11: Imagine your OTP starting a Nerf gun war with each other.

The lights in the loft were dimmed when Castle finally got home from his meeting at Black Pawn. It was getting late, and between his book tour and Kate's wedding stress, he was exhausted.

"Kate?" He called out, shrugging when there was no answer. Probably asleep he thought. He walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, grabbing a cup. As he pulled his cup out, an index card fell down onto the counter, Kate's quick handwriting scratched across it.

Check the sink.

Castle squinted and read the card over, flipping it to see if there was anything else. "Kate?" he called out again, moving across the kitchen to look into the sink. A grin spread across his face as his gaze fell upon the gun in the sink.

A Nerf gun, to be exact.

He picked up the toy machine gun and the box of 100 bullets from the sink. Another index card was taped to the top of the box, also covered in Kate's handwriting, as well as a bright red kiss-print from her lips.

Better load up, Writer boy. You've got 2 minutes.

"Can you see me?" he called out again, looking around the loft for any sign of his fiancé. With no response, he kicked off his shoes and rolled up his sleeves, loading the ammo into his gun. When it was ready, he slid across the floor, ready to begin.

As he went to duck into his office, a nerf bullet hit him square in the back. Castle spun, holding the gun up to block himself. "Really, Kate?" he yelled out, looking around but still not seeing her.

He heard her giggle come from what sounded like upstairs, but he wasn't sure. If it were, he wouldn't be surprised. Her aim was amazing.

"Okay, hon. I'm ready." He had the gun held tightly against his chest, and extra bullets hidden in his pockets. He stealthily left the office, ducking behind the couch. He heard footsteps from upstairs and looked up, aiming his gun high and pulling the trigger.

The bullet soared up into the air and over the railing, hitting Kate square in the forehead. "Ass" she mumbled. She loaded the machine gun and made her way around the corner, slowly going down the steps. "Baby, you home?" she asked. Kneeling down a little, she saw his brown hair sticking out above the couch. A grin spread across her face and she brought up the gun, looking through the toy scope. She pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting him on the top of the head.

And then the rapid fire began.

Kate ran down the steps as Rick stood up, both of them opening fire on the other. They both kept pulling the trigger until running completely out of bullets. Kate ran out of bullets first, dropping her gun on the floor with her arms raised.

Rick had one bullet left. He looked down at the gun, then back up at his fiancé. "Check mate" he said, raising the gun.

The second he pulled the trigger; Kate ducked and reached behind her, pulling out a nerf handgun. She raised it with ease and pointed it at his chest, pulling the trigger and hitting him right in the center.

"Ha! I win!"

Stunned, Rick looked down at the fallen bullet that had hit him, then back up at her. "Oh really." He glared and took two long strides forward, stepping close to her. Reaching down, he scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder, one hand holding her knees, the other on her ass.

She yelped and braced herself on his back. "Castle, put me down!" she laughed, patting her hands on his back and squirming playfully.

"No way woman. Time to play my game." He carried her into their bedroom and tossed her down onto the bed, crawling over her and pinning her arms above her head.

"I'm still the winner" she teased.

"We'll see about that" he whispered, before attaching his lips to hers.

Sorry about the late update! I went to disney and with school i've been busy.

Also, i'm working on a longer story that ties in with this AU world. Castle, Beckett, and the kids take a trip to Disney. Keep a watch out for it!