Hey guys...I was really itching for a Hellsing fic, and since it's the New Year I thought, what the heck, might as well. As of right now this IS a one-shot, but hey, if you guys like it I can always expand it into...a bigger one-shot? A full-on story might be a little much at this stage, but hey, if you want me to...

I just want to sleep…I thought sadly, tightening my grip around my knees as I stared at the unconscious man. "I told you, kill or be killed. As long as this thing lives, it hungers for your own life. Destroy it." I stubbornly shook my head. It's dead. It isn't moving, and if is unconscious it can't hurt me. I reasoned to myself firmly as I looked up at the bright light, and there was a feral growl. "Kill it. Do it before I kill you." I looked back down at the man. It wasn't really a person anymore, only mindless hunger in a physical humanoid shell. Killing things though, that always came with something bad, no matter what you killed. But if I let it "live", then I would die. There wasn't even anything to kill anymore. There was just the puppet and its shell. I need to cut the strings. Slowly, I adjusted my grip on the pocketknife in my hand.

"That's good…now kill it." the voice encouraged gleefully, and I crept closer to the rotting form, my eyes narrowed. Nothing lives without its brain, especially these things. I thought quietly, my hand gripping a small rock as I leaned over it and raised the knife. The milky eyes suddenly opened and it lunged up as I jerked backward, the heavy carcass resting atop me as rotting, snapping jaws savagely bit the air above my nose, my right arm holding the desiccated creature up as my knife-hand trembled, the point uselessly dangling off to the side. Mocking laughter sounded around me, and I gritted my teeth, forcing my panicked muscles to relax and drop the knife point-down next to my other hand.

In a whiplash of movement, I grabbed it by the blade and stabbed it into the eye, bursting it as the creature hissed and flinched, but did not crumble like all the others had. I adjusted my grip, sliding my now bleeding hand back further on the blade and shoving it deeper. The creature managed to groan again before crumbling to dust, and I slowly sat up, tucking the knife back into my sleeve and cradling my bleeding hand against my side, whimpering softly. "Good girl. Now, back to sleep." This was an order I was familiar with, that I knew. It meant I could go to the dark place, and be safe from the monsters and the pain. I perked up, slowly crawling across the blood-soaked floorboards and finding my dumbwaiter, curling up as there was a jolt and my stomach dropped out, darkness washing over me as I shivered, hearing cries and screams as I cradled my hand up against my shirt, feeling warm wet blood soak into my chest.

There was a metallic thud and clunk, and the doors opened as I crawled out again, seeing the safe, soft dimness of my cell and finding the ragged pile of blankets that was my bed. I snuggled into them, feeling my hand's blood flow clot and slow as my tired eyes opened, seeing the thin slot of light that was my entertainment, my hope, and my air outlined against the dank, dark stones. A faint smile curved my lips as I saw it flicker and glow, then was lost as a dark shape loomed up against it, huddling down against my bedding as I watched it pass, quivering in fear with my eyes wide. I relaxed a little as the figure went away, burrowing under the thin blankets and closing my eyes. A lullaby might help…. I thought sleepily, pushing the blankets into a comfy pillow under my head. "Watashi… watashi… watashi… watashi…wata…shi…wata…" I mumbled, quickly diving into the endless silence and comfort of sleep.

***Time Skip***

I whimpered, backing away from the staggering figures, my hand crusty with dried blood. It hurts…I thought with a whimper, baring my teeth weakly at the monsters. Don't show weakness. They like it when you show that you are weak. They- I jumped back as a slash cut the air above my head, the fanged creature growling in impatience. Tears blurred my vision as I felt my palm throb, wiping the sticky blood off on my pants as I tried to grip the knife tighter in my shaking hand, whimper throbbing in my throat. They, it, lunged again, and I stiffly thrust the knife up, feeling slight resistance and then nothing as I darted back, seeing I had taken his eye. I whined in despair as I edged back, feeling the unforgiving concrete hold me up against it, preventing me from escape, my eyes wide as they crept closer, wary. No…I missed…I'm gonna die…I don't want to die… I thought as more tears filled my eyes, ones of despair rather than pain.

They lunged as one, and I gritted my teeth, scuttling down and under their legs and fleeing across the combat area to huddle against the opposite wall, whimpering. They turned, muttering in frustration at my cowardice and inability to fight and provide them sport, their eyes glowing red. Too powerful. Too strong. I managed a weak snarl, bristling as much as I could, then whimpering as they returned with a louder, more savage roar. They were coming closer…closer…but I didn't want to die! I snarled as viciously as I could, slipping my extra pocketknife out of my hand and lunging at the same time they did, the fragile blades sinking deep into their eye sockets as they screeched in shock, then collapsed into dust, making me snatch my vulnerable hand back and whimper as the ash stung the open wound. There was seemingly stunned silence, then cheers, animalistic and savage, making me huddle against the ground and snarl weakly, looking frantically in every direction for the threat as I managed to sheath my left-hand knife.

"Give it up for our finest gladiator, #34!" I nearly cried out at the familiar, hated voice, the voice of the one who controlled all and brought the monsters, but if it was pleased, gave good things. Was it going to give me a monster or something good? I pressed tighter against the familiar, bloody ground, trying vainly to seek comfort from it. "Why don't we give her some time to recover, but rest assured, we'll see more of 34!" it shouted, and I immediately scampered over to the dumbwaiter, huddling as far away from the light as I could until the doors closed, then waiting as it carried me down, down, down…

Integra's POV:

Civilian Report #25

The number of kidnappings has increased, indicating the perpetuators are getter bolder and "expanding" their "business". It is not exactly clear what the vampires are doing, but hints indicate it is some sort of entertainment involving live humans, possibly letting them fight to the death. According to police files, there have been at least over a hundred victims, although the number of live humans upon extermination will most likely be far less. As the cooperate owners of the facility are no longer in business and the building itself appears abandoned, the food supply and probably the heat as well conveyed to the humans will most likely not be of good quality, or even nonexistent. It is imperative to release them and destroy the vampires as soon as possible.

"Alucard and Seras will exterminate the vampires, and the rest of you shall attempt rescuing whatever humans may be left. If no humans remain, destroy all the ghouls. Once the humans are taken into custody, relay them to the doctors and we'll see what to do with them from there." I said briskly, putting the folder down. The mercenaries voiced agreement over the radio as Seras nodded sadly, mentally preparing herself for the monstrosities ahead. Alucard merely grinned, but I could feel his token agreement, covered by a healthy amount of bloodlust naturally. I sighed as they moved out, walking back inside. This is getting more and more tiresome by the year…and Iscariot's coming over for dinner. Joy. I thought irritably, lighting my cigar as I went and sitting down to work on the particular bureaucratic papers for tonight's hassle.

3rd Person POV:

Alucard paused, sniffing. There was nothing new here, blood and gore and broken bones, but… He turned off of the hallway, following the scent as he spotted open door after open door, the remnants of imprisoned humans. There was a little scuffle, and he turned, the Casull booming once as a ghoul fell to ash, chuckling as he reloaded. "Hent. What pathetic trash." he sneered, wandering on towards the evasive scent. His eyes narrowed as he saw the small, thin slit in the wall, bricks more fresh than their grimy neighbors. He sighed, then melted through it, his glowing red eyes instantly adjusting to the pitch darkness, seeing nothing unusual.

He whirled as there was a breath of air behind him, but stopped his finger on the trigger with a growl of disappointment as he smelled human, but raising an eyebrow as the small, feral figure latched onto his chest, a negligible slash of pain burning itself into his brain as a blade entered his eye. "Now now, that's no way to play." he admonished, yanking it out with a gruesome squish as there was a whimper, and the tiny body moved away in another scuttle of movement. He chuckled, turning to see the emaciated figure backed up into a corner, hissing quietly with another knife balanced in her palm. Nearly a feral cat in mannerisms…I wonder if Integra will let me keep her. He thought with a chuckle, bending down and lifting the girl by the scruff of her neck as she apparently panicked, thrashing and hissing wildly as the knife cut into his hand again and again.

"Play nice." he ordered briskly, shaking her a little, and she went limp with a little whine, shaking now as he placed her on the ground again, watching her curl around herself tightly and tremble, obviously waiting for him to kill her. "Don't be so frightened. I'm not here to hurt you." he explained calmly, kneeling, and she blinked, looking up at him, her head tilting a little. He smirked, hiding his fangs, and she lunged, the bloody knife from before slicing the air inches from his nose as he grabbed her wrist and hauled her upright, her eyes staring straight into his own as she began to kick and thrash, panicked. "No." Her huge amber eyes blinked once, and he shook her wrist, making her whimper. "No." he repeated firmly, and she whined, but obeyed, his sensitive ears catching the sound as the knife clinked softly on the stone floor as he smirked, not bothering to hide his fangs this time.

He folded his knees on the floor, still holding her arm above his head, keeping her from bolting again. "Sit." She blinked as she was lowered to the ground, and he patted his knees. "Come. Sit." he coaxed, waiting patiently as the female stared at him. He began chuckling as he felt the warm weight of her body slowly creep into his lap and curl up tightly, but kept it soft so as not to disturb this fascinating creature, releasing his tight grip on her hand as it was quickly pulled into the safety of her little ball, the tiny human trembling as he shifted a little to cushion her better. "Now then, you obviously understand me." She quickly nodded, squirming a little as if uneasy. "Good. As of right now, you are coming with me and are property of the Hellsing Organization. That means leaving this cell."

She immediately attempted to escape his lap, whimpering as he easily caught her, having been ready for this movement as he dragged her back from the edge of his knees. "No. Either you come quietly, or I drag you by your hair. Whichever way you decide, you are coming with me." he said calmly, placing his hand in the middle of her back and pushing down, pinning her against his legs as she instantly went limp, submissive. "So?" he asked, trying to provoke a coherent, intelligent response. She fidgeted a little, then whined softly. "Okay. Coming." He chuckled at the meek, tiny sound, shrugging to himself. Not exactly literate, but at least she communicates in something other than growls and whimpers. He thought smugly, pulling her off his lap as he stood, mentally scrubbing the grunge from his clothing.

She obediently leaned against his feet, and he actually had to scoot her away before stepping forward, watching as she followed quietly at his heels. The degenerate fools must've kept her here for a very long time for her to have fallen so far down the primeval chain. She barely registers anything but concepts. Familiar, safe, new, danger, creature, kill. I suppose I'm her newest crutch, since I am vaguely more familiar than the environment she is going to encounter. He thought dryly, thrusting her through the wall ahead of him and then following, chuckling as she instantly pressed up against his leg, quivering softly as he reached down and patted her hair. "Calm down scrap." This is going to be an extremely amusing distraction… He thought excitedly to himself, starting to walk forward.

***Time Skip***

"Master, what are you doing? You never ride home with…who's that?!" Seras squeaked, pointing in shock to the grimy, thin female in her sire's lap with his hat on her head, the older vampire baring his teeth in the familiar grin. "Seras, this is our new pet. I'm thinking of calling her Scrap…what do you think?" he asked as he lifted his hat, showing the female sound asleep, and Seras blinked in stupefied shock, stuttering. "Master, you can't keep a person as a p- YEEK!" The Draculina jumped back as "Scrap" lashed out, a pocketknife nearly slicing off Seras's nose as she yelped and retreated to the relative safety of the other side of the van. Scrap retreated as well, her amber eyes gleaming balefully from under Alucard's hat as she coiled herself again; obviously ready to attack if the unwary Draculina came close again. Alucard merely chuckled in delight during the entire scene. "Scrap apparently was one of the humans, maybe even the first, that they took in to fight. Her instincts thus far seem to be comprised solely of fight/flight, fighting anything she sees as a threat and fleeing whatever cannot be fought. My lap is apparently a safe zone." he said in amusement, and Seras had to giggle, seeing the aggressive, feral child pressing up against her master's stomach, obviously considering him "safe" and herself to be "dangerous".

She blinked as the little human shifted, remembering her previous conviction. She bit her lip, silently admitting that "Scrap" had indeed grown on her a little. "But master, we really can't keep a human. Sir Integra is going to be furious you even let her spot you." she pleaded, and Alucard smirked as he lifted his hat again, Scrap flinching at the exposure to lit and snarling like a wildcat. "Our little Scrap won't be fitting in a normal home very well, will she? She needs consistent faces, and if you put her in a mental hospital, she won't get better, nor will she if she is taken to a human home. Will you Scrap?" he asked playfully, scratching around her ears as her eyes grew huge, and she flinched away from the caress, burrowing into his lap frantically, as if his hand was part of a separate being.

"Aw…" Seras let, slip, then guiltily clapped her hands over her mouth as Alucard grinned victoriously. "See? She's growing on you already." he said smugly, making his undead fledgling blush a little as Scrap growled uneasily, sensing the changed atmosphere. "Well, we may as well start on her training. Scrap, family."Alucard said smugly, pushing the human out of his lap and scooting her toward the nervous fledgling as she peeled her lips back in a growl. "No." She flinched guiltily at the reprimand, looking suspiciously up at Seras as she attempted a smile, not returning it. "Family Scrap." Alucard said sharply, and she whined, then shyly curled up at Seras's feet. "H-hey Scrap." she stammered nervously, and the human tilted her head a little, frowning. "Family." The term was dull and uninterested, and Scrap crawled back over the floor and climbed into Alucard's lap once more, circling a little before curling up and falling asleep. "I think she likes you." Alucard chuckled, plunking his hat back on the grumpy female's head as Seras sweatdropped. "Err…I guess…"

New Years