^w^ I know what you are all thinking...But hey, you can all kill me after upload these chapters hey?

That's right folk, I'm back. Back from the dead it would seem. I was reading through my old fanfiction yesterday, and I thought of giving it a shot again. Hence why I'm here and why you're reading this chapter :')

I'm not going to promise anything about updating (because frankly, I know I wont keep to a schedule and you guys should know that too by now), so I'm just making that clear xD

I haven't actually watched BWH since last year...So names, events, personalities may not be on point- for that I apologise.

But yeah, give this chap a read and keep being awesome by reviewing/following/favouriting...Who knows, I might get back into the flow x)


Heath P.O.V

I hear my alarm go off, it's ringing filling my ears. I sit up, frustrated, and throw my pillow at the clock, muffling the horrible noise. Sighing happily, I fall back onto my bed and slowly start to drift back to sleep.

"Heath! Come on mate!" Edge calls, practically dragging me off my bed and onto the floor.

"Ugh...I've got ages..." I say, lying on the floor.

"You've got to walk with Fly today? Remember? She's leaving in 5 minutes dude!" He says, laughing as I bolt upwards and rush across the room to get dressed. I rush past him, shirt in hand and run down the stairs, looking for Fly.

She's standing by the door, bag I'm hand, ready to leave.

I walk over to her.

"Hey Fly! I'm walking with you today!" I say, watching as she turns around and quickly looks down.

"Forgetting something Heath?" Matt laughs, pointing at my bare chest. I swat his hand away and pull my shirt over my head, grinning.

"Well I'm leaving now, so if you're coming Heath, you better hurry up." Fly says. I quickly grab my lunch and my bag and open the door for her.

"There you go m'lady." I chuckle, bowing dramatically.

She smiles slightly and walks outside.

Fly looks so beautiful when she smiles...Wait what?! Where the hell did that come from?

Shaking my head, I rush outside to catch up with her.

"So Fly..." I say, walking beside her, flexing my arms behind my head.


"How come you didn't come down after dinner yesterday?" I ask slowly, making sure not to stare at her.

God she's so beautiful...

"Oh...um...I must've fallen asleep." She says, not meeting my eyes.

"Haha, did you sleep well then?" I smile, the sun shinning on my face as I speak.

"Uh..yeah, sure."

"You don't seem too sure about that?" I say, watching as she turns abruptly and stops in front of me.

"It doesn't matter! Heath, if we have to walk together at least stop questioning me so much! You don't have to know everything!" She yells, her smile completely vanished.

I stand there for a minute, completely taken aback by her sudden outburst.

That not like her at all.

"Sorry...I just asked if you had a nice sleep...that's all." I say, looking at her weirdly.

She just sighs and turns around to carry on walking.

Something is definitely up.

I walk a couple of feet behind her on the way to school, not knowing what to say.

We arrive a couple of minutes early; Fly sets off towards the main building so I decide to follow her.

Simmo said to make sure she gets to class...so that's what I'm gonna do.

I watch as she walks along the corridors, head held low, her eyes to the ground.

Suddenly, a tall girl puts her foot out in front of her and I watch in dismay as Fly trips over it, landing on the floor. Laughter erupts from the surrounding crowd, no-one bothering to help her.

Anger boils inside of me as I make a quick mental note of the taller girl before rushing over to Fly to help her up.

"You okay?" I ask, lifting her up.

She nods, still refusing to meet my eyes.

"Oy!" I shout over to the taller girl.

She turns around glaring, but as soon as her eyes meet mine she giggles and smiles.

"Me?" She asks, pointing her herself, winking at me.

"Heath, no..." I hear Fly whisper, tugging at my arm.

"Yeah you! Come over and apologise to my mate here." I say, crossing my arms and standing protectively next to Fly.

"Apologise?! What for honey?" She says, twirling her hair in her fingers.

"You tripped her up. Now. Come. And. Apologise." I say through gritted teeth.

I feel Fly back away behind me, still tugging slightly at my arm.

"Heath, lets go..." Fly whispers, glancing around nervously.

"I didn't trip her up! Are you sure she didn't just fall over her own feet?" The girl laughs, echoed by the crowd.

I stalk over to her.

"You better fucking apologise right now or else." I say sternly looking down at the girl, feeling extremely protective over Fly.

I watch as her eyes widen slightly and she walks past me, whispering something in Fly's ear.

She then walks off, her crowd following her down the hall.

"What did she say?" I ask, fists clenched.

"She said sorry, now please just leave it." Fly says, pleadingly.

I look into her eyes and notice that she's scared.

Why does she look scared...?

"Fly, I-"

The bell rings through the hallways, cutting me off.

"I've got to go..." Fly says, turning and walking away.

I follow her down the hall and watch as she enters her class.

I smile weakly at her one last time before walking to my own first class of the day.

I need to find out what's going on...

~6 hours later~

Flexing my arms behind my head I walk out of my last class of the day.

I swear this school is going to be the end of me one day.

I yawn slightly and begin trudging along the corridor, towards the exit of the school.

"Did you see what happened to that girl?"

"Yeah! She probably deserved it though."

"She'll be lucky if her parents don't find out!"

"I heard her parents are homeless slags! No wonder she looks the way she does..."


The two girls walk past me engrossed in their conversation. I glare after them in disgust.

People are so shallow here. And rude to be talking about someone in that way. I wonder who they were on about?

Shaking my head I exit the building and follow the route back to Solar Blue. I catch a glimpse of Fly's multicoloured bag up ahead and jog along until I reach her.

"Hey!" I grin, stuffing my hands in my pockets.


I look over and notice she's pulled her hood up over her face, masking her skin.

"Uh Fly? Its not raining you know?"

Less than a second after the sentence left my mouth a rain drop falls to the ground. Moments later heavy rain lets out, completly distroying any trace of the earlier sunny day.

Laughing I roll my hood up and look down.


"I guess that means we can't go surfing when we get back eh."

She nods simply and quickens her pace after noticing the familiar building up ahead.

Home sweet home.

Barely a minute in the house, Fly rushes upstairs and I hear a door slam.

I eye the stairs suspiciously and shake the rain drops out of my hair.

"Simmo! Edge! Matt! Bec! Perri! I'm baaaaack!" I yell into the strangely quiet house. Upon hearing no answer I shrug and face-plant on the couch.

God school is so boring. Two more days of hell and then we have two days off though. Although, you can hardly count them as days off really. Not when Simmo's on your case 24/7.

I sigh loudly and decide to go check on Fly. I trudge quietly up the wooden stairs, the sound of the rain agaisnt the windows drumming in my ears.

I knock softly on her door and await a response.



I hear a loud crash and the scurrying of feet accross the floorboards.

"Heath go away, I'm tired."

I roll my eyes and open the door.

"Look I-"

The next few seconds happen in a blur. Something hits my face and I stagger back out into the corridor, the door slammed shut in my face.


I blink once.


Three times before taking in a long sharp breath.

"Alright then." I sigh, my voice cracking slightly.

I turn around and walk over to my shared room, feeling completly finished with the day.

Originally this was supposed to be 2 different chapters, but the second one seemed a bit short so I just added it to this one to make it longer ^^ You dudes deserve that much.

Hope you liked it, hopefully they're not too out of character...And yeah I'm back! \(^o^)/