"So, should we take him for a test drive?" Hiccup grinned that stupid grin of his as he looked back at Jack, who was staring at Toothless with wide eyes. The dragon was happily bounding around the cove with his shiny new saddle, waiting for Hiccup to jump on.

The dragon, after all, couldn't fly without him.

"You can." Jack said, taking a small step back. "I'll stay here and hold down the fort." Since their alliance was permanent now, Jack figured he could stay here without Hiccup getting suspicious of him…

…he hoped.

"Oh, come on." Okay, so apparently not. "You're not scared of heights, are you?" When Jack didn't say anything Hiccup blinked in surprise. "Oh my gods you are."

He then proceeded to laugh.

"It's not funny!" Jack snapped. "And it's not heights, it's falling from high places!" He would have smacked him if Hiccup's laugh didn't sound so nice.

…Wait what?

"Actually it kinda is." Hiccup took a breath to calm his laughter, and after a few more giggles he was done. "Well, either way you're still coming."

"What?!" Jack screeched a little louder that he meant to (and in a much higher pitch) as he quickly drew back his hand when Hiccup reached out to grab it. Hiccup raised an eyebrow, and Jack cleared his throat. "Why?"

"Because if you're gonna stick with me, we've got to get you over your fear." Hiccup replied, reaching for his wrist anyway.

Well, he trusted him, so Jack supposed that was a plus.

The white haired male scowled, but once Hiccup's hand touched his skin he stopped struggled, intent to focus on the warmth coming from his hand.

He had fallen harder than he thought.

When Jack had first noticed the boy from district 7 he hadn't thought much of it. He was small, scrawny, and probably wouldn't last very long in the arena.

Of course, he felt a twinge of pity when he saw him walk up to the stage, pale as snow and shaking like he had the flu, but he pushed it away rather quickly. He had a promise to keep, after all.

He only really started to think of the boy when the female tribute from his district, Clare, sniggered and laughed about him once the video was over. He knew he shouldn't get angry, this was the point of the game after all, but he couldn't help but scowl as he stood and swiftly walked to his room.

He was starting to feel pity for him, maybe because he looked a little like his sister, Emma, but whatever the reason it needed to go away now.

He was not going to get dragged down by this.

Jack was now seated on the saddle behind Hiccup, shifting around as he looked at the dragon nervously. "You're not gonna push me off, are you?"

"I'm trying to get you over your fear, not make it worse." Instead of smirking he gave a genuine smile. "Just hang on to my waist and you'll be fine."

Jack huffed as he wrapped his arms around Hiccup's waist. Once he was done shifting and had a tight grip he gave Hiccup the a-okay. Then that smile turned into a grin, and once he gave Toothless the go ahead (Jack had no idea how he managed to sit there for that long) they shot straight up in an insane burst of speed.

The second time Jack noticed the boy from district 7, it had been when he first arrived in the capital.

It had only been for a moment, as they were separated by millions of people, but Jack had to do a double take.

He looked so much more…confident.

His walk wasn't as hesitant, he wasn't so much as twitching, he wasn't as pale as before, and Jack would have almost thought that he wasn't the same person he saw on the reaping's if it went for his eyes.

They were full of panic, desperation, sadness…they held everything but happiness. And Jack decided right then and there that he needed to learn his name.

He just wished he had been paying more attention to the reaping's.

Hiccup had figured out the controls rather quickly, and after a few loop the loops (Jack really did smack him this time) they had decided to just glide along. Jack had long since let go of Hiccup's waist and was now leaning back, staring up at the sky, well, fake sky.

"Not so bad is it?" Hiccup asked, looking back at him with a smirk.

"It's not heights!" Jack snapped. "I just-"

"Wanna talk about it?" Hiccup asked quietly once Jack lapsed into silence.

Jack locked eyes with Hiccups. Those emerald eyes he had been sneaking glances at for the past three weeks stared right back at him, and Jack took a deep breath. He supposed he should get it out now, and just pray the cameras weren't on them.

"A few years ago me and my sister went ice skating. She wanted to learn really badly, and she had just turned 6, so I thought why not? She was old enough now, and the ice was thick enough by then, but I guess I was wrong. It just starting cracking, and after I got Emma off I fell though. They pulled me out, but I-I didn't wake up for so long, and I-"

He hadn't even noticed Toothless had landed until Hiccup gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "We don't have to fly back if you don't want to."

"No. It's-I love flying, but-" Jack paused, not exactly sure how to phrase it.

"Well, you trust me, right?" Hiccup asked, and when Jack nodded he continued. "Then you can trust Toothless."

Hiccup had hit the nail right on the head, and Jack couldn't help but return the smile. "Thanks."

The third time he saw the boy from district 7 was when they were waiting for the parade to start. He saw him at the far end of the stables, talking to his trainer. He didn't look pissed, but he didn't look sad either.

Agitated, perhaps?

He heard a few words exchanged between to two, one of which was a loud and exasperated sounding 'Hiccup'.

Hiccup? Was that his name? If so, then Jack couldn't help but think how fitting it was.

A few seconds later he was ushered onto his chariot, and he shot one last glace at the boy, Hiccup, before he was pulled out into the crowd.

And ever since he had been casting little glances, trying to lean everything he could about this petite boy who new so much more than he was letting on. He wanted this boy for his ally, and if he just so happened to start to fall for him along the way, then….

"Well, we should probably be getting back." Hiccup stood from the patch of grass they had migrated to, stretching his arms above his head. "Make sure everything's still there."

"I thought you wanted to scout out the area?" Jack teased, slowly getting to his feet.

"I can do that later." Hiccup replied. "Now that I know the thing actually works, I don't have to worry about crashing."

Jack was about to say something, but before he could get another word out the cannon went off 4 times, causing them both to jump. They both whipped around when they heard crashing in the trees, eyes going wide when a face neither wanted to see emerged.

"Looks like I finally found you."


And now the action comes into play. But who is it? YOU WILL NEVER KNOW! MUHAHAHAHAHAH!

Just kidding. I'll tell in the next chapter.

But, we got a little bit of Jack's story, and why he wanted Hiccup and an ally. Because he fell in love at first sight. Daww.

Like, I really hope it didn't come off a creepy, because that was not how I intended it.