Bellial groaned and snuggled closer to his mate's side. Lucifer's tail unconsciencely twined with his and he rolled over to face Bellial. His king's warmth soothed Bellial for a moment before he felt his stomach clench again.
Finally unable to bear it the red head shot out of bed and flew to the window. He coughed and gagged a few times before puking. Sensing his mate's discomfort Lucifer's icey blue eyes opened. Once he heard his red headed queen's coughs he was instantly alert.
Lucifer flew over to the window and wrapped his arms around his still wretching lover.
"Bellial? You ok darling?"
Bellial coughed a few more times before turning to face Lucifer. His throat burned and the taste of bile lingered in his mouth. He shook his head no and nuzzled his face into his lover's bare chest. Lucifer called for one of the serving demons to fetch the queen a drink.
Lucifer lead his queen over to the large red and black canopy bed and had him sit down.
"Bell, this is the thrid day in a row! I'm worried about my little devil," Lucifer purred.
Bellial drank the water given to him and shivered, since his specialty was fire magic that wasn't a good sign.
"I know love, but I don't understand what's wrong." Lucifer nuzzled his distressed mate's cheek and pulled him onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around the shivering demon and let his wings flare out to shelter his lover.
"Maybe we should consult an oracle. I want to know if my beauty is ill."
Bellial purred happily at the attention he was receiving (which, he always received because he was the only one who could make Lucifer FEEL anything). Lucifer continued to hold him and placed soft loving kisses on his queen's neck, cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips.
About an hour later the oracle entered the large black obsidian castle and was shown to the king and queen's room. He walked over and bowed slightly to the rulers of Hell. Lucifer reluctantly let go of his mate and allowed the oracle to run his hands over Bellial's body.
The oracle froze at the queen's stomach. He stroked over it a few times before smiling.
"congratulations your Highnesses. It would appear the lady Bellial is with child."
"Child," Lucifer breathed shocked, and Bellial's eyes were also wide with shock. The oracle nodded and gave the servants some medicine to put in the queen's meals to make sure the food wouldn't upset his stomach.
Bellial's tail curled and uncurled happily as he cradled his still flat stomach.
"Oh Lucifer, isn't it wonderful!" Lucifer didn't say anything just walked over and knelt before his queen. When he looked up his blue eyes were shining.
"Darling, it's the best news I've ever heard, aside from you agreeing to be my mate." Bellial smiled and took his mate's hand. He placed his king's hand on his stomach. Lucifer smiled and kissed his love's still flat stomach.
"Soon, darling. Soon we'll have a child."