a/n: Thank you again for your lovely reviews. And thank you for the favorites and follows. This story is pretty fun for me and it looks like it's fun for you guys too. So, that's great!

a/n: Lately, these two can't seem to keep their hands off each other, but it's funny to see them try and fail miserably. They're both becoming naughtier and naughtier.

a/n: Yes, this chapter's a little short, but it got out faster than the last one. It's also a little scattered and I didn't make as many corrections as I probably should have, but gimme a break. I'm my own editor.


Chapter 49: Mad Intentions

Amy let them into her apartment and just watched her boyfriend walk in, his hands clasped tightly to the straps of his bags. It was pretty obvious that something was on his mind. He'd told her that they had some issues in their relationship that they needed to sort through. Personally, she wasn't aware of any pending issues in their relationship.

He had, however, brought to her attention the fact that there had been a shift in the dynamics of their relationship. Lately her boyfriend had been paying more attention to her and he had been spending the night quite frequently. Maybe that was what he was getting at.

When her boyfriend came back into the living room, he sighed and simply stared at the couch. No doubt, this conversation was about to be rough.

"I guess we should get started on season seven," Sheldon said.

Amy narrowed her eyes at him. "I think not. You were trying to say something before we left your apartment building. I think we should continue where you left off."

Sheldon nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps you're right." He slowly walked over to her and took her hands in his. Then he leaned in close and gave her a kiss on the lips.

Her boyfriend must have been in a playful mood because he gave her several short but sweet kisses. And as much as she would have enjoyed continuing this little game he was playing, she leaned away from him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to distract me from this conversation we're supposed to be having," she pointed out.

He let go of her hands and put his hands around her waist. "To tell the truth, distraction is only a fraction of the purpose of my actions."

Amy was shocked when Sheldon pulled her close and kissed her passionately. She thought about pulling away again, but her boyfriend's tongue was teasing her mouth so deliciously that she all but melted in his arms. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you had something physical in mind," she was barely able to say between her boyfriend's enthusiastic kisses.

"We can start season seven in the morning," he murmured against her lips as he fully enveloped her in his arms.

Once he got his hands on her, she could deny him nothing. Even after they'd said that their experimentation would move on to rising above their baser instincts and suppressing their urges, every fiber of her being was reaching out to this man. She wanted him and it seemed that he wanted her as well.

It was pretty obvious once she pressed against him to give him another kiss that he wasn't just doing this to get out of having a chat with her. She could already feel his stiffness against her belly. Since when was her boyfriend so...excitable? There was no way she would pass up such an opportunity.

As Amy took Sheldon's hand and led him to her bedroom, she did recall one instance during which her boyfriend had been this excitable. It was the night of their first time. And she remembered what she did in order to calm him that night. She hadn't had a chance to do it since then, so maybe this was her chance to do it again. Besides, his thinking about it had been what got him all hot and bothered that night.

If a similar situation had caused this, Amy couldn't be happier that she had a boyfriend with an eidetic memory.

"I hope you're not under the impression that the only reason I come here now is to jump into bed with you," Sheldon finally said.

Amy directed Sheldon to sit on the side of the bed. That seemed to be a common worry of his. "Of course not." She grinned to herself and imagined a world where the only reason her boyfriend came over was to have sex with her. "Though you did spend the night with me twice this week and you jumped into bed with me both times. And it looks like you're about to jump into bed with me again."

Her boyfriend looked a little disappointed. "Well, it's been days since we were last together."

"It's been one day."

He looked even more disappointed. "Wednesday night. And now it's Friday night. You're right. It's only been one day. I should've known this would happen. I've become a sex fiend. Maybe we shouldn't do this."

Oh no! Seeing him so worked up earlier had gotten her worked up. He couldn't just put a stop to it like that. And even though she was the one to point out how often they were engaging in coitus, she wasn't about to take no for an answer. "Sheldon, I want to."

Her boyfriend sighed. "I don't know. I'm not really in the mood anymore."

"Give me a chance to get you back in the mood," Amy requested. She hiked up her skirt, straddled his lap and gave him a kiss on lips. When she realized that he really had lost most of his rigidity, she frowned. She needed to be careful about what she said to him.

She put her arms around Sheldon's neck to help keep her balance and went about kissing him the way he'd kissed her earlier. At first he seemed unaffected, but after a while, his hands found their way to her hips and he was slowly responding.

They took turns teasing each other with short and then long kisses and Amy was beginning to get dizzy with lust. She kissed her way down her boyfriend's chin and began gently raking her teeth across his neck. The sigh that came from her boyfriend and the tightening of his hands on her hips were enough of a signal for her to continue.

Unfortunately, Sheldon was onto her. "You're not going to give me another hickey, are you?"

"That was the plan," she told him. Before he was able to protest, she began suckling his neck at the pulse point. And to add a little icing to the cake, she began teasing the hairs at the back of his neck.

She was rewarded with a simple hitch in his breathing, but it was enough to tell her that she was doing something right. Perhaps it was enough of a distraction for her to start taking off his shirts. Then again, she'd have to stop what she was doing if she wanted to get his shirts off. Maybe he wouldn't mind.

As soon as Amy started tugging on her boyfriend's shirts, he lifted his arms so she could finish stripping them off him. Then Sheldon tried to take all of her shirts in a similar fashion. He didn't even bother to take off her cardigan first. He simply tugged her shirts from being tucked into her skirt and tried to pull them over her head.

Her man was so polite with this reciprocity thing, but he was about to choke her to death. "Sheldon wait. Let me at least take care of the top button on my blouse," she told him.

And of course, he was polite enough to wait for a few moments. Once she was done, however, he went about tugging her shirts over her head with little to no regard. Her glasses even got caught in the shirts, but he didn't seem to care. He simply tossed all of her layers aside and pulled her close for more kisses.

She'd never known Sheldon to be in such a kissy mood, considering that's how they'd started their evening. It made her wonder what was going on with him.

There was no need for her to wonder for very long, though. She was getting all fired up in all the right places. It was a shame really. She'd wanted to try giving him oral again, but she was feeling a little more turned on than she thought she would. And it was from something as simple as a bunch of kisses, no less.

In other words, she didn't feel like waiting. So, she let her fingers slowly dance down her boyfriend's chest and down his belly and down to his pants where she began unfastening them. From the way his hips bucked when she slowly lowered his zipper, he probably didn't feel like waiting either. Thank goodness she was able to get him in the mood again.

A sudden movement from Sheldon startled her a bit. He'd reached over and grabbed one of the condoms. "I'll finish this and put this on if you wanna..."

By "finish this" he must have meant taking his pants off. And the "if you wanna" must have been referring to where his eyes darted—her skirt and her leggings. With a nod, she climbed off his lap and went about taking off everything except her bra.

Once they were all set, Sheldon gave her a confused look. "Aren't you getting into bed?"

"No. I want you to sit like you were a minute ago. Or maybe you can sit up like that with your back against the headboard," Amy told him. "I'd like to try...doing it like that." She felt like a fool saying something like that out loud.

And she couldn't tell if Sheldon was excited about the prospect, but he immediately sat on the side of the bed like he was before.

What had possessed her to think she could handle being in control? Sure, she'd vowed that she would be the one in control this time, but could she really deal with it?

Well, all that was left now was to deal with it. She grabbed the bottle of lubricant off of her nightstand and straddled her boyfriend's lap once again. After pouring some of the lube into her hand, she tossed the bottle aside and froze. Her plan was to apply the artificial lubricant to her boyfriend's condom-covered length, but then she realized that it was so rare that she even touched him there.

She took a deep breath and gently began applying the lube to the condom, watching as her fingers slowly glided up and down her boyfriend's stiffened appendage. It was warm to the touch and she could feel it twitch every now and then.

Another rare occurrence got her attention. Or at least it was rare enough for her to really appreciate it when it happened. Her boyfriend actually let a moan escape his throat. Had she not been looking forward to having him inside her, she would have continued stroking him.

Amy was satisfied that they were both well lubricated, so she positioned herself over his length and slowly began lowering herself onto him. (Mental note: impaling oneself is a lot different than having someone else do it,) she thought. And even though she was face-to-face with her boyfriend, she couldn't bring herself to look at him while she was doing it.

Fortunately, she wouldn't have to. As she was sheathing herself about his length, Sheldon had placed his hands upon her hips and started kissing her yet again. Once they were locked into position and began rocking in a nice slow rhythm, Amy threw both of her arms around her boyfriend's neck while his arms wrapped around her waist.

And all the while, he wouldn't stop kissing her. It was the weirdest, yet sweetest thing. They exchanged everything from little pecks on the lips to long, passionate tangling of tongues. She didn't even really have a chance to breathe. This might be a good thing to bring up when asking her friends' advice. Not that it was a bad thing. As a matter of fact, she loved it. She just never thought she'd see the day when Sheldon would behave this way.

Gradually their rocking began to speed up and Sheldon detached his mouth from hers long enough to murmur against her lips, "Oh, Amy."

Amy took that split second to try to catch her breath and half whimper his name. And as he began kissing her again, she decided that hearing him say her name like that had to be just about the best thing on earth. She could feel her orgasm approaching and she desperately needed more movement.

Her boyfriend seemed to anticipate her need and his hands moved back to her hips. That presented the opportunity for her to push him down and she wasted no time as she practically began bouncing up and down upon his length. She would've considered that she might be crushing him under her weight, but she was so close to her peak that she didn't really care. The only things she cared about at the moment were her impending orgasm and Sheldon's attempts to meet her every movement.

"Oh, Amy, I love you," he moaned.

She wasn't sure if she'd heard him right, but it was enough to send her over the edge. And strangely enough, she'd retained enough of her mental functions not to blurt out that she loved him just in case she'd imagined it. Of course she loved him, but she'd never told him before.

She also loved the feeling of her insides spasming around her boyfriend's organ. She loved the feeling of her boyfriend twitching and pulsating inside her as he finished as well. She loved him and she wished she could be sure that he'd actually said what she thought she heard him say. And she wished she'd actually told him that she loved him before he had a chance to perhaps say it to her.

When all was said and done, Sheldon quietly went to take his shower first while she changed their bedding. There wasn't really much of a chance for post-coital cuddles from a position like that. But then again, they'd practically cuddled the entire time. All those kisses...

After her shower Amy was hoping to have a little chat about what he may or may not have said during intercourse, but he seemed to be fast asleep. So she hopped into bed and did the same. It had been a pretty energetic session.

...in the morning...

"Amy," she heard her boyfriend whisper. "Amy, I think we need to talk."

He'd obviously taken care of his morning business well before she'd even awakened.

"Can I at least brush my teeth first?" she asked. But when she opened her eyes and saw a worried look on her boyfriend's face, she sat upright. "What's wrong?"

"Um..., last night while I was feeling enthusiastic..., I said something."

Amy smiled. He really had said it, hadn't he? He'd confessed his love for her. Then she frowned. He wasn't about to take it back, was he?

Sheldon took a seat on the bed and sighed. "I've thought about it over the past few days. I don't want you to think that I was only saying it as a reflex—as some automated response to overstimulation. I really meant what I said."

"Listen, Sheldon. I know you're not the kind of person who goes around talking about how he feels...," Amy began.

Her boyfriend sighed again. "I just don't want there to be a misunderstanding. I've been told that saying something like that during coitus is inappropriate."

"No, it was very appropriate."

"Or at least that it's offensive when it's said during coitus."

"I wasn't offended at all."

Sheldon looked at Amy for a long time. "Well, it wasn't just an automated response. I do mean it, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna say it all the time. So, here it is without being surrounded by overstimulation of the senses. I love you, Amy."

She smiled at her boyfriend and slowly reached up to stroke one of his cheeks. This was her chance to say it to him as well. No mistakes. No excuses. "Oh, Sheldon. I love you, too."

"Good." Sheldon simply put his hand on the hand Amy had placed on his cheek. "Now that that's over with, I've got an episode of Dr. Who to watch. Excuse me."

As she watched her boyfriend head toward the kitchen for his Saturday morning cereal, Amy smiled to herself. Her boyfriend was such a weirdo. While she could see that he'd definitely changed, there were certain things about him that would always remain the same.

After the two ordered pizza and had it delivered, they stood in the kitchen making preparations for lunch. While Sheldon was looking through the fridge for something to drink, Amy simply stared at the pizza for a while.

"In that last episode, Data was having nightmares. It was interesting that he was even able to develop a program that would allow him to dream. But of course dreams would eventually result in nightmares at some point," Amy said.

"Well, those nightmares were the direct result of the interphasic infestations aboard the Enterprise. I wouldn't really consider those natural nightmares," Sheldon told her.

Amy grabbed a slice of the pizza and watched the cheese as it clinged on for dear life. "Do you think that since he finally experienced a nightmare that he would continue to experience them every once in a while?"

"I can't lie to you. I'm not an AI expert. But I would think that it would be possible for him to experience—" Sheldon began, but stopped short.

While Sheldon was talking she'd busied herself trying to grab a string of the cheese that was dangling from her pizza with her mouth. She noticed that Sheldon was staring at her, so she stopped and simply put the pizza on her plate. She knew how much he hated that, but the way he was looking at her was very different from his usual "incoming hygiene speech" expression.

"Anyway, I remember back when I suffered from horrible night terrors," Amy said. "It wasn't fun at all and I was very physical because of it. Thankfully all of that seemed to end once you and I started dating."

"Well, I'm no psychology expert either, but maybe your night terrors were a manifestation of your unquelled desire for human relationships. Those night terrors could have easily ended because you'd become friends with Penny and Bernadette," Sheldon told her as he put a can of diet Coke on the counter for each of them.

Amy thought for a moment and nodded. "You're right. All of it started happening at about the same time. It could have been a combination of those things. Or it could have been the fact that it was all happening simultaneously that put an end to them. I hadn't really thought about that."

"It's not like we can prove either case, though. It's just something to think about," Sheldon told her.

"I almost wish I could crack open my own brain and do a little research," Amy said dreamily.

Sheldon grabbed some pizza and putting it on his plate. "If you need a competent partner, I'll gladly volunteer."

Even though they both knew she wouldn't be able to pull off something like that, it was sweet of him to offer. "Thank you, Sheldon."

Amy couldn't believe that she and her boyfriend actually made out a few times after lunch. Before lunch had been relatively calm with simple hand-holding and cuddling during viewing. She couldn't even remember who'd started any of it. She was willing to assume that it had been Sheldon, considering the way their weekend started.

Her boyfriend was even touching her in somewhat..."stimulating" places as they were making out. In a way she wanted to stop him because she knew they were about to do laundry and she didn't want to be all..."stimulated" while they were out.

It was difficult to tell if she was having the same effect on him, but she, too, had been touching him a little bit.

"Well, it's laundry time. Let's go," he told her.

Amy grabbed her laptop bag out of the bedroom. She hadn't had a chance to write a new fantasy this week, considering she'd spent over half the nights with Sheldon. But then again, she really didn't have a reason to write those fantasies anymore, did she?

...to be continued...

a/n: Like I said, short chapter. But we got a little bit of action and a little bit of cuddlies in there. Okay, it was kind of a whole lot of cuddlies. Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think. I can take it.