It was cold and windy, the way it always was in London. Jade pulled her coat tighter around her body, biting her lip with chattering teeth. Of all the days to arrange a rendezvous with the man who thought her dead for two years, she couldn't have picked a worse day. Jade would never admit this to anyone, but she was nervous about how Sherlock would deal with her, now that she was alive. Jade Moriarty existed once more, and that meant it was very easy for Sherlock to haul her to a courtroom and put her in prison for the rest of her life. Or worse, turn her over to his brother, who surely had a grudge against her and the means to make her scream. She hadn't screamed in those weeks in his hold before the whole fiasco she created, but she had come close. Mycroft knew how torture people. Such a shame he wasn't with her. She could have used someone like him. Ah well, she still had Moran. Moran, who put an off switch on a bomb like a fucking Scooby Doo villain. Ugh.

"Well," a voice said, and Jade jumped. "Here you are."

"Let's call this progress," Jade said. "It's turned to you sneaking up on me." She turned to face Sherlock, her black hair whipping in the breeze. Sherlock looked the same he always had, beautiful and cold.

"Yes, after I thought you had died," Sherlock said tonelessly. "Well, I'm sort of getting a taste of my own medicine."

"Oh, you poor thing," Jade sneered. "You were forced to tear down my entire livelihood. How utterly tragic."

"Well, I would have had to if you hadn't threatened to kill my friends." Jade knew that they were going to have words about that, but she hadn't expected to feel so defensive.

"I warned you, my dear," she said, gritting her teeth slightly. "That I would burn you. That I would end you."

"Well then," Jade could see the irritation in Sherlock's face. "Would you mind telling me how you did it?" Jade nodded.

"You're right," she admitted. "I do owe you an explanation." Sherlock waited. "It contained face masks, fake accents, wigs, and something called HAVING A FUCKING EMPLOYEE!"

"I thought you said something about a blank gun." Jade laughed bitterly.

"Fibbed," she said sharply. "I'm a bad girl, I do that." Sherlock shook his head.

"So why come back?" He demanded. "Why show yourself again?"

"I'd been trying to find you ever since employees of mine started dropping like flies," Jade supplied.

"I was on the news for a while," Sherlock said dryly. "What, were you too scared to show up?" Jade sneered at the suggestion she had been scared. She was Jade Moriarty; she didn't get scared.

"Well, it's cold, and this has not been enjoyable," she concluded with a clap of her hands, beginning to walk off, before Sherlock's hand encircled her arm.

"You're not running away again," he told her.

"Oh, gives me tingles when you get controlling like that," she said with a smirk, but Sherlock wasn't amused.

"I'm done playing your manipulative games," he told her. "You have strung me along, threatened me, and made me love you. And I am sick of it."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she told him mockingly, attempting to wrench herself away from Sherlock's grasp. She didn't succeed. "I didn't realize loving me was so horrendous."

"Not if I don't know if this just another game to watch me dance," he told her. Jade straightened herself up as far as she could to make herself taller, lifting her chin defiantly.

"I spent a year hunting for you, after believing you were dead," she answered. "I kept others off of your tail while you were destroying everything I built. I killed and almost got killed for you. Does that answer your question?" And Sherlock kissed her. In the history of their very fucked up relationship, Jade had always been the one who initiated the make out session. But Jade wasn't going to lie; she had missed Sherlock like she would have missed breathing. Maybe they weren't a perfect, happy couple the way he could have been with Molly Hooper, but they were practically two halves of the same whole, drafted to opposing sides. Jade realized that he had let go of her arm, and she could pull away at any moment she chose, but all she did was wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back.


"Excuse me!" One of the security guards called. He was prepared to demand why there were two idiots on the roof, but the sight stopped him short. A man with sharply accented bones and dark, curly hair was clinging to a petite, silky haired woman. With the wind whipping coats and scarves, and the lovely gray of the London backdrop, it looked like some sort of scene from one of those old romantic movies. The guard smiled, and decided to let the couple be.


"I guess you are real after all," Sherlock whispered. Jade laughed, a happy, burbling sound.

"Very real," she told him. It was weird, having the two geniuses there, in close proximity, the closest to the pure emotion of love their dark souls would ever get to. But that was good enough.