Chapter 1 - The beginning

Bella's POV

I hate school. Ever since the Cullens left Forks after the whole Volturi fiasco its just been absolutely boring. Edward and I decided we would just stay friends when we got back from Volterra and broke up on great terms. The family had to leave because Carlisle's age had started being questioned so they have gone to stay with their extended family in Alaska before moving onto the next place where the sun doesn't shine.

I have become much closer to Angela and Jessica and I can even tolerate Lauren a lot more now, although I still find myself longing for my golden eyed friends. Sometimes I wish Alice could just waltz through the door and start insulting my fashion choices with Emmett spewing innuendos left right and centre. I would kill for Esme's cooking, hearing Edward play the piano, hell even Rosalie's glare, which had surprisingly softened after Edward and I split up.

I missed my second family, because that's what they were, like family to me. Unfortunately life is not always so easy, sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and move on with your life. Although I was not completely removed from the world of the supernatural, what with my best friend being a werewolf, my life no longer included vampires

Jess, Angela, Lauren, Mike Tyler and I all sat together at lunch. The boys were arguing over something stupid, probably sports, whilst Jess and Lauren chatted about boys and who they were going to fuck next. That just left Angela and I discussing our latest project in English.

"So I was thinking we could go to the library and look at different Shakespeare plays, and decide then which one we're going to write about" Angela suggested, her eyes not leaving her text book.

I looked at her in confusion. "But I thought we were going to write about Romeo and Juliet?" I announced, wondering why she had suddenly changed her mind.

Angela rolled her eyes at me and spoke again. "That is your favourite play, Bella. Not mine." She countered my suggestion. "I just thought we could agree on one we both like instead of Romeo and Juliet."

"Okay, okay we'll research some other play," I muttered and she sighed in relief, obviously expecting to have to argue with me to get me to agree.

Just as Angela was about to speak again the voice of principle Green echoed through the whole canteen making everyone go silent.

"Students," he began, his voice sounding shaky and confused. "There is an announcement to make so if you could all please direct your attention to the television in the corner."

The TV flickered on and something I never thought I would see again flashed up onto the screen. The Volturi.

"Hello fellow humans," he greeted everyone as my breath caught. "This message is being broadcast all over the world and will not be repeated." Aro's silky voice flooded through the canteen. Murmurs emerged throughout the students. My eyes were glued to the screen, I could feel my heart speed up as Aro spoke again.

"I am going to get straight to the point; We are Vampires. Now you may not believe us but vampires are all around. We do not burn in the sun and can not be killed with stakes, or garlic or even holy water. All the myths you hear about us are not true. We are tired of hiding ourselves from you lowly beings and have decided to reveal ourselves to you. Some of you may not believe us, but we are now your rulers and things are about to change." They flashed off the screens again.

The whole school was in a frenzy, trying to decide if this was a joke or not. I can not believe Aro broke his number one rule. On the plus side now that everyone knows I don't have to worry about an unexpected visit from Jane and Felix.

"Can you actually believe it." Angela spoke softly, a slight tone of disbelief in her voice. "Vampires!" She said again much louder.

I wasn't sure if I should tell her that I already knew or should just go along with everyone else. Deciding that the truth would probably come out eventually I picked the first option. "Um... Yeah... About that." I began hesitantly. "I, um, kind of, alreadynewaboutvampires" I spoke really fast, not looking her in the eye.

"You what! How? When?" My friend stuttered, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"The Cullens were Vampires." I admitted shyly, feeling a slight weight relieved at no longer having to keep their secret.

Angela was just about to speak when Lauren interrupted. "Oh my god, are you serious?" She questioned and I realised the entire cafeteria had gone silent, student and teacher alike staring at me with a mix of reactions, most commonly shock and disbelief.

"Yeah," I mumbled so quietly that no one would have heard if there had been a single sound in the large room.

"This is a joke, right?" Mike asked in disbelief, his words the only thing in the silent cafeteria. "This isn't a joke is it?" He asked after along moment had passed. "Shit," He added when my silence confirmed his question.

"That actually kind of makes sense," Lauren mumbled to herself. "Actually, that makes total sense, in a fucked up sort of way." She paused for a moment in thought and everyone wondered what would be said next.

"Holly crap!" Jessica exclaimed as realisation set in. "You dated a vampire?"

I nodded.

"I can't believe you dated a vampire." Lauren added. "Are they the only vampires you know?" She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

I sat there and explained in detail how I discovered their secret, omitting the part about the Quiletines being werewolves; Vampires might now be public knowledge, but that didn't mean the pack were ready to come out just yet. I then told them about meeting James, Victoria, and Laurent, sparing them the gruesome details. They were shocked to say the least.

"I am so sorry for every thing you've been through." Jess announced, although she seemed more jealous than sorry. "We're always here if you need to talk." She spoke softly. Quite a few others nodded in agreement, most were from my circle of friends.

The rest of the school day went by, filled with questions, I could not attend one class without being grilled about my knowledge of vampires. Everyone wanted to know all they could, and I was the only one they knew who had any answers.

I was surprised we weren't let out of school, the teachers barely did a half asked job, too surprised to teach us anything, and no one even cared enough to pay attention to the little they did say. And that day was only the beginning of what I had to endure.

Adoptive Authors Note: This story was started by jodileighcullen and has been adopted by me, obviously. And the original story can be found at /s/8981117/ if you would like to go check it out there are eight chapters there. If you are an old reader, I hope you like the changes I made and that I do the story justice. I am working with jodileighcullen to ensure the story is not changed too much from her original design. I hope you all enjoy the story. I have pre-writen a few chapters and the current updating schedule will be every Tuesday at 12 pm, except for the first chapter because I am impatient and want to upload the story already.
