Hot in here!

What?...Shut up, Merlin!

It's suffocating.

Did you really have to wake me up, just to state the obvious?

No, it was mostly to annoy you.


You'd think it wouldn't be hot... in some place that's so ... dark. It's oppressive ... Aren't you going to tell me something? Like how, if I just don't mind it ... it won't bother me so much."

So if you already know what I'm going to say...what am I going to say next?

Stop complaining?


Still hot in here.

You are such a girl sometimes.

If Gwen ... was trapped in here with you, you wouldn't call her a girl.

She IS a girl.

Well, you ... wouldn't say it to her face.

Really, maybe I should get concerned. You're making less sense than usual.

There's a reason...for that.

General idiocy, I suppose. You know, I think I remember something about this cell.

You're kidding? You know...each cell in Camelot?

Don't be daft. Look at the shape of the walls. I think my father may have built this prison.

How can you ... tell?

I remember him talking about the design. A room shaped like the letter 'T" with the door above the end of the hallway. The walls and floors were to be rounded like a tunnel, the mortar itself spelled and enchanted as it was laid.

Enchanted to do what?

I don't know. I was still a boy then and I didn't always pay attention. Capture sorcerers, I guess.

You don't say. So you think... it's ok... for Uther to use magic ... against sorcerers?

Like fighting fire with fire.

Sounds... like your father.

Guess my servant doesn't approve of the king again. Good thing we're alone or I'd have to make an example of you.

What will you do?... Lock me up?

A prince can lock up who he pleases. Don't pretend I won't do it.

Says the man... sitting in a prison cell... his father... built for sorcerers.

Very funny. Might as well try and get some rest. Move over, will you. I think it's a little cleaner over there. Go on now, Merlin, I said move over!

What?... Yeah.

You're soaked?


Merlin... Don't do that! Let me see... What's wrong? Good gods,you're burning up. Look at me.

I... I... am. Looking at you, I mean.

What's wrong? How long have you been like this?

I'm not sick, Arthur! It's just... so hot in here.

Yeah, it's hot in here. But you have a fever... a bad one. Leave it to you to get sick the minute they stick us in a prison cell.

I was sure... it would annoy you, so... you know, ... I couldn't resist.

Shut up!

I can cough like... like a dying maiden if ... if you want. Wanna hear?

I've told you before, humor doesn't suit you Merlin. How long do you think we've been here.

Maybe... half a day.

At least, maybe more. I'm sure they'll be back soon.

They weren't really... bandits, were they?

Nah, probably mercenaries. They haven't harmed us. Probably hoping for a ransom of some kind.

But Gawaine got away. Leon too...I'm sure.

Yeah. They'll be looking for us.

They'll find us ... soon, I hope. They... can bring help ... from Camelot. ... Is it getting hotter?

You know, it really is hot in here.

You can ...sweat off a few pounds.


Great opportunity!

I'm not fat!

That's right... must be the heat ... my head...

Just a bit longer, ok.

Arthur... I can't , it's getting worse! I ... I.. can't think

That's dangerous for you anyway. Give it a rest, ok.

My head, it feels.. like I... I...

Stop trying to get out of tomorrow's chores...Stop it. You just kicked ... What's wrong? Are you ok? ... Merlin? ...Damn it to hell! Where's Gaius when you need him! Oh shit!... It's ok. You're going to be ok!... What should I do?It's not stopping...Please ...please stop...Shit! It's ok., Merlin. You're gonna be ok. That's better... Shhhh...Merlin?


Shhh. Just rest. You had some kind of fit.


That was scary.

You.. should'a been... on... this side. ...

You're still shaking. hot.

I know. I know. It's your fever, Merlin, but it is really hot in here. I can barely stand it.


Shhhh. I know that voice.

Please, Arthur

Don't start. It's better if you rest, ok.

Just.. listen.

I'm telling you to be quiet.

Dont... don't say anything...I'm... so sorry.

Stop it.

Please... please...whatever happens, don't...

I said, shut up!.

Gaius... can tell you... Try to ... understand...ok

Will you never do as you're told?

I 'm happy... to serve you.

Just stop this, Merlin! Stop it or I'll kill you myself. This is crazy. You're not gonna die. C'mon, we'll figure this out. We always do, ok?


Look at you. Just, look at you...It's something in here is killing you a bit at a time. no... No, it's not possible!... Merlin, it's the room, isn't it? My father's special cell... It's the room!

I'm ... sorry

How?! Oh damn... I can't believe this ... You're a...You're a... I can't believe...


Just shut up! ... This is madness...Merlin?Merlin! ... Not again! Don't you dare! Not now, you idiot! Not again! Stay with me... Look at me, you clotpole ...Merlin, stop that! This is so much worse... Please make it stop! Can you breathe? ...Merlin! Merlin! No, no, no... look he's breathing. Yeah, he's still breathing. Ok. Merlin... Wake up! Wake up, you... you miserable two-faced excuse of manservant!...Yeah! There you are. Ok. Ok. Look...Look at me... C'mon ... That's right...Keep talking. Keep talking to me. If I kill you now, I'll never get my questions answered. Keep talking!


Keep talking.


Just keep talking.. I don't care what you say. Just keep talking.

Where's... Arthur?

You never stop talking. And now when I have a thousand questions, you clam up and can't say a word.


You know, I should kill you! I should kill you for lying to me!

Can' him... cant find him...

You're a sorcerer! You have magic!

I...can't get out ...Where's... Arthur?


Gotta..get.. back up...I have to...

What are you saying?

Something... bad... Arthur... lemme go... he's in ...danger

Stop it Merlin.

Got to.. get up... keep going...

Stop thrashing like that.

Lemme go! ... where's...Arthur!

You're out of your head, Merlin. It's me, Arthur. I'm right here.

Arthur...I...I...can't make it... where's... Arthur...he'll die... he'll die

You think you're saving me., like some crazy guardian angel... guardian angel ... oh no... I can't believe... Merlin , you've been protecting me. It's been you...this whole time. It's been you. You've been protecting me. With your magic. Oh shit... This isn't possible.

He doesn't...know... Please...Arthur

Only you would be so crazy... you never leave my side.

So hot... my's all...inside... just...lemme go

Oh...oh my gods in heaven... I'm... I'm beginning to understand. Just listen to me ... Listen, Merlin. You insane, loyal fool! ...

never... told him...I can't...

Gawaine will be here soon. He got away and he should be back. He's the best tracker we have, next to me of course. He'll find us.

never know...never

Think of all the chores piling up for you in Camelot. Washing, polishing, the stables won't have been touched , so you'll have to get that done right away... Can't have the horses standing around in their own filth. Don't you can get out of it with one of your little tricks! Gaius... Gaius probably has some herbs for you to pick.


Maybe he'll send George out looking for yarrow, instead of you.

Gaius ...Tell...Arthur...forgive me

Don't, just don't... talk like that.

Keep him... safe...

Please, no!...


Damn my father and his cells ... This is worse than torture, Merlin! I can't even give you any water... You're dying by inches right in front of me. It's done something to your magic ... look at what it's doing to you ... my father left them in here for days... I'm gonna have this hell hole destroyed. And someday, I swear, Merlin...

So hot... lemme go...just...lemme go

Listen,Merlin, I'm not going to let you go. Not ever. When we get out of here, I won't say anything to my father. Not a word. I promise. I never break a promise and you know that's true. Hang on, ok? I forgive you ... you just hang on, till they find us. Can you hear me,Merlin?

So... damn hot...

Hotter than you know, Merlin. It's hotter than you know.


This story is a tribute to my roots in fandom. Years ago, I went to my first syfy convention and found stacks and stacks of mimeographed stories,(YES, it was that long ago- a good 20 years before computers!) awaiting my discovery. Fan-fiction! One of the first I read among them was an all dialogue story about Captain Kirk and Spock trapped in a cell. I have preserved the first and last lines of the story for this Merlin tribute! I no longer have a copy of the story; I can't recall the author, nor have I ever found it on the internet. But it opened my world to something wonderful and all that I can say is ...Thank you!

PS. This story was agony to write! No descriptions! Aughhhhh!