested, Sakura-chan."

With his words echoing in her ears, the pinkette suddenly felt a swell of panic deep beneath her calm facade. It was embarrassing enough knowing the man, her former sensei and teammate, knew she was doing such things… but to have him actually hear her do them? This was an odd feeling, indeed.

Sakura felt sick.

Somewhere between unfathomable embarrassment… and shock.

At least he thought she was with somebody last night. It would be even more unbearable if he knew her vociferous moans of approval were her own doing. But on the inside, the Haruno was already suffering this shame, knowing the truth of the matter.

"Well, I don't know. It'll probably be long and boring to you. Are you sure a nap on the rooftop wouldn't be a better way to spend your morning off?"

"Nah. I'm not that tired. Besides, you'll be leading this one, no? Color me intrigued."

"Intrigued? You? Why…?"

"Maybe I'll be there to show my support. Can't I be happy for one of my old students?"

"I guess…" She added with much suspicion, "But don't be la-"

"Yeah, yeah. You better hurry, Sakura-chan." Kakashi interrupted, waiving over his shoulder before pointing to the clock on her wall as he finally made his exit. "Don't wanna be late."

"Crap!" He was right. She was going to be late.

Snatching her portfolio and speech notes, Sakura threw on her lab coat, dashing out of her office as quickly as possible without the assistance of chakra. Shaking free the nerves that had flared since Kakashi had shared his knowledge of her doings, Sakura tried to gather her composure. She needed to be clear minded and ready to prove herself. This was her chance to prove her usefulness and showcase her talent and skills. The old Haruno was gone, but not forgotten. But if all went according to plan today, everyone would finally take note of her transformation and stop treating her like the fragile girl they all remember.

She may have been 'that one girl' from Team Kakashi, but now she was Sakura Haruno, apprentice of the Hokage, and Chief Medic of Konoha General. No one could ignore that fact after today, she'd make sure of it. With each clack of her heels on the granite floor beneath her feet, the Haruno's confidence grew.

She was ready.

Standing just outside Conference Room 3, the immense double-doors dwarfing Sakura's frame as she shifted from heel to uncomfortable heel.

This was her first big opportunity since she left her kunoichi days behind, and she did not want to disappoint anyone.

Not her shishou…

Not her family…

Not her friends…

And most definitely, not herself.

She had worked far too hard, sacrificed too much, and come too far to let her nerves get the better of her now. Clearing her throat, Sakura stood taller now, inhaling deeply as she readied herself.

Giving her hair a quick fix, hands smoothing over the front of her black pencil dress, the assertive medic felt her confidence swell as she prepped herself for what could be the start of a new chapter in shinobi history.

Reaching for the handle, Sakura smirked to herself, game face on as she opened the door, embracing her fate. As she walked down the crowded aisle, she noticed there were far more people than could be seated in this relatively average sized auditorium.

Kakashi was right. There were swarms gathering just to hear her speak.

Greeting her guests as she made her way towards the podium at the front of the room, she recognized faces from all over the shinobi nations… Moon wasn't the only country that had caught interest in her little conference, apparently. Looking around the room, Sakura was surprised to see familiar faces everywhere. Ikki from Ame, Hotoro from Suna, Momori from Kumo, Chiza from Kiri… it seemed a representative or two from each medic council for every shinobi nation was present. The humbly terrified Haruno was even surprised to see a slew of local faces that had come out to show their support for her and the progress she hoped to make.

Filling the front row were her friends, all of them… Ino, Naruto, Sai, Yamato … even Shizune and Tsunade-sama herself were perched curiously in their seats, eagerly awaiting her start. But she was most surprised to see that familiar sprig of silver hair leaning against the back wall. She had hoped that the Hatake was joking about his attendance earlier, but as her eyes locked onto his slouching figure, she felt an odd mixture of pride and anxiety as she remembered their prior conversation.

Bowing as she began her greeting, Sakura tried to not let her disappointment show when she stood up and realized that the Hatake had vanished during her bow. She had taken her eyes off of him for a moment, and he had disappeared. She had only just greeted everyone, and he was already bored to tears.


Not letting that thought affect her, the medic put on her most polite smile and began her introductions, focusing on the information and importance of the meeting at hand. She had plenty of friends and comrades supporting her from the front row… she didn't need that man muddying up her train of thought now, she'd save that embarrassment for another time.