Elsa's POV
We have a matching blush. And while Jack's is hidden behind the hands he's buried his face into, mine is on full display to the four members of his family. Nearly choking on the words, I clarify, "You want to know my i-intentions with your son?"
"That's exactly what I asked," Bunny confirms.
My mouth opens to speak, but only a nervous laugh comes. I clear my throat and try again. "Well, I-"
"Are you ready to order?" The waiter is back, holding a notepad and looking at us expectedly.
Saved by the waiter. I can hear myself letting out a sigh of relief. But by the look of expectation on their faces, I know this conversation is far from over.
Orders are places, and we all share a laugh at Bunny, who confidently says "burgetti" before flusteredly correcting himself. The waiter leaves, we're left alone, and all eyes turn back to me. One by one, I make eye contact with all four of them.
What do I tell them? How do they expect me to seriously answer this questions? What are my intentions with Jack? I mean, does he like me? Yes. Does he want to... pursue a romantic relationship with me? Yes. But what do I want? How am I involved in all of... this? Do I even want this? Whatever this is and could be? Don't be stupid, Elsa. You know for a fact that you are-
"Elsa," Jack says, pulling me from that and my head snaps to look at him next to me. "You don't have to answer that."
He's giving me an out. An opportunity to brush off the question. I could tell them that I have no intentions, his feelings are unrequited, and there's no hope. It would be easy. Waaaay easier than getting the temperature turned up in this hot seat.
I don't think so.
"No, I don't have to, Jack," the look on his face is a mix of relief and disappointment. "But I want to." I send him a smile before turning to look at his family again. "Your son has made it very clear that he has feelings me, and those feelings are," I pause, my eyes finding Jack's again. "Mutual."
I can hear Tooth practically gushing. North is saying something to Bunny, and I'm sure Sandy is signing along with them. But I'm not listening, not looking at them.
Not when Jack is looking at me like that. Red in the face but smiling at me like I just handed him the whole world. I'm sure my own expression mirrors his. Bright blush, dopey looking smile.
His hand finds mine under the table.
"You know, Elsa," North says. Our attention turns from each other to him. "Bunny does this whenever he meets one of Jack's friends for the first time."
"He does?" I ask.
Jack nods next to me. There's a bored look on his face when he says, "Every. Damn. Time."
Bunny is smirking. "You love it."
He is met with an icy glare from Jack. North continues. "And every time he does," he says the next part imitating Bunny's accent, "his big tough guy act."
"Oi! I don't sound like that!"
His protest is ignored. "And they always get so scared by it. I never understand it."
"Little do they know that Aster's actually just a big softie," Tooth tells us, nudging Bunny.
"I resent that, Tina," Bunny responds with a teasing smile.
"You should've seen Merida and Hiccup," North says.
Jack and Bunny laugh at this. "I almost forgot about that!"
"I don't know what was the best part of that night was," Jack manages to say between his laughter. "Merida stammering through a bogus response or-"
"Hiccup nearly choking on his drink," Bunny finishes.
"He just kept coughing," Jack laughs again.
Tooth and Sandy shake their heads at this. "You two are both so mean to them."
"Regardless," North speaks again, causing Jack and Bunny's laughter to subside. "He does this at every chance he gets, but none have ever answered as you just have."
"No one?" I ask.
"No one," he repeats.
My cheeks are absolutely burning when I tell him, "Well it's the truth."
"Ok. Who had the burger," the server asks, making a reappearance with a tray of food in hand.
The rest of our food is distributed, and we all begin eating. Things are going great. At least, I think that they are. But I'm trying hard not to think about it. If I think about it, I'll over think it and then obsess over and then I'll do something really stupid and if that happens, then- then- We're not gonna think about that, Elsa.
Jack's family ask about school, and Bunny stresses that he's more interested in my grades and favorite subjects, "We already know how this, dummy does, and it is not well." In turn, I ask them about work. Tooth absolutely gushes about teeth. I've never seen anyone so passionate about enamel. And North has some hilarious and heartwarming stories from the toy store he owns.
During all of this, I can feel my phone buzzing from my purse slung on the back of the chair. It's one message at first, but then its vibrations get more persistent. I don't want to look rude by checking it at the table, but this is just ridiculous.
How to shut it down inconspicuously?
I glance next to me to scope out how to best do this and make eye contact with Jack. His brows are furrowed. 'What?' I mouth to him with a confused look.
He gestures to his phone in his hand. Is he getting a bunch of messages too?
Oh no! What if there's some big emergency happening? And because I'm not picking up mine whoever it is is trying to get ahold of me through Jack. But who even knows that I'm here with him? I didn't really tell any- Anna! Anna was there when I was getting ready, so she knows. My hand shoots to the inside of my bag with to grab my phone. Oh my glob! Is my sister ok?!
The screen lights up under the table. PAAAAAARTYYY! What the hell is this?
"What has this generation come to?" Bunny says, before popping another french fry into his mouth.
"Aster, be nice," Tooth tells him.
"I'm sorry, guys," Jack starts, flashing them his screen. "Me and Elsa have been added to a group chat, and it has been nonstop for the past couple of minutes."
North laughs. "Mr. Popular, huh?"
Another buzz and Jack busts out in laughter. "Oh, this is too good!" He turns the phone to the table to reveal a picture of Hiccup, Anna, and Merida absolutely covered with bright pink glitter.
Bunny immediately starts laughing. Sandy joins in with his own silent laughter. "Oh my," Tooth remarks, covering her mouth to try to hide her own chuckle.
I take a closer look at the photo. "Wait, a second," I tell say, squinting at the screen. "Is that my room?"
Jack looks at the photo again, "Yeah, sure looks like it." He examines it closer. "Wow. Hiccup looks miserable."
"I'd be too if I had that much glitter in my lap," North says. "What do you think they did with all that glitter?"
"According to the chat, Merida, Anna, and Hiccup did something to Pitch's bag." Jack tells him with another scroll.
Sandy signs something to Jack. "Is it?" Bunny asks, using a fry to point to him then Jack.
"Yes," Jack confirms. He points to his bruised eye and continues, "It is the guy who gave me this shiner."
Bunny's laugh is booming. "I'd love to see the finished masterpiece."
Our phones buzz again, and I switch the chat to mute before sliding it back into my bag. "I have a question," Tooth states. "I know Hiccup and Merida. But who is..." Sandy signs another word. "Anna. Yes, Anna. Who is that?"
"My sister."
"Ah, the same sister that Jackson got into detention, right?" Bunny asks.
I smirk. "The very same."
Jack groans next to me. He types something into the chat, locks the screen, and puts it back in his pocket. "Will you never let that go?"
Sandy sends him a questioning look as well as another sign. "No, they haven't," North tells him.
"We haven't what?" I ask Jack.
"Sandy was asking if we've told him the story yet."
I smile. "Oh, do you want to hear it?"
Bunny smirks. "Yes, please tell us about how our little devil corrupted your sister."
"Well, it all started on the first day of school," I begin.
Jack buries his face in his hands. "Oh my- you said you forgave me for this, Elsa. Why must you torture me?"
"I did forgive you," I tell him with a smile. "But we gotta keep you humble."
They all laugh over any of his protests, and I continue to tell the story of how we first met.
Kinda shorter than I'd like it to be, but I wanted to get it out to you guys before the end of the weekend.
Hope you enjoyed, and I will digitally see you all in the next chapter (or the reviews, whichever comes first).