Yea. I apologize. I had no motivation. This is short, but my motivation is coming back sooo….~C

Crystal stretched as she entered the dining hall for breakfast. Classes had been dragging lately, probably from everyone's fear. As she sat down in her usual seat her ears were assaulted with:

"He's done it again.."

"The thing got another boy and a ghost!"

"What is going to happen now..."

"Harry is a menace.."

which caused Crystal to sigh at the idiocy of her peers. Harry was incapable of doing such a feat. The boy knew too little magic, and she doubted if he even knew a killing curse yet. But when people get scared they tended to not think straight. She ate her breakfast in peace, seeing as her friends and Pansy were no where in prattling range. In fact… she blinked… where was everyone? Her stomach satisfied, off she went in search of them.

She wandered the halls for a bit, asking the occasional Slytherin if they had seen anyone of interest, but the reply was always no. One guy, a third year, tried to flirt with her. She just walked the other direction and listened as his friends laughed at him. She nearly paused when she heard one whisper "You should have known better Lucas, that's Malfoy's future girl!". She just kept walking though with a grin on her face.

Rounding a corner lost in her thoughts she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry I didn't.." she started before noticing that she had actually bumped into Ron and Harry. "Uh… is that Crabbe and Goyle?" she asked skeptically.

"Shut up and help us move these oafs!" Ron grunted as he dragged Goyle toward what Crystal assumed to be a closet. She rolled her eyes before pulling out her wand.

"We have magic ya know!" she said before using said magic to levitate them into the closet. Ron and Harry then plucked hairs from each head. "Don't tell me… it's ready… isn't it?" she asked in a whisper.

"Yea, so come on! Hermione doesn't want to wait long!" Harry said before bolting with Ron on his tail. Crystal sighed before sprinting after them. She felt dread in her stomach…

When they arrived at the girls bathroom,Hermione had three glasses set was pacing and jumped when they appeared. "Crystal what are you doing here?"

"Trying to convince you not to do it.."

"Just give me one of your hairs.."

"NO Hermione we have been over this" Crystal said with sadness in her eyes. "Please.. something doesn't feel right"

Hermione ignored her. "you guys ready? Okay, just add the hairs… and down the hatch!"

The trio drank the goop simultaneously. "I think i'm going to be sick" Ron said. One by one they dropped the glasses and ran for the stalls. Crystal waited for just a minute. Suddenly, two of the stalls opened…

"Crabbe… Goyle.." Crystal asked wearily.

"Don't tell me i look that ugly!" Crabbe, well Ron, whined as he looked in the mirror.

"You still sound like you.." Crystal started. She noticed Hermione was still missing, and the dread worsened. She walked over to the other closed stall. "Hermione? You okay?"


"But Hermione.." Harry started.

"I SAID GO AWAY!" The boys scurried out of the restroom. Crystal hoped they would remember their whole reason for doing this and not just freak out.

"Hermione… the guys left… what happened"

"Your stupid American superstition. You were right…"

"Hermione… are you a giant rat?"

"Not exactly…" she said as she opened the stall. Out stepped, not Crystal's best friend, but a giant fluffy cat. Crystal's jaw dropped.

"Maybe it'll wear off in an hour?" Crystal said hopefully.

"Oh no! I never told the guys it wears off in an hour!" Hermione said panickedly. "You have to go get them out of there before Draco catches on!"

"But what about…"

"I'll be fine just go!"

Crystal ran out of the bathroom. She ran down the hallways. She ran to the dungeons, to her common room. By the time she got there, she was out of breath. She caught her breath before opening the portrait. As she entered she could make out Draco saying "what's wrong with you Crabbe?"

"Stomach ache" someone answered.

Draco continued " Anyways...Father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that happened to this place ya know."

Crystal made her presence known when she said, "He is wrong."

"What! Why is he wrong! He is never wrong!"

"Really Draco? Do you always blindly believe him?" she retorted.

"He was right when he said Harry isn't the heir of Slytherin!"

"No shit," Crystal said. "The heir has been lost for generations."

"There is no heir…" Draco started but he gets distracted by a box. "Is this yours?" he asked his friends. They shook their heads no and he put it in his pocket.

Goyle asks, "So who opened the chamber?"

"I told you yesterday I didn't know," Draco scolded loudly. Crystal noticed the boys' potion was wearing off. "Father also said that a mudblood died the last time the chamber was opened. I hope its Granger this time."

"DRACO MALFOY," Crystal yelled standing up. "How dare you say such a thing!" She motioned with her hand for the boys to leave. They caught on and snuck out as the two continued to argue.

"She is a filthy mudblood, Crystal!"

"No, you are a inbred pureblood who is a thief and a liar!"

"How dare you.."

"How dare I? You insult my friend. Take what isn't yours. Lie for attention. Wish pain on others. And wish to end a life because you are scared of change and others being more powerful than you! All life is precious until it takes another life away for no reason," Crystal yelled.

Draco went to retort but he froze. He looked at Crystal. He really looked this time. And saw a single tear in the corner of one eye. She continued, "no life should be taken away out of anger. It solves nothing." Then she turned on her heel and walked to her dorm.

Draco was left speechless. He turned to Crabbe and Goyle for help, but found they had left. They are useless. he thought and sighed. What have you done this time Draco…

That is it. More to come. Review. Those reviews on chapter five got me writing again :) ~C