07/23/16- Heehee, hello hello hello! This was actually the original ending that was written, around Ch. 15 (what can I say, I was really wanting Lambert to get sexed up around that time), but as the story evolved I felt it no longer fit. I wasn't going to post it, but then I remembered I had a poll for this story asking advice. I'm ashamed to say I forgot about the poll I made for this. As such, I'm posting this to honor the results.

This takes place right after the bracelet bearer runs away from the succession ceremony. She went to the garden instead of her room. It repeats some things that were in the actual ending, but not much.

If naughty/raunchy/sexy stuff is not your cup of tea or it offends you, I suggest not going any further. If that kind of things makes you blush, well, you may blush a lot! You've been warned.


I sit on the edge of the fountain and look out at the grounds. Oh, beautiful country under diamond scattered black velvet, how I will miss you! It's been one hell of a ride, but I am a better person for it, and I will always be grateful.

Tears well back into my eyes as the fountain trickles on serenely. "Goodbye Bavan; perhaps someday I'll get back the heart you're taking from me." A long time from now, when time has chosen to be kind and wash away the hold.

"Every country gives and takes." A voice behind me says.

I keep looking forward; I know who it is. "Hello Lambert." I blink my tears back and turn around slowly. "Or should I say Your Majesty?"

He looks down at the bracelet on his wrist. "It's funny. This is all I've wanted and worked towards, and yet when I look at it, it doesn't hold the same allure it once did."

I shrug. "It's because you have it now. It'll feel real in time."

He keeps his eyes on the bracelet. "It's not that. It's just…without it…you and I…"

He puts his arm down and looks over at me. "This bracelet has been changing lives for centuries; how strange that so much power should lie in a simple object."

I feel a squeeze on my heart again. He's definitely right about all of that. "Yeah well, it's quite the bracelet." I look back towards the garden. "You should go back. It's your party; you'll be missed."

I hear him approach, and he's now standing beside me. "Maybe, but we got interrupted earlier. As you know, I firmly believe one should finish what they start."

I sigh. Goddamnit, here we go. I take a deep breath and pat the area next to me. "Alright, let's talk."

He sits down, and I feel his eyes upon me. I meet his gaze. The squeeze comes again, and it's so strong I feel like I can't swallow. Sweet Georgia Brown, get it together!

But I can't. I'm looking right into those gorgeous lapis eyes, and come tomorrow, I'll never see them again. He'll be looking into her eyes for the rest of his life. I know this, and yet I still feel the need to say how I feel. How stupid can one lady get?

He doesn't look away. "Bavan has your heart, does it?"

I'm so nervous. "Yes. Well, a certain part of it anyway." I swallow. "I have to say this Lambert, even though I know nothing will come of it. I just can't hang onto this for the rest of my life and end up wondering."

I exhale. "Without hope or agenda, here it is: I'm in love with you. I didn't mean for it to happen, and I tried to ignore it, but I can't."

Immediately, I look away. I can't look at him anymore. I said it. He knows. It's done.

"I see. So, you don't view me as a friend, but as a lover?"

I cringe. Lover…as if that would ever happen. I can't talk, so I nod slowly.


Hmm? Hmm?! That's what I get? Oh, but what else is there? It could have been worse.

"Well, I am an idiot."

My head jerks up, and I look back at him. What?

"I thought only of the crown, as I have my whole life, and then you came along. You were unexpected, and I resented you for turning our lives upside down. I didn't know how to take it. All I knew was work, and that I was going to continue to work hard no matter what else came along."

I know all this; we sure had a rocky start. Looks like we're in for a rocky end.

"I had accepted long ago that when it came time for marriage, it would be for the country and not for me. I thought that way for so long that it just felt natural. Then, I started spending time with you. You didn't know me from anyone, and yet you took such good care of me. I saw your good heart, I saw your hard work, and I watched you blossom. Seeing all that made my heart open for the first time, and I didn't know how to handle it."

Whoa…oh whoa…what is happening…

He chuckles. "That was obvious, wasn't it? I honestly thought I could revert to the way things used to be, but deep down, I realized I did not want that." He reaches out and takes my hand. "What I want is right here."

Oh my god…this is happening, this is really happening! I can feel the tears return. I squeeze his hand and he smiles. "I only wish I had said something sooner instead of torturing the both of us with that engagement announcement." He strokes my hand. "Dania and I broke it off right before the ceremony, after I saw you. Surprisingly, it was mutual. She said she knew and didn't want to be second best. I told her she was right; she deserved to be loved, and I couldn't deny my feelings any longer."

I nod. She does deserve to be loved, and I understand now why she gave me the look that she did when we parted. I almost feel bad, but after everything she and I went through, I know she's going to be fine and she made the right decision. I squeeze his hand again. "Lambert…"

He holds up his hand. "One more thing. You inspired my brothers and I to start a non profit involving the orphanages of Bavan. Every month, we'll visit all of them and give every kid a new book. More teachers have been hired to do in depth lessons with them, and we're all very excited about it. We visited every orphanage together when you were at the Minister's mansion, and the kids cannot wait."

I jump up and shout in excitement. They're really doing it! Oh wow, this is so great! What an amazing initiative! "Lambert, that is the best thing ever!"

He smiles and stands up beside me. "Actually, I think this is."

He reaches into his pocket and holds something out towards me. Intrigued, I take it. It's a folded up piece of silver paper. I unfold it, and I see it's a star. Now I'm confused.

"Thank you, but why-"

"When we spent the day together, it ended on a night much like this one. You loved the stars so much. Your happiness under them made me wish I could give you one." He chuckles. "That's why I ended up on the roof that one night; in my altered state, I thought I could steal a star from the sky. They seemed so close on the roof that I actually thought I could do it." He motions towards the star in my hand, which I am now looking at in total awe. "When I was learning with the kids, one of them showed me how to cut the perfect star. I figured it would be the keeper of a beautiful memory, but I also wished for the strength to give it to you. Do you like it?"

I hold it close to my heart and feel my body overflow with love. "I love it so much Lambert, and I love you!"

With that, I fling my arms out and jump on him. He puts his arms around me and starts laughing. It's so good to hear his laugh! I laugh as well, and then I pull away from his shoulder and kiss him. Sparks, fireworks, rockets, everything that could possibly pass between us is, and I can't believe we are finally kissing.

He puts a hand behind my head and kisses me more deeply. His tongue slides onto mine, and they begin the dance of fiery love. I feel passion ignite between us, and suddenly, a kiss is no longer enough. He begins to dip me, and I tug on his collar. Slowly, he lowers to his knees, and I continue to slide down. Still locked in our kiss, he lays me gently on the ground, and lowers on top of me. I keep his collar in my hands and pull him closer to me. Our breathing quickens, our tongues thrash against each other, desperate for every touch and taste. I part my legs slightly, and I feel his hardness against me.

Suddenly, our lips separate, and he props himself up. "Wow, I-"

I pull on his collar and am immediately back against his lips. "Mmmm." I moan against his lips. I feel his stiffness grow hotter. I release his lips and his collar and lay back against the ground, a sultry smile spreading on my lips.

He raises his eyebrows. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

My smile goes bigger. "You know how to read me; I think you know the answer to that."

He looks unsure. "Yes, but…here? Now?"

I nod. "I want you, Lambert." After that kiss, I also need him.

His smile goes sensuous as well. "You are a weird girl, but I approve."

He gives me another deep kiss. I grab at his pants; they can't unzip fast enough. I reach in and use the back of my fingers to stroke his silk covered hardness. The sensation of his heat under the sleek smoothness is even more tantalizing than I remember, and it makes my legs part further in want.

Out of nowhere, he pulls out a condom. Why he had a condom hidden on his person during the succession ceremony, I have no idea, but I don't care. I hike my dress up around my waist and push the bunches off to the side. I'm about to slip my hand under but Lambert beats me to it. I feel him hastily grab my panties and pull them down around my knees. Before he can pull them further, I arch up and press my hips against his.

"So willing," he mutters, looking back into my eyes. "Are you sure you're comfortable?"

I move upwards until our lips meet again. I gently run the tip of my tongue along his lower lip, and I feel his lower half shutter against me. I press into him further like his lips are the only thing in the world that will satiate this thriving need. Why did it take so long to kiss him? I release from his sweet taste and lay back down; my hands rest on his biceps. "I'm perfect; I'm with you."

He gives me a tender smile and rests a hand under the back of my head. The fountain trickles out an urgent beat, like it's trying to match our every desire. He lowers slowly on top of me, still propped up on his elbows, and I feel his hardness get closer to my opening. The tip gently brushes against my moisture, and the anticipation has me tremble beneath his weight.

His eyes go wide. "Am I hurting you?"

"No, no." I rock my hips up against him, his hardness sliding over my most sensitive area. I moan, wanting him inside me. "Uhn…please Lambert…fulfill me…"

Immediately, he guides himself into me slowly. His eyes go wide when I'm around every inch of him, and then they slowly close as he begins to slide back out. I tremble more and squeeze his biceps as he fills me completely again.

He stops and looks up. "It's raining, we should-"

I reach up and put my hands on his cheeks. "Don't stop darling, they're just rain drops."

He looks into my eyes. His free hand moves towards my face and tucks my hair behind my ear. His hand moves down to my cheek and he caresses it. With each stroke, I feel tears build up in happiness. He leans closer. The moonlight reflects into my eyes, and the effect against the tears makes Lambert sparkle. The rain patters on and goes in sync with the splashing of the fountain.

His hand drops away and he rests his forehead against mine. "Are you real? Is this real?"

I close my eyes so he can't see the tears. "I hope so, because I don't want this to be a dream."

His hips push forward further into the depths of our passion. "If it is, then it's a dream of the best kind; the one dreamed into life."

He nuzzles his nose against mine and then gives me a kiss. My heart soars, and my soul feels like it's entwining with his. The tears slip silently out. I open my eyes and see he has risen back up onto his elbows, eyes wide again.

He reaches out and strokes under my eyes. "Are you…?"

I smile. "Yes, I'm just so happy."

The rain is falling more swiftly now, and the soft blondeness of his hair is becoming darker with each raindrop that hits it. I've always liked the way he looks with wet hair. I tip my head back against his hand, which has cradled me this whole time, and tighten myself around him. A burst of pleasure flits through his eyes, and then he closes them.

"Mmm…" he purrs, and then looks at me. "But…the rain…let me love you in the lavish comfort you deserve."

He looks to the side and begins to pull out, but I place my hands around the back of his neck and pull him towards me. "Don't stop. Let the rain fall."

He stops, and looks a bit hesitant. "I want to give you the best."

Rainwater slips over my fingers, and I knead it into him. "And you are Lambert, you are."

He's about to say more, but I move my hands and place a finger over his lips. "It doesn't matter where we are. Just keep taking me Lambert, and drive me crazy."

He stays propped up, then slowly lowers himself back down and covers me. "Like you do to me everyday," he whispers, filling me completely again. I moan.

He purrs in response and begins to thrust faster. "Yes, let me hear you."

I move my hips in time with his. "Oh Lambert…my Lambert…"

"Yes…" he moans, moving faster. He feels so good. I put my hands on his ass and squeeze. He continues in his wonderful rhythm.

Our hearts beat wildly against each other; it's as if they can't believe this is happening and want to beat as close together as possible. Our breath entwines with the sounds of the water around us and makes a beautiful beat for our love to continue to. I squeeze him harder.

He suddenly arches up and cries out. "UHN!"

His eyes squeeze shut and his teeth clench together as he pulsates deep inside me. I kiss his neck as he stays in the moment of climax, and then he rests his head on my chest when it ends. He gives out a contented sigh; I try to catch my breath as well. I stroke his wet hair and he holds me tight.

"My treasure..." He whispers.

I could stay in this moment right here, rain and all, forever. I sigh happily, and Lambert becomes animated. He pulls out and starts fumbling with the front of his pants. When he finishes, he begins to get up. Wanting to enjoy the afterglow with him, I sit up as he stands up.

"Lambert? What are-whoa!"

He effortlessly scoops me up and starts running back to the palace. I try to protest and ask what's gotten into him, but the rain drowns out my voice. Given that it just kind of blessed our union, I can't get mad. I put an arm around Lambert and watch my dress turn a new shade of darker blue as we both continue to get soaked.

When we get inside, I insist he put me down so I can run with him, but he shakes his head and keeps the pace.

"Lambert, this is not-"

"Shhhh! You'll give us away, and I don't want anyone disturbing us."

This from a man who just made love in a wide open garden at the foot of a fountain.

We get to his room in no time. He sets me down and quickly locks the door. Before I can say anything, he runs into the bathroom. What has gotten into him? I follow and am about to knock on the door when he pops right back out and puts his hands on my face. Next thing I know, he pulls me close and gives me a deeply passionate kiss. I'm about to sink into this kiss, heart and soul, but he pulls away while still keeping his hands on my cheeks.

"Let's get your out of those wet clothes."

His hands slip down my neck towards my back until he finds the zipper. He holds me close and slides it down slowly. The sound of it is the only thing to mask my once again wildly beating heart. It reaches the end and he pushes my dress down slowly. The sudden cold has me instinctively cross my arms over my now bare chest, but I move them as he begins to stand back up. I want him to see me, all of me, and I want to see all of him.

He steps back and looks at me. His gaze suddenly has me blushing, and I look to the side. It is then I realize that my panties are still around my knees. I put a hand over my mouth and try to hide the fact that I am blushing further.

"You get shy at odd times. You don't need to get shy around me. However, I like that you're blushing; you look good with a little pink on your cheeks."

This, of course, makes me blush further. I suddenly feel very self-conscious, and can't move. Step out of your bunched up dress and stretched out panties, do something! You are a hot mama, and you've been waiting for this moment, as well as the rain kissed, moonlit moment before this. DO SOMETHING.

My body does not obey. I seem to be rethinking the "see all of me" bit. My hair is wet, my makeup is probably smeared, and it's so bright in this room. I feel so not sexy and so not romantic. He can see everything; every imperfection, every wiggly bit, every-

"Come to me."

Finally, I look back at him. He's still in his wet uniform, but he's oblivious to it all. He's looking at me, and only me. If he's upset or disappointed or anything I was just worried about, it's not showing. His eyes are filled with wonder. I feel a shy smile come to my lips, and I step forward out of the dress. My panties slip around my feet, and I step out of them too. The smokiness of his eyes increases with every step I take. I stop right in front of him.

He reaches out and softly runs his hands down my arms. "Simply stunning." He looks at my breasts and bites his lower lip. "I'm going to touch you more."

I nod. "I love your touch, Lambert."

"How fortunate," he says, moving his hands from my arms and placing them upon my breasts. He's so warm. "Because I love to touch you."

He begins in a slow massage. I put my hands on top of his and tip my head back. "Oh Lambert…"

"Yes," he whispers out, continuing to massage. He's so gentle, and I can feel his love flowing into me. "If you keep that up, touching you with just my hands is not going to be enough."

My eyes go wide and I drop my hands. "How about we change that?" I reach out and begin to unbutton his coat. He moves his hands to my forearms and watches me. I get to the last button and push his coat slowly to the side. There's those stunning chiseled abs that knocked me speechless, but unlike last time, the last thing on my mind is getting clean. I run my hands slowly down his chest to those chiseled wonders. I find myself wondering what we were earlier: is this real?

I slide his coat off. It crashes against the floor as all the medals clash together. My eyes go wide. I look down at the coat. "Oh…uh…"

He chuckles. "Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it later."

I can't believe I'm hearing this! Am I really more concerned about his uniform than he is? He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. "There now, that's better. Flesh to flesh feels so much better."

He's right. I smile and nuzzle into his chest. The memory of our love making returns, and it makes me want him again. I slide my hands down to his waistband and slide down his zipper. The urgency from earlier has been replaced with a sweet slowness that has me wanting to stretch out every moment. Every tender touch, every long desired kiss; I want them to last as long as possible. My head moves down to his abs as I pull down his pants. I can't resist; I stick my tongue out and run it over his abs. Mmm…

His breathing quickens. I move my head slowly back up to his chest; I press myself against him closer so he can feel my breasts caress up his abs. I rest my head back against his chest. "Why don't we move to the bed? You owe me some afterglow."

He chuckles again and I feel him kiss my forehead. "You'd tease me like that, and then be ready for the night to end?"

Hell no, but… "Not at all. You did have a big day though, and with so much that went on-"

He suddenly pulls my hair. My head tips back and I'm now looking up at him. He leans in and kisses me so hard I feel I might fall backwards. Sweet Georgia Brown, I'm two seconds away from turning into a big ol' puddle of lady.

He leaves my lips and releases my hair. "Of all the things to happen to me today, there's only one I'd gladly do again, and it's not being named the heir to the throne."

WOW. The emotions filling up my heart flow out and head right towards my eyes. He seems to notice, because he smiles and his eyes resume being smoky.

He glances down and smirks. "Still in your shoes, I see. I was worried the rain might ruin them, but they're still sterling." He looks back at me and takes my hand. "How did you know?"

I don't have to ask what he means; I'm just surprised he didn't ask sooner. "You weren't exactly subtle about it, and I enjoyed getting you worked up."

He smirks again. "Not subtle? Perhaps you're just observant, because no one has figured it out before." He peers down again. "I never thought a naked body as exquisite as yours could be improved upon, but as per usual, you've surprised me."

He meets my eyes and starts massaging my hand within his. "I owe you more than afterglow."

He tilts his head down so his forehead is touching mine, and he brings his lips close to mine again. He stops just before kissing me. "I owe you a trip to the throes of ecstasy you had me in earlier," he coos, his words dancing across my lips in a wicked tease. "I'm going to make you come."

Swoon. I plump out my lips to seal the distance between us with a kiss, but he backs away before I can. He releases me, and this sudden withholding has me wanting to jump him.

Still holding my hand, he walks towards the bed. I follow, weak in the knees. This is really happening. he's mine, and I'm his. Don't let the morning come, because I don't want this night to end.

We reach it, and he puts his hand on the small of my back. "Sit down."

I do. As I sink into the mattress, I look up at him. He's so handsome; I can't stand it. "Lambert…"

He puts his hand on my shoulder and softly guides me into a laying down position. He hovers above me. I wait for him to lower down, but instead he stands back up. As he does, his hand moves from my shoulder and slowly down my body. I close my eyes. "That feels good."

His hand reaches my thigh and stops. I feel him put his other hand on my other thigh. "Good. It's about to get better."

Anticipation runs hotly through me. "Mmm…"

I feel him shift. I open my eyes and see that he's now on his knees. "Lambert?"

He lifts up my left leg so my foot is next to his face. He looks at my pump, kisses my ankle, then sets my heel on his shoulder. He does the same thing with my right leg then leans forward. As he does, my legs slide down his back. He pulls me forward gently so my ass is right on the edge of the bed. He raises his eyebrows seductively.

"Just relax, my treasure; I'll take care of you."

He tucks his hands under my ass. He runs his tongue up my inner thigh. I close my eyes and rest my head back against the mattress. He continues moving upward until he's right in between my legs, and he gives me a long, slow lick. Oh god…

He gives me a kiss, and then starts to move his tongue in big circles. My back arches slightly. "Uhn…"

He keeps going. Jolts of pleasure shoot through my body as he continues. I reach down and stroke his hair. He acknowledges the touch the touch by flicking his tongue against me. I grip his hair. "Lambert…" I moan, stealing a glance as he continues.

"Mmm…" he purrs. He peers up and smiles. His lips are shiny and he licks them slowly. "You taste great." He moves a hand from under me and traces my moistness. Oh god!

I push my calves against his back and tremble. He moves his hand and leans back in. I feel his tongue move quickly up and down against me. I release his hair and arch into his warm touch. "Oh my god, Lambert…"

"That's it, beautiful." He says, and then resumes his licks. My arms go out to my sides and I grip the bedsheets. His tongue has the fervor of a hurricane, and it's leaving me so wet and wild in its wake. Faster still it goes. I moan louder; I can't help it.

He kisses me. "Good girl. Come for me."

Back his tongue goes. It resumes the circles, but they're faster and smaller. My eyes shoot wide open. "Oh god! Uhn…Lambert….LAMBERT!"

I grip the sheets harder. My hips move upward and push harder into his hurricane tongue. Suddenly, my body ignites into a thousand heavenly sensations, and I quiver vigorously as I cry out loudly.

When it ends, my body goes soft, and a delicious warmth flows over my body. I smile and release the sheets, a blissful sigh slipping out my lips. Wow…

I feel the weight of the bed shift, and I feel my pumps slipping off my feet. I slip them off and look over towards the shift. Lambert is now lying next to me with a very satisfied smile on his face. He puts his hand on my stomach and starts to stroke it. I roll to my side and cuddle into him. He holds me close. His skin is warm and smells like summer, with the aroma of lotus hanging lightly in the air.

He strokes my hair. "That's a good girl." He whispers.

I look up into his eyes and reach up to touch his face. "Lambert, you're amazing! Please, don't let me go."

He smiles and holds me closer. "As if anything could take me away from you."

I press closer against him. "Nothing…"

Safe and warm in his strong arms, I slip into a dreamland that pales in comparison to reality.