So, this au belongs to the beautiful tumblr user scrollingdown, and you should all go shower her with love and thanks. Anyway, thank you all for reading, reviewing, faving and following. You're all spectacular, and I hope you enjoy the first bit to this au.

Thick, red, syrupy blood dripped down the handle of the pliers, staining my hands and the crisp white tiled floor. I whimpered in pain and pulled more, working it out slowly. I could feel my gum ripping away with it.

I had no anesthetic or anything to dull the pain, I could only clean off the pliers and hope that it didn't get infected.

Finally, the fang came out. I cried out and slumped, panting hard, my mouth full of coppery blood. Tears streaked down my face, blurring my vision and making the world look like a big blurry blob of white and red. I looked up at the fang. Clean white, wicked sharp, dripping some clear, foul tasting liquid, and covered in blood.

The pliers shook in my hand, the shining metal stained red with my blood. The clock on the wall read 6:02 pm. I'd been doing this for twenty minutes.

That was only one fang.

I had one more to go.

I gave a shaky sigh that sounded more like a sob, and got to work on the next one.

I'm pretty sure sprouting fangs was not in the puberty videos we watched in school.

After nearly half an hour, someone knocked at the bathroom door. I was almost done with the fang.

"Danny, are you in there?" I hesitated, taking the pliers out of my mouth.

"Yeah." I held back a groan and hunched over in pain.

"Dinner's almost ready. Come on down as soon as you're done."

"Alright." I waited until I was sure she was gone, and ripped the fang the rest of the way, holding back a scream.

Panting, I glanced up at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. Blood ran out of my mouth, staining my face and shirt. Blood spattered on the walls, floor and mirror across from me. I took a shaky breath and threw the fangs in the garbage. I wiped away all of the blood and washed everything off, throwing the towel away too. I turned my shirt inside out and cleaned off my face, making myself look presentable for dinner.

I slid open a drawer and rummaged around for a bit, searching for a small, white bottle. Eventually I found it, pain relievers. I checked the dosage and popped two in my mouth, taking them with a swig of water that stung my gums.

I set my shoulders, staring at myself in the mirror, checking to see if I'd missed anything. Seeing nothing, I put a fake smile on my face, and walked out of the bathroom.

I was hoping dinner was soup or something like that, I didn't think I could handle any tough foods at the time because of obvious reasons.

I sighed and plopped down in my seat at the kitchen table. "What's for dinner?" I asked hopefully.

Mom smiled at me "Steak, veggies and potatoes." Okay, really? Out of all days to have steak? And the way my parents cook it makes it extra tough. This is gonna end very well.

I nodded, forcing a smile, and filled my plate, rejecting the steak, opting instead for the cooked veggies and mashed potatoes. Mom looked at me strangely.

"You aren't taking any steak?"
"I'm not all that hungry." She nodded, then looked down at her plate and stabbed at some beans.

Dinner was a quiet affair, only the scraping of our forks against our plates and the occasional round of small talk.

"We're opening the Ghost Zone portal tomorrow."
"Oh, darn. I'm going to be in the Library all day tomorrow. You'll have to turn it on without me."
"Aww, c'mon Jazz, live a little."
"I will once I pass all of my exams." Jazz huffed and poked at her steak.

Halfway through dinner my fingers started hurting. Badly. I had to excuse myself to go check it out.

Wincing, I put away my dishes and cleared my spot. I ran upstairs when I finished, and locked myself in my bedroom.

I turned on my bedside lamp and stared at my fingertips in the dim yellow light.

Thin slits were cut in the center of each fingertip. They itched like crazy. I scratched at my index finger but flinched at the sensitivity.

When I flexed my hand I nearly jumped out of my skin. Ten little scalpel- shaped claws shot out of my fingertips. I dragged a finger across one, making sure not to cut myself, feeling it tug at each crease in my fingerprint. I poked the tip and grimaced at the pinprick of blood that grew on my finger. These things were too sharp.

I flexed my fingers again and the claws shot back inside the slits on my fingers. At least they're retractable. I probably won't have to pull these out. The fangs were in the way, and noticeable if I looked up. They could fold up against the roof of my mouth, but they could easily be seen.

I flopped down in my bed, not even bothering to take off my clothes. It's been a long day. My gaze wandered tiredly around my room. Model rockets dangling from the ceiling, band posters taped on the walls, the faint smell of sweat hung in the air. I barely had enough time to turn off the lamp before I crashed.


It was small, green and glowing, and it smelled delicious. My eyes narrowed as I readied myself to pounce after the shaking creature. My muscles tensed, strings ready to snap.

The green thing looked around nervously and took a step away from me.

That's when I made my move.

My claws sunk into it, tearing at its flesh and sinew, nicking a bone and making it scream in pain. I felt my fangs fold out from the roof of my mouth. I bit down, poison seeping from my fangs into the little ghost's body, blood smeared on my face. After a minute or so, the creature stopped struggling, its movements slowing down and becoming sluggish.

It was over in a second.

The creature's green insides splattered all over the ground, coating it in the thick slime. It smelled like lemons, acidic, but sweet.

The creature's blood ran down my face as I took bite after flavorful bite. It was exhilarating.

The hunt, the chase, the catch, the feed.

It was beautiful.

I stalked around, in search for more ghosts like this one.

The next one was shaped like a human.


My eyes snapped open with a jolt.

It was a dream. It wasn't a nightmare. You know how sometimes you have those dreams that, when you look back on it, it should've been terrifying, but it wasn't, it was a dream? It was like that. This was actually a good dream.

Cold sweat ran down my shaking body, cooling me off. Panting, I threw the covers off of me and sat at the edge of my bed. My heart thudded behind my chest.

I put my head in my hands, gripping at my hair.

Fangs, claws, violent dreams that weren't nightmares?

What am I?

What's happening to me?