A/N: I don't have much warning to give, except for the foul words, possible yaoi scenes, the occasional random crap and whatnots.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball nor do I generate any profit from this. This is for entertainment only.

Author's notes: this is just extra content. Please read chapter 30, the last chapter first.

Extra content


20 copper = 1 silver

5 silver = 1 gold

5 gold = 1 gem

Red HP Potion (Health Points Potion)

Low HP Potion = +800 HP

Mid HP Potion = +1500 HP

High HP Potion = +3000 HP

Blue MP Potion (Magic Points Potion)

Low MP Potion = +800 MP

Mid MP Potion = +1500 MP

High MP Potion = +3000 MP

Loyalty & War assets

1. Village of beginnings – 10%

2. Warrior Village – 20%

3. Magic Guild – 15%

4. Ranger Outpost – 20%, + 10% (knowledge, if Sharpner is saved)

5. Soldiers' Oath (No. 17's route) / Outlaws' Code (Brolly's route) – 25%


Strength = STR

Defence = DEF

Dexterity = DEX

Constitution = CON

Intelligence = INT

Charisma = CHA

Agility = AGI

Note: Skills can level up once every 2 levels, one point for one skill only. Additional skill can be obtained at levels 20 and 25

Master for Fighter & Rogue class

Roshi the immortal pervert, found in City of Lust (Junk City). Perform a task for him to unlock new skills at levels 20 & 25

Master for Mage class

Old Kai the ancient voyeur, found in City of Lust (Junk City). Perform a task for him to unlock new skills at levels 20 & 25

Robes= cloth garments preferred by mages

Light armour= leather armour; suitable for rogues and mages

Medium armour= leather armour with some metal guards, such as wrist, elbow, shoulder and shin guards; suitable for fighters and rogues

Heavy armour= full metal plate armours; suitable for fighters only

Love Meter

0 – 30% - Enemies

31 – 40% - Rivals

41 – 50% - Neutral

51 – 60% - Friends

61 – 70% - Good friends

71 – 80% - Crush

81 – 90% - Interest

91 – 100% - Love



Goku, Fighter, lvl 20 (HP 6400, MP 2800)

Wind Slash lvl 6, (AoE elemental attack, 1.5 str)

Thrust Attack lvl 4, (1.8 str)

Taunt lvl 3, (attract enemies' attention)

Berserk Rage (1.5x str with 20% critical chance for 15 mins, enemies' def down by 30% for 10 mins) – Cannot lvl up, uses 580 MP

Vegeta, Priest, lvl 20 (HP 2700, MP 7200)

Heal lvl 6, (40% hp recovery)

Holy Arrow lvl 3, (Single attack, 0.5x int)

Chastity Shield Lvl 4, (30% less damage, proposition by enemies might fail (charm, works for party as well))

Rejuvenate (60% hp recovery and neutralise negative stats for group & 5% hp regeneration every 2 mins for 10 mins) – Cannot lvl up, uses 400 MP



Turles, lvl 25 (Forest Prince, Meele Rogue) (HP 5200, MP 3800)

Backstab lvl 6, (base str + dex)

Poison Dart lvl 3, (enemies lose 10% hp on first strike, 5% hp for 10 mins)

Vanish lvl 5 (becomes visible when engaging enemies, might fail 30%)

Shapeshift (wolf) lvl 2, (2x str, 1.5x agi, def – 20%)

Burrow (avoid enemies' attack 100%, 35% chance of failure) – Cannot lvl up, uses 450 MP

Hint: being one with nature, he is quick to regard anyone who destroy nature or kill animals for sport as his enemy. He appreciates wits and is more likely to befriend players who appreciate his sense of humour. Flirting with him also gets on his good side but be careful not to lead him on as that can bring the love meter down by 2 to 3 levels.


(1) If not recruited – encountered General Blue and was killed.

(2) If romanced – survived the final battle and returned to rebuild the forest. 2 years later he left home for the second time to chase a faint calling. With only his instincts to guide him, he set off on his own journey; convinced he would be able to see his beloved again.

(3) If not romanced: –

(Love meter less than 50%) - succumbed to his wounds and died soon after;


(Love meter ranging 51% or more) - survived the final battle and accepted a position in City of Lust to train the city guards, eventually left to rebuild the forest.


Tarble (Wizard lvl 25, HP 2900, MP 7800)

Fireball lvl 5 (single ball of fire, targets 1 enemy)

Fire Wall lvl 4 (targets a column of enemies, 1.2 damage)

Earthquake lvl 3 (AoE attack, 1.5 damage)

Advance Summon lvl 4 (2 dire wolves or 3 corrode spiders) – sacrificed a skill to improve Summon (3 times per day)

Hint: selflessness and compassionate acts earn Tarble's respect whereas self-interest and a lack of compassion will quickly earn his irk. Because of his inexperience in everything that could not be studied from books, he would be more comfortable with players who are empathetic, willing to see him as an equal and not as a young, inexperienced boy.

Important Note: Though Tarble's love meter was capped initially, there is an invisible counter that still adds up towards the love meter. This meter is known as a 'respect' meter and the % range it's at, determines if Tarble would eventually betray the party or not.

(50% or less, unable to earn Tarble's respect) - a number of possible outcomes could occur. A possible permanent loss of a party member, depending on who's in the party as certain party members take precedent over others, but with Turles in the party or if the player is a rogue, it's possible to detect the poison and confront Tarble about it.

Alternate route: It's possible for the player to kill Tarble for his betrayal, but doing so makes it impossible to complete the Loyalty Quest for the Magic Guild. The player will sacrifice 15% of War Assets but will still be granted a choice to recruit Zarbon. (Spoiler. See Zarbon's stats sheet for more information)


(1) If remained behind – trained hard and eventually took over Zarbon's role as Enchanter.

(2) If romanced – took up the role of mentor, teaching the apprentices the arts of Magic. Then one day, he disappeared, leaving a simple note to his mentor of his departure stating that he had gone on a 'personal' journey. Many speculated that the 'traveller' had returned and Tarble had left to join his beloved.

(3) If not romanced – returned to the Magic Guild, eventually decided to travel to expand his knowledge. His aiming improved along the way.

(4) Alternate route – He was killed for his betrayal; sealing the fates of the lives he wanted to save.


No. 17 (Far Range Rogue lvl 24) (HP 5000, MP 3450)Optional (Can be recruited if allowed to leave after the boss fight. Secret romance interest, no need for a face slot; hardest to court, unable to see his heart meter)

Hail Shot lvl 5, (AoE attack, 0.8 damage to all enemies, 20% chance of paralysing enemies for 5 mins)

Double Shot lvl 6,(fires 2 arrows at target, 0.8x base dex, critical damage)

Backstab lvl 1, ((base str + dex) x 0.4)

Animal Lore lvl 4 (summon an animal companion to fight beside you)(2 times per day)

Important Note: No. 17 cannot be recruited if players have Brolly in their party prior to the 1st boss fight against him. (Spoiler. See Game Info/Facts/secrets for more information)

Romance requirementMust not pursue another romance interest throughout the game and have a love rating of at least 81% with him. If conditions are met, he will request for your assistance in a personal matter; after which he would ask for your company before the final battle. It's hard to tell what % you are at; the best way to find out is to talk to the captain of his old unit. He will update you on the status of your War Assets and how 'strange' No. 17 is behaving should you decide to court him. If the captain starts to mention somewhere along the lines of how he notice the way No. 17 looks at you, that he seemed have this 'smile' then you're somewhere around 71%, keep working at it.

Personal quest: (romance option only): journey with No. 17 to his hometown in the South Eastern region before the final battle. This quest requires you to do a little detective work as it involves finding clues hidden within the town. Completing this quest locks No. 17 as a love interest, giving the player and No.17 a boost in experience points and a rare +700 HP/ +8 Dex/ +5 Agi/, Mithral crossbow for No. 17.

Hint: coming onto him too strongly, pushing for sex will always end badly. He responds well to players who place others before themselves, show respect and mercy. Being a knight, he does not condone starting any unnecessary violence, and even though he accepts that sometimes undesirable decisions must be made and fights are necessary, he generally favours players who demonstrate integrity, fight only when necessary and not resort to violence at every turn.

Note: (if recruited) the soldiers loyal to him will change sides and join efforts during the fight in the castle; the soldiers will infiltrate the army and let the party in.


(1) If not recruited – killed by the party following his defeat.

(2) If romanced – founded a new knight order dedicated to serve and protect the citizens. He left the order to his second in command 3 years later to carry out his own mission; to find a way to reunite with his beloved.

(3) If not romanced – left knighthood to help rebuild the villages, eventually accepted an invitation to stay in the Village of beginnings.


Zarbon (Wizard lvl 28, HP 3100, MP 9100)Optional (can be recruited only if Tarble left the party or if Tarble was killed)

Lightning lvl 6 (single bolt of Lightning, targets 1 enemy)

Thunder Volt lvl 4 (targets a column of enemies, 1.5 damage)

Blizzard lvl 5 (AoE attack, 1.8 damage)

Animate lvl 3 (reanimate small objects) (3 times per day)

Acid Storm (enemies' atk and def down by 35% for 10 mins, 10% chance of corroding enemy's weapon and armour) – Cannot lvl up, uses 520 MP

Alternate route: players who choose the alternate route will find Zarbon during their travels. The former enchanter had managed to escape when soldiers torched the Magic Guild, but the rest of the mages were not as lucky. Players may choose to recruit him and though he's upset over the news of Tarble's death (players can choose to tell him the truth or lie) and regrets over the loss of the others, he will put his rage aside to aid the player. (Spoiler. See Tarble's stats sheet for more information)


(1) If recruited – returned to the Magic Guild, became the new Master Enchanter.

(2) If not recruited – became the new Master Enchanter.

(3) Alternate route (available only if Tarble was killed) – returned to rebuild the Magic Guild and set up a memorial stone slab in remembrance of Tarble and the mages who fell.


Brolly, Fighter, lvl 26 (HP 8800, MP 3100)Secret (would offer to join party if special requirements are met. Romance possible only if a romance face slot is available)

Eagle Grapple lvl 6, (Non-elemental attack, 1.5 str)

Smite lvl 5, (1.8 str)

Taunt lvl 2, (attract enemies' attention)

Chi Strike lvl 4, ((base str + con) x 0.5 – push enemies back with chi)

Rampage ((1.3x str with 20% chance of enemies bleeding 3% hp for 10 mins), 1.2x def, 1.5x con for 15 mins) – Cannot lvl up, uses 600 MP

(Early recruitment)

Journey to Bandit Hills after the events at the Village of beginnings. It's possible to recruit him at the beginning if players did not recruit Turles. Proceed with caution as enemy encounters can prove deadly; level up to at least lvl 10, choose your battles and do not be afraid to escape from fights. Prepare yourself before you approach the inn and be sure to have sufficient health potions (no less than 10 bottles of Mid HP potions per player) as this is a very difficult battle.

This battle is unwinnable, you have to stay alive for 5 rounds following his attacks and the battle will end; after which you will automatically recruit the strongest ingame fighter. Congrats.


Defeat him during the 1st and 2nd encounter (No. 17 must be dead to have him join, if not, No. 17 will join the party) the 2nd encounter battle can by far be the most challenging battle if levels are too low or players are unprepared, good luck.

Important Note: he will not join the party if any love interest is above 92%. If No. 17 is alive, he joins by default instead, regardless of the love interest's love meter. (Spoiler. See Game Info/Facts/secrets for more information)

Hint: growing up in the company of bandits, he embraces the lore of the strong and the weak and respects strength above all other traits. Despite this harsh belief, he cares for his men and would generally prefer players with strong characteristics and those who look out for the welfare of the party.

Note: (If recruited) he and his gang of bandits will join efforts during the fight in the castle; his men will sneak the party in.


(1) If not recruited – things became quiet at the infamous Bandit Hills and though the people could now journey that route in relative safety, many were certain they would hear of the Bandit Boss again.

(2) If romanced – gave up his life of crime to set up a medical station to help the needy, he eventually left to chase a rumour of a possible traveller, leaving his men to tend to the shop.

(3) If not romanced – returned to Bandit Hill, a robbery attempt years later brought him face to face with a powerful opponent; the aftermath of their battle remains unknown.

Game Info/Facts/secrets

(1) Game was initially made with the intention to cater to the female gaming community, hence why guys were the center focus of interest instead of the ladies. This was revised later when male employees of the character creation team expressed their opinion that the game should also be made available to the guys as they too liked the characters.

(2) Character deaths are permanent in this game (Normal and Hard mode, chosen in the option menu before starting the game); players should strategise and try to keep everyone alive as it's possible to reach the end of the game with one party member or none which pretty much guarantees a tough battle or game over.

Hint: save often, save before battles, make multiple saves in the event you need to go back and redo an event. Easy Mode disables the permanent death feature, first time players or players who want a casual playthrough should opt for Easy Mode in the game option menu for an easier gameplay.

(3) It's not possible to recruit both Brolly and No. 17 in the same gameplay. If players decide to recruit Brolly first instead of Turles (Turles dies if you take this route), spare No. 17 during the 1st boss fight, No. 17 will take Brolly's place in the 2nd encounter boss fight and you will not be given an option to spare him a 2nd time, resulting in No. 17's death.

Note: It's also possible to skip recruiting either of them (recruit Turles instead of Brolly, kill No. 17 during the 1st boss fight and have a love interest above 92% (making it impossible to recruit Brolly at a later stage)). Choosing this route makes it more challenging to infiltrate the King's castle.

(4) War Assets determine the wave of onslaught the players encounter during their assault on the King's castle. The higher the %, the fewer enemies the players will encounter within.

(5) Each love interest is bisexual as they can be courted by either gender, depending on the gender of the player.

(6) Turles and Brolly are the only two love interests willing to partake in sex activities without a high love meter rating (51% onwards) whereas Tarble and No. 17 requires the players to work much harder at earning their affections (81% and above).

(7) The 'uke mark' as deciphered by Brolly and Turles is in fact not what they thought it to be as it didn't determine if the guy was a uke. It was merely a feature (meant to be an optional choice in the option menu before starting the game) in the game to suggest that the player (guys only) was open to the idea of a same gender relationship. This meant that the courtship system could be turned off if the guys wanted a gameplay without the romance in it. In addition, touching this 'uke mark' sends a wave of pleasure endorphins throughout the guy's in-game body.

(8) It was later decided that the 'uke mark' option feature should be removed, due to the difficulty in programming the roles of the characters, but the complications of removing the script that came with it eventually forced the developers to remove the choice option from the option menu first, leaving the feature in the game until a decision was reached or further patches could be made. It served no real purpose and was largely ignored as it didn't affect gameplay, however, due to the misconception of this feature on the part of the characters, players (guys only) who had this often faced problems as the male interests more often than not tend to be more aggressive in their pursue and would often, if not always, want to take the dominant role; Brolly and Turles are the best examples as both guys would never relinquish their alpha role (seme) regardless of their partner's gender, Tarble and No. 17 can take either roles (seme or uke, depending on the player's gender as well as the player's interactions with them)

(9) The game has a hidden R21 mode (so far, no one has discovered the requirements to unlock this mode) that allows the player (single or multiplayers gameplay) to 'suggest' another love interest join in for a night of 'fun', resulting in a threesome. This option does not allow the player to have 2 love interests as the invited interest will still be addressed as a friend. This option is challenging as it comes with exceptions; compatibility (love meter % rating) and extra conditions:-


Turles (Primary love interest)

Believe it or not, this guy will not engage in a threesome if his love meter is above 91%; he must be at a 71% - 90% range.

Brolly - if Brolly was recruited instead of No. 17 (Spoiler. See Brolly &No. 17's stats sheet for more information). Turles will always reject Brolly if the player decides to invite him. If you still insist on playing with these 2 semes, Brolly must be the 'Primary love interest' (see Brolly, Primary love interest).

Tarble - Tarble can be invited if his love meter rating with the player is at least 70%.

No. 17 - No. 17 will not agree to a threesome with Turles, regardless of the player's % rating with him if Turles is the 'Primary love interest' if you want a threesome with Turles and No. 17, No. 17 must be the 'Primary love interest' (see No. 17, Primary love interest).


Tarble (Primary love interest)

He will be willing to engage in a threesome if his love meter is 91% and above.

All love interests, except Brolly - Tarble can be persuaded to include any of the love interests (so long as they have a rating of 71% - 80% with the player) into the mix easily.

Brolly - if you choose to invite Brolly, you will need to be a lot more persuasive. (Diplomacy skill level 3, after poison event only. (Spoiler. See Tarble's stats sheet for more information)).


No. 17 (Primary love interest)

He will absolutely not tolerate a threesome if the player obtained a rating of 91% and above with him; he must be at 81% - 90% range.

Tarble - No. 17 will willingly engage in a threesome with him. (Tarble must have at least a 70% rating with the player).

Turles - if the player is able to persuade No. 17 (Diplomacy Skill level 2 required), he can be talked into allowing Turles in the act. (Turles must be in the range of 61% - 80%).


Brolly (Primary love interest) -

He's receptive to the idea and doesn't require much effort on the player's part to get him interested in the idea, the hard part is to convince the other love interests to join in. Although all love interests (with the exception of No. 17) are available, it's the hardest to accomplish as the requirements include the love meter rating as well as other hidden skills and the need to test the waters carefully.

Turles - if Brolly was recruited instead of No. 17 (Spoiler. See Brolly &No. 17's stats sheet for more information). Turles requires a lot of convincing as he absolutely loathes the idea of Brolly touching him. With enough coaxing (at least 85% rating, Diplomacy skill level 3) he will eventually give in, but only if the player is willing to take the uke role for the 2 semes.

Tarble - Tarble will only agree if there is a high level of trust (91% and above, Diplomacy skill level 2, before/after the poison event) or fear (Intimidation skill level 2, before the poison event only). Be careful though, as Tarble's hidden % rating and the player's skills (Diplomacy skill or Intimidation skill) would determine if Tarble was persuaded or coerced into the act; depending on the choices made or which skill was used, players could risk dropping his love meter by 2 levels.

Hint: players who choose the 'Intimidation Skill' have a tight time frame as they can no longer 'invite' Tarble after the poison event, regardless of the aftermath and Brolly must be recruited instead of Turles. (Spoiler. See Tarble's stats sheet for more information).


Special note: It's also possible to 'share' a love interest for a night with another player (multiplayer option only, no more than 2 players; orgies are not allowed) if both players have a high meter (71% or more) with the love interest. There are no extra conditions for this pairing and so long as players have a good relationship with the love interests, it would not take a lot of convincing to get them to join in.

This does not in any way allow the players to have or share the same love interest on a permanent basis and the love interest will remain with whoever he is in a romance with for the duration of the gameplay.

I received a few questions when I was still writing the early chapters of this fic, asking where I get my ideas and cracks from. I wasn't able to answer them then as that would result in me giving a lot of story plots away, but now that the fic's completed I decided to share a portion of my drafts; namely the latest player game sheet as well as the overall game idea I created before I started chapter 5 and went on to writing it solo after chapter 13.

Basically, I created a 'game on paper' first with character stats, background story, skills and other info (such as various route paths in the event the story or another player takes a different approach in a game) before putting everything in actual writing.

As for crack... it's just my friends and I being full of crap, no explanation for it :D

A/N: Just out of curiosity. Would any of you play 'Kingdom of Lust' if this was an actual game? (And no... I don't have the skills or know how to create an actual game, if I could I would)