
Caelum and Abraxas were sorted into Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectively, while Lyra, Cassiopeia, Aries, and Carina went to Slytherin. Cygnus deliberately asked the sorting hat for Hufflepuff, to get away from all of his siblings. Severus finished the pack and went to Ravenclaw. The total stood thusly: five Slytherins, two Ravenclaws, one Hufflepuff, and one—two if you count Teddy—Gryffindor(s), making Draco the clear winner. Harry was content with counting the fact that he had managed to convert Cael a victory in itself. Draco was of the opinion that Cael didn't count, because Cael had always been a reckless dare devil and was now an official Potter.

Teddy eventually married Victoire Weasley, Bill and Fleur's oldest daughter. He joined his father-in-law's company as a curse-breaker, traveling around Britain to break curses, specializing in Voldemort area dark curses. He and his wife moved in with his grandmother Andy to care for her in her old age or if you look at it the other way around, so that Andy could babysit his four children.

Scorp married Haesel Smith, Astoria Greengrass and Zacharias Smith's daughter. He inherited Malfoy Manor and apprenticed with his grandfather Lucius to become an acclaimed alchemist. The couple produced one male heir, as dictated by Malfoy custom, and returned the Manor to its previous state of having too many rooms for too few people; not that he kicked his parents and grandparents out, living with all four of them until their eventual deaths of old age.

Cael married Ursula Flint, Marcus Flint's daughter. There was some upset over the pairing, given the fact that they were distantly related. But as third cousins it wasn't illegal and as purebloods, everyone was related, so marrying your third cousin was actually somewhat normal. Eventually people forgot about it and were happy for the paring, especially when their two children came out looking pleasantly like their good looking father, instead of their plain mother. Cael inherited Grimmauld Place, but never stayed there, because his career as a dragon tamer kept him and his family up in the Scottish isles.

Brax married Keldan Shacklebolt, Kingsley Shacklebolt's son, and went into politics. He never ran for Minister of Magic, but supported his husband's many successful runs. Rumors were that Brax basically ran the country, because Keldan did whatever he told Keldan to. Brax himself was a stay at home dad to his three children and never ran for any office higher than the Wizengamot, which he sat on for forty years before retiring. Their only daughter also went into politics and became the first Malfoy to be Minister of Magic. That would've made Lucius cringe, except that she took her husband's name and preserved the Malfoy's reputation of never being the front man, or in this case, woman.

Lyra married Gaderian Goyle, Pansy and Greg's son and became a pediatric healer. She had five children and was happy to occupy Grimmauld Place for her older brother, once more bringing life into the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. Given her focus on family, her medical career was somewhat lack luster and disappointed her supervisors, who knew she had so much more potential. Her fathers, however, were extremely proud of her and frequently bragged about their eldest daughter being a mid-level healer and an even better mother.

Cyg married Dominique Weasley, Bill and Fleur's middle child, and had a pair of rambunctious twins. He was incredibly well-rounded, charismatic, out-going, and had a flair for business. He was one of those people who was always changing, never settling, spending five years on a business venture with Fred II, then spending five years researching snails, before turning around and using the snail research to make better invisibility cloaks. Everything he did turned to gold, bringing him in a profit and making him an incredibly successful business man.

Cassy married Fred Weasley II, George and Angelina's son. She became a stay at home mother, happy to be seen posing on her husband's arm and taking care of her seven children. She eventually took over her grandmother's position as the family school teacher. Given the number of children in the family, multiple teachers were needed, which led her to create a private elementary school for wizards, which became very successful.

Ries married Maponus Nott, Daphne and Theo's son. They both became world famous musicians and toured all over the world. The only ones who weren't happy for them were their two children, who were sick of moving around so much and spent more time with their grandparents at Malfoy Manor than any of the many, "homes," their parents owned.

Cary married Porrex Pucey, Adrian Pucey's son, and had three children. They lived in the Lestrange Manor, since old Madam Lestrange had no heirs and chose to leave it to her. She apprenticed with her grandfather Lucius, becoming a fine jeweler. She was well known for her ability to talk to animals and thus used the symbol of her pet peacock on all of her creations, to mark her work. In her later years, she became known as the "bird lady," to her neighbors, who were somewhat perturbed by the sheer number of peacocks and other birds she had living with her in the large Manor.

Sev married a red-haired muggleborn named Susannah Davis, much to Draco's shock and Harry's amusement. When the next dark lord, an orphan name Fyren Munch, started rising up in an attempt to take over the wizarding world, it was a seventeen year old Sev who went after Fyren. Fyren had been in Ravenclaw with him, but a seventh year when Sev was a first year and so didn't feel threatened by the dorky youngest Malfoy. Thus Sev was able to follow and easily capture Fyren with one of his newly invented spells. Sev was then marshaled into the Auror Corps and reluctantly groomed to one day take over his dad's role as Head Auror, but quit in order to become a potions master. He and his wife had one red-haired greened eyed daughter who they named Lily, after his late grandmother and the woman his namesake had always loved.

Lucius was rather disappointed in the percentage of Draco's children who followed the ancestral Malfoy path of alchemy; not that Scorpius wasn't a fine alchemist, but that only one out of eight Malfoys in the next generation learned the trade. Thus Lucius made it his last mission in life to groom all of his great grandchildren for future careers in alchemy. Lily Malfoy was his best pupil, although several of his other grandchildren also chose to follow in their great grandfather's footsteps as alchemists.

Harry became jealous of Lucius' influence with his grandchildren and set out to turn as many of the children towards careers as Aurors as possible. Oddly enough Ries' two children were the most eager to learn from him, since they were around the most. It was Ries' daughter, his younger child, who eventually took over Harry's post as Head Auror.

Author's Note: That's the absolute last of it. I'm sad to see it end, but I think it's time for this family to live happily ever after. Please Review!

In other news, I've posted the first chapter of my new story Pulled in Two: Ginny versus Draco and Leo! In it Draco and Ginny fight over Harry for his time and attention. It gives me the perfect excuse to write a snarky troublemaking Draco paired against a bratty spoiled Ginny, and poor Harry is stuck in the middle. Best of all Draco has had Harry's son and there's Teddy in it too :)