I started to wake up feeling a little groggy. I felt like I finally got a good nights sleep. I was laying on my side and reached my arms up to give a nice stretch and that was when I noticed there was a body next to me.
I felt the warm body next to me start to move as well. It seemed to snuggle closer as I moved. My memory came flooding back at first my argument with Trent and then, oh god no.
How could I have let this happen, but it was amazing, hmmm was it really that big a mistake?
"Mmm good morning." Trent mumbled to me.
I moved to turn to lay on my back and realized I was completely nude, and I was willing to bet he was to. As I laid on my back, and placed one hand on my face and sighed.
I glanced over and Trent just laid there looking at me, then I felt him drape one arm over my belly.
"You going to say anything?"
"I just don't know what to say Trent."
"Well that's a first." He said with a grin. "Lets see, maybe "oh god that was amazing Trent", or "That was the best night of my life Trent" that would be somewhat appropriate."
"Oh yeah you really think? God you really are so full of yourself Kalamack."
"Oh no, that can't be good now your on a last name basis."
I gave him a little nudge with my elbow to shut him up. He just chuckled.
I glanced back at him and he looked serious and moved a lock of my hair from my face.
"Well I thought it was pretty amazing." He said looking into my eyes.
I looked away from his intent look. "Yes it was pretty amazing." I admitted.
"See aren't you glad I kept butting in when Marshal tried talking to you? "
I looked back at him then "You do realize that I had no intention of getting back together with Marshal, right?"
"I don't know you seemed pretty upset last night." he laid on his back then staring at the ceiling.
"It wouldn't have mattered what happened last night I would never have had sex with him." And I rolled onto my side to face Trent this time.
I put one hand on his chest and started playing with the little bit of fine chest hair.
He turned his head to me "Your just saying that."
"Oh come on, do you really think that?"
"Then prove it to me?" He said with a grin.
I moved up to put a kiss on his mouth and he rolled onto his side so we were facing each other again. Trent wrapped an arm around my body, I draped one leg over his hip and moaned into his mouth.
"Tink's Dildo, what the turn is going on around here, It's not bad enough the whole church smells like sex, but you had to leave your clothes in the middle of the kitchen. Even your little lacy underwear and bra, your lucky my kids didn't take them and hang them on the steeple."
That got our attention, oh god all of our clothes were left thrown around the kitchen.
"Shit I better go get our clothes, I didn't realize the time."
I quickly grabbed a robe and snuck out of the bedroom so Jenks wouldn't see Trent in my bed.
"Sorry Jenks." I said picking up the clothes as Ivy walked in with a big grin on her face.
"Hah Rache finally got a little, see and you didn't want me to invite Marshman."
"Guess again." Ivy said with an even bigger grin. "We have a visitor coming in and he is pissed."
Just then Quen came in at full speed.
Oh great this could not get much worse.
"Rachel did something happen, Trent never made it home, we woke up and he wasn't there. I see his car is still parked down the street where is he? Is he in danger."
Jenks bursted out laughing spraying pixie dust all over. Ivy just stood there and grinned.
"Ah, yeah, well Trent is fine, he just really didn't want to ...go home last night."
"Did he have too much to drink? Thank you for not letting him drive, you should have called I could have come back to pick him up."
"Ah, yeah well ah, I'll be back in a minute." Quen noticed the clothes in my hand and the rest still on the floor. Looked back at me with my face beet red.
His expression changed and went blank. "Oh."
I just turned and quickly went back to my bedroom.
Closing the door. Trent sat up, "What took you so long, I was getting cold without you here to warm me up." He said with a smile.
"Trent, Quen's here and he's pissed, they woke up and found you did not make it home and had no clue where you were."
There was a loud knock on the door then "Trenton are you in there?" Quen asked.
"Yes, I will be out in a minute." Trent said loudly. "I guess I need to get dressed and go talk with Quen."
We both got dressed and then I let Trent lead the way to the kitchen.
"Sorry I didn't call, I ah got a little distracted." Trent started off saying.
And of course while we were getting dressed seemed like a good time for my mother and Takata to arrive.
"Really a little distracted, Trent you didn't call, you know we need to know your where abouts at all times."
"Yeah, and when you left I was here, so there was nothing new to report, I just never left. Sorry I didn't think to at least send a text or something, but I am a grown man, it seems rather silly that I need to tell you I am staying out all night."
My mother gave me a questioning look and took in Trent's appearance of wrinkled cloths from the night before.
A simple "Told you." Came out of my mother's mouth. We all just looked at her.
"What? When I left I told you it was something." she grinned.
"God Mom, stop it." Takata looked a little flustered at the whole situation.
Jenks was still laughing spreading pixie dust all over, Ivy just stood against to counter holding her orange juice with a big grin on her face, Quen was irritated and Trent looked confused.
I just sat down and put my forehead against the table.
After a few moments I looked up at everyone staring at me.
"What? This is crazy, my god so Trent didn't go home, my god it's not the end of the world."
"The place is a mess, anyone who wants to stay start cleaning, or go home."
So everyone chipped in helping get the church nice and clean, and when Trent saw an opportunity to grab me in his arms when we were in a room alone, he whispered in a low husky voice, "maybe tonight you can stay at my place?"
I hugged him back. "We'll see Elf." and I gave him a kiss.