I don't own Ben 10 and Highschool DxD all are owned by their respective owners.


Prologue: The emerald hero and the crimson princess

Inside Malware:

"I guess this is it…" a young man spoke while slowly being covered by a red and black slime like substance. The young man appeared to be a teenager of sixteen to seventeen year of age. He has brown hair and green eye's and was wearing a green shirt with a ten on the middle, along with light brown pants. The teens name is Ben Tennyson or wider known as Ben 10, hero of the universe and wielder of the most powerful alien device in the universe, the Ultimatrix.

Earlier Ben was fighting an evolved Galvanic Mechamorph, known as Malware, on Galven Prime, home of the Galven and creator of the omnitrix and ultimatrix, Azmuth. After an intense fight with Malware in his Tokustar form known asWay Big,hewas absorbed by Malware as his last ditch effort which lead Ben in his current situation.

"If I don't stop Malware now it'll be all over…" the young hero said, prepared to do what must be done. "Good bye Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Gwen, Kevin, Rook, Azmuth, Paradox and especially you smoothies~" Ben lamented, especially the last one. "Ultimatrix activate self destruct mode, countdown twenty seconds." He commanded the omnitrix and the device responded with a beep. "Confirm command, Ultimatrix self destruct mode activated, tee minus twenty second."

All was left for Ben to do was to wait. Therefore, he reminisced all of his adventure with his friends. All the hardship, the adventure and all the people and aliens he had met on his journey. "I have no regrets…" with that, the final count was said and white covered Ben's vision.


Dimensional Gap:

Within this rainbow colored space. We see a colossal Red western dragon flying, or swimming to others perspective within this space. This being is known as the Dragon of dragons, DxD, the Great Red. To many realms, he was seen as the ultimate being in existence, the dream that surpassed the infinite. But it was not true.

The true purpose of Great Red was to guard the dimensional gap. For the dimensional gap is the road to the realm of his creators. The Forge of creation, were his masters resides, the Celestial Sapiens. To put it simply he was their guard dog.

However, it did not bother him at all. As long as he continued to do his job, he could do whatever he wanted. So Great Red continued to perform all kinds of crazy moves with this infinite space. That was his plan, until something entered this realm.

The Great Red knew that sometimes, something or someone would somehow break the wall from their home dimension and gain access to the dimensional gap. But due to the nature of this space, it would 'obliterate' anything out of existence. Yet this was something special.

Great Red could fell it. The thing that popped up out of nowhere, it held the same essence to something familiar. An essence he didn't felt ever since his creation. It held the essence of a Celestial Sapient. He immediately went towards to where he felt the essences, thinking why one of his creators would leave the forge. They never leave for anything, never.

When he reached what he thought would be his creator was instead something so insignificant to him that he wouldn't even acknowledge its existence. If it would have been anAnodite, a being made of pure mana who rivaled primordial godsor a dragon of heavenly dragon level or even what some humans in a particular section of the omnivers call a sorcerer, or one of the false beings the so called TYPE'S, he would have given some interest to it. But the one he saw was a human, a teenage human with green and black clothing that had trace of an Anodite within, barely, a half-breed maybe. With his powers not even awakened.

He would laugh at the absurd thought that he distinguished a mere human to be one of his creators. But for all of the impossibility of it, he could feel it, as he honed in it was not the boy who held its essence. It was the device on his wrist that held it.

Now this caught the DxD's interest, a mortal device that held the power of the all-powerful beings. Great red needed answers to this, but the boy was not moving and was bathed in some short of energy. He was about to attempt to wake him 'via slapping him with his giant size hand'and gain the answers from him, that until he heard a familiar yet a voice from someone he knew and welcomed.

"Please do refrain from doing that old friend. You might kill the poor boy." The new arrival said. The one who spoke with a British accent was a man of middle age, who wore goggles that hanged from his neck and a white lab caught. To some he would be just your average scientist. Yet to those who knew, he is the human who survived the event horizon, the one who bares the title Time Walker and an ally to Ben Tennyson, Professor Paradox.

Great Red gave a grunt before speaking. "What are you doing here Paradox? And what is this humans connection to you?" he asked genuinely curious on the connection of the one who survived the event horizon, the one who mapped and navigated all of space and time to this human.

"Well I'm confident to say I'm Ben Tennyson's friend." Great Reds eyes widened when her heard the humans name. He had heard his name from many worlds where he had his avatars stationed worlds where his kin, the Destroyer, the Diagonruled after its betrayal to its duty to guard the dimensional gap. This boy is The Hero, Liberator of worlds and the Divine Slayer, Ben Tennyson wielder of the mightiest weapon, the omnitrix.

"So this is the great Ben Tennyson, the one who once wielded that blasphemous weapon?" He spoke while remembering a certain sword, created by a certain amphibian creaturewhile giving Ben a judging look. Paradox was slightly afraid when Great Red did. He feared he might actually kill the boy for whatever reason he may have. But that fear was then settled when Great Red gave a laud laugh.

"HAHAHAHAAHA! So this is the one who bested my older brother! I imagined him taller!" he continued to laugh and Paradox gave one of those anime sweat drop. Great Red stopped laughing and gave Paradox a neutral stare. "So why did you bring him here?" He asked the time walker and Paradox answered with his usual cherry self.

"I do believe you know of the organization that your older sister had created, theKhaos Brigade." Great red gave a node. He knew well of what the infinity's organization is. It didn't give him any concern due to the fact it was only composed of insects that hold no threat to him and to his duty. Sometimes he wondered what she had in that little mind of hers. "So what's the problem with her little group?"

"Well she isn't the problem per say… the problem lays on a particular group within the Brigade. I won't delve on who they are but all I could tell that they will be a threat not only on theirmultiverse, but to this one as well." Great Red eyes widened on Paradox's revelation. A threat to not only the multiverse but to the omniverse itself! No being save for himself and his creators! And then it hit him, there was one more being that could do the same but… "It's him isn't it…? My brother, the triangular beast, the Apocalyptic Beast,Trihexia." and Paradox gave a grim look. "I'm afraid so."

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE THINKING?!" Great Red bellowed and caused the entire dimensional gap to shake violently. Paradox actually stumbled on the metaphorical ground due to the, short of space quake. "THERE WAS A FUCKING REASON WHY THE CREATORS SEALED THAT BASTARED AWAY!" he continued.

Paradox remembered that event during his many travels in the omniverse. One of the Celestial Sapiens used their avatar, the Biblical God, on where he dubbed the DxD multiverse. By exhausting the avatars power they sealed the beast with thousands upon thousands of seals. They were successful, yet the cost of victory was high. It left heaven, the dominion of the avatar created in a dying state. Their Angels fell from grace and became fallen, the very structure of their souls changed from what they once were. The list of damages goes on, but that for another time.

"How did this group even know? I know Ophis; she wouldn't give such information to anyone, no matter what reason maybe!" Paradox then became downcast. "That my friend is something even I don't know as of now. I have some deduction, but they were all but guesses." Great Red didn't know what to do. For a very, very, very long time, he didn't know what to do. If his brother did awaken there clash would mean their mutual defeat… and the destruction of this multiverse, oh let's not forget about that. "Oh don't give me that look, hope still exist." Great Red gave the time walker a questioning look. "This is the very reason why I brought young Ben here."

Great red almost forgot the one who bore the omnitrix. If the stories about him are true, then maybe, maybe there is a chance this could be prevented. "So what is the plan Paradox?" He asked and the Time Walker began. Paradox response was a knowing smile.


Gremory Estate :

Within the enormous and grand garden of one of the 72 Pillars of devils, the Gremory clan, we see dozens of dozens of peoplewere gathered on the garden, the garden was decorated extravagantly, with a wide array of food and expensive tables, chairs and many more. One would think someone was celebrating. That was exactly what was accruing. Today was the birthday of the next head of the Gremory family. The said person was a little girl, who was around the age of seven, with long crimson hair, magnificent green-blue eyes and a cute face that no doubt when she comes of age, she would be beauty without compare. This little girls name is Rias Gremory. She was now smiling and was in front of a very large cake that could feed hundreds of guests.

"Happy Birthday Ri-tan!" Rias stopped gazing at her cake and turned to the man who greeted her in a childish manner. The said man appeared to be a male version of her. With the same long red hair, a handsome face and green-blue eyes. This was the current leader of the four governing Satan's of the underworld. Sirzechs Lucifer.

He was once known as Sirzechs Gremory, the next head of his clan before he took the title of Lucifer, the one who is feared as the strongest devil, even amongst his fellow Satan's. Yet now he was acting childishly towards his sister on her birthday, for he adored her so much some of the other devils questioned on his sanity. To put it simply he was a complete sis-con.

"Onii-sama!" Rias returned the greeting with the same vigor while running towards him and hugged him. "Hah~ I can't believe my little Ri-tan is already this big!" Sirzechs continued. "Ne, Ne Onii-sama where's Grayfia-nee-sama?" she asked while Sirzechs started to sweat heavily. "Ah… well Ri-tan… she." He tried to think of a reason. He didn't want to let her sister find out he snuck away from his duties again. "Well she's around greeting the guest, but let's forget about that for now. I have your present!" Sirzechs then brought out an extravagantly carved wooden black box. Rias eyes lit up knowing what it was. "Onii-sama are these my evil pieces!" she asked excitedly.

The Evil Pieces, magical items that takes the form of chess pieces that the devils used to reincarnate other spices like humans and turning them into their own kind. This was proposed and invented by one of the four Satan's, Ajuka Beelzebub, the Azure Stan (AN: As I said in the previews version of this fic I changed his title because its more fitting with his rivalry with Sirzechs. Blue Satan is just lame.), in order to replenish their kinds dwindled numbers.

"Wow! Thank you Onii-sama!" She then proceeded to kiss Sirzechs on the cheek and caused the sis-con of a leader to spew blood out of his nose and faint. "Ri-tan's kiss~" he mumbled with a perverted smile, causing the other guest to sweat drop on his antics.

"Not again…" a new voice spoke. Rias looked at the origin of the voice and saw a beautiful woman appearing to be in her early twenties, with silver hair and matching eyes. Her hair, which flows all the way down to her back, features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down, ending in twin braids. This is the current queen of Sirzechs Lucifer peerage, the one who holds the title of strongest queen and his wife. Grayfia Lucifuge.

"Ah, Grayfia-neesama!You made it!" this caused Grayfia to look at her. She gave a soft smile and said, "Happy Birthday Ojou-sama." She greeted and she proceeded to carry Sirzechs on the color of his shirt. "I'll take back your brother for now Ojou-sama. He hasn't finished all the paper work saying that his Ri-tan was more important than the welfare of the underworld." Rias sweat drop at that. It warmed her heart knowing her brother loves her that much, but she grew worried that the underworld would collapse someday. "But please enjoy this time Ojou-sama, we will return once your brother is finish." Grayfia said with a reassuring smile.

After saying goodbye Grayfia left, still holding the semi concuss Sirzechs, who still muttering how lucky he got a kiss from Rias. Rias was once again alone. She then gazed at her Evil Pieces. She couldn't keep her excitement from coming out. Wondering who will be on her peerage. "A dragon would be cool! Or maybe a legendary hero! Or even a super hero!" To the last one was probably the most unrealistic one to her, but she thought it didn't hurt to hope.

Even if her entire family where busy, her brother busy with paper work, her sister busy with Sirzechs and her parents said they had something to discuss with the Phenex family. Her best friend SonaSitri and cousinSairaorgBael still have not she was still happy.

But her joy full moment was about to be ruined when a ripping sound was heard. Every guest went quit and turned their attention to where the sound originated. What they saw was a large blue portal that could fit even Tannin, a dragon king. Every devil knew the portal was not made by magical means. As devils they were rather sensitive to magical energy, like mana and their own type of magic. The portal was like it was rippingon the space itself.

The nobles, who survived the Great War where internality worried, while the heirs of their respective clan who had little to none experience where at the panic. Rias, like the other heirs was trembling at the portal. But unlike the rest, Rias could feel something was about to happen. The guards, who were task to guard the party, immediately surrounded the portal, their weapons ready at anything that would come out of it.

Then something came out from the portal. What came out was a large robot. The Robots appeared to be supported by a large wheel that acted as its feet. Its body was shaped like the head of a screw, the same could be said for its head, on both of its side had long silver, tentacle like arms with claws on its end and its eyes glow an eerie red. The Robotsare known as Computron's minions.

The first came out and every one remained silent. Then another came and another and another, until about twenty came. Still nobody said a word or moved until one of the robots spoke that confirmed what purpose the robots had. "Destroy all flesh and works of the flesh." Then it shot a laser from its eye on the group of guards and caused a large explosion and killed some of the guards.

Most of the younger devils screamed in panic, while the older generation along with their peerage took action and protected their future clan heads. Most of the devils used their magic and demonic energies. Their attacks hit the mechanical monsters but it did little to no damage to their alien those who uses physical attacks, like the rooks and knights were able to damage them, but not so much.

The devils were successfully halting the robotic creatures, giving the other devils to escape. Rias was about to run as well, but was stopped by an armor figure. The beings armor has completely covered its entire body. It was in a variant of magenta in color with silver chest plating and a black helm with four red glowing being's name is Six-Six. A well known bounty hunter from Ben's universe

" #$# $#%" The armored being said in a language that Rias couldn't understand, even with the devil's ability to understand any language.

"Who-Who are you?!" Rias asked shakily, clearly showing her fear at the armored being. "$%%^^#$$%$"Six-Six spoke again and was now holding some short of gun with a rectangular barrel. Rias instinctively stepped back in fear, she knew of the human weapon and a version of executioners of the churches that specifically kill Rias, for some reason could tell the gun that the armored being was holding was something no human can make or had achieved on making yet.

"Rias!" the small red haired child turned towards to the familiar voice and saw her brother along with her queen. "Onii-sama!" Rias yelled to her brother and was about to ran towards him, but has halted when the metallic claw of the strange armored being grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back forcefully.

Rias screamed in pain and tried not to cry, but the tears had already escaped her. "Rias/Ojou-sama!" Sirzechs and Grayfia said in worry. "^%^&^&^" Six-Six spoke while placing the barrel of his gun on Rias's head.

Rias was terrified. She looked at her brother with tearful eyes, silently begging him to save her. Sirzechs greeted his teeth, feeling useless in this situation. Oh he knew he could kill Six-Six with ahit from his Power of Destruction, but he couldn't take the chance on risking Rias.

Grayfia was also in the same boat. Like Sirzechs she could easily beat Six-Six, but like Sirzechs, she would harm or even kill Rias in the cross fire.

"$&^&*" Six-Six spoke. Only this time two mechanical tendrils shot up from his back. Both Sirzechs and Grayfia defended themselves ready to take whatever Six-Six was about to unleash.

He fired and Red lasers shoot out. Both didn't seem to be impressed at his attack, feeling no magical energy emitting from it. But to their surprise the results were… unexpected.

The attack had actually hurt them, it even left burned marks. Sirzechs and Grayfia hissed at the sudden pain unprepared with the results. Both were shocked and confused. Whatever Six-Six fired had no magical properties in it. If it had there innate magic resistance should have canceled it out, but instead had wounded them.

"Onii-sama! Onee-sama!" Rias cried out in shock. To her and to the entire underworld, Sirzechs and Grayfia were one of their greatest and strongest fighters. Seeing them hurt was maybe even more shocking then finding out the next generation Red Dragon Emperor would be a massive pervert who only thought of boobs every five seconds.

"What the hell was that?!" Sirzechs said while looking at his scorched shoulder. That attack was not magical in nature. He could only guess what it was, but left for another time. Saving Rias was his top priority. "Who are you!" he called out to Six-Six and find out what exactly he was after.

"$%^^%$%^!" Six-Six said in his native tongue. This caught the two powerful devils by surprise. Their LANGUAGE ability was not working yet another question to be answered.

The thrusters on the armored beings back ignited and he began to ascend still holding Rias as his hostage.

"ONII-SAMA!" Rias cried out to her brother while she slowly disappeared out of sight.

"RIAS!" Sirzechs cried out back to her, his hand desperately trying to reach her.

He just stared out at their fading figures, his mind blank with shock and rage.

"Grayfia…" He said her wife's name coldly making the silver haired devil flinch. "Gather a team and tell them we will search for Rias."

"But-." Grayfia stood and was about to protest, but stopped when he turned to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of his eyes. It were the same eyes she saw back to the civil war.



Unknown location:

Six-Six was still flying over a forest holding the crying Rias. She had already given up breaking free, seeing it had no effect earlier on. She now just hopped that her brother would come save her.

A few minutes later Six-Six spotted the agreed location of his contractors. He landed and tossed Rias to the ground causing the poor girl to cry out in pain. She grits her teeth from the pain and withheld the tears that formed on her eyes and stood to her feet.

"Took you long enough bounty hunter!" She heard a distorted, female voice and saw the source to be two hooded figures with metallic masked covering their faces.

She stepped back in fear clutching the box that held her evil pieces. Even though their faces were covered with the faceless masks, she could still feel the gazes on her. One in particular was sending the feeling of hate and bloodlust at her.

"Now let's keep our temper in check, and be done with this exchange." One of the two figures with a male voice said chiding his comrade


"Now just give him what we had agreed upon and he can go on his way." His partner wanted to argue, but relented seeing he would not change his mind.

His partner brought out what appears to be a small glass like orb with a black like energy coursing inside of it.

"As promised alien a soul of an evil dragon."

Rias gasped at the mention of the said item. Her mind wondered what her kidnapper wanted with an evil dragon and… "Did she just say alien?"

She was not a stranger from the idea of aliens. Along with her great interest with anime, she also holds great interest with the idea of life beyond the starts. She could not believe her first encounter was like this.

" ##$$%^" Six-Six said while grabbing the orb. The visor of his helmet emitted a scanning ray that would determine if it was genuine or not. Seeing that it was he grabbed Rias by the shoulder and tossed her towards the hooded figures. " #%%^^"

With his business done, Six-Six activated on his wrist and it opened the same rift that Computron's robots used earlier on.

Once he disappeared, the hooded woman grunted in frustration.

"Damn him! He should show better respects to his superiors!"

"Quit, you should know better those aliens from the other universe are more formidable to use thanks to their tech. Remember what they did to Shalba…" He said humbly while his other companion clicked her tongue in anger. "But for now…"

Rias flinched feeling the blood lust once again. She trembled at them.

"I actually feel sorry for her." The male said with a tone of pity for an animal they would about to kill. "If she wasn't the sister of that damn fake I wouldn't kill her slowly."

"Oh! I cannot wait to see the look of her brother! Seeing her after what we would leave her like." The hooded woman said with glee while her hand glowed a golden intricate magical circle.

Rias couldn't move or say a word, she was paralyzed with fear.

"Sorry Rias Gremory, if you want to blame someone then blame your brother for your fate." The hooded man said while readying his one magic circle to unleash at Rias.

Rias just closed her eyes and waited her end. Yet she still prayed for a miracle to save her. He actually prayed for a super hero to come and save her just in time.

Yet Rias Gremory did not know it was not her time yet. That the universe still had planes for her. Therefore, it answered her call.

"What the hell are you doing to her?!"

She opened her eyes and saw her savior.


Ben Tennyson really thought his day was bad enough. After waking up in a forest, realizing he survived the explosion that should have killed him and the fact that he was sure he wasn't in Galven Prime or on earth, due to the fact that he never saw a world with a purplish sky, he thought that was all the surprise he would see.

Now he was facing two-hooded figure and a small scared child right in the middle of the forest. By the looks of it, the two figures were not the parents of the kid.

"A human?" Ben heard the female hooded figure spoke. "What's a human doing in the underworld?"

Her partner did not say a word and only looked at Ben. For some reason he felt he should now who Ben was.

Ben raised a brow of confusion. He was sure these people were not human and he never heard of a planet called Underworld. "Are they aliens?"

He turned to Rias again and saw the fear on her eyes and the silent call for help. "I could ask the entire question I want with the girl later but for now…"

"I don't really know where I'm right now, but I do know you two are the bad guys. So I will give you guys one warning. Get away from the girl or I'll have to force you." He said with an angered tone, his hand was inching closer to the Ultimatrix.

The hooded woman laughed at Ben, not concerned with his threat at all. "What can a human do to us?!"

Ben smirked. "This, its hero time!" He activated the Ultimatrix and slammed the Ultimatrix core, not caring what form he would take. With the signature blinding green light the three covered their eyes from the brightness and once they looked at the teen hero their jaws dropped at the sight they be held.

No longer was Ben in his human form, now he was a 12 feet tall humanoid dinosaur. His skin is hard, brown, and a sort of beige color and menacing arms that b y the looks of it could break their bodies in half. It wears the Ultimatrix on its chest.

This is Ben's Vaxasaurian form he has dubbed Humungousaur.

"HUMUNGGOUSAUR!" He yelled with a booming voice making the two hooded figures step back in shock.

"It can't be… Ben Tennyson!?" The hooded male said in realization, making his partner gasp in shock.

"The Slayer of Diagon?! What is he doing here!?"

Once again, Ben raised a brew in confusion. How could they have known Diagon? It was a major event no doubt, but it was supposed to be a kept secret. Again, more questions to be answered.

"I don't know how you know about my fight with that over grown octopus, but I'll leave that after I pound you guys!" He roared and charged at the two, causing the very ground to quack at his charge.

In a panicked state, the two fired a thunder spell and collided with the charging hero. An explosion came next and the two thought that at the very least would have staggered Ben, but it did not.

Ben still came charging out of the smoke cloud and the two were tossed back by Ben attack. They crashed through the tree's behind them. Seeing they were far enough for now Ben turned to the stunned Rias, who was looking at him in awe.

"You okay?" He asked making the girl's senses come back to reality.

"Ah, yes I'm fine." Ben smiled in relief, but frowned again after hearing wood being split apart. "What's your name?"

"Rias… Rias Gremory."

"Hi Rias, my name is Ben Tennyson and… I would say nice to meet you, but looking with the situation right now I wouldn't say it's pleasant." He said comely and with a bit of mischief to try and calm Rias down

"Ok Rias could you hide behind those tree's for now? I'll call you when it's all clear." He told the crimson haired girl, but she was unsure and still a bit frightened.


Ben smiled and patted her head gently. "Don't worry I won't let them hurt you."

She gazed at her green yes and found only determination in them. She mustered up her courage and nodded firmly. She ran towards the back of the tree's making Ben node at her.

He then turned back to see that the two figures were back and he could tell they were pissed. "Well, back for seconds huh!" He said mockingly, making the two charged their spells in frustration.

They fired and Ben crossed his arms to shield himself. This time the spell wasn't half baked like the ones they used earlier. Ben could feel the damage and caused him to grunt from the pain.

"Huh is this all the great Diagon slayer can do! I guess all those rumors were wrong!" The hooded woman taunted, still delivering their barrage of spells.

Ben clenched his teeth finding no way to charge through or dodging. If he did, Rias would be caught in the crossfire. He need more power. "Fine then, time to go Ultimate!" He then turned the Ultimatrix dial and a wave of green energy burst from it and flowed over is body changing it in the process.

Humungousaur has now drastically changed his appearance. Now he was about 20 feet tall and is more buff and muscular then he was previously, while having cameo green skin instead of tan.

He has a dark blue, Ankylosaurus-like helmet with three spikes running down the top, which are silver. On the sides of his helmet, there are black ram horns, pointing down.

He possesses a dark blue, turtle shell with long spikes running down each side. His plated chest and torso are dark blue with five spikes on each end. His tail has a blue mace on the end of it, with silver spikes.

His knuckles have silver barrels on them, which he can transform into four-barreled missile launchers at will. The outline of the barrel cannon is black and has a black circle at the center. When not in use, his fingers now support black claws instead of human-like nails.

The Ultimatrix symbol is still on his chest but now has four spikes like bars that shaped like a cross.

This is Humungousaur evolved form, Ultimate Humungousaur.

"Ultimate Humungousaur!"

The two hooded figures once again found themselves speechless at the sudden change Ben had took, while Rias looked at her savior in awe. The three did not know how Ben could have done it and they were sure it was not magic of any short.

"Do… do you think just by changing your appearance… would matter anything!" The hooded woman tried to not sound intimidated, but it was still heard.

They increased their magical output, but it did very little Ben just smirked at them. Now in his evolved form, he was barely feeling anything from their attack.

"My turn!" Ben raised both his hands and transformed them to their launcher forms and fired his bio-organic bone missiles. The force of the explosion from the missiles had forced them to stop from their spell usage, covering both their visions they did not she Ben charged at them, not able to react in time the hooded male was crushed to the ground and a loud crunching sound was heard, revealing that the man's bones were crust.

Ben cringe at the sound, but he had no time to be affected by it. He flicked his giant hand at the last remaining of the duo and was flung towards the trees. She crushed through many rending her unconscious from the impacts.

Seeing his job done he transformed back to his human form. "Good riddance." Ben said triumphantly.

He tuned to were Rias was hiding and walked slowly towards her hiding spot. "Rias its ok now to come out. He said with a calming tone to alert the girl that it wasall over.

She didn't show herself immediately, but slowly inched into view. Once she saw that Ben, with a confident grin she sighed in relief and walked towards the alien hero. "Did you beat them?" She asked wanting to hear it from her savior.

"Yah I dealt with the bad guys so no worries anymore."

Hearing his words, the fear she felt was no longer there. Tears swelled on her eyes and she began to sob while running towards Ben and hugged him. Planting her face on his chest.

Ben was startled at first, but sighed and gave her a hug in return let the girl cry her eyes out.

"Come on now stop crying. There's nothing to be afraid anymore." Ben said softly while rubbing her back. Slowly her crying was dying down. "Feel better?" Rias nodded while whipping her remaining tears.

Be stood and started to ask Rias with his questions. "So Rias were I'm I exactly?

At his question, she gave him a questioning look, not sure, why he did not know were Ben was. "You're in a forest in the underworld Ben-nii."

Leaving the fact that she called him Ben-nii, Ben was puzzled by the name of the planet he was on. "Okay… the underworld. Do you know who the people that took you?"

She shook her head in response. "No I don't. I was having my birthday party when a group of big robots suddenly arrived from a portal and attacked. In the confusion, someone in armor took me. My brother and his wife tried to save me, but the armored man's weapons were able to hurt them and he was able to escape."

Ben nodded at her explanation. There was still a lot of questions he needed answers for, but he decided to leave it for now. What he needs to do is get Rias home and he can ask her family for more answers "And besides a hero cannot leave a damsel all alone."

"Well okay then." He outstretched his hand towards Rias. "Come on, I'll take you home."

Rias stared at his hand before smiling brightly. She was about to grab his hand when a sickening sound of flesh being stabbed was heard.

"GUH!" Ben screamed, but was muffled with the blood that was pouring from his mouth. A gaping hole was on his chest and the sound of sizzling was emanating from it.

Rias could only stare in silent horror seeing the fatal injury on her savior.

Ben struggled to look behind him and he saw was the hooded figure panting and her hand out stretched with a magic circle surrounding it.

"Fuck… really universe…" Ben said while he fell to the ground.

"Ben-nii!" Rias cried out to Ben. She knelt near him, her mind in chaos on what to do.

The hooded woman was about to finish them both until she saw multiple magic circle surrounding them.

"Tch… Sirzechs is here." She clicked her tongue in frustration. She dashed towards her fallen comrade and activated a magic circle. They vanished before the entering party could come.

Finally materializing, Sirzechs alongside his fateful wife and a sizable company of elite devil soldiers saw the devastated forest of the area and the crying Rias over Ben's body.

"Rias!/Ojou-sama!" The two powerful devils cried out in relief. They ran towards Rias and their eyes widened at the sight of Ben's fallen form.

"Rias what happened? Who is this boy?" Her brother asked while kneeling beside her and tried to comfort her.

"Ben-nii… he saved me… but he was attacked from behind." She tried to explain between her sobs.

Sirzechs stared at Ben. If what her sister said is true, then he owes Ben his life for saving his beloved sister. He can't let him die here.

"Grayfia can he be healed with healing magic?" He asked his queen, but her response was a grim frown.

"No the wound is to fatal to be healed with healing magic. If only we have Phenex tears, it could. Even with the medical equipment of the Sitri family we could save the boy, but it would be too late to bring him and you don't have any of your evil pieces with you .

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes at his wife's answer. There must be something, anything they can do? His mind came to a halt. The last thing her wife said.

"Rias! Your evil pieces!" He said to the little devil. Rias blinked and gasp, suddenly remembering the small box that held her evil pieces.

She quickly opened the box near Ben's body and just hoped to chance on what evil piece would react to him.

To everyone's surprise all eight pawn pieces emitted a crimson glow and levitated to Ben's body and entered his body.

"It worked!" Rias cried out in joy, knowing that he would be saved. But her hope was shattered when the Ultimatrix began to react.

"Foreign alteration to Ultimatrix host detected. Activating countermeasures."


And I'll leave that on a cliff hanger.

So hey guys berserker here finally releasing the re-write of Ben 10 – the crimson hero and I have to say, well finally!

In honesty, I got this out pretty fast due to the fact that this fic was already half finished and in the back since late 2015.

But don't you get your hopes up since this fic is not my main focus. I might do another chapter before I return to my Ben 10 x Symphogear fic and in a best case scenario I might alternate making chapters for this and the main fic.

But I do hope you enjoy this.

This is berserkerzero7 signing off.