Disclaimer: LOTR belongs to the creative genius of JRR Tolkien, not me.

Chapter 5

The Light Goes Out.

A lonely figure stood on the roof of the tower, silhouetted against the night sky. The dawn approached to start the day that marked the first anniversary of his father's death. Eldarion had come here to grieve, not only for his father who he missed terribly, but also for his beautiful mother. Her most trusted maid had delivered the letter in his hand; he read it again through tear-filled eyes.

'My dear Eldarion,

As you read this letter, I will be nearing the end of my life, nay, my life ended the day my beloved Aragorn died, I am merely going to join him. You are a grown man, a King, so I know you will have the grace and wisdom to accept this as my will.

The star of Earendil will be my guide. I will finally be at peace.

Never forget that I love you and your sisters,


As he looked towards the heavens and found the bright star, beloved of his mother's elven people, a streak of light, a shooting star, seemed to collide with it making it brighter still. Eldarion shuddered as he felt a hint of a kiss on his cheek as a beloved voice whispered, " Farewell, my son." He fell to his knees and wept, knowing his mother was no more.


After he had sung his farewell to Arwen, the emotional turmoil had exhausted him and Legolas felt in great need of sleep. The light of the stars was of some comfort and he drifted into the place between sleep and dreams. He awoke when he felt the first warm rays of the sun on his face but he did not feel particularly rested. A fierce longing for the sea had invaded his dreams, and even now he could feel the invisible thread pulling at him. In truth, he was ready to follow the cry of the gulls; he longed to feel the salty wind on his face.

He had thought to travel the short distance to Eryn Lasgalen, to see his home once more, but he did nor have the heart to do so, for he feared his beautiful forest would be much the same as Lorien. He did not wish to see it in ruins. The desolation around him forced him to acknowledge that the time of the Elves was now over. His soul yearned for the beauty of the Undying Lands and the people who awaited him. Urging Arod to a gallop, he headed for Ithilien. Gimli was waiting for him when he reached the village. It was obvious that he had been grieving also. " Eldarion sent a message, such a sad loss," he said simply, as Legolas noted the melancholy faces of those around him. The Evenstar was much beloved amongst Legolas' people and they felt her loss deeply. " There is some good news" he continued as they walked towards the dock, " I think you will be pleased to know that, despite the best efforts of these elves to delay me," he said in disgust, "the ship is now ready to sail."

Legolas brightened at this, "That is indeed good news my friend. There is no longer a place for Elves in Middle Earth, our home now lies over the sea. Let us make haste and depart."

" There is no wind for our sails, we shall have to wait for favourable weather'" Gimli pointed out. Legolas laughed, the sweet sound was music to Gimli's ears, it had been so long since his friend had been happy.

" Friend Gimli, surely you have been among elves long enough to know better. Cirdan's ship sails when WE are ready, do not underestimate the power of the Elves. We have the favour of the Valar."

So it was that, using the light of the stars to guide their path, the last of the Elves sailed their grey ship down the Anduin to the sea. Legolas stood on the deck lost letting the salt from the air crystallise on his lips, and the wind ruffle his hair, finally feeling at peace. He allowed himself a last moment of sadness for his friends who belonged to the race of Men.

No one had seen the ship as it sailed by although some claimed to have felt a slight breeze as it passed. Others thought they saw a faint light moving towards the sea. All anyone knew for certain was that the light of the elves had left Ithilien. However, according to some, if one listened carefully late at night, a sweet elfish voice, borne by the breeze from the sea, could be heard singing a last lament.