Aaaaand we are done! Man, what a journey this has been.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you. Whether you have reviewed, favourited or followed, or even just took the time to read this story, it has meant such a great deal to me. You guys are amazing and I just want to hug you all! w

I would also like to take this time to apologise to the languages of Old English and Ancient Greek. I'm sorry for massacring you with my dodgy translations.

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin

Thank you so much, wonderful people of the Merlin fandom!


Merlin grinned at his king, admiring the quality of the red cape and golden crown. The girls had worked together to make it, two of whom were standing off to the right in regal gowns of ladies of the court.

The knights stood to the left, dressed in their chainmail and matching capes, swords fastened to their belts. It brought a great sense of nostalgia washing over him and he didn't mind in the least that he looked out of place in his jacket, blue shirt and neckerchief.

They'd wanted it authentic, after all.

And there was Gwen, beautiful in royal purple, walking towards them with Aithusa (in her dog form); there was no need to scare the guests. They'd taken the idea of Arthurian theme surprisingly well, all dressed in costumes of what modern people took to be medieval attire. Merlin thought they looked a bit silly, to be honest. But nothing could spoil this day.

Arthur took his queen's hand as she reached him, guiding her up the few steps to stand beside him.

Merlin locked eyes with Freya on the other side of the alter, flashing her a beaming smile before returning his attention to the two royals.

"Dearly beloved," Gaius began. The doctor-once-physician had protested to playing this role but Gwen and Arthur had insisted. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Arthur Pence and Gwendolyn Corbin."

It had taken a while, but Merlin had managed to forge identification documents for Arthur and Freya so they existed in the eyes of the government – much like he had for himself numerous times over the course of his life. And unlike the time with Lancelot, this time they wouldn't be detectable as fakes. Merlin couldn't help an internal sigh of relief at the thought that he would never have to do so again.

Exchanging his immortality for Freya's life was a win-win no matter how he looked at it.

Kilgharrah glared at him as he came down the aisle, a small cushion holding two rings – the real things that Merlin had been entrusted at Gwen's death – tied to his neck. The Great Dragon had been less thrilled with his role than Gaius had, but Merlin found the tutu threat worked well on all occasions. Besides, he was sure in a few years – or a few hundred – Kilgharrah would look back on the experience and be glad he had participated. Even if it was 'demeaning' and 'how dare he suggest such a thing'.

Merlin was pulled back to the present as Gaius pronounced them husband and wife. Arthur leaned down, his lips meeting Gwen's as the sun set over the lake in the background.

For perhaps the first time in 1500 years, everything was perfect.