The first couple days back at Potter Manor was boring to say the least. Harry's parents ignored him, and he ignored them. He had started on some of the summer homework, mainly Potions and History of Magic. He enjoyed Potions, but not because Professor Snape favored the Slytherins. He enjoyed potions because it was calming, yet exciting and because he wanted to become a Healer. After he completed his Hogwarts education, Harry was going to ask Professor Snape if he would take Harry on as an apprentice.

But today, just a week after term ended, was the day that Harry's godfather Remus was coming over. Remus always tried to visit during the summer so he could see how Harry was. He would stay for about a week, then he'd leave, not knowing what would happen later on. Harry was waiting impatiently in front of the floo counting down the seconds until his godfather arrived.

"Calm down boy before I send you to your room," James Potter growled.

Harry nodded but didn't answer. He did calm down though. He couldn't help that he was excited, though. It would be the first time that Harry had seen Remus since last summer. After that fiasco at Christmas last year, resulting in him, Harry have to go back to Hogwarts, there hadn't been time for godson and godfather to see each other. It would also be the day that the Potter twins received their yearly grades as well. Apparently the Headmaster asked Remus to bring the letters personally. Just then, the Floo flared. Out stepped one Remus Lupin.

"Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good day." Lupin said as he stood brushing off his robes.

"Hey Moony," James said as he got off the couch to hug his friend. "Sad that Sirius couldn't be here, huh?"

Remus nodded as Harry, who could no longer contain his happiness, jumped into his arms for a hug. "Yeah, it is. But hopefully this will teach him to stop being a total arse around people."

"So what are we going to do Uncle Moony, huh, huh?" Harry asked excitedly. He couldn't wait to show his uncle all the cool plants that Professor Sprout allowed him to bring home over the holidays, or the new trinket that he had picked up during one of the numerous Hogsmeade weekends.

Mark got up more slowly to give Remus a hug.

"Hadrian! What did I just get done telling you? One more time, and you'll be spending the rest of Remus' stay in your room." James threatened.

"Oh, come on, James," Remus laughed. "Harry deserves to have a chance to let loose and have fun, just like Mark here."

"Yes I understand that, but not to the point where he becomes a nuisance. Him and I have already spoke about this haven't we Harrison?" James looked to his son.

Letting go of Remus, Harry looked at his father. "Yes, we did father." Looking back at Remus he spoke, "I'm sorry that I jumped on you like that."

"That's okay, Harry. I know you were just excited to see me, right?" Remus smiled when Harry nodded.

James looked annoyed. "I don't care if he was excited or not. He doesn't need to be jumping all over people. It's rude and unbecoming." Straightening up, he asked, "So how long are you going to be staying?"

"Sadly, this time I can only stay three days. But when Sirius and I come for the boys' birthday, we'll be staying for about two weeks." Remus replied. He had wanted to stay longer, but with Sirius acting how he was, it didn't seem to be a good idea. "I was thinking that while I was here I could take each of the boys out to do something special with them for a day. Would that be okay?"

"I guess, as long as they don't get in any trouble between now and when you take them," replied James. "Now, what about the grades for the year?"

"Ahh yes, the report cards," Remus smiled. "Here is yours Harry, and here is yours Mark."

Both boys reached out to take the respective envelope.

Remus looked at Harry, "Open yours first, Harry."

Nodding, Harry slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper.

"Well, what does it say?" Lily asked, hoping to get it over with.

Harry opened his mouth and began reading.

"Fourth Year Exam Results of Hadrian James Potter

Ancient Runes OO

Arithmancy OO

Astronomy OO

Care of Magical Creatures OO

Charms OO

Defense Against the Dark Arts OO

Divination OO

Herbology OO

History of Magic OO

Potions OOO

Transfiguration OOO"

James and Lily were looking at Harry in surprise. Those scores were nearly impossible to get. Especially with eleven classes. He had to be cheating! "O-Okay Mark, r-read your grades."

Mark ripped open his envelope and tore out the piece of paper.

"Fourth Year Exam Results of Michael Godric Potter

Astronomy A

Care of Magical Creatures EE

Charms EE

Defense Against the Dark Arts OO

Divination P

Herbology EE

History of Magic P

Potions P

Transfiguration EE"

"What the hell? How can your grades be so low, this makes no sense?" James shouted. "You should have had much higher grades. What is the class ranking for your year?"

Harry, who was looking at the class ranking started reading it off.

"Class Ranking for Fourth Year

1. Hadrian Potter

2. Draconis Malfoy

3. Hermione Granger

4. Su Li

5. Anthony Goldstein

6. Lisa Turpin

7. Sophie Roper

8. Blaise Zabini

9. Lily Moon

10. Kevin Entwhistle

11. Morag McDougal

12. Hannah Abbott

13. Vincent Crabbe

14. Terry Boot

15. Roger Malone

16. Gregory Goyle

17. Padma Patil

18. Ernest McMillan

19. Theodore Nott

20. Daphne Greengrass

21. Parvarti Patil

22. Neville Longbottom

23. Seamus Finnegan

24. Sally Smith

25. Stephan Cornfoot

26. Dean Thomas

27. Wayne Hopkins

28. Susan Bones

29. Mandy Brocklehurst

30. Tracy Davis

31. Lavender Brown

32. Justin Finch-Fletchley

33. Michael Potter

34. Ronald Weasley

35. Millicent Bulstrode

36. Pansy Parkinson

37. Zacharias Smith

38. Michael Corner

39. Oliver Rivers

40. Sally-Anne Perks"

"33 out of 40? Really Mark?" Lily shrieked. "That's it. You will be doing some major studying this summer mister. You are GROUNDED until school starts. No friends, no broom, nothing! Do you understand?"

Mark nodded really scared like, "Y-Yes mom."

Okay everyone. Sorry for the loooooonnnnnnngggggg wait. I had a serious case of writers block. But here is the next chapter and I promise that the next chapter won't be as long a wait. And for any of you who have read my Percy Jackson fanfic, A Betrayal of Hate, the next chapter is soon to be up within the next week or so.

So I hope you enjoy this chapter and please review. Bye!